#luke living his how to be a househusband life as jace's consort☺️🥰
derangedthots · 6 months
au where Viserys never shows up to defend Nyra's claim in that episode and Luke loses his place as the future Lord of the Tides, Aemond is happy because he feels that finally he and his bastard nephew are on the same page (two second sons with no titles or anything to their name) only for Nyra decide to engage Luke and Jace to make her sweet boy prince consort. Everyone is confused by the decision, Aemond looks like he's sucking a lemon and Luke is the only one satisfied with the change of plans
luke: i don't want to be lord of driftmark😥🥺😣
also luke, smirking and rubbing his hands together while thinking up all the ways to make jace scream: this i how i can still win
aemond: *throws table* ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING-
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