#lunatic parade azusa mukami chapter 3
knight-queen · 3 years
Lunatic Parade Azusa Mukami–(Chapter 3)
[O1] [O2] [O3] [O4] [Final] [Care for Vampire]
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Place: Grimmer Main Street, Wagon Street 
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Yui: (For some reason, I was worrying because his behave was rather suspicious… however...)
Vampire Child B: Excuse me. Is there any bouquet of Gerbera here?
Flower Boy: Yes, there are! These are for presents and you need these kinds of flowers, right?
Yui: (Certainly, I have been depressed lately for everything we went through yesterday...but I think my prediction for him was wrong)
Azusa: Eve, I wonder if he’s hiding his real attitude…
Yui: Who knows...I have noticed that he’s behaving much more cheerful than yesterday...
Azusa: As expected...we better...accompany him...right?
Yui: Yeah, it’s important to search where Butler San is but...we just can’t leave him alone.
(What on the Earth shall we do…?)
Flower Boy: Thank you for your efforts. You can go for the bath right now if you prefer.
Yui: Um...but…
Flower Boy: Please, leave the shop to me! It’s because you were always giving a hand until now...
Today, the stall of Kebab will be released at the plaza and definitely look forward to that!
Azusa: ...
Yui: …kh...
Place: ディアマンテの泉 / Diamante Fountain
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Yui: ...Haa…
Azusa: Eve...the kebab we get after a long wait...will get cold...
Yui: Oh, you are right.
Sorry. Even though we are having lunch only two of us together...I was making a gloomy expression.
Azusa: No...it couldn’t be helped…
The boy of that flower-shop...I am also confused about... what to do about him…
Yui: I think we will go crazy making a decision…
(Looks like the people who are having meals and conversations nearby are having fun and enjoying themselves...It’s only us who are not enjoying it at all.)
Yui: Huh…? Come to think...that woman?
(I am not sure whether she is that woman from earlier or not but, I am feeling like I’ve seen this woman before…)
Vampire Woman G: ―So, guess what? That guy was screaming, I think?
(I just want to see your smile. That is the only thing that makes me smile too. Won’t you let me meet you again?)
*Continuing conversations* 
Vampire Woman: Right~? It’s making me to laugh...fufu!~
Vampire Woman C: Then? Did you bring him back after all, huh?
Vampire Woman G: No, I didn’t! I want to spoil him one more time!
He said, “If you follow me around like this, I will sue you like a stalker” ya’ know?
Vampire Woman C: Uwaa―… You also do rigorous things like him, afterall~...
Vampire Woman G: I did the right thing! That nonsense boy, he was playing around from the beginning.
Rather, I want him to think it like he is able to play with such a beautiful woman like me.
Yui: (Those women are having conversations about a man…...how cruel…!)
Azusa: Hey...they are talking about...the boy from the flower shop…?
Yui: Yes...it looks like so.
(Their talking’s already enough to make me hurt… moreover, they are having a conversation about him putting on such a smiling face...unforgivable… )
*Yui stands*
Azusa: Eve...why…? Standing up so suddenly…
Yui: Sorry, Azusa Kun. Me...I can’t tolerate this kind of gossiping about him…
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Azusa: You can’t...If you want to tell them something...then I will go….
Yui: No, I will go.
*Yui starts walking*
Yui: Um...Can I say something....
Vampire Woman G: Haah? Who’s it, a lil’ girl. Hey, have we met before?
I don’t think I have met such a tiny woman before.
Yui: Are you talking about the boy from the flower shop?
Vampire Woman C: Fu!...Is this girl talking about your ex-boyfriend? Seriously~!
Yui: You are free to ignore your boyfriend’s feelings if you want to, don’t answer to him.
But, talking bad about him by laughing like that…! I don’t think it's a good thing to do…!
Vampire Woman G: Tch!...Annoying. Suddenly appearing out of nowhere and starting to grumble about this?
Won’t you disappear from our sight already? You are a disturbance.
Yui: Impossible…! Apologize to him!
Vampire G: I can’t apologize! It’s stupid to get easily melted just for receiving a little bit kindness from him.
Yui: ...ugh…
Vampire Woman G: What with those eyes? Do you still have any business?
I strongly hate justice minded women like you, ...ya’ know?
Good lil’ girl or whatever, just disappear from here―― AAH!!
Yui: (― I am gonna get hit?)
Azusa: You can’t...I won’t forgive them who will raise a hand pointing at her…
Yui: …!? Azusa kun…
Azusa: You withdraw and step back...I will manage to do something…
Yui: ―...Yes!
Vampire Woman G: You are planning to be “Knight-like”, huh? If it’s the case, then you are ultra super annoying than her!
Vampire Woman C: Two of us were just having fun chatting and you guys are just being troublesome. Why’s that?
Azusa: Your…way of talking was not fun…
Speaking about his feelings... like mud-painting...will turn out bad. That’s all.
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Vampire Woman G: Haa? What are you saying? She’s the one who’s the most disturbance.
Vampire C: We meant we won’t withdraw! Do you know that all the complaints we have is about this little girl!
Azusa: I won't accept that.
Because... Yui san is my precious person…
It’s my responsibility to protect...the person I love...if she is facing with evil people
I think...the people who haven’t loved anyone before...won’t understand this spirit…
Vampire Woman G: What’s now...Every single one of you is just raising the facts about the boy that I have thrown away…!
Could it be...that you are just having objections to me because that guy asked you to do so?
Azusa: You are wrong...We are doing it for our own convenience…
He...used to love you...For this...he won’t want you to get hurt…
Same goes for you...you should also...consider to...accompany him more…
If you just continue to hurt others...someday...you will have to...face a critical situation…
Vampire Woman G: ...ugh…
Tch!...I got it. You don't have to say anything.
Vampire Woman C: Hey?...Are you sure?
Vampire Woman G: It’s ‘cuz, they have come here for bending for their own selfish reason. Plus, I am tired now.
Yui: Ah…!
Thank you so much!
Azusa: Yes...Thank you…
Vampire Woman G: .......
What are ya’ saying..? How stupid!?
Really you guys are stupid to go that far for that boy.
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Azusa: That’s because...he is a nice person...as far I know…
Yui: We are showing our gratitude for him…
Vampire Woman G: Haa, let’s go.
I don’t want to breathe in the same air.
Vampire C: Isn’t it? Let’s go to our usual cafe~.
Yui: (Even though they don’t understand anything right now, but someday, they should come to realize his feelings.)
Thank you for helping me, Azusa kun.
Azusa: No, you don’t have to thank me...but…
By doing this...we can’t say that he will become...satisfied…
Yui: (Azusa kun…)
Don’t worry...I am sure that he will understand if you explain everything…
Azusa: I wonder…
Flower Boy: ....uuh..*Crying* I understand...everything!...guh, uuh! *Crying*
Yui: Huh? Why are you here...—
Oh no! Are you okay…!?
(Flower boy...His face full of tears is becoming more crumpled…)
Flower Boy: I am sorry…*still crying* I ended up hearing everything…
Azusa: I am so sorry...I couldn’t do anything for you…
Flower Boy: It’s not something like that! Just with those feelings...ugh!...
And also...I am a clear conception now…
I will forget about that person at once…!
I will start finding a new route!
Yui: Now way...which means that you will not continue the flower shop?
Flower Boy: No, I won’t.
I am a dumb who is good for nothing but, together, we were continuing to handle the flower shop in a artistic way.
I was inspired...I will drag myself to work even more…
More importantly, everything you did until now, I must have to thank you for those efforts…
I don’t know whether I will be useful or not, however, please let me join with you for searching Butler san…!
Yui: Thank you so much! Same here, you are very welcome to join us.
*After a while*
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Yui: (Like this, we three of us are searching Butler san, but…)
Azusa: Well...I think the best idea will be...to split ourselves into groups…
Flower Boy: Yeah, but remember that he is thought to appear in unexpected places…
Since, at the same time, you have to look for the places where there are strange things at the same time.
Yui: (Places of strange things…)
Flower Boy: I will also have a look one more time at the Saint Honore park, where I saw him yesterday.
You two don't know much details about this street, so, at first, we will divide it into two.
Yui: Then, we will search on the mountain side….
Azusa: Um...come to think of it...I never went there...not even...once…
Flower Boy: In that place, if you manage to find him, then you can use familiars out there to contact me.
Azusa: Yes, understood…
Flower Boy: See you again!
*They split in groups for searching Butler*
Place: 湖 / Lake
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Yui: (This is the famous Tilkeys lake...)
(Certainly, this has become a popular date spot for couples…)
Azusa: Even though this place is...quite...but there’s a...lot of people…
Yui: I am somehow...tired…
(As expected...looks like Butler san is not here…)
*Azusa gets closer*
Azusa: Eve, I think that’s…
Yui: That’s a swan boat.
Looks like there’s a huge number of couples who are riding on that. Once two people will swing the paddle, it will take you directly onto the water.
Azusa: Two people…?
Yui: (Azusa kun’s is staring like he has freezed...Did he get interested in that?)
Do you want to ride?
Azusa: Is that okay…?
Yui: It’s fine. We can search Butler san from the lake.
Azusa: Thank you...Eve...
*Fades into CG*
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Azusa: Uh!... ...Is it okay like this?
Yui: Yes, it’s perfect I think.
Azusa: Thank you… …. It’s so fun...
Yui: Fufu! That’s true.
(Looks like Azusa lun liked it. I am glad that we were invited for this.)
Azusa: Hey, Yui san… ... Let’s go to the opposite shore now.
Yui: Yea, I got it… ...Oops.
….!Ah! Azusa kun!
Azusa: What is it?
Yui: There is a man who is drinking tea on the opposite shore, his forehead! There is a red Granate
Azusa: Red Granate on his forehead….Butler san!?
*Changed to CG (2)*
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Azusa: Let’s go, Yui san….
Since I will paddle.... with all my might. Follow me.
Yui: Follow you?ーー...Ah!?
Much faster than before..! Is Azusa kun paddling?
(His paddle is moving too fast...I can’t keep up with this speed…)
Azusa: Try your best. There is … just a little left...
Yui: (ーー! Yes…!)
*CG Fades*
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Yui: (ーkh, Phew...Finally we’ve reached the shore...)
Azusa: Eve, hold on...Before going any further...let’s send a familiar to the flower boy.
Yui: Got it.
*Flying sound of bats*
Azusa: Let’s go now, Eve…
Unlike usual days, we can’t chase after him by RUNNING. Don’t let your guard down…
Yui: (Uuh...this time, I have to approach as smoothly as I can…!)
Azusa: Um...excuse me
Butler: Uh… ...It’s you…?
Azusa: I am apologizing at first...I am sorry for chasing after you…
Yui: M-me too!. I am so sorry for suddenly scaring you like this…!
Butler: Ugh…
Azusa: But, we have a serious request to you…
Yui: Anyhow, please accept us as workers for the castle…!
Even if it is an odd job...we will do anything! But let us work for the castle…!
I am begging you…! 
Butler: ...haa…
I am really apologizing but currently, we have enough manpower.
By the way, I am not the authority for labourers. I want you to give up already.
Yui: Such a…
Azusa: I won’t give up…!
I can’t move from here...until I say it to you...over and over again…!
Butler: Even if you say that…
???: Isn’t it fine, if you hire them?
Yui: You are…!
(So, the familiars have reached our message to him successfully.)
Flower Boy: Never mind for interrupting you so suddenly.
I work at a flower shop in the castle town.
It should be fine if you give a little time to listen to our story, right?
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[Afterwards, the flower boy opened his mouth to the Butler san.
He said that he has been working for a flower shop for the past few days, but he’s very grateful for the work.]
[The number of customers has increased several times, and the products in the store had a good reputation. 
[If you try that work even though it’s for only one time, you will be able to understand it’s merit…” We all were complimenting him for saying this.]
End of Monologue
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Butler: I see. Umm...how many laborers can be available right now…
Azusa: We want to work for the castle in any condition…
Butler: I want to fulfil your wish, but my priority is not sufficient to do it all by myself…
No...By the chance, my manager may have an interest in accepting something...then you may give it a try..?
Azusa: The thing that Earl has interest…?
Butler: Yeah. He has the treasure that is unique in this world...by some chance…
Yui: (What it could be? We don’t have such a treasure…)
Azusa: I understand. Well then...tomorrow...I will bring that treasure with me…
Yui: Wha!?
(He has declared these words without even hesitating...is that gonna be alright!?)
Azusa: Please...tell Earl that...we will meet with him tomorrow…
Best wishes for you…
Butler: Ho...Seeming like you are well prepared.
I got it. I will pass your words to him.
Place: Rubean Canal / ルビーン 運河
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Yui: (The view scenery is so beautiful from the gondola…. ) (boat, esp.in Venice)
Umm...Really thank you so much for earlier…!
Azusa: Thanks to you...I was rescued from trouble…
Flower Boy: Nope...it was just a little thank you that I showed.
More importantly, it’s AZUSA SAN who is wonderful! It’s because you accept the deal without any hesitation.
Azusa: Me…?
Yui: ...Oh that’s...at that time, Azusa kun, you were having so much confidence. Do you really have treasure?
Azusa: No...I don’t
Yui: Huh? Then why did you tell him such a thing…!?
Azusa: I didn’t see any chance but this one... in order to help you…
For this...I didn’t want to miss...even though I had to lie…
Yui: (He was thinking it like that...even though in that kind of situation, he thought about me..)
Flower Boy: That’s really amazing…
I also want to become cool like you…
Azusa: I…
Yui: You were cool, Azusa kun.
Azusa: Oh, yes...thank you…
Place: Hotel • Mortstein Guest Room / ホテル • モーントシュタイン 客室
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Yui: (Since we come in the parade, I am seeing Azusa’s showing so many unusual sights, I think.)
(He has become more like a man, much more reliable than before…)
(But, these are still the nice Azusa…)
*Azusa appeared*
My new pair of shoes is already dirty.
and me. 
Azusa: What’s wrong, Eve. You haven’t slept yet.
Yui: Ah, sorry for that. You can sleep before me, Azusa kun.
Azusa: I want us to sleep together...I will be awake…
*Azusa hugged Yui*
Yui: ….uuh…
Azusa: So, if you have any distress...tell me...I want to be a little helpful…
Yui: Umm...Actually, there’s nothing which is bothering me or something…
I am always thinking about you...Azusa kun…
Azusa: About me…?
Yui: Yes...I was thinking that, I am seeing a different Azusa than before…
Ofcourse that Azusa kun was friendly but...the Azusa kun of now is much stronger and reliable, I feel…
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Azusa: Say...that means I am cool right…?
Yui: Yes, But I think both Azusa kun are nice…
Azusa: Okay, tell me then, Yui san…
*Azusa get more closer*
Azusa: Which one of you do you like the most…?
Yui: Eeh!?
Azusa: I want to know...what are you thinking about it…
Yui: That’s…
I like the Azusa of before
I like the Azusa of now (+Correct)
Yui: Certainly, I used to like the Azusa before, but…
I also like Azusa Kun now…
Azusa: Thank you Eve...I am happy…
Yui: Uuh! Suddenly thanking me like this…
Azusa: You like any side of me, this is why...I'm thanking you…
Yui: That’s…! Despite these, I am also happy that you said something like these to me…
Azusa: Ne~ Eve, what about “this me right now”?
*Azusa undresses Yui*
*Bed creaking sound*
Yui: …!?
Yui: (I was pushed down by Azusa kun!?)
Azusa: Hehe!...I haven't  done it before...looking at you from the above…
Even if you said earlier...I wonder how do you feel...about my unexpected side…?
*Touch her more*
Azusa: Ne~ I want you more…*kiss*
Yui: …nh!?
Azusa: A kiss is not enough for me...Ne~ I want your blood next...nh…
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Yui: (ーKh, this time, he’s digging his fangs around my neck…!)
Azusa: Nh…...nnh ...nh...Haa ...
Your face is...turning red...fufu~ how cute…
Yui: ...!?...
(No! It’s embarrassing…!)
Azusa: Don’t refuse...don’t hide your face...just look at me…
You each and every expression is cute...I like only you…
Yui: I also like you, Azusa kun…
Azusa: Yes...Thank you…!
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ー The End of Chapter O 3 
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Weekly Schedule [March 7th ~ March 13th]
Monday March 7th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Dark [09]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Dark [10]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.10 Mukami Azusa [TRACK 1]
Tuesday March 8th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Dark [Epilogue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #44 Series of Accidents [Yuma・Azusa]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.10 Mukami Azusa [TRACK 2]
Wednesday March 9th 🎂 MY BIRTHDAY 🎂
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Maniac [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #45 Order [Shin・Kino]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.10 Mukami Azusa [TRACK 3]
Thursday March 10th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Maniac [01]
Noon -Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Maniac [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.10 Mukami Azusa [TRACK 4]
Friday March 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Maniac [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Azusa Maniac [04]
Saturday March 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shin Route ー Chapter 4
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shin Route ー Finale
Sunday March 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shin Route ー Care for Vampire
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shin [ROUTE OVERVIEW]
Evening - Diabolik Twitter ー Kanato Sakamaki [2021 Compilation]
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Weekly Schedule [December January 17th ~ January 23rd]
Monday January 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 01]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 1]
Tuesday December 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 2]
Wednesday January 19th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DAYLIGHT Vol. 10 Mukami Azusa [Voice Sample 03]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 3]
Thursday January 20th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 4]
Friday January 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Heaven [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kou Route [ROUTE OVERVIEW]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅳ Vol.2 Shuu VS Ruki [TRACK 5]
Saturday January 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
Sunday January 23rd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Kanato
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ruki Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
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Weekly Schedule [November 8th ~ November 14th]
Monday November 8th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #30 - Oasis [Laito・Azusa]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 1]
Tuesday November 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [01]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 2]
Wednesday November 10th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [03]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 3]
Thursday November 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [05]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.7 Mukami Ruki [TRACK 4]
Friday November 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ruki Dark [08]
Saturday November 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route ー Chapter 4
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Laito Route ー Finale
Sunday November 14th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Laito
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade Laito’s Route [Masterpost]
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Weekly Schedule [September 13th ~ September 19th]
Monday September 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki [VOICE SAMPLE 1]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 1]
Tuesday September 14th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki [VOICE SAMPLE 2]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 2]
Wednesday September 15th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 7 Mukami Ruki [VOICE SAMPLE 3]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 3]
Thursday September 16th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Heaven [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 4]
Friday September 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Heaven [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Laito’s Route [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol.6 Sakamaki Laito [Track 5]
Saturday September 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ayato
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Sunday September 19th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Noon -  Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shin
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, BLOOD Animate Tokuten Drama CD “The Terror of Karlheinz’ Room”
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Weekly Schedule [September 6th ~ September 12th]
Monday September 6th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [02]
Noon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [03]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.4: Mukami Azusa [Track 1+2]
Tuesday September 7th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [04]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [05]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.4: Mukami Azusa [Track 3+4]
Wednesday September 8th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [06]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [07]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.4: Mukami Azusa [Track 5+6]
Thursday September 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [08]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [09]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.4: Mukami Azusa [Track 7+8]
Friday September 10th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [10]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Ecstasy [Epilogue]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.4: Mukami Azusa [Track 9+10]
Saturday September 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shuu
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kanato
Sunday September 12th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Subaru
Noon -  Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Reiji Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, BLOOD Tokuten Drama CD “Crowning the Number 1 Vampire! The Vampire-lympics!”
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Weekly Schedule [August 9th ~ August 15th]
Monday August 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Ruki VS Mukami Yuma
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 1]
Tuesday August 10th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Kou VS Tsukinami Carla
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 2]
Wednesday August 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Mukami Azusa VS Tsukinami Shin
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 3]
Thursday August 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 4]
Friday July August 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Heaven [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Route Overview
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 5 + Epilogue]
Saturday August 14th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Shuu
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 4 Sakamaki Subaru Skit Dolce Tokuten Drama CD: “Absurd Lesson”
Sunday August 15th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Kanato
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.9 Sakamaki Kanato [Another Story]
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 12 Mukami Azusa [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [July 12th ~ July 18th]
Monday July 12th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #18 - Pasta [Reiji・Kou]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 1]
Tuesday July 13th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 2]
Wednesday July 14th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 3]
Thursday July 15th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [05]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 4]
Friday July 16th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Kanato Dark [08]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.11 Mukami Azusa [Track 5]
Saturday July 17th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Chapter 1
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Ayato
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Sunday Jne 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Yuma
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Subaru Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 9 Tsukinami Carla [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [August 16th ~ August 22nd]
Monday August 16th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [Prologue]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT ー 4-Koma Manga #22 - Makeover [Subaru・Kou]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 1+2]
Tuesday August 17th
Morning -  Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 3+4]
Wednesday August 18th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [04]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 5+6]
Thursday August 19th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [05]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [06]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 7+8]
Friday July August 20th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [07]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [08]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE BLOOD Vol.8: Sakamaki Subaru [Track 9+10]
Saturday August 21st
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Chapter 2
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Reiji
Evening - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Laito
Sunday August 22nd
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Azusa
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Ayato Route ー Sub Scenario w/Carla
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 13 Mukami Ruki [Voiced Interview]
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Weekly Schedule [July 5th ~ July 11th]
Monday July 5th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato [BRUTE ENDING]
Noon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Sakamaki Ayato VS Sakamaki Kanato
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 3 Sakamaki Reiji [Track 1]
Tuesday July 6th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato [MANSERVANT ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Sakamaki Laito VS Sakamaki Reiji
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 3 Sakamaki Reiji [Track 2]
Wednesday July 7th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato [VAMPIRE ENDING]
Afternoon - DIABOLIK LOVERS DARK FATE Official Visual Fanbook Short Story: Sakamaki Shuu VS Sakamaki Subaru
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 3 Sakamaki Reiji [Track 3]
Thursday July 8th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato Heaven [01]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato Heaven [02]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 3 Sakamaki Reiji [Track 4]
Friday July 9th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Ayato Heaven [03]
Afternoon - Diabolik Lovers Dark Fate Ayato’s Route [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 3 Sakamaki Reiji [Track 5 + Epilogue]
Saturday July 10th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shuu Route ー Chapter 4
Noon - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Shuu Route ー Finale
Evening - DIABOLIK LOVERS MORE, MORE BLOOD Vol.10 Mukami Azusa [Another Story]
Sunday Jne 11th
Morning - Diabolik Lovers LUNATIC PARADE ;; Care for Vampire ー Sakamaki Shuu
Noon - Diabolik Lovers Lunatic Parade Shuu’s Route [FULL ENGLISH TRANSLATION]
Evening - Diabolik Lovers Zero Vol. 8 Sakamaki Reiji [Voiced Interview]
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knight-queen · 4 years
Lunatic Parade Ruki Mukami Sub-Scenarios – (Shu)
Happy New Year 2021!
Are you expecting to be 2021 as same as 2020? Me neither ♡ I hope this year will be way brighter and fun, much more this this dark year.  (★^∀^★) Many of you were tagging me for this new year congrats but I didn’t reply as I was super busy. I love everyone, thank you so much!
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[Chapter 1]  [Chapter 2]  [Chapter 3]  [Chapter 4]  [Final]
[Carla]  [Kanato]  [Shu]  [Kou]
Place: ディアマンテ泉 / Diamante Fountain
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Ruki: I thought this place should be quiet but...looks like it’s not.
Yui: There’s so many people out there.
Ruki: We can’t calm down in this place at all.
Yui: I think so...huh?
Shu: Zzz….Zzz…
Yui: Is that Shu san sleeping on that bench there…?
Ruki: Looks like so.
Good grief, that person sleeps no matter what kind of place it is.
Shu: Hm…? So you’re the one to make such noises huh…
Don’t disturb others' sleep. Hurry and go somewhere else.
Yui: So- sorry…
(We made him angry…)
Ruki: We’ve no choice. Oi, let’s move onto somewhere else.
Actually I’m having a little lack of sleep recently. If it goes well, i would like to take a nap.
Shu: Eh, you’re lacking sleep too? How unusual.
Ruki: Hmph, it’s not unusual or something. It’s a common everyday occurrence.
Kou starts playing music late at night saying it’s music and dance practice…
Yui: (Kou kun is an idol right)
Ruki: And Yuma…
He starts making noises from the early morning to drive away the crows coming to his vegetable garden.
And Azusa seems to be doing something night after night by himself…
Yui: (I see...this is why he’s lacking sleep…)
Shu: Hmm….
I thought that household is doing well but there seems to occur a lot of things.
Ruki: Well, it’s obvious to happen since we’re living together.
However, it’s the result of all their hard work as they are.
I can do that too if I rest a bit by closing my eyes.
Shu: Oh, I see.
But it’s still better compared to ours.
It’s because you’re doing as much as you can after all.
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Kanato often becomes hysterical, Subaru keeps breaking things…
Other guys are always noisy…
Ruki: Certainly, considering the number of people, Sakamakis are more than Mukamis…
Nevertheless, those men (mukami)...haah...I become sick just by imagining…
Yui: (Ru- Ruki kun, you don’t have to say these directly…)
Shu: Hahh, you’re aware of  the fact don’t you... They're...not annoying…
Ruki: But the eldest son of Sakamaki…
But what’s your reason for still continuing living in that household?
Shu: ….Reason? I don’t have any….
Ruki: Pff...Really you don’t…?
Shu: Shut up...what do you want?
Ruki: Nothing really.
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As an eldest son, it looks like you’re also having a hard time as your own style.
Anyways, let’s go.
*Holds her hand*
Yui: Ah, Ruki kun, wait…
*They walks away*
Shu: …….
Haah...what was wrong with that guy….bothersome...
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