#luna game anyone remember that haha this was based on it
sunnyloquart · 2 years
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bookworm-2692 · 3 years
For the ZE Ask Game: 1b, 1e, 2a, 3d, 5e, 5f and 5n!
Thank you for sending the asks! I love talking about Zero Escape so thank you for enabling me :D
Questions from here
1b: Favourite character design?
Okay, you know how hard it is for me to pick favourite characters because they’re all wonderful and that’s why you went with this question haha. Hmm. There are so many good designs (especially with the colour coding!!!). I prefer the designs in the first two games, since they’re really bright and colourful, and the third game is darker and dingier. I like that each character has a main colour that stands out and doesn’t really belong to anyone else (except for Dio and K who both have the red and gold aesthetics, but that’s valid because red and gold is a brilliant aesthetic). I think in 999, my favourite is actually Junpei’s - I love the blue colour of his vest, and the blue vest and red shirt just. Work super well together. It’s a fashion disaster but it’s also an aesthetic I vibe with so. (also love the red blue colour coding with Junpei specifically so). In VLR, much as I loathe him, I really like Dio’s design. The top hat and the braids and the red and gold work really well together and it’s fun. Dio is super frustrating though, but his design slaps!
1e: Favourite scene?
Oooo tricky. There’s so many good moments. I think I have to go with the classic though - the moment in 999 True End where Junpei gets the safe end code, and the narration goes “How did Junpei know? He knew because I knew”. It’s so chilling and also so satisfying to see everything suddenly click. I love it, and I love watching people experiencing that for the first time. It’s like. The best part of the game, I reckon.
2a: Least favourite character?
Okay I’m trying to not immediately say Delta but like.... Delta. I think he had a super interesting concept, but the way it was executed made it so much worse. I hated that they just.... hid him from view so then the twist was that this character you didn’t even know existed was Zero? It just felt cheap. Also ~complex motives~ got really annoying - I would have much preferred it if he had said “yeah I’m only doing this to ensure my birth (and the birth of my sister). soz lmao”. Because that motive feels more real? Rather than just adding a whole random “religious fanatic” in a vague sort of way. I do like the concept of him and Phi being twins and being separated in such a way that they’re very different ages now, but again the execution of Sigma and Diana’s romance was like. Not done well.
So yeah, Delta is my least favourite because he doesn’t significantly effect the plot, barely exists, and when he is present his motives don’t make sense and his abilities are not foreshadowed at all (morphogenetic fields in 999 were good, the entire game was spent explaining the concept. Mind Hack? Right outta left field and also if we’re trying to make it work based on how morphogenetic field theory was explained in 999, the “reading minds” part of it is “extremely strong receiver”, and the “forcing people to do actions” part of it is “extremely strong transmitter”, so he should have one of the abilities but not both. And if he is a really strong transmitter.... he’s gotta mime out the action in order to write it into the fields to encourage others to follow! And I reckon natural transmitters, who are worse at receiving, are naturally slightly resistant to this, natural receivers are more vulnerable to this, and normal people somewhere in between. But yes, if Delta is gonna Mind Hacc Eric, then we should see him in the corner miming holding a gun, pointing, and firing!! Bleugh!
Wow that turned into a bit of a rant. Whoops?
3d: Rank the endings
I have been given the choice to either rank the true ends across the three games, or all the endings within a particular game. I am so bad at choices ugh.
Anyway, the true ends:
999 - it really tied everything together and explained everything. The sequence in the incinerator, seeing 12 year old Akane and 21 year old Junpei talking to each other, Junpei saving young Akane, Clover’s absolute joy at finding out Light is alive, the “he knew because I knew” thing that I mentioned above, just everything. It was a self contained story, so everything was addressed and it was good.
VLR - this is more second by default, since I love 999′s true end and hate ZTD’s true end. But overall, this is fairly solid, and I like the concept of them doing this in 2074 to change an outcome in 2028, but it loses points because it relies on ZTD to “complete” it
ZTD - I hate this true end. The game has very enjoyable moments, but unfortunately the true end amounts to “oh let’s just... SHIFT to a timeline where we all survive” and that’s it? Which just feels sort of pointless tbh. And is so unsatisfactory
Within 999, I feel all six five endings are extremely solid, and all have a part to play an a story to tell. Knife End may be the most unsatisfactory, but it’s still okay. True, Safe, and Sub Ends are the ends with credits, and they’re all full of great dialogue and story. Axe End is also great, and I love the way you get to see the other side of Clover (and I really like the art of Clover holding an axe, I actually drew it on Saturday (when I started writing these answers, but it’s Wednesday now because I’ve been busy) for a friend’s birthday, which is technically my first ZE fanart and I’ll post it here at. Some point. Knife end is a bit quick, but honestly that’s okay? Especially when considering how many bad ends the other two games have that aren’t even named. Coffin End was my first end, and I wasn’t expecting the “to be continued” so I basically just collapsed and lay face down on the ground for a fair bit, but again given how many plot locks the other games have, coffin end is chill. So 999 has the most solid endings overall.
Within VLR, there are nine named endings, one for each character, and 13 ish unnamed bad ends. The unnamed bad ends are all like.... basically as soon as you make the decision you die or whatever, they don’t continue onwards like they do for Axe End etc in 999. I like that the named endings are designed for you to learn about each character, even though some of them are kinda weak. Like Quark’s ending, we didn’t really learn about him, and most of what we learnt about him was from Tenmyouji’s ending. I agree with what you said, Finch, about how it would have been nice to get some more Quark content/bonding/something, after he wakes up. Clover’s ending was also pretty disappointing, since she vaguely alluded to 999 and then everyone killed themselves. But there were some really good ones, like Luna’s and K’s and Dio’s (very fun that Phi was about to smash his head with a rock even if betraying Luna to get to that point is painful). Actually I really like the whole murder mystery aspect of everything behind the Magenta door. 
Within ZTD, I do appreciate that the endings all served their purposes, but I disliked the way there were sometimes multiple endings in the same timeline, while other timelines... had none. It just was a bit all over the shop. Most of the endings were informative for the characters, but the true end sucks.
5e: Rant about something you liked from the games
I adore all the red/blue symbolism in the games, especially in 999. The way every time the morphogenetic field is described, the transmitters are red people and the receivers are blue people. And then when you learn who the espers are, you can see how the colours align. Clover is a transmitter, and her colour scheme is a lot of dark pink, close to red, while Light, a receiver, has lots of blue in his design. Junpei and Akane can both transmit and receive (with each other), and this is shown by Junpei wearing both red and blue, and Akane wearing purple, a mix of red and blue. It’s really neat. Also, Junpei is new to the morphogenetic fields, so his blue and red is still separate, but Akane is so entwined within them, and uses them so easily, that her blue and red have mixed to become purple.
In VLR, Clover is still pink, and Junpei still has blue (even though he’s lost the red, but that could show he’s lost connection to Akane and now has no one to transmit to, although I think it’s hilarious if he was still unintentionally transmitting to Akane over the years, and that’s how she kept tabs on him and found him again for VLR.
In ZTD, Diana is red and Sigma is blue. I actually headcanon Diana as a receiver and Sigma as a transmitter (as in, he transmitted his memories to himself across timelines rather than a natural receiver ability), so I like that in ZTD they have opposite colours/each other’s colours. Phi is blue in both games and still a receiver imo.
So the colour symbolism is obviously strongest in 999, but I really like it.
5f: Rant about something you disliked from the games
In VLR, Clover says that stronger espers absorb the powers of weaker espers, and that’s why she can’t contact her brother. I hate this “fact” actually, because it directly contradicts the way the morphogenetic fields work in 999 and ZTD, and also in VLR itself. In 999, we have nine sets of esper siblings during the First Nonary Game, and since they all survived, we know that their esper powers must have worked correctly.... which means we can’t have had one Super Esper absorbing all the powers. The true end of ZTD has the powers of all the espers working together to create a resonant effect so that even Eric and Mira, non espers, can SHIFT. I also dislike SHIFTing (a rant for another day), but the idea of multiple espers in a vicinity resonating/boosting everyone’s powers makes way more sense than.... one person absorbing everyone else’s powers.
And even within VLR.... Tenmyouji does the ally/betray swapsies thing with Sigma and Phi, which means he is also remembering another timeline.... which means his powers are still working and not being absorbed by Phi and Sigma. Also.... both Phi and Sigma are using their powers and SHIFTing everywhere. Why doesn’t one of them absorb the other’s powers? Also also, we learn in the True End that Akane was in K’s armour the entire time during the timeline where Sigma and Phi most use their powers for all the bomb passwords and locations etc. You cannot try to tell me that Akane isn’t the strongest esper, ever. She simply is. If absorbing was true, then we would literally never see anyone else use their powers, because Akane is always there (FNG, 999, VLR, ZTD) and would have to be doing all the absorbing. Gah.
So I reckon, even though Clover said that, that she was simply wrong. That was the current theory SOIS had, but.... they don’t have to be right.
In any case, there are other reasons why Clover might not have been able to contact Light in VLR. The first is simply that he is dead. Another is the idea that minds linked by the morphogenetic fields have a sort of... shape. That fits perfectly with those they are esper partners with. And as the espers grow, so do their mind shapes. Clover was frozen on the 22nd of December 2028, and awoke on the 25th of January 2074. Her mind shape was not able to evolve and grow, so it is preserved. Light however has been living those 45 years, which means that’s been a lot of time for his mind shape to grow and change. Clover can’t find Light’s mind in the morphogenetic field, since it no longer looks the same, and their shapes no longer fit together. This is my personal headcanon, and it means that when Clover finds him, their minds can get used to each other again and their shapes can align, and they can be linked again.
5n: Do you have any fanart/fanfic/fangame recommendations?
Boy, do I ever? The First Nonary Game by @airdeari . What it says on the tin, folks! Airdeari has named all nine pairs of siblings, and created unique sibling relationships and unique experiences with the morphogenetic field for all of them, and woven a beautiful story together, and it’s just wonderful. It’s my favourite fic ever, to the point where I literally bound it and it now exists as a physical book in my life. Like, I cannot recommend this fic enough, it is the best.
AO3 Summary: A tale of nine children aboard a sinking ship, and the unbelievable story of how they survived.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
Festival Fun SQ - Part 1 - It’s already all over the place, and we’re just starting.
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Okay, let’s do this!
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Ooooh, I love this loading screen.
2 out of 4 pairings are actually together in the headcanon, so I approve!
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Ah, yes. We all know that every love story always starts with... gardening? Anyway, JC, can you pick up the pace already?
I promised myself I’ll try to be patient, but...
Okay, okay.
Positive attitude. Let’s continue...
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Ahhhhh.... Care to elaborate a bit, MC?
I feel like we need a bit more context.
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Jesus Christ, who did you murder?
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So, it’s been a while since I played this game...
But you all see that dragon in the task-bar, right?
Charlie, what did you do?
Charlie: First the task-bar, then the world!
(Future me: I get it, it’s a clubs thing... I’m sharing some of my original notes too, okay? Just roll with it...)
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Hagrid: Nothin’ like child-labor, I always say.
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Just wait till 2020, mate.
No one is laughing now...
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You’re talking to Luna... obviously, class would be the best part for her.
I can see her and Rowan squealing in excitement already.
Wait a minute, Rowan’s going to be here, right? Right, JC?!
It’s a year-5 achievement. You better make sure he’s there!
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Well, that’s a huge leap... I think you added 10 levels by mistake.
Not that I'm complaining, but...
It caught me off guard.
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Why do I feel like Tonks is contemplating their friendship as Luna’s talking?
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I can’t be the only one that immediately thought of the "There’s a horse in the hospital” bit by John Mulaney.
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Either Tonks has the biggest “bro” attitude out there, or she lives vicariously through MC.
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Damn, so bitter...
But he’s 100% right, to be fair.
JC, lamp-shading it won’t make it less creepy, you know. I hated how everyone ganged up on her in the Valentine’s Day SQ. I really hope it will be a bit more subtle this time.
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You mean the one where you’re still not a romantic option?
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s cool they added Jae and Chiara, but I don’t get why Badeea is an option but Liz isn’t. It’s not like Badeea is super popular in the fandom. I really hope some day my girl Liz would get the love she deserves.
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Wait, wait, wait, wait... Stop, stop, stop.
This is happening during year 5, right?
Okay, I actually really like it because in my headcanon Barnaby remains good friends with Ismelda and Merula, so it fits perfectly.
Okay, let’s get back to the plot.
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Is Badeea painting a Puffskein in the background? 
(Once again the background sub-plot is more interesting than the main plot.)
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Wow, the change in attitude once MC arrives is... Yikes.
Sure, JC. Merula likes MC. Very convincing.
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Stop making me relate to Ismelda!
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Again, I feel like I’m going to mention it a lot - it’s a year-5 SQ, JC!
You better not shove year-6 Ben down my throat.
Also, Rowan is nowhere to be found... You’re so damn lazy!
My angel deserves so much better than this... At least now I know that JC doesn’t give a shit about players that aren’t up-to-date with the latest chapters...
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But why, though? I get why Penny, but Merula is not popular and she never showed any kind of social-initiative before. She wants to be the strongest witch, but it doesn’t have anything to do with a popularity-based title.
If I remember correctly. she criticized MC in one of the previous SQs for listening to Penny and said that power is more important than popularity.
So why would she want to win something that is completely dependent on a popularity status?
Oh right, it’s a JC game. There is no logic or consistency. Sorry. Carry on...
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I was so bored, I didn’t even notice the “neither” choice...
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Okay, let’s just be a supportive friend, then.
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I mean, if it’s between Penny and Merula, then it’s a no-brainer.
But literally anyone else, and my answer would change. (Chiara FTW!)
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Awww, see what I mean by her being a bro?
So damn supportive when she's not screwing everything up.
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I gotta say, I like this little Ravenclaw gathering.
I wish there were more activities for MC and the other characters from her house. Because even though Tulip is not technically a part of this, it’s still nice to have a scene with Talbott, Andre and Badeea.
Also, this skunk spell... Tulip is going to abuse it, I guarantee it.
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To be fair, just making all the outfits is enough work already.
But wait, isn’t he a dateable option as well? I’m confused.
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I said it before, but in these type of SQs, Andre is the best!
Of course she understands, mate. You deserve way more than you’re getting out of this whole deal, trust me.
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Haha, Tulip’s blank stare in the background... Cue the “They ask you how you are, and you just have to say you're fine, when you're not really fine...” meme.
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Can we all embrace a collective headcanon where Andre’s actually getting compensation for all his hard work?
Luna has enough money to spare, there’s no way this bloke is not getting paid for this.
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That’s usually how it works, mate.
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No, no, no... Please don’t make it that everyone’s pushing her into a corner again, it was so awkward!
I can’t go through it again...
Also, it’s Luna. She chooses her dates, not the other way around.
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Called it!
Though, to be fair, who didn’t see it coming?
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Wow, they really didn’t give me a lot to work with, huh?
Well, the post is long enough, so... Hopefully there will be enough interesting stuff happening in the next post.
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serenitypixxie · 6 years
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So this turned out to be really long. So most of it is under the cut!
I know that for ease of the show, having all the girls get their memories back simultaneously makes sense, but all the same, I would love if Usagi tried to go it alone for as long as possible and over the course of a number of episodes realised that she couldn’t do this alone, so she and Luna would awaken individual Senshi based off if one of them happened to be in trouble at that time (and Sailor Moon couldn’t save them alone), or, like in this case, Sailor Moon is in trouble, so Luna has to awaken whomever she needs the most at that time.
Especially because I think they could bring them back in a new order too. For example, Rei would be the first one brought back. It would be a mixture of Usagi needing someone to help her, because she realises a few weeks into being Sailor Moon that she really can’t do this alone, and gods does she miss Rei. Even though they fought like cats and dogs, when it came down it, Rei always had the most faith in her and was the one who pushed her to be the best she could be. So Usagi starts hanging out around the shrine, not necessarily with the intention of bringing Sailor Mars back, but just to be near Rei. And Rei, whose been having those memory dreams starts seeing this odd blonde girl spending a lot of time at the shrine for no apparent reason, but she looks so, so familiar and when Rei consults her fire, all she sees are fleeting images of the same girl, but in different incarnations. So the next time she sees the girl, Rei invites her in for tea. She didn’t think anyone’s face could ever light up as much as this girl’s does. While they’re drinking tea, a Cardian attacks, and Usagi has to find a way to get away from Rei so she can transform into Sailor Moon, but Rei is trying to protect Usagi, and so in the end, she just transforms in front of her. In this version, this brings back all of Rei’s memories, and as she watches Sailor Moon fight the monster, she realises that she won’t be able to defeat it alone. Rei isn’t sure if she can still transform or not, but she figures if she doesn’t try, she’ll never know.
The second Senshi they reawaken is Ami. Between Rei and Usagi, there’s enough fire power there (haha, pun sort of intended) to be able to fight these monsters. But even Luna and Artemis are willing to admit when they’re stumped, and they have no idea who these two “travelling nobility” are who appear to be the ones in charge of the new monsters. So as much as they want to leave the other girls be, everyone agrees that they need Ami back. If anyone is going to be able to even have a wild guess at who these guys are and what they want, it’s her. Usagi wants to bring Ami back the same way she did with Rei, trying to get to know her again and coaxing the memories out of her; come on, how could the smartest girl in school not remember being friends with Rei and Usagi? The problem here though, is that unlike Rei, Ami hasn’t been having dreams every night about the girls she thinks she knows. And being the smartest girl in school means that Ami is able to trick herself into believing that those odd dreams she does have every now and again are just caused by school-related stress. So when the lovely, but slightly odd girl from school keeps giving her these looks Ami gets worried. She has retreated back to being the genius girl with no friends, so when this girl starts watching her, she assumes the worst. 
It’s during a computer class when a Cardian attacks - because like Naru just seems to be a magnet for monsters, so does this damn school - Ami doesn’t know how to fight as a civilian. Or, at least she doesn’t think she does. But when the monster is there stealing energy from her classmates, Ami’s protective instincts kick in and she starts herding as many of them outside of the room as possible. In the meantime Sailor Moon and Mars have arrived and are fighting the monster. They see Ami moving the students out of the room and for a brief moment they’re both hoping that she has got her memories back too and is about to transform into Sailor Mercury. But that hope dies when they see her follow the other students out of the room. The girls share a sad look before putting their game faces on and getting down to the business of defeating this monster. Luna, as always has followed them to the fight and now finds herself caught in the position of not knowing if she should bring Sailor Mercury into this fight or just leave her be. The decision is quickly made for her when the Cardian captures both Moon and Mars and it becomes apparent that they can’t win this fight on their own. Unlike Rei, Ami’s memories are not coming back naturally, so Luna is forced to use her powers to reawaken Sailor Mercury.
The next one is Mako. Unlike Mars and Mercury, there is nothing significant about the place where she is brought back; the significance lies in why she is reawakened. By this point Usagi, Rei and Ami have all been back for about a month and whilst they miss the other two with a passion, they also don’t want to bring them back into this fight unless the situation becomes dire. What they never expect though, is Mako being her beautiful, protective self. On the way home from school one day, she comes across a Cardian attacking someone on the street – this is not someone Mako knows personally, but her natural instinct is to help whenever and wherever she can. Of course she is scared of the monster in front of her, but bigger than the fear is her need to help this person. So Mako does what Mako does best: she goes on the attack and starts to fight the monster. The Senshi arrive just as Mako is lifting the Cardian above her head, the Jupiter symbol shining brightly on her forehead. As she throws the monster to the ground, she falls to her knees, memories filling her faster than she can process them.
This time Minako is not asked to be a lone Senshi in a foreign country trying to divert attention away from the real Moon Princess. This time she is being allowed to live life as a regular girl. Once Mako’s memories have come back, all four girls agree that it’s only fair to seek Minako out and bring back her memories too – with the choice of whether or not she still wants to be a Senshi. Artemis is the one that stops them. As much as he misses Minako, he is also the only one who saw how lonely she was in England, how much of a toll the role of Sailor V took on her. So he convinces the girls again, and again to leave her be. That if the day comes that the Senshi need Sailor Venus, then he will reawaken her himself, but just for now, let her have what they had for a year longer than she was given the last time; the chance to be a regular teenager. Eventually it is Minako who seeks out the other girls. At first she is hurt that they didn’t come for her. When Usagi went to Rei first, she understood. She could even accept when Ami was the next one they went to, after all, those three had been together for months before Mako and eventually then Minako had arrived the first time. But she was truly hurt after Mako came back to them and they didn’t immediately come to her. 
Because for Minako, her memories were never truly lost. Usagi had wished for a new life for all of them, but Minako’s memories had always been different from the others – even before Usagi’s memories of being Princess Serenity had been unlocked, Minako knew the truth. She had to. Queen Serenity had ensured that whenever the girls were reborn the leader of the Senshi, Sailor Venus would regain all of her memories as soon as she was needed. So although Usagi tried to give them all new lives, for Minako, she remembered everything because she was needed from the beginning again. Eventually she learns that the girls do want her back, but it is Artemis, her dear sweet Artemis, who has been stopping them. Because all he wants for her is to have an opportunity at the life she missed out on. But that is not the life that Minako wants. The life she wants, is to be fighting alongside her friends, ensuring the protection of everyone on Earth. So she waits and watches. And one day, when she Senshi are fighting against the toughest Cardian yet and they don’t seem like they’ll be able to beat it, she makes her move. Right when things look their most dire, Sailor Venus shows up to save the day.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
THANK YOU SO MUCH, I’m ugly crying on the inside right now. I’m really so glad you liked the art, seriously this means a lot to me TYSM <3
I like how Hisoka turned out too :D I have a hard time looking at him though because WOW that’s way too much trash for once piece of paper
Be glad that I sent you the sassy Saiko, because I also drew a crying Saiko calling for Maman. I decided not to be a troll for once though ^^
I couldn’t do justice to OG Musical Maria though. She’s gorgeous…
That picture of Roy will be my legacy.
(as for the tiny dab, that is also Saiko in case the pic was too small for you to tell XD funny thing is that I wasn’t even intending to have that slip in when I took the picture. I drew a tiny, mouth-and-nose-less ‘I am not impressed’ Urie face next to it too but guess that didn’t make it in haha LOL
I'm actually sorta obsessed with drawing tiny, dabbing figures right now because I just discovered an easy way to draw dabs and…well. It’s fun?)
AWW tysm! Tbh though I get the struggle. I hated all paints for the longest time because I also had no idea how to use brushes and control the amount of water I used and ended up with shapeless blobs or super runny pics (also I’ve never actually learned how to paint or draw…a couple of short lessons when I was really little, a month(?) of lessons around last year or the year before, that’s pretty much it. So idk how to do things really lol). But I sorta-recently got obsessed with watercolor paintings (SO PRETTY) and that’s why I started ‘practicing’ (AKA watching/reading a bunch of tutorials and trying my best to remember the few things I actually learned XD). I still can’t draw stuff just with watercolors though, I need to do a light pencil sketch and then color with paint.
OK that sounds so cool but problem: My phone is a super old flip phone that I’ve had since I was eight(?), so mobile games are a no XD and my parents probably wouldn’t buy me anything that costs money (they let me play simple free RP games and dating games on the internet since those are usually fairly innocent (I mean, it’s plot/character-based stuff, almost like a manga) but not anything too 'big’ you know? If I was old enough to buy games like that with my own money I don’t think they’d care tho, as long as I didn’t get obsessed with games or anything.)
Also just realized that I’m stupid and apparently forgot that I don’t have Steam. I was going to install it but can I ask you exactly what it is/how it works, first? I’m just kinda worried about randomly installing this since I don’t quite get it yet ^^;; (sorry I can be really, really stupid when it comes to stuff like this)
THAT’S SO CUTE. Let me recommend you a game too- a free RPG/Dating game called Ascension by ImpQueen! No download, you just go to ImpQueen and play it. There are three(?) chapters. The first chapter might not be that interesting compared to other games, but the game and the story keep getting more complex as you go on :D you also get new dateable characters every chapter and the MC, Aida, is AWESOME. Also, in chapter two and three you can actually customize the main cast’s appearances, like you’d do in a dress-up game! Another cool thing is that you get different 'personality points' depending on the things you say/do, and the amount of points you have for a certain personality can change the outcomes of certain situations.
It’s also really fun because other than the romance, the plot and Aida’s journey is super interesting too.
Do you know I’ve been reading some Ishida tweets lately and look at this (yes these are all real)
Fan: Excuse me, is it ok if I ask what major you chose at university?
Ishida: I have studied worthless knowledge in University.
Fan: Please take good care of yourself and eat well! (I think that’s what they said? It was in Japanese so)
Ishida: I ate some tomatoes!
Fan: How do you draw Arima, sensei? It’s so hard to draw him ;-;
Ishida: Sadistic & Massive. I keep that in my mind.
Fan: I love you please marry me
Ishida: Sure! When is convenient for you?
Fan: Be sure to rest when you need to, sensei…
Ishida: I don’t wanna rest
Ishida: It’s natural, you know.
Fan with a picture of a cartoon skeleton for their profile pic: Will we ever learn what happened to Hide, sensei? Also, thank you for the sequel :) I love TG
Ishida: Well, I’m not sure…by the way, you are so skinny. Thank you!
Also, dude reads Shoujo manga. He tortures us with Touken, Kanae, Tsukiyama/Kaneki, Saiko/Urie…and then he goes and posts fanart he drew of a Shoujo manga he was reading and says that he’s sad it’s over omg
I’d probably never want to leave that flask HOW COULD A TINY INSIGNIFICANT HUMAN DEFEAT ME SO EASILY NOOO
*sigh* I didn’t raise you to be like this…
(I just got the funniest/weirdest idea though: So Evans is like Luna’s mom in this relationship, Riza is Roy’s mom. Imagine what would happen when Roy/Luna got to the 'meeting the parents’ stage in their relationship)
Mei’s version of subtle-
Mei: Mr. Scar, Evans thinks you have pretty eyes.
Scar: What
(basically catastrophe. And I would never have actually said that…Luna probably told Mei to say that I said something nice about him and that’s what the kid came up with OTL)
Well, he became a criminal in Civil War so not a big surprise really ;-;
For a second I thought that pic was you
Wow, that’s great! Bet it looks amazing on the queen <3333
Funny thing is I thought I liked physical contact (like cuddling, hugging, hand-holding) but turns out that’s not the case XD I get super awkward when anyone who’s not my mom, dad, or my little sister/younger cousin touches me. Tbh the only person I feel comfortable with cuddling anytime, anywhere is my little sister because she’s still smol LOL
It’s definitely weird when people who aren’t that close with you try to hug you though. The only thing that can make it worse is if they gush about what a good, sweet child you are while doing it XD
(btw, I sent you a message about the TG Re Volume 12 omake; did it get eaten?)
((EDIT AFTER NEW CHAP OF TG: WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUU NO URIE NO N O)) Feel free to send more art anytime! I’ll always be glad to see it ^^
Is he really that bad? I mean, I’ve seen some memes, but didn’t think he was that trashy XD
Oh wow, thank you for that :P Who knows, maybe I would’ve broken my computer screen, because end the suffering already.
Dabbing Saiko, best Saiko. I assumed it was her because of the hair, but wasn’t 100% sure. Isn’t that Urie’s default face, tho. I mean, when is that man impressed? He does show emotion when he’s  trying to comfort someone, but that doesn’t happen very often.  *stares at that paragraph* *dabs aggressively* 
Ah, that’s what makes it even more impressive! I mean, we had art in elementary school, but it was mostly the ‘learn stuff yourself’ kind of art. Needles to say, I didn’t learn a lot. But watercolours really are a nice way of painting, since they can have really vibrant colours, yet be serene at the same time. Most people I know who draw, watercolour or not, use sketches and references, so I don’t see anything wrong with that ^^ Just take your time to learn what you want ^^
Oh, I see! So, free, computer games for you… Well, right now, CP is the only one I can think of, but I’ll discover more in the future and share them with you when I do ^^ The only paid games I play are on my phone, since I’m too shy to ask my parents to but me otome games… I have 0 problems playing them on my own, but not a lot of people know that I play them. 
Right, steam.  It’s a gaming platform. Technically, it’s an app for the computer on which you can download games that are available in the steam store. Some are free, some are paid. 
Tumblr media
This is how the page looks. The little green button in the upper left corner is to download the app itself, and you’ll also need to create an account.  You’ll need to give an email, but it’s only for account verification and to send you bills if you decide to buy anything. However, if you don’t buy anything, the email will mostly be useless after the verification. I mean, I don’t remember getting a spam email from them at all.  After that, just go to the search bar, type Cinderella Phenomenon. And press play the game! It should automatically download the game to the steam app and you’re good to play ^^  No worries about asking questions! It’s actually admirable how you’re so careful around the internet ^^
Oh, I’ve actually played that before! I could never finish chapter 3, though… For some reason, it keeps glitching at one scene making me unable to continue further =3= It was quite fun to play! I just don’t remember most of it anymore, since it’s been a while since i’ve played ^^;;;
Ishida summarised my high school experience so far in a single tweet, only it’s about University XD
Wow. That’s so mean of him XD Seriously Ishida, why you gotta torture us so much??? (I just noticed my computer stopped auto-correcting Ishida, I think it finally learned I wanted to type it) 
Muhahahahaha I’ve contained the legendary dwarf!!! Now she won’t be able to convince a whole nation to commit collective suicide because their leader is a naive idiot!!
The two of you just talk about how randomly childish the two of us can get at times XD I think you’d get along pretty well with Riza, though. I mean, she’s a nice person, who knows what it’s like to be scared, so she’d be fine with taking lead of the conversation. 
Scar isn’t sure if it’s Mei’s idea of a prank or not, but he’d be slightly disappointed if it was cause he kindawantedEvanstothinkhiseyesarenice but nope he’s in denial.
From that day on, Luna learns that if she wants to get the two awkward dorks together, she’ll have to take things into her own hands. Probably goes something like this:
Luna: Evans, are you free at 5pm this Friday? Evans: Yeah, why? Luna: Scar, are you free at 5pm this Friday? Scar: Aha Luna: Great, because I’m not! Have fun you two!
My sweet sunshine child cap T^T
Aah, no, my hair i shorter than that ^^;;; Also, I look younger than I am OTL
I think it’s more of the ‘I like physical contact if I know the person and am close enough to them’ thingy. I mean, I have a few acquaintances who love hugs and I always shrink away from them, but with close friends, U’m sometimes the one who starts hugs. But you might also dislike contact in general, which is also fine, everyone has their own preferences ^^
I did, but I only noticed after I answered your message OTL Well, that’s certainly an interesting ship… Now I slightly ship it… 
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