userlaylivia · 6 months
please nobody say anything about stydia, they are still endgame to me idgaf about the movie and it's implied they'll get back together eventually anyway they are show endgame that's all that matters!! and pls don't say anything about chair/roschel their my otps and I'm allowed to ship them! I also ship dair in gg and have more of them on my blog so!!
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lamonnaie · 11 months
hi ✨
i’m pretty impressed with gmmtv’s scheduling so far and i hope they’ll stay on top of everything like this. they had a lot of reruns this year so ig it’s definitely in their best interest to be more organized about their shooting schedules and everything.
i was so disappointed when i saw that they didn’t give wednesday club a wednesday club
taynew and offgun getting two new shows definitely wasn’t on my bingo card let alone the fact that offgun are already filming again like they really be working their asses off.
i didnt realize the whole siblings thing at first because i was way too hyped about joong being in a show, but then i saw someone pointing it out on twitter. it’s just such a shame bc i like joong’s acting a lot so i was very much looking forward to the trailer but now i’m 😐.
yeah, gmmtv signed a lot of new talents this year so ig it’s not that surprising that they are actually letting them act even tho i was kind of caught off guard at first hahahah.
also, i feel like some actors wanted/needed a break. like mark for example who said that he wanted to take a break until part 2 but then the character he’s gonna play in high school frenemy caught his eye so he was like jk.
i would 100% be that person if i worked at gmmtv just casually dropping little hints and acting like i’m just a fan. that would be so fun 😭
yeahh and i definitely think they're gonna need to dial back a little bit on all the fan meets and cons if they wanna keep up with shooting etc, especially with artists like geminifourth, they're schedules look absolutely insane 😭😭 i wish we got to see them act more ahsjkdjf (adding that to my slightly more delusional part 2 wishlist: another gem4th bl) (also a lukekay bl but that's neither here nor there...)
i'm not too fond of some of the ploy's yearbook cast, and now they just hit us with the stepsiblings, so i dont think i'm gonna be tuning in xD
gmmtv? not keeping their talent in the basement for 84 years? shocking 😂 but tbh i'm not complaining, it's always fun to see new faces and a lot of them are rlly talented
yeah that's totally valid about taking a break, mark was in like every other show in 2023 😭😭 i guess that's another upside of the 2 part announcement, more chance of seeing a wider variety of ppl acting (and when we get ANOTHER pair of offgun taynew shows in part 2, what then 😳😳)
ahaha so real 😆 screw NDAs, i wanna cause chaos
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soofection · 5 years
ok but even sekaix is plaid
so is lukekai
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