soulscaped · 3 years
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                                                    𝒔𝒂𝒈𝒆      𝒅𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒏𝒑𝒐𝒓𝒕     ,     @luneextra​     .
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(    victoria  pedretti,  cis  woman,  she/her    )      i  saw  sage  davenport  walking  down  the  streets  of  lune  de  sang  the  other  day  ,  doing  whatever  A  LOUNGE  SINGER  (  MORDRE  )  does  .  don’t  be  fooled  by  their  appearance  ,  even  though  the  25  (  94  )  year  old  seems  quite  GLAMOROUS  ,  they’re  actually  really  VOLATILE  .  whenever  i  see  them  i  just  think  of  long  sparkling  gowns  ,  perfectly  placed  curls  ,  and  the  blinding  of  spotlights  .
current  legal  name  :  sage  marie  davenport  .
age  :  eternally  twenty  five  ,  actually  ninety  four  .
gender  :  cis  woman  .
pronouns  :  she  /  her  .
orientation  :  homosexual  .
occupation  :  lounge  singer  for  mordre  .
virtues  :  glamorous  ,  empathetic  .
vices  :  volatile  ,  materialistic  .
likes  :  singing  ,  spending  exorbitant  amounts  of  money  on  shiny  objects  ,  lack  of  responsibility  ,  fresh  blood  off  the  tap  .
dislikes  :  silence  ,  being  alone  ,  making  messes  /  getting  dirty  ,  humans  .
spoken  languages  :  fluent  in  english  and  french  ,  can  read  a  bit  of  spanish  .
alignment  :  chaotic  neutral  .
faceclaim  :  victoria  pedretti  .
eye  color  :  blue  .
hair  color  :  natural  brunette  ,  occasionally  dyes  her  hair  or  uses  wigs  for  mordre  .
dominant  hand  :  right  .
height  :  5′3″
build  :  slim  .
father  :  doesn’t  remember  his  name  anymore  ,  deceased  .
mother  :  doesn’t  remember  her  name  anymore  ,  deceased  .
siblings  :  brother  (  deceased  )  and  sister  (  vampire  ,  location  unknown  )  .
relationship  status  :  single  .
children  :  none  ,  would  have  had  them  if  not  for  being  a  vampire  .
previous  relations  :  tba  ,  potential  plot  wanted  .
sage  doesn’t  remember  anything  about  her  human  life  .  bits  and  pieces  here  and  there  of  things  that  meant  something  to  her  ,  maybe  ,  but  she’s  purposely  done  her  best  to  block  out  the  past  .  her  parents  were  absent  and  judgmental  ,  that  she  remembers  ,  and  refuses  to  carry  their  memory  into  her  new  life  .  her  brother  died  in  his  old  age  and  sage  would  visit  him  ,  pretending  to  be  a  distant  relative  who  looked  like  his  sister  .  part  of  her  wanted  to  offer  to  turn  him  but  she  couldn’t  imagine  him  wanting  to  be  old  forever  .  so  she  let  him  and  her  parents  go  ,  only  holding  onto  her  sister  for  dear  life  as  much  as  possible  throughout  the  years  ,  still  ending  up  in  present  time  alone  .
the  night  she  turned  was  a  changing  point  .  she  doesn’t  use  her  human  name  anymore  ,  wanting  to  embrace  her  new  life  and  all  the  perks  that  come  with  it  ,  including  to  be  anyone  she  wants  .  there  was  a  snowstorm  and  she’d  found  herself  stranded  ,  accepting  she’d  either  freeze  to  death  or  starve  .  instead  ,  she  was  given  an  opportunity  by  a  kind  stranger  -  a  shot  at  immortal  life  .  at  first  ,  she  didn’t  want  it  ...  the  thought  of  being  alive  forever  made  her  uneasy  .  that  was  until  she  realized  how  much  she’d  be  able  to  learn  ,  how  she’d  be  able  to  watch  the  world  change  in  her  time  still  in  it  and  perhaps  she’d  earn  a  new  freedom  or  two  .  so  sage  said  yes  ,  did  exactly  what  the  stranger  told  her  to  do  and  that  was  it  .
she  likes  being  able  to  hold  onto  fashion  memories  and  sentimental  clothing  within  lune  de  sang  ,  a  town  she  decided  to  settle  down  in  about  ten  years  ago  .  sage  learned  about  it  from  other  vampires  she’d  met  but  with  wanting  to  travel  the  world  and  experience  opportunities  humans  never  could  ,  it  took  her  a  while  to  finally  decide  to  relax  .  when  sage  felt  like  she’d  seen  everything  she  could  for  the  next  few  centuries  ,  she  packed  up  everything  she  had  and  moved  to  lune  de  sang  .  feeling  like  she  belonged  again  was  all  the  motivation  it  took  and  sage  adored  the  town  .
in  her  human  years  she’d  been  on  the  radar  as  an  up  and  coming  singer  ,  which  is  what  attracted  her  to  the  lounge  singer  position  at  mordre  .  she’s  always  loved  singing  but  caught  a  lot  of  judgement  for  it  as  a  human  ,  constantly  being  pressured  to  marry  and  have  children  .  sage  refused  to  do  any  of  those  things  ,  especially  because  she  didn’t  feel  the  same  way  toward  men  as  other  women  did  .  with  her  position  at  mordre  ,  she  likes  to  be  very  glamorous  -  always  in  long  sparkly  gowns  with  her  hair  curled  and  maybe  a  wig  or  contacts  if  it’s  a  special  occasion  .  
as  far  as  the  town  rules  go  ,  sage  loves  them  .  she  doesn’t  like  to  kill  or  get  her  hands  dirty  (  only  because  she  hates  doing  all  the  hard  work  and  ruining  her  outfit  )  ,  which  makes  her  appreciative  that  the  town  is  focused  on  keeping  peace  .  she  doesn’t  have  anywhere  else  she  wants  to  go  so  she’s  happy  to  have  settled  down  in  lune  de  sang  and  have  a  job  she  thoroughly  enjoys  .
personality  wise  ,  she’s  a  little  bonkers  .  she’s  been  through  a  lot  and  has  a  hard  time  trusting  people  around  her  .  sage  likes  to  have  fun  and  always  does  anything  with  an  emphasis  that  she  has  so  much  freedom  that  would  never  have  existed  if  she  stayed  a  human  .  she’s  very  emotional  and  can  snap  if  you  even  attempt  to  raise  your  voice  ...  but  snapping  really  just  means  she’ll  raise  her  voice  back  with  some  tears  .  she’s  pretty  friendly  to  everyone  she  meets  and  can  talk  for  hours  on  end  ,  so  make  sure  you’ve  got  a  free  day  if  she  stops  you  on  the  sidewalk  for  a  chat  .  absolutely  adores  attention  and  the  spotlight  ,  but  only  really  when  it’s  in  mordre  ,  as  she’s  a  bit  reclusive  outside  of  work  .  probably  has  a  betta  fish  because  it’s  a  pet  she  has  zero  desire  to  munch  on  and  doesn’t  like  “holier  than  thou”  vampires  .
i’ll  be  sending  in  a  sister  connection  for  her  at  some  point  but  wanted  plots  include  the  stranger  who  turned  her  ,  friends  / enemies  pre  luna  de  sang  ,  friends  /  enemies  post  moving  to  luna  de  sang  ,  frequent  customers  of  mordre  that  like  her  singing  ,  past  relationships  ,  etc  !
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luxuremadame · 3 years
hey, everyone !! i probably won’t be online for this rp opening so i want to put out a super condensed biography for abrianna, before i properly sit down and write her a full bio.... without further ado, here we goo~ and also please ignore minor typos because i am writing this while i’m ill heueheuehe
before we start though, a few tw (failed pregnancy - will not go into details) (mentions of death - will not go into details)
oh and also pls like or send me an IM if you wanna plot <3333
abrianna was born in 1925 to a chinese-british mother and italian father, her father was an immigrant from italy while her mother was a first generation born
she wasn’t born into wealth, however, when abrianna was around 11/12 years old, her father struck gold within his job and started earning more money— this doesn’t mean they have become suddenly rich, her family just started living more comfortably 
abrianna is an only child mainly because her parents could not afford to have more
abrianna had always been pretty introverted and doesn’t open up to people very much. she has a super niche circle of friends but she enjoys her life yk
when she was 18, she met a man and almost immediately fell in love with said man, they dated for awhile and she ended up getting pregnant (outside marriage)
when she told the man this and asked him to marry her, he just yeeted away (typical)
despite her parents’ refusal, abrianna decided that she wanted to keep the baby
soon, she fell in love with the baby as much as she fell in love with the father. her whole live started revolving around the baby. anything she does is for the baby 
however, tragedy struck when she was thirty-nine weeks into her pregnancy, she lost the baby (i will put more details on her actual bio)
this event broke her
for years afterwards, she’d always try to ‘remake’ her baby, she’d fall in love with the first men she would lay her eyes on and would do anything to fulfill their wishes, just so she can have a baby to call her own
for the same reason, she started working in a brothel house 
this would lead her to getting misused and mistreated by the men around her
eventually, despite her mother’s protest, her father kicked her out of the house and cut her off from the family after finding out what she does for a living
it wasn’t long until she decided to move to france (her mother gave her money to make this trip)
i haven’t really thought how she became a vampire but ig this explains why she’s in france lol
now unto her personality: she falls in love easily and she knows this — but she doesn’t care; even though she knows she can’t have a baby now that she’s a vampire , it still doesn’t stop her from wanting one and becoming a mother; she’s also very cold towards men (i know its confusing because she falls in love easily but tltritritr its just her *unique* personality ok); she’s very materialistic (mostly because she didn’t really grew up with much yk and also her current job pays her well so); she gives everyone who works under luxure the tough love treatment
annnd there we go, that’s our super short and condensed bio. i promise i’ll write a full bio soon, but for now you just have to deal <3 hehe and for bonus to thank you for reading this long...
character association: rosalie hale (twilight saga movie), johanna mason and a little bit of finnick o’dair (the hunger games trilogy), octavia blake (the 100), medusa (from the pjo because i know there’s a lot of interpretation of medusa in the greek myth), thena (eternals)
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