#lurking fear (1994)
flowerprintundies · 21 days
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Herbert West, Chaz and Doc Haggis
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fanofspooky · 19 days
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Scream Queen -
Ashley Laurence
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weyounthevorta · 5 months
An interview with Doc Haggis (Lurking Fear, 1994)
@flowerprintundies I adore this little interview.
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holofizz · 2 months
Dr Haggis!
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And some progress images/ neat manga halftone shading variation underneath
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long haired jeff... save me... long haired jeff save me long haired jeff
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I see that you can draw. Your Milton art was fire.
Can you draw Doc Haggis next?
Here he be! :D
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grilledsnot · 1 year
Combs September Day 5
Doc Haggis - Lurking Fear (1994)
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transhawke · 9 months
i like heem. (baby's first edit......)
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Man over a year ago I was talking to Kyle who I used to work with because his brother owned a t-shirt printing and uniform business, and I still think I'd be good at that but also I should NOT be trusted with a shirt printing press because I would be making myself shirts for the dumbest fucking movies
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videoworm · 2 years
jokes on "bad writing" and "bad movies" i love when i dont understand whats happening and am just here to observe the moment. shapes and colors and tones and voices and stuff
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flowerprintundies · 12 days
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Jeffrey Combs
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deepspacedukat · 2 years
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Doc Haggis: *thoughtful puppy eyes*
Lurking Fear (1994)
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weyounthevorta · 3 months
Idk if this has been done yet, but maybe a poll idea/suggestion for which doctor that Jeffrey has played would you trust the most to do your top surgery (or just surgery in general). I just thought of it today because of it being pride month
Sexy Surgeons
You’ve been planning your surgery for months now, and everything is in place. The only thing you have left to do is pick a surgeon who will give you the look of your dreams.
Which team do you trust to transform your body?
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holofizz · 2 months
I watched Lurkng Fear...
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The movie was pretty terrible but that's par for the course Meanwhile Haggis... he's just so... drdhrhrthyjuttyf LOOK AT HIM I told myself I was going to watch this movie and THEN maybe draw something but NO I needed to pause during my first viewing to do some sketches. It couldn't wait.
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th3finalboy · 1 month
i know this isn’t in the “ask me!” list but i’m just curious, what are your favourite sub genres in horror? which movies do you always gravitate toward bc they have certain themes/elements? i love finding out what makes horror “scary” for people!! <3
first off i want to say SORRY for taking so long to answer this, i haven't had the time to sit down and collect my thoughts because i really want to give this an articulate response. i have loved horror movies since i was little, so at this point there is little that necessarily "scares" me in the same way that other people get scared. however, some types of horror still get under my skin, for sure. but outside of what may personally scare me, there are subgenres that i just enjoy. note that a lot of the movies i list apply to multiple genres but. like. idk deal with it.
one of my favorite subgenres (if you can even call it that?) is daylight horror. horror movies typically happen during darkness/night time, which makes sense. obscured vision, more isolation, lack of awareness around you. what could be lurking in the darkness? what is there that you can't see? however, i think that daylight horror works really well because it's about what IS seen. that despite it being a seemingly "safe" time, there is still danger. and you can see it, but it can't be avoided. something about horror being in plain sight gets to me. some examples of this that i personally love are: the texas chainsaw massacre (1974), of course the passenger (2023), and midsommar (2019).
i personally think there's something very primally horrific with cosmic horror. the idea that all of this, every single thing you feel or believe in, being completely insignificant in the grander scheme of things. that none of it even really matters at the end of the day because it was all completely out of your control. i dont know, things like that get to me especially for some reason! though they dont necessarily scare me, i find myself really relating to the characters and finding myself in their helpless plight to fight against something so much bigger than themselves. some examples of this that i am a fan of are: the thing (1982), in the mouth of madness (1994) , color out of space (2019), event horizon (1997).
yesss... YESSS!! i am personally a big fan of gore in movies so, body horror is like my favorite thing. the desecration of the human body, twisting and morphing into something completely unrecognizable like yaesss... there's a lot of different ways movies utilize it, and typically body horror is coupled with cosmic horror so you'll probably see both in a movie. the thing and color out of space have good body horror, i'd also add society (1989), videodrome (1983) (honestly anything by david cronenberg is good), slither (2006), hellraiser (1987).
now, here i have to admit a personal bias. i grew up in a very christian household, so, i think that definitely has something to do with occult horror getting to me. it's strange though because satanic horror typically doesn't really get to me, i think aside from longlegs but i think that movie utilized dread really well. i find satanic horror mostly lame and cheap tbh. but occult horror? something about that does get to me. i think it's because it also sort of plays into cosmic horror themes of helplessness and insignificance in the face of something bigger and greater. some movies that i really like are hereditary (2016), longlegs (2024), the wicker man (1973) , apostle (2018), rosemary's baby (1968) , suspiria (both the 1977 and the 2018).
man, i really love psychological horrors. i love when fucked up things happen to people's psyches! i love when characters are driven to madness! love when they're confronted with their worst fears in the worst ways possible! love it, love it. another persona bias for me just because i am a psych student lol. there's so many i can list, uhm. love love love silence of the lambs (1991), get out (2017), the shining (1980), the lighthouse (2017), the ritual (2017), possessor (2020), jacob's ladder (1990), the night house (2020) (underrated honestly! im sad this one went under the radar), audition (1999), martyrs (2008), i could honestly go on and on...
slashersss... oh my beloved, what can i really say? slashers are probably one of, if not my absolute favorite subgenre of horror. i know people tend to find them trite because of how formulaic they can be and how oversaturated the genre is, but if you really start looking, you can find some GREAT, great movies. i love the popular choices, like scream (1996) and halloween (1978) of course, but i think there's a lot of other hidden gems that come into play. behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon (2006) is a really good commentary of the slasher genre as a whole. i think house of wax (2005) was also really fun! tucker and dale vs. evil (2010) is also another good satire of slashers. i really loved a nightmare on elm street 3: dream warriors (1987), too! aside from what they do with nancy :,) my bloody valentine (1981), chopping mall (1986)...
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grilledsnot · 1 year
Dr Haggis - Lurking Fear 1994
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blowflyfag · 1 month
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Pro Wrestling Illustrated: December 1994
Nobody knows Bret Hart better than Jim Neidhart, his former partner in The Hart Foundation. And nobody had a better way than Neidhart to get revenge against Bret: He went through Owen
[Jim Neidhart revitalized the Owen Hart-Bret Hart feud just when it appeared the brothers were ready to patch things up. Neidhart had reason to back Owen, for “The Anvil” was seeking revenge against Bret.
By Dave Rosenbaum
THE WWE'S GREATEST tag team of the 1980s didn’t have one star, but two. Bret Hart and Jim Neidhart, the feared and respected Hart foundation, seemingly proved the locker room cliche, “There’s no ‘I’ in team.”
At least that’s how most people remember them. From 1984 until early–1991. Hart and Neidhart were perfectly in sync. Their only equals were The British Bulldogs, and the teams feuded brilliantly for fans fortunate enough to see them live or on TV. 
Unfortunately Neidhart has different memories about The Hart Foundation. He doesn’t recall two WWF World tag team titles and years of dominance. Blinded by jealousy, Neidhart sees a partner who hogged the spotlight and grabbed the glory. For “The anvil,” turning against his brother-in-law Bret at the King of the Ring pay-per-view wasn’t difficult, but an act of revenge. Owen Hart was his tool. 
[Under the management of Jimmy Hart, The Hart Foundation had two WWF World tag team title reigns totalling about 16 months (far right). While The New Foundation (right) never approached their success, Neidhart has fonder memories of the latter unit.]
Neidhart has far fonder memories of his partnership with Owen. The New Foundation, formed in late-1991, never won the WWF World tag team title, but Neidhart remembers the impressive victories over several top tag teams. He also remembers that the team clicked. 
“Owen never tried to hog the spotlight,” Neidhart said a few years ago. “We were a real team. It wasn’t like with his brother.”
Now we can see how the stage was set some time ago for the WWF’s hottest feud and most controversial story. Owen Hart might have turned against his brother without interference, but an instigator put him over the top.
[Owen might have not have been able to beat Razor Ramon in the King of the Ring tournament (Far left), without Neidhart’s interference (left). Despite the fact that he remains beltless, Owen says he is superior to brother Bret, the WWF World champion.]
Neidhart poisoned Owen’s heart in a way none of Bret’s actions could have. Owen perceived and Neidhart confirmed. All along, Neidhart was the troublemaker lurking in the background, fueling Owen’s fire. That flame is now burning hot and threatens to consume the Hart family.
The arsonist? Jim Neidhart.
“Neidhart didn't just show up at King of the Ring and that was that,” said a WWF fan favorite who requested anonymity. “A few times in the past months I had seen Owen with Neidhart, but I never made anything of it. After all, they were teammates for a long time. Now we’ve all put two and two together and we can see what was happening.”
The Hart-Neidhart-Hart triangle is the result of brewing resentment. It’s impossible for anyone to look at the old Hart Foundation and say, “Bret was the better wrestler. Neidhart got short-changed. Hart hogged the spotlight.” Neidhart was the feared brawler, Hart the respected scientific star. Both were capable rulebreakers and, later, equally liked fan favorites. 
If anything, The Hart Foundation’s dedication to teamwork made it what it was. So how could Neidhart emerge from that  partnership feeling as if he were the lesser half?
“It’s possible that Neidhart was very bitter over the breakup,” said WWF expert Thomas Pilliard. “As we all know, Hart went on to great things while Neidhart’s career stalled. Nobody really knew what would happen at the time, but that’s what happened. 
“What's interesting to note, though, is that although Neidhart blames Bret for stealing the spotlight, Owen was incredibly selfish when teaming with Neidhart. Owen scored the pin in most of The New Foundation’s matches. That’s a fact.”
Facts obviously don’t matter. According to insiders, Neidhart felt Owen was a far more cooperative partner than Bret. Neidhart and Bret often argued over the team’s direction. Bret wanted more science, Neidhart more violence. They never came to an agreement.
In contrast, Owen didn’t try to push his style on Neidhart. Instead, they discovered what The Hart Foundation quietly acknowledged all along: Opposites attract and make for dangerous tag teams.
Perhaps “The Anvil” enjoyed his partnership with Owen because Neidhart was perceived as being more famous. Or maybe they just became friends. Neidhart and Bret were never anything more than partners.
When presented with the opportunity to influence Owen, Neidhart struck relentlessly. Every time the brothers seemed ready to make amends, Neidhart reminded Owen that the scales still weren’t balanced. Bret had all the glory, Owen had none. 
At King of the Ring, Neidhart helped the balance by interfering in Owen’s tournament championship match against Razor Ramon. The Bret-Owen feud was one-sided until Owen became “King.” Neidhart kept things going.
And that’s the way things have to be, because Neidhart really doesn’t care if Owen is in Bret’s spotlight. He doesn’t care if Owen never wins another match. This is more about Neidhart vs. Bret Hart, the War of The Hart Foundation.
One more thing, Neidhart might be wondering. Why wasn’t it the Neidhart Foundation?
[Owen has become an excellent all-around wrestler, though he can still boast only one victory over his older brother (top). But with Neidhart assistance, Owen might finally be able to become the dominant Hart (left).]
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