no-justice-no-joy · 1 year
The First Trial & Conviction
On January 16, 2009, the Trial to discover the culprit in the murder of Meredith Kercher has begun.
Knox herself was only able to to take to the stand for the first time on June 12, 2009 to Defend herself, and stated her innocence, and that she had no motive to kill Kercher as they were Friends.
The Trial Continues on for Nearly an Entire Year, until finally on December 4th, 2009, Knox & Sollecito are found Guilty and convicted, sentenced to 26 & 25 year sentences respectively. Knox was also required to pay Lumbumba $60000 for defamation.
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burnpheonix04 · 2 years
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Map of DRC + Registration (RDC) #goma #kinshasa #congokinshasa #kongo #redbubble #findyourthing #jonathankuminga #kivu #belgique #portedenamur #patricelumumba #lumbumba #congolaise #fimbu #mobutu #redbubblecongo #mapcongo #africamap #star #congoprint #congokit #centralafrica @gagcongolais @les_stars_congolaises_drc_ @congolesegospelcovers @congoleseofnorthcyprus @kinshasa_la_belle @efa.kinshasa https://www.instagram.com/p/Ce9V90pqqZ2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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sleep-er · 4 years
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Lumbumba time
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no-justice-no-joy · 1 year
Interview? Or Interrogation?
After being Taken in by the Police for Questioning After the discovery of Meredith's Body, Knox and Sollecito were Ruthlessly Interrogated for 4 Days, without any Interpreters (for Knox, whose Native Language is Not Italian) or Lawyers [9, 10, 12]
While in Custody, Knox Claims to have been Abused and Bullied by The Police [9, 12]. Because of this, she was Coerced into signing a written confession stating that Lumbumba (her boss at Le Chic) killed Meredith while she stood there and Watched [9, 10, 12]. (This is, Obviously, Very Sus.)
Knox and Sollecito were then held in Prison for the Next 14 Months, Until their Trial Began on January 16, 2009
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2paclegacynet · 5 years
Why Tupac Was Named Tupac Amaru Shakur?
The rapper was born Lesane Parish Crooks on June 16, 1971. While he was still an infant, his mother, Afeni Shakur, changed his name to Tupac Amaru Shakur, which made him the third well-known person to carry the name Tupac Amaru. While most of the time there’s not really a relation between a person's name and their deeds, with some famous people it seems as if their awesome name had guided them through their lives to achieve great things. That, of course, is the case of Tupac Shakur, the rapper whose controversial life and music became a legend.
Tupac Shakur’s controversial birth
Tupac Shakur was born in the midst of trying times. His mother, Afeni Shakur, and her then-husband, Lumbumba Shakur, were arrested at their Harlem apartment on charges of conspiracy in April 1968. Admitted members of the Black Panther Party, they were charged with planning bombings throughout New York. Their bail was set at $100,000 and other members of the Black Panther Party decided to raise bail money first for them, as there were 19 others who were arrested for being a part of the alleged ring. The goal of getting the Shakur’s bail was so that they could work to raise bail for others as they’d successfully done so in the past. Afeni Shakur remained in prison while she awaited bail. Without a law degree, she chose to represent herself in court and faced a 300-year sentence. Afeni became pregnant with her son while she was in prison. She successfully fought her case and was acquitted in May 1971. Her son was born a month after her release on June 16, 1971. Why Was Tupac Named Lesane Parish Crooks?
Tupac Shakur’s birth name and significance of name change 
Tupac Shakur originally named her son Lesane Parish Crooks. When he was a year old, she legally had Crooks’ name changed to Tupac Amaru Shakur. Tupac’s name means “shining serpent” in Inca.  An avid reader, Afeni Shakur was inspired to change her son’s name after something with a powerful meaning. According to a profile piece on the rapper and activist’s name on The Track Record, the first known Tupac Amaru was the last indigenous monarch of Inca. The second known person to carry the name was José Gabriel Condorcanqui, better known as Tupac Amaru II. He was an 18th-century Peruvian revolutionary of indigenous blood who led the largest indigenous uprising in Spanish American colonial history.
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“I wanted him to have the name of revolutionary, indigenous people in the world,” Afeni Shakur once said about her son. “I wanted him to know he was part of a world culture and not just from a neighborhood.”
What does “Tupac Amaru” mean?
“Tupac Amaru” is derived from the name Tupaq Amaru, which, loosely translated, means sierpe resplandeciente or “Shining Serpent” in Quechua (the indigenous language of the Andes and second-most spoken language in Peru). The first known Tupac Amaru was an indigenous monarch—the last Sapa Inca, for any 16th-century Latin American history buffs out there. The second known person to carry the name was José Gabriel Condorcanqui—better known as Tupac Amaru II—an 18th-century Peruvian revolutionary of indigenous blood (he claimed to be a direct descent of the first Tupac Amaru). The second Tupac led the largest indigenous uprising in Spanish American colonial history. As many indigenous people of the Americas were, both were executed by the Spanish. “ was named for ‘the last Inca chief to be tortured, brutalized, and murdered by Spanish conquistadores...a warrior,’ Afeni says.” What we do know is this: Tupac Shakur was aware of his ties to history. “That’s my real name. There’s nothing artificial about that,” he said in a 1996 interview on the set of the movie Gang Related. “There’s a gentlemen by the name of Tupac Amaru who was a freedom fighter, warrior—similar to myself—a chief, a leader for his people.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kdRcWZR6pKI&feature=youtu.be&t=9m50s That may have been the only time he spoke about his name on tape, and may be the only time he connected his name with Peruvian indigenous history on the record.
What does “Shakur” mean?
Shakur was named by his mother, Afeni Shakur--a Black Panther party member who was carrying him while imprisoned--for Tupac Amaru, a 16th century Incan chief, according to published biographical material on the late rapper. Means "thankful" in Arabic, from the root شَكَرَ (shakara) meaning "to thank". In Islamic tradition الشكور (al-Shakur) is one of the 99 names of Allah.
Who is Túpac Amaru II?
Tupac Amaru, Micaela Bastidas, and much of their inner circle were captured in April 1781 and, as described below, executed in a grisly public spectacle on May 18, 1781 (aged 43). The first Tupac Amaru was the last indigenous Inca chief ruling at the time of the Spanish conquest. Though his reign lasted less than two years, he is known for fighting tirelessly against the invaders to protect not only his people, but also their culture and legacy. When the Spaniards conquered the main settlements of the Inca empire, some members of the royal family decided to flee and establish a new Inca state to plan their fight against the invaders. This state grew for about a decade, when it passed to Tupac Amaru, but just when he was getting used to the throne, the Spanish army declared war on their settlement. Tupac and his people fought bravely, but eventually, they were defeated by the enemy’s superior weaponry.
Túpac Amaru II Execution
Túpac Amaru II was sentenced to be executed. He was forced to bear witness to the execution of his wife Micaela Bastidas, his eldest son Hipólito, his uncle Francisco Tupa Amaro, his brother-in-law Antonio Bastidas, and some of his captains before his own death. The following is an extract from the official judicial death issued by the Spanish authorities which condemns Túpac Amaru II to torture and death. It was ordered in sentence that Túpac Amaru II be condemned to have his tongue cut out, after watching the executions of his family, and to have his hands and feet tied...  ...to four horses who will then be driven at once toward the four corners of the plaza, pulling the arms and legs from his body. The torso will then be taken to the hill overlooking the city... where it will be burned in a bonfire... Tupac Amaru's head will be sent to Tinta to be displayed for three days in the place of public execution and then placed upon a pike at the principal entrance to the city. One of his arms will be sent to Tungasuca, where he was the cacique, and the other arm to the capital province of Carabaya, to be similarly displayed in those locations. His legs will be sent to Livitica and Santa Rosas in the provinces of Chumbivilcas and Lampa, respectively. — Sarah C. Chambers, Latin American Independence: An Anthology of Sources After the failed dismemberment by the four horses, his body was quartered, and he was then beheaded on the main plaza in Cuzco, in the same place his apparent great-great-great-grandfather Túpac Amaru I had been beheaded.
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The execution of Tupac Amaru
The unique “Revolutionary Government of the Armed Forces” of General Juan Velasco Alvarado (1968-1975) launched Tupac Amaru as Peru’s national symbol by associating the rebel with all the regime’s activities, particularly the agrarian reform. Streets, plazas, halls, and five-year plans were named after Tupac Amaru, who also adorned Peru’s currency, coins, and stamps. Large statues in Lima and Cuzco honored him while dozens of plaques and smaller monuments celebrated other rebel leaders. Artists such as Jesús Ruiz Durand and Milner Cajahuaringa created portraits and posters that stressed the ties between the 1780-1783 rebellion and the Velasco government. Many of these adopted the colorful symmetry of pop art, with some of the posters now fetching heady prices as art pieces. A supposed Tupac Amaru quote, “Peasant, the master will no longer feed from your hunger” became the government’s leading slogan. Tupac Amaru never said this; Velasco’s speechwriters invented it. In the 1960s and 1970s, and above all during the Velasco period, Tupac Amaru became a leading figure in Peruvian history. The question of his role in the war of independence continues to animate historians and others. Some follow Velasco’s interpretation, placing Tupac Amaru as the precursor, his uprising the bloody and frustrated first step in emancipation from Spain. Critics of this position from the left point out that Tupac Amaru sought a very different venture than did the liberators of the 1810s and 1820s and cannot simply be placed at the beginning of the list. Conservative critics, uncomfortable with indigenous revolutionaries, prefer to highlight the coastal-based revolts beginning in 1815. Although these debates continue, particularly now that Peru is heading towards its bicentennial in 2021, what is clear is that Tupac Amaru has become a national and international icon. In some regards, the ambiguity about what the rebellion sought and Tupac Amaru’s role in Peruvian history has added to his mystique and allowed different groups to support him. Since the 1970s, Tupac Amaru has become a hero, while meaning very different things to different groups. Why Was Tupac Named Lesane Parish Crooks? Read the full article
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fietadoc · 5 years
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I’m so Proud of my Family! Here my one of my not so little cousin and my sister and colleagues: Him, soon to be nephrologist/nutritionist but also Master Chef RD, her; his mom, Dermatologist and my sister, the one I looked after for everything from Bee Gees to Madonna, roller skating with Lumbumba and yes Dermatology! #cambpics #doctoc #iphonex (at Santo Domingo - República Dominicana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B11t3vdnxX6jsd4vZKfdFZRjYHe7ldkxLa1GB40/?igshid=edg5mis59rxi
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naantokhi · 2 years
L’acteur, comédien et metteur en scène sénégalais, Oumar Diop Makéna, est décédé jeudi, à Dakar, a-t-on appris de sa famille. ‘’C’est un grand artiste qui vient de nous quitter, un homme profond et très humble, un grand d’Afrique, il va nous manquer’’, a témoigné le réalisateur franco-congolais David Pierre Fila, ami du défunt. Diplômé du conservatoire national de théâtre, de danse et d’art dramatique de Dakar en 1976, Makéna Diop a joué dans de nombreux films au Sénégal et à l’étranger parmi lesquels ‘’TGV’’ (1997) et ‘’Toubab bi’’ (1991) de Moussa Touré, ‘’Une femme pour Souleymane’’ (2001) de Dyana Gaye (Sénégal). Il a aussi eu un rôle dans les films ‘’Lumbumba’’ (2000) de Raoul Peck (Haïti), ‘’La grève des Battus’’ de Cheikh Oumar Sissoko (Mali), ‘O Héroi’’ du Zézé Gamboa (Angola). Makéna Diop a aussi travaillé avec les réalisateurs français, Laurent Salgues, dans un long métrage intitulé ‘’Rêve de poussière’’ en 2007 et avec Olivier Dujol dans ‘’Tu seras un homme’’ en 2008. Acteur Sénégalais Makéma Diop est décédé, 27 mars 2021 Il a également joué dans de nombreuses pièces de théâtre, par exemple ‘’Antigone’’ et ‘’Nikku, le destin glorieux du maréchal Nikkou’’ du dramaturge et prix Nobel de littérature nigérian Wolé Soyinka. Il a été co-fondateur de la troupe dramatique ‘’Le nouveau Toucan’’ en 1978 et co-créateur de l’émission ‘’Clefs littéraires’’ diffusée dans les années 1978-1980 sur la chaîne de télévision publique sénégalaise l’Office de radiodiffusion télévision du Sénégal (ORTS). deces-de-l-acteur-senegalais-makena-diop Acteur, comédien et metteur en scène Makéna Diop est aussi connu comme conteur. Il a travaillé également sur la collecte des contes et histoires traditionnelles, avec le Centre d’études des civilisations et les archives culturelles du Sénégal. Il avait créé en 1999 au festival international de Cannes, une série de spectacles vivants intitulés ‘’De l’image au verbe, une manière de dire le monde noir’’, des mises en scène mettant en relation musiciens, conteurs, poètes de rue, peintres, venus de Trinidad, des Etats-Unis, du Sénégal, du Mali, de Guinée, du Burkina, du Cameroun, et d’Angleterre. A lire aussi Nécrologie ! Cheikh Thioune, ancien milieu international, décédé à l’âge de 84 ansNécrologie : Moise Ambroise Gomis est décédé Il a été le concepteur de ‘’Ciné-contes’’, un programme destiné aux enfants, aux adolescents et aux adultes pour accompagner des dizaines de films africains sur les écrans de plus de 300 villes de France, de Belgique, de Guadeloupe, d’Angleterre, du Cameroun, d’Algérie et dans un très grand nombre de festivals de cinéma.
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katakaal · 2 years
L’acteur, comédien et metteur en scène sénégalais, Oumar Diop Makéna, est décédé jeudi, à Dakar, a-t-on appris de sa famille. ‘’C’est un grand artiste qui vient de nous quitter, un homme profond et très humble, un grand d’Afrique, il va nous manquer’’, a témoigné le réalisateur franco-congolais David Pierre Fila, ami du défunt. Diplômé du conservatoire national de théâtre, de danse et d’art dramatique de Dakar en 1976, Makéna Diop a joué dans de nombreux films au Sénégal et à l’étranger parmi lesquels ‘’TGV’’ (1997) et ‘’Toubab bi’’ (1991) de Moussa Touré, ‘’Une femme pour Souleymane’’ (2001) de Dyana Gaye (Sénégal). Il a aussi eu un rôle dans les films ‘’Lumbumba’’ (2000) de Raoul Peck (Haïti), ‘’La grève des Battus’’ de Cheikh Oumar Sissoko (Mali), ‘O Héroi’’ du Zézé Gamboa (Angola). Makéna Diop a aussi travaillé avec les réalisateurs français, Laurent Salgues, dans un long métrage intitulé ‘’Rêve de poussière’’ en 2007 et avec Olivier Dujol dans ‘’Tu seras un homme’’ en 2008. Acteur Sénégalais Makéma Diop est décédé, 27 mars 2021 Il a également joué dans de nombreuses pièces de théâtre, par exemple ‘’Antigone’’ et ‘’Nikku, le destin glorieux du maréchal Nikkou’’ du dramaturge et prix Nobel de littérature nigérian Wolé Soyinka. Il a été co-fondateur de la troupe dramatique ‘’Le nouveau Toucan’’ en 1978 et co-créateur de l’émission ‘’Clefs littéraires’’ diffusée dans les années 1978-1980 sur la chaîne de télévision publique sénégalaise l’Office de radiodiffusion télévision du Sénégal (ORTS). deces-de-l-acteur-senegalais-makena-diop Acteur, comédien et metteur en scène Makéna Diop est aussi connu comme conteur. Il a travaillé également sur la collecte des contes et histoires traditionnelles, avec le Centre d’études des civilisations et les archives culturelles du Sénégal. Il avait créé en 1999 au festival international de Cannes, une série de spectacles vivants intitulés ‘’De l’image au verbe, une manière de dire le monde noir’’, des mises en scène mettant en relation musiciens, conteurs, poètes de rue, peintres, venus de Trinidad, des Etats-Unis, du Sénégal, du Mali, de Guinée, du Burkina, du Cameroun, et d’Angleterre. A lire aussi Nécrologie ! Cheikh Thioune, ancien milieu international, décédé à l’âge de 84 ansNécrologie : Moise Ambroise Gomis est décédé Il a été le concepteur de ‘’Ciné-contes’’, un programme destiné aux enfants, aux adolescents et aux adultes pour accompagner des dizaines de films africains sur les écrans de plus de 300 villes de France, de Belgique, de Guadeloupe, d’Angleterre, du Cameroun, d’Algérie et dans un très grand nombre de festivals de cinéma.
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elsolnetworktv · 5 years
Cumpleaños hoy la Leyenda Viviente de Bonao DJ-LUMBUNBA
Cumpleaños hoy la Leyenda Viviente de Bonao DJ-LUMBUNBA
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Héctor Danilo Sánchez Special-Reporter Kissimee, Florida USA
Esta de cumpleaños hoy la leyeb+nda viviente de Bonao, Provincia Monseñor Nouel nada mas que que nuestro querido Hermano y amigo Don Rolando Sanchez DJ-Lumbumba.
La unica leyenda Viviente que tiene Bonao por aqui por Dorchester, Boston Massachussets, este distinguido bailarin y Florclorista de nuestra amada Villa de las…
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arango54321 · 7 years
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Who killed Lumbumba? Source, http://www.ligali.org/article.php?id=2171 Excerpts, Patrice Lumumba was assassinated by the American and Belgian governments, the task was carried out by a european execution squad and African colluders (at West Kendall)
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jb-admin · 7 years
Will The Catastrophic Drought In Kenya Affect Its Presidential Election?
Will The Catastrophic Drought In Kenya Affect Its Presidential Election?
Odenda Lumbumba of Kenya Land Alliance says that Kenya’s drought is not just the result of climate change – it’s also the result of failed public policy
Visit http://therealnews.com for more stories and help support our work by donating at http://therealnews.com/donate.
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no-justice-no-joy · 1 year
Setting the Scene
So imagine this:
You’re Amanda Knox, A Linguistics Student Studying Abroad at the University for Foreigners in Perugia, Italy. You live in a Cottage with 2 other girls (Meredith Kercher and Filomena Romanelli). In October you go to a Concert and meet another student, and you decide to date him (his name is Raffaele Sollecito and he's an Engineering Student). You get a Part-Time Job at a Pub/Bar Called Le Chic. School is Fine. Life is Fine.
Now its November 1st. Your Boss (Patrick Lumbumba) sends you a text saying that the Club is good on staff tonight so you don't have to come in. Great! You decide to Spend the Night at your Boyfriends Place.
The Next Day you go home to discover the place bloody and Meredith's room locked. You assume that Maybe she's just Sleeping. You decide to take a shower and go and grab Raffaele and come back later.
That's when you notice the broken window. Meredith still wont open the Door. You Start to Panic. You call Meredith. She doesn't pick up. You call your other Roommate, Filomena, to share your concerns. She wasn't much help. In the Meanwhile, Raffaele calls the police to the scene, after you both attempt to open Meredith's door.
Then the Postal Police Show up, Break down the Door, and Discover the body of Meredith, Half-Naked Under a Blood Soaked Blanket.
The Investigation Begins, and you & your boyfriend are taken in for questioning.
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elsolnetworktv · 6 years
Esta de cumpleaños hoy en Boston, Massachussett Clariza Sanchez
Esta de cumpleaños hoy en Boston, Massachussett Clariza Sanchez
Héctor Sánchez/Special-Reporter
Boston, Massachussett, USA.-Esta hoy de cumpleaños nuestra querida, distinguida y hermosa lectora Doña Clariza Sanchez, Esposa de la Leyenda Viviente Rolando Sanchez DJ. Roland “La Leyenda Viviente Lumbumba”.
Se;ora Clariza Sanchez
Su Esposo DJ.Roland y sus hijos Suany Sanchez, Sus Hijo Saime Sanchez, Ricki Sanchez, su otra belleza Rochely Sanchez, y Su…
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elsolnetworktv · 6 years
DJ Rolando Sanchez (Lumbumba). Leyenda viviente de Bonao residente en Boston
DJ Rolando Sanchez (Lumbumba). Leyenda viviente de Bonao residente en Boston
Héctor Danilo Sánchez Special-Reporter
Rochestter, Boston Massachussett.-Como todo pueblo tiene su historia con extraordinarios personajes cuyos trabajos filantropos son indiscutible. andando en nuestra estadia por aqui por el Estado de Boston massachussett. Hemos tenido el privilegio de conocer un verdadero filantropo digno de distinguir por la amplia labor cultural realizada en su pueblo que lo…
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