#lumis positivity corner . . . positive message
lumiiiscorner · 4 months
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positivity for @h-a-unted from anonymous
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@h-a-unted such a rad person, so excited to speak with them more ooc but LET'S TALK ABOUT THE MUSES. Their characterization of Butcher is perfection personified. I'm pretty sure they're on the writing team for the show??? It's THAT GOOD. The voice comes THROUGH. I'm always in awe of ALL of their writing, I just saw Butcher first so there's a special place in my heart but WOW. Iconic.
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lucellion · 5 years
Its positivity anon. I have a few things I need to get off my chest i feel too guilty to mention my name, but if you can't guess i will tell you I'm sorry for sending you messages despite being blocked. i hve a hard time with rejection, especially with friends i cant excuse my behavior, and can only hope to explain. my obsession and guilt got out of hand, and i cant apologize enough. ill be going to therapy again soon, and ill try to work on these issues 1/?
I just want to extend my deepest apologies to you and Heath. If I send anymore messages after these, just delete them  im sorry especially for manipulating you, by hiding behind anon and pretending to be a random person. it was wrong and if youd like more of an apology/explanation, i will provide it. but i dont want to bother you more  once again, im sorry for the trouble ive caused (2/2)            ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
look, moon. I’m not gonna be your friend. what you did fucking traumatized me and i frankly can’t even comprehend the bullshit you pulled. i’m never giving you answers for why i cut you off and the fact that you went after ferrett to get those answers is absolutely awful. i dont have to tell you anything, i don't have to be nice to you. the fact that you’re sending me these positivity anons and trying to get me on your good side is awful and manipulative. if you came clean and said "hey lumi i fucked up i wanna hash it out sometime" instead, i wouldve actually maybe given you a chance. instead you're blatantly manipulating , me so you can back me into a corner to get me to be your friend again. i'm proud of you for getting therapy and apologizing. i'm glad you're gonna get better, but this behavior is absolutely inexcusable and i have no reason to be nice to you. what you pulled at that fucking sleepover with your grandma left me absolutely paralyzed in fear and i couldn't sleep. we left before you woke up because you said horrible horrible shit. you made me feel genuinely unsafe for the first time in several years of recovering. my therapist and i had to work backwards in my sessions because i couldn't fucking cope with the fact you behaved that way. good luck to you in therapy, i wish you nothing but the best but please do not ever contact me or heath again. I will be IP blocking you. 
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lumiolivier · 2 years
When you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)❤️❤️❤️ (slvohgihroighor i-)
Five things I like about myself...? Huh. Kind of a toughie. Went through a depressive episode yesterday, so I'm not seeing much. But we'll give this a shot.
1.) I like the way I sound in the shower when I'm home by myself. That's when I really get to open up and let go. It's kind of beautiful.
2.) I like my cozy little corner of the internet that I've carved out for myself. That's pretty neat. I've built a tiny empire where people have found comfort and refuge from their own bullshit.
3.) I have a work ethic like a motherfucker. Granted, it's slowly killing me mentally, but gotdayum.
4.) I love my imagination. I love that it's been my own refuge. And from my imagination, others have found a home there, too. You make yourself comfortable in my self-soothing methods. You earned it, champ.
5.) I...can't think of anything else. And the shit part is that I have another one of these damn messages to run through. Actually, there's one other thing. Granted, I wish I would've had a hand to reach for to pull me out of it, but I'm damn proud of getting myself this far. Through all the bullshit I've had to dig myself out of. Through every intrusive thought. Through every itch on my wrist, forcing myself to eat, even when I didn't want to. I did that. I'm proud of you, Lumi. I don't tell you that enough, but I am...
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bichela3 · 5 years
bcast04142019Lets look at some of my pictures Lets look at why YT and Twitch are doing what they are doing. Links referenced in this video. https://youtu.be/nRiDdv92IXo https://youtu.be/knax5vmoAsw https://youtu.be/zZkzgRaFg3wWe also show some of my film pictures that were scanned in with my Microtek Scanmaker X6el with the Microtek Lightlid 35.This scanner is a flatbed dinosaur from 1993. it only scans in at 600dpi. However. being this video is in Standard Definition PAL at 720x576@25fps, At least that is the native file rates. There is not likely much difference you would see between my scanner and a much better one such as the Nikon Coolscan LC-30 which I got a deal on. I will be buying that in May. it scans at 2700dpi and can automatically feed the films in as it scans them.there is some water spots on the film. I can remove them at a later time, if I decide to rescan these pictures.Hope to have more pictures in a few weeks. to show you.Programme Schedule; *subject to change without notice*Tuesday and Saturday 2pm Eastern *Schedule is subject to change*Come Join us on our Discord page: https://discord.gg/rqReBd2Check out our sponsor, Holy Clothing: Http://www.holyclothing.com. Use code MICHELEDALENET5 to save 15% on your order. Check out our sponsor TunnelBear http://click.tunnelbear.com/SHU2 http://click.tunnelbear.com/SHU0Programs we support: The Open Door Soup Kitchen, 160 Main St, Winsted Ct 06098 Phone 860-738-2449Want to help support our channel? Here is the newest ways Cash App $MicheleMarieDalene Paypal.me http://paypal.me/bichelaThe Phone lines are now back online and ready for your callsStudio phone number is 860-738-8463. If unable to take calls leave a message or try later in the show.This program covers many topics from News, weather, politics and general chit chat. This program is open to all.All are welcome to join Lumi and myself for about an hour, or  more, of questions and answers.Don't forget to Subscribe by clicking on the little blue "Subscribe NASQ" square in the lower right hand corner of your screen, in most browsers.#######     PLEASE NOTE    ###### YouTubes post processing is a slug, If you can catch the live stream when live that would be much better than waiting possibly DAYS to watch a replay. Even when the Livestreams are glitch free, it has been noticed that the post processing is a slug. I cannot do anything to get YouTube to process faster other than making sure that my encoder isn't compounding the issue.Don't have the square? Subscribe this way: http://www.youtube.com/user/bichela4Become a Patreon supporter by going to http://www.patreon.com/bichelaHelp us keep local program going by becoming a patron with a monthly pledge.Live in the Winsted Area? The North American Snow Queen Palace is looking for volunteers to help in the production of this show. We need camera operators and graphics creators. We will train. This is a non-paid position but I will give references for those who work with our program department and show good quality work. Contact me at [email protected] with resume and cover letter
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salty-dracon · 8 years
SA Hunters: Part 4
(I am so sorry, it has been ages. This part includes some lore from a story I wanted to write about half a year ago. The character introduced in this chapter has a name: Venus Alys. He serves as comic relief in his current universe, but his species has some really sick powers.)
Lunch time.
“Sam.” I snapped.
“No.” Sam smiled back at me.
I glared at him even harder. “Sam!”
Sam and May were spread out on the eight seats we usually sat around in the cafeteria. Sam had his legs covering three, with his bag on the fourth. May had all of her stuff- backpack, notebooks, even homework) on the seats on her side. Leaving me with no place to sit.
“She’s alone.” Sam gestured to the girl studying in a quiet section of the lunchroom. In the corner, Bridget was reading a book.
“Go eat with her!” May said. “You do want to confess, don’t you?”
I nearly lost my mind. Sam, you idiot! Why did you tell May?!
“Don’t tell anyone!” I whispered. Then, I sighed and walked over to her.
She was alone. Just studying. Her mouth was buried in her scarf, and she appeared to be reading a book, still.
“Hey, Brid.” I said.
Brid looked up and smiled at me.
“Can I… sit with you?”
Brid nodded.
I sat next to her. I noticed Brid shift a little. I guess it was too close for comfort. She dropped her book. I realized she was playing a video game on her cell phone.
“What game is that?” I asked.
“Alchemy Story.” Brid showed me the game, where it seemed that she used a variety of tools in order to solve problems. “It’s a story-based puzzle game that takes a lot of thinking, but it’s really fun.”
“Cool.” I said. I thought of the note from Angel. “You like ciphers and stuff?”
“More like puzzles.” Brid said. “See, what I think I have to do here is combine the earth essence with the fire essence to create lava, and then… no, hold on… ” After a bit of tapping on her screen, Brid’s face lit up. “Earth and order create a tree, and then you combine that with air to create dust, and then with fire to create ash!”
I watched as the story progressed. A female wizard was talking with another person wearing a red robe in a dialogue cutscene.
“Who are they?” I asked.
“You play as Jiarra- she’s the wizard on the left. She’s talking to a person possessed by some kind of a demon, but we’re not sure what kind yet.”
“You seem to love puzzles.”
“It’s all a matter of making things work.” Brid said. “But, I should probably get back to work now.” Brid pulled her notebook back out.
Her biology notebook! (AN: in the last chapter, Lumi found a coded note in Brid’s bio notebook, but never decoded it.)
I tried not to act to curious.
Brid flipped through the pages, looking for something. I expected to see a glimpse of that weird note from Angel, but there was nothing.
I carefully eyed Brid. Her brow furrowed slightly. She flipped to the back of her book and flipped backwards.
I saw the notes in the margins. “We freaking know” and “Mr. Green”. But the note from Angel was gone. It had been completely torn out.
I considered pilfering the notebook to figure out the code from pencil markings, but Brid was already staring at me.
“Do you need to glance at my notes?” she asked.
“No! No… ” I said.
We were silent while Brid continued to play.
“Did you want to talk to me about something?”
“It’s cold in here, isn’t it?” I tried to say something.
“It’s getting close to winter.” Brid said.
“Winter is nice, isn’t it. But there aren’t so many birds.”
“Robins and pigeons don’t migrate.” Brid said. “But a lot of them freeze to death because they don’t nest properly.”
“Speaking of birds, have you heard about Peace Dove?”
“Peace Dove?”
“Didn’t she and some other superhero, Cathode, rescue a kid from Angel? That’s happened more than a few times already.”
“I bet Peace Dove doesn’t freeze in the winter.” I said. It was kind of a weird joke, but I laughed anyway.
“She wouldn’t.”
“Whatever her camouflage technology is, it probably generates enough heat to keep her warm.”
“Right… Hey, I thought you didn’t follow celebrities.”
“Peace Dove is a superhero. Probably just a normal person.”
We sat in awkward silence.
“I’m going to go back over there.” I said. “Just so-”
“Okay.” Brid was still playing her video game. Jiarra the wizard was still talking to the robed person.
I sulked back to Sam. He smiled at me. “How’d it go?” he asked, giving me room to sit.
“Horrible.” I said. “She was playing a video game the entire time.”
“Rough.” he said. “At least you reached out. Come on, grab some lunch.”
“She really does look like an angel, doesn’t she?”
“Which one?” I asked.
“Like an actual angel.” Sam pointed to a new picture of Peace Dove. It depicted her shifting into the background. Her wings were, at this point, still clearly visible. They looked like a teched-out jetpack, unlike Angel’s wings, which, as far as anyone could tell, protruded straight from his back. Peace Dove’s wings looked like a bunch of checkers pieces and popsicle sticks glued together and painted white, but Angel’s looked unbelievably realistic.
“What about Cathode?” I asked.
“She always moves too fast for anyone to get a good picture.”
“Aww.” I smiled at the picture of Peace Dove. She looked beautiful, in a minimalistic way.  
The nights are cold in my house. I wrapped myself up in a few layers of blankets and cuddled up under the sheets.
I just wanted to sleep, but stress kept me awake. My head hurt. Did Brid even like me? Was I forgetting homework? I didn’t know. It was just impossible for me to sleep.
My phone buzzed and I opened it.
Stronghold 3: Best Yet or Worst Flop Ever?
I found the article. A message appeared.
vampire taken group of people hostage on bloom street.
Hostages. A situation Sam and I could deal with.
I met him outside after taking an aspirin.
The assignment, should you choose to accept it, involves a series of kidnappings. Young, athletically fit men and women have been kidnapped. Spectral evidence at the crime scenes indicate the culprit is a dark creature. Given the proliferation of vampiric influences in recent times, we believe the culprit is a vampire.
Sam and I nodded as we listened to the car’s robot voice speak. This was something we could handle.
“You are being dropped off on the outskirts of the city.”
The outskirts of the city, huh?
I admired the scenery as the car took us to our location.
House after house after house is built out here, separated by barriers of tree. We were also close to the large mass of woods known as Red Tail Forest, named for a very specific kind of hawk- and a legend surrounding it. This was a residential area. There were a few condo neighborhoods out here, tucked within the woods. Farther away from the residential area are large industrial buildings, old and new, abandoned and thriving. Sam and I were headed to Bloom Street- to an abandoned factory that once produced clothing.
“You have arrived,” the car voice said. Sam and I nodded and jumped out of the car.
Abandoned factories are scary. This one was made of three buildings, one towering higher than the others.
“What can you see?” I asked.
“Clean water.”
“Hobo signs.” Sam pointed to a chalk marking on one of the buildings. It was a horizontal squiggle. “That one means safe campsite.” Sam pointed to one which looked like an X with circles to the left and right.
“This place has been around since before the depression, so it’s not surprising that hobos used to hang around after it shut down.”
“How do you know all of this stuff?”
“I see this stuff around town and I get curious.”
“Do you know all of them?”
“All of the signs? Yeah, I know a lot. That one means you can sleep in the loft. That one means a lot of hobos have hung out here. That one… ” Sam’s voice tapered off. “That one, I don’t know.”
“You don’t know?”
Sam pointed to something that looked like an upside down crucifix.
“That’s an upside-down crucifix.” I said.
“Oh. What is that-”
“It means vampires.” I said. “They’re here.”
“They might be out right now.” Sam whispered. “It’s best we hide.”
“Let’s scan for hostages.”
I pulled on heat-vision goggles and scanned the three buildings. There were five heat signatures inside one of the shorter buildings. Judging by their positions, I assumed they were tied up. I was about to move in for a closer look, but Sam grabbed by arms and dragged me back.
“What’s the-” Sam covered my mouth and pointed.
The silhouette of a teenage boy wearing a leather jacket appeared. He walked calmly toward the building containing the hostages.
“We take him out. Now.” I whispered.
“No. We wait for him to run in.”
Sam and I watched the person in the leather jacket enter the door. We glanced at each other, nodded, and positioned ourselves near the door.
“What… are… you?” One of the hostages- a woman- was speaking.
“I’m not some petty vampire, thank you very much.” The boy’s voice sounded young and snobby.
“Vampire?” the woman asked again.
Not a vampire? I thought.
“He’s not a vampire? Then what is he?” I asked.
“I’m a werewolf.” The not-vampire paused. “Technically, half-fallen, half-lycanthrope, but I’m still not a vampire.”
“Convenient.” Sam whispered. “Wait. Fallen what?”
“In case you were wondering, fallen means… fallen angel. I fell around eight hundred years ago. Long story. Met a girl. She was actually a werewolf. Turned me… into a werewolf. Ish.”
“Interesting story. Might as well write it down.” I whispered.
“Don’t bother writing it down. Oh wait. You can’t. You’re tied up.”
“Jesus, it’s like he can hear us.”
“That’s because I can.”
Sam and I were suddenly alerted by the sound of growling. He turned around. We saw a pack of black dogs behind us. One of them snapped its enormous jaws at me.
“Man, if Noah were here-”
“Run!” I shouted, as more appeared. I dragged Sam into the building, where we came face-to-face with the fallen.
It was, as we thought, a teenage boy wearing a leather jacket. He had blonde hair and purple eyes with slits for pupils. There was a pair of black wings on his back, and a pair of sandy-colored dog ears on top of his head.
“Pretty cool, right?” he asked. He pointed to the door, where the group of dogs was about to run in. They disappeared in a burst of smoke. “I don’t specialize in illusions, but I’m pretty good, right?”
“Um… okay.” Sam’s eyes darted to the top of the fallen’s head- namely, his dog ears. “You have dog ears?”
“Oh, these?” His ears twitched. “Aren’t they cute?”
“They’re real? Can I touch them?”
“I’d let you, but I know what you’re really after.” He pointed to the hostages. “Them. Am I correct?”
“You’re holding them hostage! We’re going to want to free the hostages, you know!”
“What do you even need five hostages for?!” Sam shouted.
“Simple. A little alchemical spell.” The fallen angel walked over to a cleared-out area of the factory. He pointed to a series of chalk markings on the ground. They formed the shape of a pentagram.
“The blood of five,” he said, “and the blood of darkness, will open a portal to the rift, allowing my brethren to come into this world and feed on the darkness of humans.”
“Darkness of… humans?” I asked.
“Yes. There have been a lot of negative feelings lately, have there not? I was a scout sent to gauge the concentration of dark feelings in this region. And I was not disappointed. Seriously. It’s like that Dark Angel guy is doing our work for us. He will be rewarded in the afterlife, you can be sure of that.”
“Umm, is Z getting any of this?” I asked.
“Z? Um… no.” Sam pulled out his cell phone. He was about to dial a number, but the phone was whipped out of his hand by a large black tentacle.
“No one leaves tonight.” The fallen summoned a second tentacle to close the doors of the factory building behind us. “And you two get to watch the whole thing.” Then, his brow furrowed, and one of his ears cocked over. “Unless… hold on, let me think about this… ”
“Alchemy?” I asked. “But that’s pseudoscience. It’s not real, right?”
“Do you even understand who you’re talking to?” The fallen smirked. “Anything is possible when you’ve got magic on your side.”
“He’s got a point… ” Sam muttered.
“That being said… looks like you two won’t get to hang around for the main event after all.” The fallen smiled at us. “I’ve decided that I’m going to harvest your souls and use them to hold the portal open. After all, I’ve got a lot of brothers waiting to escape the Rift and feed on the darkness of Rubicon City.”
“What are you going to do to us?”
“I’ll let you die on your own, of course.” He moved closer to us. His eyes began to glow unnaturally. The glow was commanding. His stare rendered us unable to move.
“Don’t… look.” Sam growled. I watched him sink to his knees, succumbing to the strange spell.
“Too… late… ” The spell, like a heavy weight, won over me. I stumbled and fell to my knees, staring into his eyes.
“Good.” the fallen said. “Now… ” His next words were a bunch of gibberish. But within them, I recognized “somnia”- dreams.
The next thing I knew, everything was fading to white, and my eyes were closing.
My eyes opened. They were met by the glare of a glowing sun. I looked up. I was in a ruined city. I was lying on the dry ground. Around me, the buildings were crumbling. And to my left, there was a giant hole in the ground.
Was this Rubicon City? But what had happened to-
As I looked over my body, I realized I was covered in cuts, bruises, and scratches. I tried to lift my body, but it hurt. I looked around.
Dead bodies. Everywhere. Allie, May, Jake, Noah… I recognized people from my school, people I knew around town, even my parents. Each one chipped a piece off my soul.
Then I saw Sam.
No! How could he be-
“No! No!”
I heard a woman wailing from a short distance away. I saw them slowly draw closer. They seemed to be just shadows, but a man was dragging a woman along with him, holding her by the arm. The woman was crying, pleading with him.
“She’s the only one left! You took away everything! Just don’t take her away too!”
The man was silent. I squinted against the sunlight to see their bodies.
A man I had seen only in pictures stood above me. He frowned at me, and then kicked my side. He must have kicked a bruise or something, because it hurt like hell. The woman suddenly jumped for me. She was on top of me, her hair tickling my face, and her tears falling like raindrops on my cheeks.
An older Bridget.
“It’s going to be okay.” she told me. “You’re going to be okay. I won’t let him take you too. I won’t-” The woman shouted again when the man grabbed her and threw her off my body. She got up and tried to fight the man, but he shoved her off.
“She dies.” the man said.
“She’s the only one left! You’ve taken them all, just please don’t take away my last friend!”
“I’m your only friend, Bridget. Why don’t you see that I’m doing this for YOU?!” The man glared at her.
“You’re a monster! That’s what you-” Bridget’s body suddenly fell still. She crumpled to the ground.
“I’ll fix her later.” the man said. He smiled at me, and then pulled a gun out of his pocket. “First, I need to get rid of you.” He kneeled next to me. I could see his face, and his red eyes, clearly now. Angel.
“What are you going to do to Brid?” I asked.
“That’s none of your concern.” He placed the barrel of the gun against my heart. “Why did you choose to pursue her love, you insignificant child?”
“Like you’d stand a chance.” I snapped.
“Like I would.” Angel placed his hand on the trigger. “No one takes away my sister!” His face suddenly flamed up in rage. I thought he was going to pull the trigger, but everything shone white. I couldn’t see anything until I blinked.
I was back in the abandoned factory. Sam was holding the fallen angel by the scruff of the neck. “You can take away my friends… you can take away my home… but NO ONE takes away my family all over again!”
The fallen angel laughed.
“Laugh all you want, you sick demon. You should have never brought that memory back.” Sam pulled his bottle of holy water out of his bag. “You’re going to pay.”
I thought of calling his name. Just to get him to snap out of it. The Sam I knew was funny, cheerful, loving, and loyal. Not cold and harsh.
I saw a future I hoped would never happen. What did Sam see? And what did I have to do with it?
The fallen angel teleported out of Sam’s clutches. He reappeared a short distance away, and then unleashed a dark, misty spell on Sam. I screamed his name, but gasped when I saw him emerge unscathed.
Sam moved closer to the fallen angel. It was scared now. It backed up against the wall as Sam moved closer.
“Et alibi… Et alibi… ” The fallen angel whispered strange words as Sam drew closer. Sam didn’t stop. He drew closer and closer. The fallen angel slowly slipped to the ground as Sam’s shadow touched his feet. When Sam was above him, he said something I couldn’t hear. Then, he shoved the bottle of holy water down the fallen angel’s throat, and squeezed. The fallen angel’s final word was a muffled scream as he disintegrated from the inside out.
I watched with rapt attention.
Sam turned to me.
That face. That rage. I swear I almost ran.
He started walking towards me. Then he ran. Finally, he collapsed next to me and embraced me, crying bitter tears. I embraced him as well.
“Lumi, promise me something.” Sam said.
“What is it?”
“Promise me that you’ll never, ever, leave my side… ” Sam said. “You’re my best friend… I need you, okay?”
My face grew hot and my eyes grew teary. “I promise… ”
We embraced.
“I couldn’t see you dead.” I said. “I… I just… couldn’t… ”
“Me neither.” Sam said. “He paid. We’re fine now.”
“Can we call Z now?” I asked. I pulled out my cell phone while Sam untied the hostages.
“Hello, Lumien. What’s going on?”
“It wasn’t a vampire.” I said. “It was a fallen angel. He was planning to open a portal to someplace called the Rift.”
There was a pause on the other end of the line. Then, Hunter Z exclaimed, “Are you two okay?! If he unleashed the Nightmare spell on you-”
“He did. What does it do, anyway?”
“You’re sentenced to your worst nightmare. At the end of it, you die- and you die in real life as well.”
“Oh, well… Sam broke us both out of it.”
“Both? He broke out of his own nightmare?”
“Hmm… ” There was a long pause on Hunter Z’s end. “I… commend him. It’s… very impressive. And the fallen?”
“Dead, I think.”
“How did you get rid of it?”
“We squeezed a bottle of holy water down its throat.”
“That would certainly destroy its earthly body. It isn’t dead, but it is incapable of doing much. You two need to get back home. Whatever made Sam break out… must have been traumatizing.”
“Yeah.” I watched Sam untie the last hostage. He received a hug from a young woman. His eyes widened, but he smiled. “Thanks, Z.”
“You’re very welcome.” Hunter Z hung up. I motioned for Sam and I to leave.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.”
“What did you see?”
“In your nightmare. What did you see?”
“....... I saw you.”
“What did you see?”
“I saw… you too.”
We didn’t speak to each other until the next morning.
I was taking notes in biology. The teacher was drawing pictures on the board and lecturing.
“... the centromeres are connected to the aster fibers. As they move to opposite ends of the cell, the nucleolus decondenses and the chromosomes become visible. This is called prophase… ”
As I took notes about prophase, another thought crossed my mind. When that fallen angel had sentenced both of us to our worst nightmares, Sam had seen something. Something that made him act. Something that made him so angry that he fought back against the fallen angel. Something about his parents. And something about me.
“No one takes away my sister! You can take away my friends, you can take away my home, but NO ONE takes away my family all over again!”
Did he secretly have memories of his parents’ death? But what did I have to do with it? I wasn’t even in the car when it happened. I was hundreds of miles away. I didn’t even know Sam.
Brid flipped through the pages of her notes. I saw the page without the note. I guess I’d have to figure out what I can without it-
I saw it fall out of her notebook. The same letter. The same signature.
I couldn’t help but read.
Above the scrambled letters were more letters. Off to to the side, there was a series of letters equaling other letters, in no particular order. Brid had decoded the note. And above each V was the letter E.
“Dearest Bridget,
I recognize that you have an interest in the wings I bear. I could see it the last time we met. You seem almost afraid of touching them. I myself am interested in your mental capacity. You seem to be interested in engineering. Perhaps you would like to use your knowledge in the field with me? Contact me if you are interested.
He wanted to teach her how to engineer? What?
“Are you all right?” I asked.
“Just fine.” Brid said back to me. “Oh.” She grabbed the scrap of paper, stared at it, and then stuffed it deep into her notes.
(TL:DR- Sam has had a very bad past. Angel is a piece of shit.)
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lumiiiscorner · 2 months
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positivity for @bloodsalted / @safetypinned from @sacrisaint
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This is for @safetypinned / @bloodsalted
I love Dixon wiff all my butt
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lumiiiscorner · 5 months
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happy mothers day to all the parents out there. i hope you know how appreciated you are and that you get all the good vibes today. that this day treats you right.
i also know that this holiday could be especially hard to those that may have lost a child, lost a mother, lost a wife, being a single parent, or some sort of loneliness that creeps in on this certain day. just know that you are all not alone and you are all seen. you are so loved and you are all doing the best that you can. take this time to be easy with yourself and know that it's all going to be okay. i love you and so do many others.
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lumiiiscorner · 2 months
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positivity for @fire-branded from anonymous
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I wish to send some love for Vonny ( @fire-branded )! One of the kindest people around here and a dear friend! Sometimes they can't see it, but they're such a great person overall, they ask too much of themselves and I just hope they can slow down and remember that they're only human, but also, such a great human that is appreciated by many of us. I love you, Vonny! Here's some positivity for you. Please take it easy on yourself. You're doing amazing! You don't need to be the fastest, or reply every single day, or even accomplish greatness at every second. Simply by being here, having fun, and being yourself, you've given so much good to us. Thank you, hope so much happiness comes your way! 😊
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lumiiiscorner · 2 months
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positivity for @anxietytold from @theha1r
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i wanna send some love to my dear friend noelle over on @anxietytold & just give a little shout out & positivity just to say i adore them so muchly & i know times can be hard but they've always got me in their corner. she's an amazing human who i feel so lucky to have gotten to know & i adore each & every plot & dynamic we have. they're beautiful & kind & deserve all the love in the world & are not any of things their brain might say. all all my love always <3 <3 <3
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lumiiiscorner · 6 months
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positivity for @loyaltylanced from @malka-lisitsa
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@loyaltylanced is amazing, honestly. Just always there when I need. Writes an AMAZING FLAWLESS MICHAEL (holy edition) and I'm just super lucky to have someone like them. You are amazing. CAN NOT WAIT for vampire mafia gang gang <3 I adore you.
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lumiiiscorner · 7 months
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HELLO BEANS! IT'S BEEN AWHILE HASN'T IT? just wanted to say that today is valentine's day. this day can bring out some mixed emotions. it can be a good day for some of you, or it can be a difficult one. just know that it will be okay. some of you may have lost someone this day, some of you may have been separated by someone on this day, or maybe it's just another reminder of being alone. but know that you are not alone today or any other day. there are many people here who do love you. celebrate with yourself. treat yourself to something nice because who says that someone has to do that for you? there's no shame in getting yourself flowers and treating yourself out. no one can treat you better than you. and if you're not in the mood to try, that's okay to. what matters is that you take care of you. and i am here giving you the biggest hug.
for those of you who are celebrating with someone, i hope they continue to treat you right with all the respect, care, and love because you deserve it!
love you all <3
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lumiiiscorner · 3 months
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positivity for @theresastargirl from @emeraldxphoenix
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congratulations to theresastargirl on reaching 800 followers! meg you deserve each and every one of them; you're a wonderful person, and an absolute joy to write with. i love all the shenanigans we write and posts we share. my tumblr wouldn't be the same without you, and everyone should go find out what they've been missing <3
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lumiiiscorner · 4 months
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positivity for @getslashed from @rebuiltmyself
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positivity for @getslashed aka my beautiful girlfriend. phoebe, you are such a sweet, kind, friendly person, and an underrated writer. you always breathe life into your characters, you bring so much fun to the dash, and you are a kind, supportive, and loving person. i can't believe i was ever lucky enough to meet you, and if anyone reading this isn't following peebie, i highly encourage you to fix that.
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lumiiiscorner · 4 months
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positivity for @painmon from @aintashes
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for @painmon
anyone who knows me knows that i love killjoy so. fucking. much. they're an incredible and supportive friend, and i feel so lucky to have them in my life every single day. talking to killjoy really is like talking to someone i've known for my entire life and i cherish our relationship to the moon and the stars and back ♡
and can we talk about peter goddamn graham for a second ?? killjoy has taken a character from a piece of media that's already so good, and somehow, they've expanded the universe into something absolutely awe-inspiring. it's a kind of depth that shows how talented killjoy really is, and i cannot get over how fleshed out and real peter and his worldbuilding feels every time we write together.
and speaking of writing together... let me just rave about killjoy's writing and style, because i legitimately adore their writing so much. the level of talent is truly out of this world. i learn so much from them all the time, and i feel so happy every day that we get to craft such intricate and amazing stories together.
you deserve the world, killjoy !! i love you ! ♡
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lumiiiscorner · 4 months
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positivity for @trollith from anonymous
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Hey, @trollith ! I love you so and I am glad to see you around here! You're giving us that amazing Aerith content, but also I'm so glad you brought Jote, Stella, and Dion back! I just want you to know you are so loved and appreciated. I am glad we are friends, I hope you're having so much fun around here and that life treats you well! Thank you for being so wonderful! Kisses and hugs!!
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lumiiiscorner · 4 months
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positivity for @phoenix-flamed from anonymous
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A little love for my dear @phoenix-flamed ! Let's start with saying just how fantastic you are! As a person, you're always looking to help others out, to give out happiness, to make others feel comfortable, that is just truly valuable. Ever since I met you, you've been welcoming, loving, and accepting of me and many others. I'm lucky to have met you. BUT ALSO, your Elwin content!? Oh man, the way you built that muse from basically the ground up is something I'll never stop admiring from you. The love you have for him and the game as a whole, how your portrayal is just him through and through, I am so glad to be able to witness it. And I'm even more happy to have met you!
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