#luta talks not me series
lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 4
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As of right now, there is no D/s relationship, friendship or otherwise. Is there a D/s element? Yes! Palm is without a doubt submissive. The verdict is still out on Nueng. Is there a power imbalance? Abso-fucking-lutely. But is there a distinct power play line between work and play? That's the question. One that has only gotten murkier rather than clearer, but I'm a determined bitch.
Phum deserved what he got, but Palm really didn't. We're seeing an interesting dynamic here. Nueng wants to go to defend Palm, but Palm stops him. Now, I can hear you guys now. The way Palm is talking to Nueng isn't submissive. Actually... It is. So once again, submissive doesn't equal doormat, and it doesn't mean that they won't speak their mind. It's in the phrasing. It's in the body language. We see confidence but don't domination. This would be the same way my husband would talk to me when he is aware that he has more knowledge on the subject.
The way Palm let his hand glide down to grab Nueng's fingers before letting go! Then that little smile. Oh, my goodness.
Nueng taking Palm as his school partner.
Nueng goes back and forth on how he uses his dominance. Sometimes it really is Dom, but most of the time it's to cover how nervous or unsure he is. It's a like a mask that he slides into place. However, when Palm asked him if the teacher assigned them together, we see the real Nueng come out. That smile. This playful Nueng is really him.
"No. I chose you to be my partner. I chose to work with Pannakorn Jannaloy. Does Mr. Pannakorn have a problem with it? Do you want to change your partner?"
See the Dominance we see, at this moment, where he enters the room and talks about scolding him. That's real.
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Gifs stolen from @happy-xy from this gif set here.
There is a lot of D/s in this particular conversation. Let me type it out for you to see.
"Let me put my clothes on." Palm is more asking than he is telling. "This is your room. Do whatever you want." See the permission and dominance in this statement? Then Palm sits on the floor and Nueng looks at him like he is stupid and pulls him up on the bed. "What are you doing? Why are you sitting on the floor? You can sit here. Are you a slave? Get up and sit here. Why are you so afraid of me? That’s it."
OH DAMN!!! See the way Nueng grabbed Palm's jersey. Palm liked that. Woot! Okay then.
And here we go with the foreshadowing again. "Why did you pick the number 13? Did you know that 13 is an unlucky number for Chinese people? 1 + 3 = 4. Number 4 in Mandarin sounds similar to the word ‘dead’." But there is hope because look how Palm responds. "I don’t pay attention to things like luck. No matter what number I wear, I will do my best to win the game. I will overcome any obstacles." Palm doesn't believe in luck, but he believes in fate.
Now we know Chopper is a liar.
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Nueng is a very jealous boy. It causes him to go very Dom and Palm loves it. He brats back. Yeah, that's the dynamic he likes.
More fucking foreshadowing. "I found out about Qi Xi Jie. It falls on the 7th day of the 7th Chinese lunar month. It’s the day celebrating the tragic love between the weaver girl and the cowherd. This is their story. The weaver girl who lived in heaven fell in love with the cowherd. They were living together for years. When the wife of the Jade Emperor found out about their relationship, she interfered between them. She drew a river in the sky to separate them. The queen was later moved by their love. They were allowed to meet each other on a bridge formed by magpies. But they can only meet once a year." "It’s a story of impossible love." "I feel sorry for them. They loved each other but couldn’t be together." "But I think it’s romantic. The two of them overcame major obstacles for their love. Even though they could meet only once a year, they were patiently waiting for the day. That must be tormenting. If you were them, would you wait for that day?" Then we get hope, "If I was them, I would wait for it. When I love someone, I can endure everything for that person. Maybe it’s because of the long waiting and their different backgrounds, that makes their love become a legend. The queen might want to test their love."
So I asked one of my darlings about this story and this is what she told me, "Only once a year, but they will always meet on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month. That day is now the Chinese equivalent of Valentine's Day. It represents everlasting love."
I love this next moment so much.
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And Palm looking directly at what he wants.
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"Just make me proud." This is Dom and the way Palm responds is very subby. Then the way Palm proceeds to work his ass off is very subby. For instance. I told @thequeenofsastiel that I was expecting a fanfic by the end of I Will Knock You. Who wants to lay bets that she's already started an outline?
I don't like Ben. Just saying. Awe! Poor Palm. This next part is very D/s.
"What’s wrong with you? Why are you answering me curtly? You also don’t look at me." "It’s nothing. May I be excused? I need to go help Aunt Nid." I can see why it would be confused with Boss and employee, but you got to put ALL the parts together. "Wait. You need to talk to me first. What’s wrong with you?" "Nothing. I don’t have a right to be mad at you." "Just tell me what’s going on here. Aren’t we friends?" See, even though Nueng will become Dominant, he doesn't associate himself with Dominant and boss. He sees himself as Dominant with a friend. Does he blur this? Absolutely, but so does Palm. Which is why we are all fucking confused. Right now though, Nueng is not boss, he is friend. "If we are friends, we should be able to talk to each other about everything. Why don’t you answer me? If you have something you want to say, just say it. You are easy to read. You cannot hide your feelings from me." This is a very interesting comment. How much truth does it hold? Not much considering the next convo, but we continue to see a D/s element to the conversation. Down to Palm asking to be excused.
And Nueng acts like a shithead in his jealousy. Notice that Palm doesn't mind being submissive to Nueng, but he has an issue with being treated inferior.
Well, this ended up a lot. 🤣🤣🤣 Hope you enjoy 💜💜💜
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coconuts-mafia · 2 years
Never Let Me Go Masterlist
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Nuengdiao comes from a rich and important family. One that has often found him in danger as well as being used. Forcing him to grow up isolated. Along with having an asshole father that allows no room for imperfection. Then said father is shot to death right before him, leaving him and his mother in a precarious position. The son of a loyal Kiattrakulmethee family employee, Palm is appointed to protect him from the dangers in and outside school. But can Palm really keep his life and heart safe?
Is there a D/s element? No fucking clue. Is there a power imbalance? Abso-fucking-lutely. But is there a distinct power play line between work and play? That's the question. One I feel is not going to be answered clearly. But there has been a request for me to try.
Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9 Episode 10 Episode 11 Episode 12
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dadaromaobsessed · 20 days
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— ゼン : 𝓐𝗉𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗇𝗍𝖺𝖼̧ã𝗈 ' 🐈‍⬛ ! ✵
Informações sobre mim ✦ ♡ ✦
Nome: podem me chamar de Jeff :P
Gostos especias: Dadaroma, American Horror Story, Bungou Stray Dogs e Project Sekai
Gostos em geral: Visual Kei, filmes de terror, kpop, livros de suspense, literatura russa, vocaloid, etc.
Sou pansexual e gênero fluido, atualmente fluindo para o masculino. XP
Faço parte das subculturas emo e visual kei, mas me interesso muito pela subcultura scene.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
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Gosto Musical 🦇
Artistas favoritos: Dadaroma, My Chemical Romance, Falling In Reverse (não apoio o Ronnie ok), Enhypen e Oneus.
Gostos em geral: Dreamcatcher, TXT, Mejibray, Sick2, The GazettE, Malice Mizer, Plastic Tree, Fukuro, gulu gulu, JILUKA, XAAXAA, Hitchcock, Versailles, DazzlingBAD, 0.1gnogosan, ZOMBIE, exist†trace, The Madna, Madmans Esprit, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, Set It Off, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, NX Zero, Maretu, Mitski, Laufey, Alex G, Lady Gaga
Não gosto: maior parte dos funks, trap, pagode, sertanejo, entre outros.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
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Filmes, Séries e Jogos 🦉
Filmes favoritos: As Vantagens de Ser Invisível, Garota Interrompida, Clube da Luta, Invocação do Mal, Pânico, Your Name
Séries favoritas: American Horror Story, 13 Reasons Why, Skins, Heartstopper
Jogos favoritos: Project Sekai, Omori, Zeno Remake, Your Turn To Die, Roblox, Bang Dream!, Life Is Strange, Silent Hill
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O que vai ser o blog? 🦝
Nesse blog eu pretendo fazer como se fosse um diário, falando sobre minha vida, minhas leituras, escola, coisas do cotidiano.
Porém, também pretendo expôr minha evolução no desenho e na escrita, sou completamente iniciante em desenho e irei tentar aprender a desenhar, em relação a escrita, não gosto muito porém tentarei evoluí-la para deixar a meu agrado, espero que gostem do que irei postar.
XOXO 💋 🐈‍⬛
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About me ✦ ♡ ✦
Name: you can call me Jeff :P
Special tastes: Dadaroma, American Horror Story, Bungou Stray Dogs and Project Sekai
General tastes: Visual Kei, horror movies, kpop, suspense books, Russian literature, vocaloid, etc.
I'm pansexual and gender fluid, currently flowing towards masculine. XP
I'm part of the emo and visual kei subcultures, but I'm very interested in the scene subculture.
✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧
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Musical Taste 🦇
Favorite artists: Dadaroma, My Chemical Romance, Falling In Reverse (I don't support Ronnie, ok), Enhypen and Oneus.
General tastes: Dreamcatcher, TXT, Mejibray, Sick2, The GazettE, Malice Mizer, Plastic Tree, Fukuro, gulu gulu, JILUKA, XAAXAA, Hitchcock, Versailles, DazzlingBAD, 0.1gnogosan, ZOMBIE, exist†trace, The Madna, Madmans Esprit, Pierce The Veil, Sleeping With Sirens, Fall Out Boy, Panic! At the Disco, Set It Off, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, NX Zero, Maretu, Mitski, Laufey, Alex G, Lady Gaga
Dislikes: most funk, trap, pagode, sertanejo, among others.
I don't like: most funk, trap, pagode, sertanejo, among others.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
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Movies, Series and Games 🦉
Favorite movies: The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Girl, Interrupted, Fight Club, The Conjuring, Scream, Your Name
Favorite series: American Horror Story, 13 Reasons Why, Skins, Heartstopper
Favorite games: Project Sekai, Omori, Zeno Remake, Your Turn To Die, Roblox, Bang Dream!, Life Is Strange, Silent Hill
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What will the blog be about? 🦝
In this blog I intend to make it as if it were a diary, talking about my life, my readings, school, everyday things.
However, I also intend to show my evolution in drawing and writing, I am a complete beginner in drawing and I will try to learn how to draw, in relation to writing, I don't like it very much but I will try to evolve it to make it to my liking, I hope you like what I will post.
XOXO 💋 🐈‍⬛
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scoutception · 5 years
Ys 1 & 2 review: the 22 year long journey to American computers
Falcom is one of the big underdogs of Japanese game developers, at least outside of Japan, a role pretty unfair for them considering they’re also one of the most important Japanese game developers to exist. Before names like Final Fantasy and even Dragon Quest were around, Falcom was pioneering action RPGs, JRPGs, and even innovating video game music as a whole. Dragon Slayer, the title that set the foundation for action RPGs, would eventually transform into the Legend of Heroes, better known as the Kiseki, or Trails, series, boasting some of the most detailed JRPGs out there, while the other big innovator, Ys, would remain true to its roots, while still taking steps to innovate as much as possible with every new title. Despite their games both being very influential and just plain great in of themselves, Falcom was basically unknown outside of Japan for decades due to very inconsistent localizations, and mostly being released on more niche consoles even when it did happen, like the Sega Master System or the TurboGrafx-16. The only Ys game to make it to American shores on the Genesis or SNES was Ys 3, which was barely recognizable as an Ys game in its original form, gameplay wise, and the first exposure America got to the Legend of Heroes was the Gagharv trilogy on the PSP, which recieved such awful localizations that they were actually released out of order, with the second game actually being released first, instead of the actual first, cause that certainly isn’t capable of causing problems. Thankfully, since 2010, XSEED has delivered fantastic localizations of many, many significant Falcom games released both before and after, giving fantastic games like Trails in the Sky exposure only dreamed of before. They’ve still got a ways to go, though, and so, it’s time for me to show my appreciation for these games by covering Ys 1 & 2, the games that refined the action RPG genre, farther than just starting it. The version I’m covering is Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles Plus on Steam and GOG, one of the most recent, and refined, versions available, and is based off the PSP version, which is based off the PC remakes. It’s a pretty crazy history for these games.
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Ys 1: Ancient Ys Vanished: Omen
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The story of Ys 1 is about the titular land of Ys (pronounced ees, like ease, or the middle part of geese), a mysterious floating island, which was, in ancient times, part of the island of Esteria. Ys was said to be watched over by twin goddesses and six great priests, named Tovah, Dabbie, Hadal, Mesa, Gemma, and Fact, until a mysterious evil forced them to raise Ys into the sky, with a few descendants of the priests and a gigantic crater being among the only remnants of Ys left in Esteria. 700 years later, odd things are happening in Esteria, with a wall of storms appearing to surround the island, cutting it off from the rest of the world. On the island itself, monsters have suddenly appeared as well, and something is stealing anything made of silver from the inhabitants, even resorting to assault. In the middle of this, the red haired swordsman Adol Christin, fueled partly by intense wanderlust, sets off to Esteria to investigate... only to predictably shipwreck against the Stormwall, washing up on the island and being rescued by the citizens of port Barbado, setting a fantastic standard for himself to repeat several times in future games. After setting out and reaching the town of Minea, Adol allies with the fortuneteller Sara, a descendant of priest Tovah, and sets off to collect the 6 Books of Ys, written by the priests, said to contain the secrets to the rise and fall of Ys, and the power to save Esteria, along the way meeting Feena, an amnesiac girl specifically imprisoned by the monsters, Reah, a troubadour with a silver harmonica, Luta Gemma, another descendant of the priests, and Adol’s future traveling companion Dogi, who has a hilariously small role considering his role in future games.
It’s definitely nothing too deep by today’s standards, not helped by the game’s short length, but having such an old game, we’re talking 1987, have an active focus on the story is pretty impressive, and to its credit, it does manage to make Ys genuinely mysterious, with an interesting explanation behind its fall, namely, the valuable metal of Ys, Cleria, caused the summoning of demons, and its discovery in Esteria, mistaken for silver, led to the island’s current troubles. While the characters as a whole aren’t anything special either, they have a likeable quality to them, and the main villain does have a fairly interesting twist to him; he’s also a descendant of one of the priests, Fact, out to collect the books for his own purposes. That said, the main strength of writing is just the general dialogue itself. For such an old game, the remakes added a lot of detail to the NPCs, giving everyone a name and a personality, and the translation gives a lot of life to them, making them pretty fun to talk to, turning what would otherwise be a lot of empty dialogue into amusing moments. They even gain new dialogue after certain points in the plot, which is another nice touch.
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Overall, though, the biggest strength concerning the plot itself is the actual dedication put into it just relative to the time it was released. Touches like the Books of Ys being in a completely different language than what Adol knows, forcing him to find a way to translate them, and Luta Gemma’s mentions of guiding dreams, something that would become a much more common occurrence in the sequel. Speaking of which, this game was clearly betting on having a sequel with its plot, which is a pretty ballsy move even now. The deeper details to the downfall of Ys, the mysteries behind characters like Feena and Reah, and just what Ys itself is really like are left unanswered, with the game ending on an outright cliffhanger, with the books transporting Adol to Ys after saving Esteria, very likely one of the first video games to do so, at least in regards to following up on it. Overall, the writing side is still entertaining enough, and as long as it manages to be fun, that’s a success in my book.
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Here’s where stuff gets a bit, let’s say, contentious. Ys is played at a top down angle with you controlling Adol, and only Adol. Combat, compared to almost any other video game, even from the 80's, is rather unusual. You see, instead of using a dedicated attack button, Adol suffices with ramming into his enemies, swinging his sword and damaging them automatically on contact. This system, called the Bump system, may sound, well, dumb and overly simple, but it’s quite a bit more complicated than it may seem. Running directly into an enemy, rather sensibly, kills Adol dead in just a few hits, though he at least trades hits with them as well. In order to attack safely, you need to hit them at a vulnerable angle, such as to the side or behind them. Thankfully, you don’t need to pull hit and runs for every individual attack, as once you hit an enemy at a good angle, you can just keep moving forward and attacking, with them being unable to resist unless you choose to move away, or are knocked back by another enemy. While it can be difficult to put to use at first, it’s actually a fairly well designed system. It gives the game a fast and surprisingly intense pace, with enemies being able to kill you in just a few hits, and having telegraphed attacks of their own in addition to being able to hurt you just through collision. On the opposite side, being able to run into enemies and kill them in a second is pretty satisfying, and makes grinding for EXP and gold a lot less troublesome than usual in RPGs, considering you can just take things down on your way to something else. The game also takes mercy and allows you to automatically regenerate your HP on the overworld and in towns just by standing still for a few seconds, and considering enemies only respawn when you move the screen, it isn’t much of a risk to you either to just stop and take a breather.
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Adol’s equipment consists of swords, shields, armor, and rings. The first three are pretty self explanatory, boosting his attack and defense, and acquired by buying them in shops, finding them in treasure chests, or even received from NPCs for free in a couple of cases, while the rings give effects like boosting attack or defense, slowing down enemies, or boosting health regeneration, either doubling it when Adol is outside, or allowing it in dungeons, where it is normally restricted, though unfortunately the rings do not work in boss battles. Adol also has a regular inventory, mostly containing key items, including a few equip able ones like a mask revealing secret passages, and a few other things like potions to restore health and wings to instantly transport him back to Minea. As this is an RPG, there’s also a leveling system, which gives Adol downright dramatic stat increases each time he gains a level. Problem is, these levels matter way more than equipment, and with the jump between each level, the early game consists of just grinding a few levels until you’re capable of taking on the next set of enemies somewhat safely, with several bosses in particular being outright immune to damage until you reach certain levels. At the least, you don’t have to do this many times, considering the level cap is only 10, which you need to reach to beat the third boss out of seven, after which you’re at the mercy of any equipment the game gives you to get any stronger. Speaking of which, bosses mix up the gameplay a bit by being vulnerable at any angle, meaning you just have to focus on getting to them in between their attacks. Unfortunately, most of the bosses aren’t exactly great, either being really easy, or really, really annoying, with special mentions going to the previously mentioned third boss, which spends most of its time as a swarm of bats capable of covering most of the screen, only being vulnerable when it reforms for the briefest of moments, and we’re talking barely a second. Sometimes it’ll reform almost immediately after transforming, but other times it’ll chase Adol much longer, and it stays as the bat swarm longer if you get hit. It doesn’t take much damage even when you do hit it, as a cherry on top, making for a very drawn out fight.
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The 4 bosses after this one are a lot more fun, at least. From a giant mantis that constantly throws scythes at you, to a giant rock creature constantly firing projectiles at near bullet hell levels, to two giant floating heads bouncing around a room with barriers around them, forcing you to slip in between the barriers to hit while they swap between who is vulnerable, they’re legitimately intense, and a lot of fun, culminating with Dark Fact himself as the insane final boss, ping ponging around a room, firing near impossible to dodge projectiles, turning it into a game of rushing to meet him once you can predict his path and damaging him as much as you can, while he destroys parts of the floor for every hit he takes, killing you if you’re not on a different tile when he destroys it. It’s a nightmare attempting it at first, especially since you can’t even use your best equipment, as he is immune to any sword that isn’t the silver sword, and will kill you near instantly if you don’t use the silver armor and shield, and the instant death floor destruction is a cheap move, especially since you can outright get trapped if the right tiles get broken, nearly always forcing you to reload. Still, it’s actually pretty fun once you get the hang of it, and certainly lets the villain live up to the hype he built up. It should be mentioned there’s also a time attack mode that lets you go through a boss rush. It’s actually pretty fun, if let down by some of the roadblocks a few bosses present.
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While at its core, Ys is an enjoyable time, there is one pretty difficult to ignore aspect to it: it is a very short game. There’s only three towns, a fairly small overworld, and three dungeons to go through. The first two dungeons, an old palace and a mine, are pretty decently lengthy, with quite a bit of stuff to find, but otherwise, it’s just a lot of backtracking and grinding. There’s not much in the way of puzzles, either, mostly only a few in the final dungeon. Once you’re forced into Darm Tower, with a full set of silver equipment and half of the books in your possession, you don’t think this last dungeon will be much. But that’s when the game throws you for a loop. Darm Tower is a behemoth of a dungeon, at a massive 25 floors you have to trudge through, with plenty of detours and backtracking. There’s new enemies every few floors, and 4 whole bosses are contained in this place. In the original versions, it easily took up half the game, and even in the newer versions, it’s a third of the game at minimum, if you spend enough goofing off. I have some mixed feelings towards this place. It’s miserably long and difficult, that mostly just has the same look to it in each floor, and even the music is the same until towards the end, not to mention once you go in, you’re stuck, and forced to keep on marching until you reach the top. On the other hand, I kinda like it just because of how unique it is. Darm Tower is hyped up even during the intro to the game, and plenty of NPCs say it to be an awful, fearsome place. If you’re savvy with RPGs, you might figure it won’t live up to that... but no, it lives up to all the hype it’s given. It’s utterly massive and exhausting, with tons of dangerous enemies that’ll hunt you down relentlessly. They’re even able to stick in plenty of plot and characters within, and seeing the day slowly turning to night as you make progress is quite a sight. In just living up to, and even surpassing, this hype, I kinda have to respect it. Overall, the gameplay of Ys works a lot better than you’d expect, successfully polished through over 20 years of remakes, but the short length alone could make it a difficult recommendation on its own.
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Ys is actually a very pretty game to look at. The characters and regular enemies are in a sort of chibi style, which is pretty adorable, but not too detailed by themselves. The environments, on the other hand, look great, with lots of little details and allowing some fantastic views. While the enemy designs and locations aren’t anything too special, they still look quite good, especially the bosses, which are significantly bigger than normal enemies. Enemies also explode in a cloud of blood, bones, and body parts when defeated, which is both funny and satisfying, while not being anything too gruesome. You may have also noticed the border portrait in these screen shots, which I find quite nice to look at, if a bit restricting. You are allowed to go completely full screen, though, if it’s not to your tastes, but it doesn’t actually cut anything off.
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The best aspect of the visuals, though, is the character artwork used when talking to important characters. It looks absolutely beautiful, and is a good contrast against the otherwise lesser detailed sprites.
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This version also goes above and beyond in this regard by giving you options regarding this character artwork, namely a choice between using the newer artwork made specifically for this version, Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles, and the older artwork originally used in Ys 1 & 2 Complete, the PC remakes that have served as the basis for almost every port of these games since their release. Which you use comes down to a matter of preference, and while I do find the Complete artwork to look a bit odd at times, overall both options are beautiful. (Chronicles artwork is used first in these comparisons, and Complete artwork is used second)
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Ys 1 has an absolutely fantastic soundtrack, courtesy of Yuzo Koshiro, also known for the soundtracks for The Revenge of Shinobi, Etrian Odyssey, and, probably most famously, Streets of Rage, setting a standard for Falcom games in general, and providing quite an influence on video game music as a whole. This version again gives options in regards to the soundtrack, giving three different versions to choose: the original soundtrack on the PC-88, which holds up well even today, the Complete soundtrack, which gives a refreshing and different take on several songs, even if it’s very blatant in being in MIDI at times, and a new soundtrack recorded specifically for this version yet again, which is amazingly metal. It, again, comes down to preference, though while I like all of them quite a bit, I easily like the Chronicles soundtrack best, though it’s telling when the original PC-88 version of the title screen theme, Feena, is just as pretty as the other versions. Speaking of which, when it comes to individual pieces, some big standouts to me are Feena, again, for the title screen, Palace of Destruction, the theme of the first dungeon, Fountain of Love, Minea’s theme, Tower of the Shadow of Death, the maddening theme of Darm Tower, and Dreaming, played during a memorable maze section of Darm Tower. It is, overall, among some of the best music I’ve heard in a game, and is worth looking up even if you otherwise have no interest in Ys.
Ys 2: Ancient Ys Vanished: The Final Chapter
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Ys 1 and 2 are so tightly connected to each other that I could not go without giving both games a proper looking through. Most releases of them nowadays can’t either, with almost everything bundling them together, which makes the short length of both a lot more acceptable, especially if you look at them as two split up parts of one game, like the acclaimed TurboGrafx-16 version did.
Ys 2 picks up right where Ys 1 left off, with Adol being transported to Ys itself. Unfortunately, his journey is not too smooth, resulting in him ending up unconscious and losing everything except for the six Books of Ys, eventually being rescued by a girl named Lilia and taken to her home of Lance Village. At least it wasn’t a shipwreck this time. But yes, as it turns out, people still live on Ys, and lived so in peace, until the same events that caused monsters to appear on Esteria caused the demons that once devastated Ys to reemerge. After being told that returning each tome to the sanctuaries of each great priest would open the way to the Shrine of Solomon, the former temple of the twin goddesses, and the current base of locations of the leaders of the demons, Adol sets off once again, to restore peace to Ys once and for all.
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There unfortunately isn’t that much more for me to say regarding the writing. It’s about the same quality as the original when it comes to plot and characters, but overall, it’s a good conclusion to this tale, and the general dialogue is as entertaining as ever. I will say, though, that the tone works quite well, carrying a somber feeling reflecting the misery of the people of Ys, and their wish to return to happier times. Additionally, using a certain spell in the game, Adol is able to talk to the demons on friendly terms, and every one of them has unique dialogue. Not every type of enemy, every enemy has unique dialogue. Some of it is informative, but others just seem to be Falcom and/or XSEED going out of their way to prove how dedicated they are to detail, and I for one love it. Another notable thing to me is the setting of Ys itself. Esteria was a fairly normal location, but for such a mythical place... Ys itself isn’t too much different. It has some more extreme environments, like an ice wall and lava filled caverns, but it’s remarkably normal otherwise. While this may come off as disappointing, it fits quite well, considering Ys was never meant to be so grand and mysterious, and is a relatively normal place forced into an abnormal situation. Overall, again, it is a solid conclusion and step forward.
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The gameplay of Ys 2 is more or less the same as Ys 1, for the most part, divisive bump system and all. It does, however, feature several improvements, mostly to the combat. Firstly, the bump system has been changed so that ramming an enemy while moving diagonally will always count as a safe hit for Adol, making combat a lot safer, and enemies generally don’t deal as much damage either. The level system has also been revamped, going from the paltry level cap of 10 to a level cap of 55, meaning you’ll be leveling up and improving till the end of the game. Conversely, individual levels don’t mean nearly as much, but not only are they easier to grind for when necessary, they also make equipment much more important. The biggest gameplay addition, however, is the magic system. Over the course of the game, Adol gains several spells, most notably a spell to shoot fireballs, which can be shot rapidly or charged for a stronger attack, but also includes a spell to temporarily stop time, freezing enemies in place and leaving them defenseless, a passive, yet constantly active spell that reveals secret passages, a spell that allows Adol to appear as a demon, allowing the previously mentioned interactions, and even a spell that can warp him between various towns and other important locations, something that proves extremely helpful. This system alone adds so much to the game, and is a great way of expanding upon the rather limited system of the first game. Accessories have also been overhauled, as rather than just rings with simple effects, they’re various objects with much more unique effects, such as yet another ring that occasionally allows Adol to parry an attack, and an idol that gives homing properties to his fireballs. All bosses except for the last two now require the use of the fireball spell to defeat, making them a lot more reliant on skill than just being at the right level, making them a lot more fun as well, while retaining the frantic feel.
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Another addition is the ability to give items like flowers and apples to NPCs as gifts. A few of them will reward you with valuable information, or even items, but for the majority, all you get is some amusing dialogue, all of which is unique, once again proving how insane these writers and localizers can be. You can also choose to throw fireballs at them, causing them to shout some pretty funny comments, which often include references to other games like River City Ransom and Final Fantasy 6. Still, it’s not very practical considering it lowers their affection, requiring more gifts just to get back to neutral. While it doesn’t affect normal dialogue, this little system is worth messing around with, just to see what laughs you can get from it.
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Otherwise, the game is more fleshed out, with a lot more places to go to. You’ve got a shrine and a mine combined into one general dungeon, a beautiful ice wall, volcanic caverns, and finally, the Shrine of Solomon. Compared to Darm Tower, the Shrine of Solomon isn’t quite as dominating, but it’s still huge, and sadly still requires a lot of backtracking. I’d wager it’s about a fourth of the game in of itself, possibly a third if you’re quick enough with the rest, and can still get pretty draining. Still, it’s a lot more enjoyable than Darm Tower, having more interesting environments, such as plenty of outdoor areas and a subterranean canal, and certainly lives up to the hype itself had built up. There’s no overworld, but considering how you were gated off by anything you weren’t a high enough level to take on in Ys 1, combined with how tiny and featureless said overworld was regardless, this linearity is preferable, giving a nice sense of progression. There’s also 4 towns spread out quite nicely, giving some much needed breathers after some of the more expansive parts of the game. The game is a decent bit longer than Ys 1, especially if you allow yourself to goof off and take in all the detail, like I did. Overall, Ys 2 has some much improved gameplay, and is a lot more fun than the already enjoyable first game.
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The graphics of Ys 2 are about the same level as Ys 1, namely, it looks great, especially the character artwork. One noticeable improvement comes in the area and enemy design, looking a lot more distinct than in the first game, making it all look a lot better. There’s also a dumb, but cute option that lets you hang a “mascot” on the screen, which just amounts to the sprites of various characters and enemies, more characters unlocking at maximum affection. Otherwise, I could just copy and paste I said in this section for the first game. Still, very good.
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The music, again, is very similar in quality to the first Ys, and is still amazing. Personally, I find the Complete remixes are a bit weaker compared to the first game, but the Chronicles soundtrack still hold strong. Some stand out pieces to me include Too Full of Love, Lance Village’s theme, Ruins of Moondoria, Ice Ridge of Noltia, Palace of Solomon, Tender People, Ramia Village’s theme, and this game’s remix of Feena, which is even better than the version in Ys 1. Overall, still a fantastic followup.
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Overall, Ys 1 & 2 Chronicles gets a recommended from me. It’s short length, questionable combat system, and overall signs of age can certainly be enough to make one wary, but getting past that leaves you with two games full of charm and passion. More than anything, they feel rather comfortable and relaxed. The shorter length, the various options for graphics and music, the general charm of it, and even the goofy and often context-less achievements, these two games manage to be memorable experiences.
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This collection is a great introduction to one of the grandfathers of RPGs, a grandfather that’s still going strong after more than 30 years. Till next time, and apologies to anyone who reads this for how horrendously long this ended up.
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artlaisaerhard-blog · 8 years
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How To Get Away With Murder (Review)
HTGAWM came back with everything. As expected, is not it? This series can't disappoint us at all.
We had an episode full of Wes's memories. "I havent yet overcome this death" It is hard to believe that one of the kids died. And wes was one of my favorites, even more so because he was so close to Annalise.
And  Annalize is in jail! They managed to get the queen to jail. But the fight is not over yet. I am sure that the powerful, supreme diva will return, however, raising all who have harmed her to hell.
Now I want to take a minute to talk about Karla. What is this gig, girl? She's surprising me. Not that I didn't think her acting good before, it's nothing like that. It's just that her character has evolved so much. If you think of the first season as far as Laurel was boring and even sleepy, and now see the strong woman she has become, it is a huge breakthrough. Of all the young characters, she and Asher are the ones who have had interesting twists in the plot. I used to hate Asher. Today it has become one of my favorites. I don't know what it's going to be like for Laurel, after having lost the love of her life. I hope she's well. She and the baby.
We're talking about character evolution, but what about Connor in this story? I don’t know what's happening to this boy. Since Connor split from Oliver, the character has been coming downhill. It is sinking more and more. Connor used to be that smiling and fun person, but those events are changing him. There must always be a problem person in this kind of situation, and they chose Connor. I really don’t know why the writers decided to do this with one of the - or perhaps the most - popular of the series. I'm not supporting Connor. And he talking those horrible things to Laurel was the last straw. He really deserved the punch he took from Asher.
Micaela didn't liked her boyfriend's attitude. Did she have a violent past? Her reaction made it clear that she doesn’t like this kind of attitude and may have something to do with her past with the foster mother.
At the end of the episode Frank turned himself in to the police. Do you really believe he killed Wes? First; The series wouldn’t deliver like that. Second; I think Frank's doing it because of Laurel. He may feel guilty, even more so after all he's done, not just to her, but it seems that it's his talent to screw up everyone's life. We have seen in past episodes how Frank is vunerable. He's already been arrested, he's already done a lot of shit in his life, but his heart just wants to be loved by somebody. I think that hear Laurel talking all that; "Who loved Wes more than him" broke him off. That's why he gave himself up. That way, he would solve two things at the same time, taking Annalize from jail too.
HTGAWM voltou com tudo. Como o esperado, não é? Essa série não consegue decepcionar a gente nem um pouquinho.
Tivemos um episódio repleto de memórias de Wes. “Ainda não superei essa morte” É difícil acreditar que um dos meninos morreram. E wes era um dos meus preferidos, ainda mais por ele são tão próximo da Annalise.
E a Annalise foi encana mesmo! Conseguiram levar a rainha para a cadeia. Mas a luta ainda não acabou. Tenho certeza que a diva, poderosa, suprema retornará contudo, levanto todos os que a prejudicaram para o inferno.
Agora quero reservar um minuto para falar sobre Karla. Que atuação é essa, menina? Ela está me surpreendendo. Não que eu não achasse sua atuação boa antes, não é nada disso. É só que a personagem dela evoluiu tanto. Se você pensar na primeira temporada no quanto a Laurel era mesquinha e até sonsa, e ver agora a mulher forte que ela se tornou, é um avanço enorme. De todos os personagens jovens ela e o Asher são o que tiveram reviravoltas interessantes na trama. Eu costumava odiar Asher. Hoje ele se tornou um dos meus preferidos. Eu não sei como vai ser daqui para frente para a Laurel, depois de ter perdido o amor da sua vida. Espero que ela fique bem. Ela e o bebê.
Estamos falando de evolução dos personagens, mas e o Connor nessa história? Eu não sei o que está acontecendo com esse menino. Desde que o Connor se separou do Oliver, o personagem vem descendo ladeira a baixo. Está afundando cada vez mais. Connor costumava ser aquele cara sorridente e divertido, mas esses acontecimentos estão mudando ele. Sempre tem que existir um problemático nesse tipo de situação, e escolheram o Connor. Realmente não sei por que os roteiristas decidiram fazer isso com um dos - ou talvez o mais - popular da série. Eu não estou suportando o Connor. E ele falando aquelas coisas horríveis para a Laurel foi a gota d’agua. Mereceu mesmo o soco que levou do Asher.
Micaela que não gostou da atitude do namorado. Teria ela um passado violento? Sua reação deixou claro que ela não gosta desse tipo de atitude e talvez tenha algo a ver com seu passado com a mãe adotiva.
No final do episódio Frank se entregou para a polícia. Vocês acreditam mesmo que ele tenha matado o Wes? Primeiro; a série não entregaria isso assim de cara. Segundo; creio que o Frank está fazendo isso por causa da Laurel. Ele talvez sinta culpa, ainda mais depois de tudo o que ele fez, não só para ela, mas parece que é o talento dele ferrar com a vida de todo mundo.  Vimos nos episódios passados como Frank é vunerável. Ele já foi preso, já fez muita merda na vida, mas o coração só quer ser amado por alguém.Acho que escutar a Laurel falando tudo aquilo; “Que amou o Wes mais do que ele” acabou com ele. Por isso ele se entregou. Assim resolveria duas coisas ao mesmo tempo, tirando a Annalise da cadeia também.
Link Video: Youtube
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 7
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I try to keep this to D/s moments, but I always end up rambling. It turns into commentary. Woot! Sorry! Part 1-6 can be found here.
Let's go! Here is Palm to take over making the bed from Nueng. Why am I not surprised. Palm begging Nueng to let him help! Such a sub, but Nueng doesn't want to me seen as anything other than an equal. Makes for an interesting romance, right?
He hit him!!! Yes!!! "I hit you because you are stubborn." "Let me do it. I want to help you, so you won’t be tired, but you don’t appreciate it. You should have thanked me, instead, you hit me." 🤣🤣🤣 He starts to hit him some more. Yes! I approve! Damn, this next moment really gave us chemistry.
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Fuck Palm's mom. Cock blocker. Why is she asking so many damn questions. Like look lady. You gave him up, you don't get to act like a mom.
And there is the confident Palm. He knows his job. I also like the communication here. Palm explains himself, it makes sense, so Nueng apologizes. "10,000 baht, do you have it?" "For you, I can find a way to get it." Damn, he's upped his flirting game. Palm is falling even more in love. Nice.
This next part. This next part. He is so commanding. "Is their motorcycle broken? Pull over there." And look at how excited Nueng gets about the proposal. I love it! Now Nueng asks Palm to go to the secret beach, no command. "Is this how couples act when they are together? I’ll remember it." "Why do you need to remember it?" "You always said that I’m not romantic. I want to learn from them in case I may need it in the future." Look at that flirting game. Then purposely putting oil on his face. I am dying. I love it so much! "Get back to the motorcycle." That's for sure a command. Damn, but this couple is giving me whiplash.
Fuck being impressed with his bravery. Asshats.
"I think it’s very romantic." "So, when you took me here, did you want to have a romantic moment?" "Did you think it was romantic? If you think so, it means I achieved my goal." Look at that smile on both their faces. I love it. "I'm also waiting for my moment." Damn, he is going strong, not hesitation. Before he couldn't even tell him that the first kiss wasn't one of convenience, but now look at him.
"Some people say we do not belong together. We are so different. But I see our differences are good. Because I can learn about you. I want to share my life with you. You are my friend, my family, and my soulmate. Do you want to marry me?" Then the way Palm and Nueng looked at each other! OMG!
Palm is a sub. Absolutely, no doubt about it. The offering to rub his feet. Wanting to do all these things. And you can see his sheer joy in doing it. It's not for the job, but because he wants to. Yeah, no, that's a sub. Fuck! His smile the entire time he is massaging his feet is killing me softly. Ahhhh... Such subby joy!
Trust me, Nueng, Palm will put up with your bad temper. Ahhh, the reaching out to touch him while he slept. The smile. I'm not okay. Palm losing his shit at not waking up to Nueng is everything. Yes it is. I've lost my ability to be normal about these two. A Playful Nueng is so cute. But Palm being playful with him. That's fucking adorable.
Shit. I called it on the heart thing. I told you guys they were foreshadowing it. @akitbeast 😭
"My dad told me that we owed our lives to the Kiattrakulmaytee family." If I paid to save a kid. I would not want him to turn around and give his life. "No one is the owner of your life. We are all living our own lives. You too." Look at him speaking some sense.
He wrote a song! And he is one hundred percent singing it to him. I'm dead. No drinkie drinkie for you! Oh wow, that dancing, is um. He dances like my husband. That's all I'm gonna say. Mom is nosy and Palm is not having it. Okay, but she called it when she asked if they had kissed. "It felt good." That is not a good enough excuse, ma'am. I would get it if you never wanted to be a mom, but you loved him very much but felt smothered. Welcome to fucking motherhood.
The hug! The hug! Palm thinking Nueng is drunk, and Nueng saying he is drunk on love. I think I got a toothache. These two and their flirting. Ahhh. Ahhhh, taking his hand. This is too sweet. Also, this totally went off rails from talking about D/s stuff to me just talking. So sorry.
Dude! I keep pausing through this confession. It's just. Something about it makes me feel embarrassed. Like Ahh. Okay. I got through it and can I just say that I love the way Palm kisses Nueng. He puts his whole heart and back into it. No dead fish kisses here.
The next episode looks serious. Are you still wanting me to do these? There isn't a whole lot of D/s to talk about. I'm just rambling away. 🤣🤣🤣
Hope everyone is having a good weekend! 💜💜💜
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go Ep 11
Damn, this episode is a fucking roller coaster.
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We get this cute moment and then the next thing you know, Palm is being kidnapped by the jackass. Everything goes down here from there till Nueng is forcing Palm to put a gun to his head.
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Finally, reason takes over for both of them.
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Can I just say that these two acted their asses off. Putting so much feels and body language into the characters. If I turned the subtitles off, I would still be able to capture the essence of the story.
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This is just a visually stunning moment that oozes confidence. Which is just sexy.
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These two have truly grown since having come together. One has become more affectionate and happy, less serious. While the other has grown in both confidence and compassion. They make each other better people.
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Then here comes the bully. Completely unprepared for the confident Palm. He just thought he was dealing with a kid like his son. But Palm's been more like an adult for way too long. He was just momentarily surprised. With a game plan in place. He isn't easily bullied.
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The redemption of Palm's parents storyline kind of breaks my heart. I'm not sure how to feel. One part of me is grateful that there is closer, but the petty part of me has a hard time accepting it. Anybody else with a parental love hate relationship, having difficulties? I truly love how Nueng has grown and how he is always standing up for Palm. Giving him the support Palm probably never knew he needed.
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From Palm's face, you can tell he has a much harder time forgiving his dad compared to his mom. He loves his dad. The love is there. But the forgiveness isn't easily given.
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Then they head to the sea to spread Palm's mom's ashes.
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The conversation they have truly breaks my heart. "I think my mom would want to see me happy. I think she would want to see us together."
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"They said the more obstacles we face, The longer our love will last and the more meaningful it will be." "Then I think our love will be a legend." We see an optimistic Palm here, but in the next scene we see him gearing up to be left. He's been through so much that he would rather prepare for the worse and be thankful when it doesn't come true. But he really can't take any more hurt.
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This could have all come to an end in 11 episodes if he had just shot him.
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I know, I know. I'm mainly speaking through pictures, but damn if the body language in this episode didn't speak so much.
"I'm glad to have you buy my side." "The most important thing is, I want to have you in my life." "If you want to be with me, I’ll be with you." And he will, because he knows he is like his dad and he'll love his one important person forever.
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Then that fucking cunt of an uncle has to be a thorn in the side. Can't wait for someone to take him out.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 2
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Again... Let me state that I'm not sure if this is actually a D/s relationship. Is there a D/s element? No fucking clue. Is there a power imbalance? Abso-fucking-lutely. But is there a distinct power play line between work and play? That's the question. One I feel is not going to be answered clearly. But there has been a request for me to try.
I feel bad for Palm. I really do, but he agreed to be Nueng's friend. Well, making fun of him behind his back is a shitty way to be a friend.
Palm does not like being asked to serve Nueng. Nueng is also not acting like he expected, but we are starting to see some real Dom behavior from Palm. For now, we'll call it leadership behavior. He tells Palm to sit down and eat. Palm is doing everything not to look at Nueng. Is this submission, or does he not like Nueng?
There we go. We see some amusement from Palm, and he seems to relax. Less eye shifting. Then daddy shows up. Guys, I get what you're saying about Palm being submissive with other authority figures, but he doesn't do the body language that he does with Nueng. And Nueng is not more Dom than daddy. Are you getting what I mean, daddy might be in a subservient position, but he is more Dominant than Palm and Nueng.
See, that's something that daddy dearest doesn't understand. He expects Palm to be able to say no to Nueng like he can. I'm gonna call him daddy dearest from now on because he is an asshole who puts another kid before his own. Nueng, I need you to grow a backbone.
Palm immediately stands up when Nueng's backpack breaks. Is it to follow him or help him. Okay, not to follow, because he sat back down. Therefor, we can assume his natural reaction is to help. I'm so not feeling the kid that keeps trying to help him.
Palm's body language is so weird around Nueng. Take the river scene. As soon as Nueng shows up, Palm is side eyeing and hunching. What are they trying to convey. Does Palm really like Nueng? Is he fighting the like? Is he uncomfortable? Yet when we see the throat touch, there is chemistry, though again the eyes can't seem to hold Nueng's. Anyone know if the actor himself is prone to being shy??? Is this an actor slip through? Then we see confidence when he says that he can be his friend at school, but here he is a servant. These two are interesting. I'm using that word a lot, but Palm is holding strong this time because of his dad. If he didn't have his dad who is Dominant to him, he would have caved. Which is funny because Nueng sucks at being Dom.
The way Palm looks at Nueng. It's like he doesn't know how he feels about him sometimes and other times he is totally simping. Confidence when talking about swimming, but uncomfortable being asked to continue swimming.
See, that is 100% subby behavior. He has a job to do, but he has this need to listen to Nueng. I think the issue for Palm might be less about Nueng and more the position he is in. Yeah Palm, don't you wanna take a dance lesson. Then we are back to simping while Nueng plays piano.
So fucking subby. He made him the food. Worried about if his hands were washed. Asked if he wanted another one. This Bitch is a sub regardless of relationship status. It's like @suga4mycoffee or @dayummmdorisss even though they aren't currently in a relationship, they are subs down to their marrow. Now both are tough badass bitches. I pity anyone dumb enough to mess with one of their friends because they'll shred them. They might be subs, but they are still caretakers and defenders. They could be lethal if the situation called for it.
Nueng asks Palm if he would make him 100 if he wanted. Watch Nueng's body language. He says yes, but he isn't happy about it. He doesn't want to do it as a job. Body language changes when the vendor says he'll do it, but Nueng says he has someone to do it for him. Now it's not a job, and we see Palm smile at Nueng. Nueng tells Palm to tell the vendor the food is good, and Palm immediately does. Not because Nueng is his boss, but because it's his temperament.
There is the tough guy. Is it his job or is he jealous? Ben felt the threat. Now remember, this doesn't make Palm less submissive. Remember the badass bitches that I mentioned above. YES, NUENG show Palm's dad who is boss!!! There we go. We got some ordering and commanding. That was more anger than commanding, but I'm still proud of you Nueng. Very good. You are asking a bit fucking much, lady. Notice though that Palm is not submissive to Nueng's mom. He treats her as the boss, but he is not submissive.
Well, I'm intrigued. Let me know what you think. 💜💜💜
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 6
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We see a very confident Palm. He's watching everybody and everything, while making sure to be a backbone for Nueng. Palm tells Nueng that he can lean on him, but Nueng is pissed. We see it in that jerk of putting his seat down. Honestly, don't blame him. That's why you don't see Palm happy when Nueng does lean on him. Palm knows he wouldn't be if he were awake and aware.
Nobody thought about the sea sickness. Lawd really. At least he knows how to rub a back and hand over water. Palm's daddy apparently wasn't all prepared.
Palm's mom, goodness. What's my opinion on the mom? I don't know. I don't have enough information to judge. As a parent, there is nothing on this earth short of death that would separate me from my kids. They are the loves of my life. That said, I don't know the situation. Some people aren't made to be parents or want to be parents. Maybe she was pressured by both her parents and Palm's dad to have a kid that she hadn't planned on. She gave birth, realized she was a shitty parent and walked rather than do him harm. I'd rather someone walk then give out abuse. Like Palm's dad does. She stayed in contact with Palm's dad, so it wasn't just like she went, fuck you all. There is more to this. I refuse to judge when I don't know the situation.
We're seeing a more confident Palm. Not a Dom, but more confident for sure. Trying to reassure Nueng. "Will you tell your mom about our relationship?" And quick as a whip, Palm replies, "What is our relationship?" 🤣🤣🤣 "Will you tell your mom that you are working for my family?" Not the response Palm wanted. "I don’t think that is necessary. We can act like we are friends when we are with her." "It’s up to you. You are the one who always has plans." Ohh, that was sarcasm if I ever heard it, lol.
The boyfriends are so fucking cute!! Love it! Notice that Palm doesn't mind being called a fool at all. "Turn around and talk to me." What does Palm do? Does he tell his ass to go to be? Nope. He immediately turns around without question. "Why did you kiss me?" "I saw that you were feeling sad. I wanted to make you feel better." Fuck Palm, did you really tell him the kiss was part of your job. "You kissed me because it was a part of your job." Damn, that would be painful to think. "Next time, if you want to make me feel better, you don’t have to go that far. You can just act funny or play a joke. You don’t need to kiss me. A kiss is a special thing. It’s meaningful." Fair. Palm over here like, trust me, it was meaningful.
Palm is giving me, I'm going to go fast on this bike, so you have to hold me vibes. It's that devilish smile of his. Oh wow, he didn't. Aww, Nueng bought him the toy. Oh, shit! Don't eat the spicy food. I love spicy food, but hell no to that spicy food.
Palm adored Noey feeding him. Then getting commanded to tell Tam. Which Palm immediately did. So cute. I relate to eating spicy food so much. I love it, but it kills me. Crawfish all day, but man do my lips and hand pay for it.
Lady, you got no right being nosy. Mind ya business. "To repay the gratitude, how could he put the life of his only son in danger?" She is not wrong, though. I think at this point, every adult in the building is not fond of Pond's dad.
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This moment is so fucking cute. OMG. You killing me softly with those adorable smiles. Also, I'm trying to use less slang when writing and yo it's so fucking tough. Like in comfort writing, I slang like I'm talking to family. I found that some of you don't understand me, though. My bad.
"He is asking for praise, you guys. That is a subby sub all the way. I try to be liberal with my praising, but you bet your ass if a sub is comfortable with you, they'll ask for more. But Nueng doesn't give it to him. I love it! We're getting some brat vibes from Palm. Loving that as well. "Just having me here with you, I think it is special enough. Mr. Nuengdiao Kiattrakulmaytee, the great, you are so hard to please." "Are you done talking? How dare you tease me? I’ll push you off the cliff." "Okay, Young Master."
All the hand holding! So cute! Until he doesn't take his hand. Palm doesn't get it. He isn't understanding that Nueng doesn't want to be a job.
"I will protect and take good care of it." "Then who is allowed to come here?" "Someone I want to spend time in this beautiful place with. I want this place to be like the bridge of magpies that brought the cowherd and the weaver girl back together. Although they could meet only once a year, Their love made this place a very special place." "You are quite a romantic person." "There is much more of me that you’ve never seen. I only show you what I want you to see." "What you chose to show me is your good side, isn’t it? Because that is the only side of you that I see"
Lots of foreshadowing again. Then some lying by Palm and then Palm being a dumbass and once again telling Nueng it's for the job.
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I just… I can't even.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 8
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Is threw him his shirt and is helping him button it. And fixing his hair. Palm is loving this. Eating up the attention because he so rarely gets it. If your nose got that close to my food, I wouldn't be able to eat it. Just no. Ew. Him dusting right behind his back is so cute. Palm is really enjoying this relationship.
Aw, we're having super cute moments. Making drinks and shopping. Buttering us up before they gut us. Normally the gut doesn't come till episode 11. Palm wiping Nueng's eyes and then hugging him from behind in the water. I'm getting all the feels! "Mr. Nueng, what are you reading?" The fact that he still calls him Mr. Nueng is very subby. I personally don't do titles, though some of my subs give them to me. That's kind of what this feels like. Palm wanting to give him that show of respect.
"Why do humans do everything for love? Humans have been madly in love since ancient days." "Tell me more. What you learned from the book." "There’s a story. It explains the origin of love. When gods created the world, Human beings were created to have two bodies connected. They had four arms and four legs. The male and female kind, They were the offspring of the moon. The female and female kind, They were the offspring of the earth. The male and male kind, They were the offspring of the sun. One day, human beings made gods angry. So a god punished them. He struck lightning on them. Bang!" "That hurts." "So the humans were split into two halves. He also created a storm. To separate their other halves so that they could not find each other. This is the myth explaining why people are trying to find their other halves." "Mr. Nueng, do you believe that your other half is searching for you?" "Not really. It’s just a myth, but it’s kind of romantic." Then he goes on to tease Palm. To distract from the fact that he does indeed believe because why else did he start reading the book?
This actually seems to foreshadow a lot. That there will be a separation and that it will hurt Palm badly. That though Nueng is romantic, he tells himself it isn't real because it can't hurt if you don't believe, but then Palm is the type to go in search of what he wants.
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It's kind of interesting, isn't it. Nueng is romantic, the type to read and watch a romance but denounces it as not real. Because he is also the type that doesn't feel he can have it. Palm is far more pragmatic, he lives the romance, makes it happen. Palm is used to having to achieve his own happiness, so to him, love is the same way.
Yes! Merch! This is the best product placement ever! Fuck Palm has gotten braver. "Thank you, Mr. Nueng." See, it's become an endearment. Then we get to a trashed hotel and Palm's first instinct is to protect Nueng. Thank you. I don't wish harm to your mom, but she shouldn't come before Nueng. Just saying.
See, people never think of the consequences of their actions. I sold him the video, but I wasn't the one that spread it. I'm so fucking sick of the lack of responsibility in so many people. Are parents and adults unable to teach. You don't have to be the one to pull the trigger to have played your part in the destruction and harm of another human. Example: You see a boy getting beat and you do nothing. Then that boy is later found dead, and you were found to have not done your civic duty, guess what, you are just as responsible as the one who killed him. Sorry not sorry. Stop, pause, and ask yourself about the consequences of what you are about to do. Be it be good or bad, but the real question is, will what I'm about to do harm another human being. Are you in danger or someone else in danger, what justification or right do you to have to harm someone who isn't endangering you or a loved one?
Well that was a rant… My bad. Well damn. At least she's honest and take responsibility for being a jackass. "One day, you will understand. When life forces you to choose between your duty and your heart." Ahh... but his duty and his heart are the same thing. So what are they trying to tell us? Hmm.
Are you fucking for real. We are supposed to believe that Maggie just happened to find them on accident? Are we coconuts? Don't answer that. Did he really say okay to taking Maggie around the Island. Nueng is like, you coconut. Meanwhile, Maggie is side eyeing Nueng with a smile. Is she purposely trying to stir some shit up? It's interesting. Palm is pretty secure in this relationship. The one he doesn't trust is Maggie. Not that Maggie is helping with that.
"How long do you need to be his bodyguard?" "Until Mr. Nueng is safe and the problem back in Bangkok is solved." So you have other plans, Palm?
Oh! Nueng to the rescue! "After spending a lot of time with Palm, I realized I need to learn these things. It’s good that he had a chance to protect someone else other than me." Oh yeah, he isn't happy. "You can lie to yourself, but you cannot lie to me." 🤣🤣🤣 So she always saw it. She just decided to be a brat.
Palm comes back to mommy getting beat up. Ugh! I only vomited a little at that scene. Okay, so I don't necessarily agree with her life choices, but yeah, I'm with Nueng. Don't leave her to get assaulted. He trusts you, but he's worried about you. Awwwww. Bless Palm's heart. He is torn between his mom and the threat to her and protecting the love of his life.
Look at him walking in like a Boss. That was hot. Tell me that wasn't hot, cause you'd be a damn liar. And the way Palm is freaking out is hot too. Cute family moment. They are adorable. She called him on calling her mom and Palm just smiles! I love it!!! Good cover Nueng, good cover.
The shrimp!! But let's also talk about Palm using a very good sub tactic. I mentioned earlier in an Ask. Doms don't take commands well, and some don't take suggestions well. But really good subs know the way around this. Iffy is the queen of this. It's about explaining in such a way that the Dom sees it your way. "Peeling a prawn is a thing that lovers do for each other." Palm know his lover is romantic and he played into that. Palm is love this! I find the way they are eating hilarious. You always know the people who live on the water vs the people who don't. Wash hands with lemon water and peel with your hands. If this were crawfish, get ready for some really messy hands. Nueng over here with a fork and spoon, which I've seen people do because they hate the smell of shrimp on their hands.
"I need to apologize to you." "Apologize for what? You did many wrong things to me." I'm adoring the communication. "What else did I do wrong to you? You can tell me." "I’ll give you more time to think about it." Hahaha! Bless Palm, he is really thinking and can't figure it out. "Did Maggie leave for Bangkok?" That beautiful smile comes out. He loves it. "Oh I see. You are jealous because of Maggie. Should I apologize to you for that?" "Why? Can’t I feel jealous? I’m your boyfriend. I have a right to feel that way. It’s okay. I get it. For you, our dating is just a casual relationship while we are on the island. I can’t stop you from viewing it that way. I can’t force you to feel things that you don’t. You do not belong to me."
That back hug!!! So cute! "What do I need to do to show that you belong to me?" Now normally it would be a Dom that says belong to me, but this sentence feels more like. What must I do to prove that we aren't pretend. "I love you, Mr. Nueng." "I think I love you." "If that’s so, Can I express my ownership of you?" Yeah, I feel like this isn't actually ownership as they are using the word but more like, we aren't faking this. We are real and I want to express it. Oh, buddy, are they showing it!
Notice that Nueng does have the lead. He takes the shirt off and pushed Palm back. Palm is watching him with adoration, you can do anything to me. Damn, that was hot!
I don't want off the island! You can't make me, okay wait, you can make me but why are you!!! Noooo!!! I want to stay in the love fest. *Pouts* The foreshadowing is killing me, guys. It's killing me. Why? Because it simultaneously gives you hope and takes it away. Guess we'll have to wait and see. Hope you guys enjoyed this. 💜💜💜
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go, Episode 9-10
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Yup, that's right. I waited for episode 10 to come out before watching 9. I don't feel bad about it, either. Cause damn, I saw all the gifs, and I was not here for it.
Ahhh. The way Palm says, "Don’t underestimate my love. I don’t know if Mr. Nueng and I will be together in the future. But right now, The feelings and memories that I share with him, They will always remain with me." This is so important to me. We discount young people's feelings too often. Age is important and should always be taken into consideration, but individuals should be looked at individually. Palm has had to shoulder a lot of responsibility for a very long time. He is the type to make a decision and stick to it. He's solid and steady. "To be honest, I don’t know what the future holds for us. But my feelings will remain unchanged."
Nueng is the opposite. Just look at how he is when Palm is stressed. He was desperately looking for love. He doesn't think things completely through. Carries a much more immature look at life. It would almost seem that they aren't a good match. Oh, but they are. A flighty person can be stabilized by someone like Palm, they'll become the wild geese that mate forever because they just need someone to latch their feelings to. And Palm needs someone like Nueng to lighten the weight that he willingly carries. Hence, the next scene where he makes him smile. Palm, for all his shyness, adores it.
I love that Nueng can read Palm so well. That's something a good Dom should absolutely be able to do. No joke, Nueng just Dominated in a way that a lot of females will dominate their male submissives. It's a playful, but I will get my way, type of way. It's a soft Dom move.
"Why did you get a tattoo of my name?" "I want you to stay with me forever." In my belief system, there are kindred spirits and soulmates. Kindred spirits are those friends that journey through lifetimes with you. We get matching tattoos or tattoos with those people in mind, in order to make sure that we meet in each life. I actually have plans on getting a coconuts tattoo. A soulmate tattoo makes sure you and your soulmate are together forever, like the red thread. That's what this feels like. A soulmate tattoo. The shoulder kiss is everything!
Oh yeah, he is binding them as soulmates. No getting away for you Nueng. Palm being so fucking romantic. Where do I find me a romantic like Palm???
So now they are going back. For Palm's dad. The skin to skin contact for both their comfort. Nueng talks in circles around his fears, but Palm understands him.
"I’m glad that you come to live with me. I’m glad that I have the chance to be your mom, even for only a couple of weeks. Your dad raised you well. I’m sorry that I have never taken care of you." She's not a horrible person. Just not the best. It sucks that she died, but I'm really glad Nueng got that closer.
Oh, shit. There is so much to unpack in this one scene. One is in pain and is absolutely not used to someone being there when he is breaking. So he lashes out. He's a wounded and went away to lick his wounds and doesn't want to be seen. Then he realizes who he has lashed out to. This is his other half, and he immediately regrets, but Nueng does come from a loving family. This is not something you would do if you love another person. The push away in his head is full rejection.
For him, it's like Palm is saying it's his fault. Lots and lots of layers here. Guilt, rejection, and fear that the one he loves will die just like his dad and Palm's mom. "When we are together, something bad always happens. You and I, we shouldn’t be together." "Don’t ever come to see me again. Otherwise, you may end up dead."
That last part. You can see it click in Palm's head what is really bothering Nueng. Now, just because a sub is subby sub doesn't mean they won't fight for what they want. They like being told what to do, but a Dom is their everything, they will absolutely fight for them. Again, I would lean towards Nueng being a switch or soft Dom, but Palm is for sure a subby sub.
If I didn't know from all the spoilers, I would know from how Nueng is acting that he plans on leaving. He has a fake attitude but sad smile whenever Palm isn't looking. Nueng can read Palm, but Palm hasn't learned to read Nueng.
Song from the dance scene. One kisses to say goodbye, and the other kisses because he's never had someone be there. "What would your life be like if you didn’t meet me?" "I guess I would be working on a boat somewhere. I would spend my day catching fish." In Nueng's head, that sounds perfect, so he can't believe Palm when he says, "My life would be very boring. I think it’s a good thing that I met you." That's why he says. "But I imagine your life differently. I think your life would be happier. You might be taking an exam to get into a university. You might be an athlete." and he goes on, because in his head, Palm is with him out of duty. He's putting himself in a place to get hurt out of duty, and Nueng can't handle that.
"But everything that you said, I can do that with you." Nueng's face is breaking me.
Ep 10
"Before you lose everything." "But I still have you."
Both of them trying to protect the other one. Same goal, but they can't achieve it in the same way. Nueng has matured so much in such a short time. "Don’t choose me to be the goal of your life. I still want to see you follow your dream." Um… Who gets in a bath tub with boxers, and just how big is that tub? Ahh... It was a flashback.
Nueng pouring his heart out to his mom is killing me. I'm not crying. Your crying! Ahhh fuck! Now I'm really crying. His jersey. Really. I'm not fucking okay. Now sentimental and romantic flashbacks. Just leave me in a puddle here because of melted into tears.
The river told me lies! OMG, this song kills me.
And Nueng has hardened. He already had his innocents stripped with his dad, but everything that has happened since. It's changed him. Too many people have hurt him and he needs that wall to survive. He's seen what real friendship and love is, and if people want to get next to him, they are going to have to prove capable of that level. I'm the same damn way, so I respect this.
That boy didn't learn shit Nueng.
These flashbacks are killing me! "You plan on having fun without me. Then I won't teach you." Yup, Nueng is a soft Dom. They are so fucking cute.
I like these bodyguards. Yes I do. They are like, do I look like I give a fuck that this is the music room. What Nueng said might be harsh, but it's fucking fair. Just because I don't want you to eat at my table doesn't mean that I want you to starve. It just means that you've done enough to me that I don't want you at my table. Now I'm a big believer in not forgiving people but just moving on. I'll forgive those that have made it through the wall, but I don't feel the need to forgive someone who betrays me. I don't hate them because hating isn't worth it. It only hurts you, and the people you hate don't care.
Yeah, did you really think that he would leave you? As long as you love him, he'll be there. "But you are my life."
"Is this how you treat people? The time that we shared together. The things that we did together. Do they mean nothing to you?" "They mean a lot to me. Believe me. It was the best time of my life. So I want to treasure it. I want you to stay alive and be happy."
"I won’t let you run away from me again. From now on, if we are going to fight, We will fight together. If we are going to die, We will die together." Those are some solid vows. And look at the soft Dom forcing a promise from the subby sub. "You can wear your boyfriend’s clothes." Fuck, I'm not surviving this show.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, all these vows are going to kill me!!! And the way he pulls him to him. Damn.
The next episode is gonna be another tough one. Ugh. But this one. This one was so good. Hope you guys enjoyed! 💜💜💜
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 3
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As of right now, there is no D/s relationship, friendship or otherwise. Is there a D/s element? Yes! Palm is without a doubt submissive. The verdict is still out on Nueng. Is there a power imbalance? Abso-fucking-lutely. But is there a distinct power play line between work and play? That's the question. One that has only gotten murkier rather than clearer, but I'm a determined bitch.
Alright, Palm shows up late. We see submission from him with his dad. Look at Nueng, he's getting smarter. Palm's dad might be Dominant, but he's subservient, and he has no way around this. Good Job Nueng.
Notice in the care how Palm starts looking down when Nueng is talking about academics. He gets a little bratty, shows a little comfort, and daddy has to give eyes in the mirror.
The way Nueng shoots up to support Palm can't be marked as Dom. While it is a Dom move, we will also see this with bosses, leaders, and friends. Palm certainly appreciated it, though. That cute smile.
I don't trust Ben, and neither should you. Why you trusting him. You're too trusting, dipshit. Look at Palm in his palm shirt, smiling at Nueng. Then here comes the person we don't trust. See, Ben already trying to start shit. Yeah dude, I haven't seen you help handle a prank yet. Poor Nueng, so devastated. See how he told Ben he could manage his own schedule. Palm is submissive, but he isn't showing Ben any submission. Because Ben doesn't have his respect.
What are you up to, Ben. Trying to get Palm out of the way. Ben is going to dance with Nueng. Both of them staring at each other is not obvious at all. OMG! Palm is imagining him and Nueng dancing together. Well damn, we got confirmation that he 100% recognizes his feelings for Palm. Any doubts about Palm being subby, watch how fast he rolls over when his dad tells him to go to sleep.
"I’m thinking that I am protecting someone. Someone important to my life. Someone that I love. Someone that I really care about. Someone who I can’t live without. When I think of that person, I feel more determined. Love is much more powerful than hatred."
The way he looks him straight in the eyes when saying this. He is clearly trying to communicate with Palm. Lots of eye contact, so we are seeing some change there. Straight shoulders, head up, there's lots of confidence in this setting. Smiling and happy until Nueng asks who he thinks of protecting. He doesn't lie, but doesn't answer. The song lyrics while he shoots, though. ♪ Don’t be afraid even if we are separated ♪ ♪ Just stay there and wait for me, I’ll find you ♪♪ No matter what tomorrow brings, please remember this ♪♪ I will live only for you ♪
That's some heavy shit that could mean a whole lot of things... When it says ♪ I will live only for you ♪ he looks straight at Nueng. Which honestly isn't surprising. I haven't heard about mommy dearest yet, and dad isn't exactly caring. I mean, he's putting his kid in harms way to protect someone else's kid. Yeah, Palm hasn't had a lot of people give a shit about him.
See! I'm telling you! Ben is not to be trusted! Okay, Okay, but see how Palm talks to Chopper. He goes into subservient mode, but we don't see submissive. Chopper's dad is an ass. Palm is acting the same with Chopper's dad. Subservient, but not submissive. He isn't dominant like his dad, but he isn't submissive to these two either. Now, just because someone is submissive doesn't mean they will automatically act submissive to everyone.
I really don't trust Phum either. Betcha Nueng's necklace shows up missing in his locker. There was too much foreshadowing there for it not to.
Nueng teases Palm about talking back to him, and Palm looks down while smiling. He knows that Nueng wants him to talk back, and he feels good about making him happy. We're seeing a little brat, here. But we clearly see the submissive when he says, "It's alright, you can call me whatever you want. I don't mind." But he does seem upset. I think it's more the word servant and it being said to Ben. Nueng could call Palm a fool to his face and he wouldn't mind. So it's more about how it was done. Who called it on the locker!!!
Who called it on the jackass behind it!!! Well Phum, you pushed a submissive too far. The most dangerous creature is a submissive, protecting those they care about. It's while Palm is beating the shit out of Phum that we hear a repeat of what Palm said earlier.
"I’m thinking that I am protecting someone. Someone important to my life. Someone that I love. Someone that I really care about. Someone who I can’t live without. When I think of that person, I feel more determined. Love is much more powerful than hatred."
This is when Nueng knows that Palm cares about him. I don't think he knows that Palm loves him. Just that Palm cares. Shut up Ben! Phum got what he deserved!!! He brought out a bat! A fucking bat! Don't bring a knife to a fist fight because you might find out that the other person has a knife too. Ben hasn't done shit for you, Nueng. Do I need to hit you again to knock some damn sense into you.
And this is supposed to be about D/s no commentary but me and my damn mouth.
I'm starting to see some Dom from Nueng. Not heavy, but he seems to be adapting to what Palm needs from him. Interesting. For instance, the basically telling Palm to shut up and let him put the medicine on.
The way Palm flirts is so cute. "Are you afraid of me?" "No. I’m a bit surprised. What made you that furious?" "I think it was my instinct." "Instinct? Then you have a crazy instinct. You did it without worrying about yourself." "The person that I need to worry about is you."
Look at how shy he gets. Oh my goodness, Palm. I'm getting way too attached to you when I have a feeling this isn't going to end well.
Alright, so this was a lot more commentary than anything else. Sorry! Hope you enjoy 💜💜💜
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lutawolf · 2 years
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Please excuse the gif. I'm learning. I'll never be good at it, but I'm a little concerned that I'm annoying my fellow gif makers. I love you guys. What you do is artwork! 💜😘
So Never Let Me Go, Episode 12. I had to talk it over with @ellaspore because I really didn't know how to express my feelings. I was underwhelmed is what we came up with. Like this crescendo that didn't reach a climax.
There were amazing parts like the above scene. Where I think we all saw without a doubt, Nueng's love and devotion. He was ready to do what ever it took for his man and then die with him. Then he goes on to further prove this by being by Palm's side no matter what.
This time it was Palm that disappointed me. When Nueng left Palm, it was to protect him. When Palm left Nueng, it felt like more of an ego thing. Because Palm wanted to care for Nueng, not the other way around. At the same time I get it, cause that can be a subby thing. See why my emotions about the show are confusing.
I didn't become really invested again until the scenes below.
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gif stolen from this post and created by aprilblossomgirl.
I loved, loved, and loved this mother son scene. And as april points out, it's such a full circle moment. This woman who lost her husband poured herself into the company he loved to try and ease her pain. She's telling her son not to do that.
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I know a lot of people haven't being feeling Nueng, but he is the character that I feel the most. It's actually Palm that throws me. Forgives his mom, but holds back from his dad. Chases after Nueng then talks about how it will be okay if they aren't together in the future and I get it was self-preservation, but he had everything right there. Nueng had one hundred percent proven his love, and Palm ran.
I was left not knowing how to feel. Then this happened.
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And this, "So I worked hard to get better and waited until I would be ready. I’ve never wanted to leave you. I just thought if I wasn’t physically ready, how could I take care of you?"
I was giddy seeing them play in the water, but then their conversation went sideways again. It felt very open-ended. Like we decided for ourselves what they would do from here. But then they came full circle again, making me think they can't live without each other.
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Even though it wasn't as satisfying as I had hoped, it's still really good and one I would watch again.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Never Let Me Go D/s breakdowns Ep 5
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As of right now, there is no D/s relationship, friendship or otherwise. Is there a D/s element? Yes! Palm is without a doubt submissive. The verdict is showing some growth in Nueng as a Dom. Is there a power imbalance? Abso-fucking-lutely. But is there a distinct power play line between work and play? That's the question. One that has only gotten murkier rather than clearer, but I'm a determined bitch.
I hate Palm's dad. "I don’t get it, Dad. Why do you have to devote yourself to this family? My arm is broken. Have you ever worried about me? You are only worried about him. Seriously, what do we owe them? Why are you living like you’re their running dog?" "Do you know why you and I can have the lives that we are living today after your mom left us? It’s all because of Mr. Pop. When my life was completely ruined, Mr. Pop helped me to get back on my feet. That’s right. I am exactly what you said. I’ve been living as their running dog until today." "That’s your life. It has nothing to do with me." "It’s your life too. Mr. Pop saved your life." How? How did he save Palm's life? Is it just because he gave him a job? This shit isn't adding up.
We are back to boss and employee instead of D/s. Even when Nueng tells Palm to look at his face. He does it, but he isn't happy about it. He is doing it strictly because Palm is his boss. Nueng tried to send him home, but Palm basically said his Dom sent him, and he has to listen. Nueng writes on Palm's cast. He writes, a fool. Why? Why is Palm a fool?
Ahh, the shoe conversation is killing me. "You don’t need to give me any reward, Young Master." "Why are you calling me ‘Young Master’?" "Because I’m your servant. You said that I should know my place." "You said that I should know my place. So you shouldn’t take it personally" "I didn’t take it personally. But I think I should know what my job is. I think what you said is right. If I wasn’t busy with my stuff, I would have been able to take care of you when you were drunk." "Are you being sarcastic?" "No, I’m not. I’m just saying the truth. I know who I am to you. I’m just a servant. So I need to know my place."
We see Palm ask to be excused, but this time it's as an employee because he doesn't even wait on a response. I told you Ben was a shithead. Look, I get being scared, but then he should have left Palm alone.
"What are you doing here? Are you here to look down on me?" "No. I’m just worried about you." "That’s bullshit. You don’t want to be my friend from the beginning." "I can be your friend." Oh, now you can be his friend. Look I get why you were upset but let's take into account why he was getting drunk and that he was allergic. What Nueng did was shitty, but so was what Palm did. And he suddenly wants to change it all back when Nueng is in pain. "I’ll be anything that you want me to be." "Don’t try to be nice to me if you think it’s a part of your job, asshole." I've got to agree. "If you didn’t receive an order, you wouldn’t have wanted to befriend me. You’ve never worried or cared about me. Why is everyone doing this to me? What did I do wrong? Tell me! No one wants me. Go away! Go home, Palm! Palm, go away! Palm, let me go and go away! Tell me! Why did this happen to me? I opened up to him. Why did I get this in return? This is what I get from opening up to someone? Asshole. Let me go. Leave me alone." See, he isn't just talking about Ben. He is talking about Palm too.
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The hug feels like an anchor for both. Like a lifeline. Palm, not realizing that Nueng needed one. It signals a very real turn around in both of them.
"Aren’t you still mad at me?" "Why do I have to be mad at you?" "I told everyone that you are my servant." "I’m not mad at you. You have the right to say that." "I’m sorry." "Your apology means a lot more than the expensive shoes you bought me." And the other turn around. Both taking responsibility for their shit parts. Growth. I appreciate it.
They talk about Ben, and Nueng tells Palm that he didn't love Ben. It's just that he opened his heart to trust him. Palm then starts calling him Mr. Nueng then. And when the opportunity to kiss comes. They both take it. Nueng knowing that this kiss could just be part of the job but wanting it. Palm meanwhile really wanting to kiss Nueng. It's such a huge difference from Ben. There is such need in Palm's kiss.
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The way Palm falls on him to kiss him speaks of hunger and passion. A worlds difference. Then the way Nueng leans on Palm and Palm is able to hold him.
Palm waiting for Nueng while remember that kiss is so fucking cute. The conversation between Palm and dad is interesting too. "You shouldn’t date anyone now. Because you won’t have time for that. You need to take care of Mr. Nueng. Do you hear me?" "Yes, dad." Then Palm proceeds to lie about where he found Nueng. I really respect that. He sees his dad as his Dom, but his priority is Nueng. "You should learn about what he likes. So he will like you." Since when has he been worried about Palm and Nueng liking each other?
Then danger happens and Nueng takes Palm away despite his protest. This does not make Palm Dominant. My husband would do the same thing, and he is submissive in our relationship. Though, he gets the fuck out of the way when I throw hands. Anyway, back to the series. This does not make Palm Dominant, just protective.
"We need to run away and come up with a plan. Right now, I am the one who you should believe in and trust the most. You need to listen to me. I promise that I will never leave you." I'm taking this promise to heart Palm! You better not let me down!
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lutawolf · 1 year
Hey Luta! (Is it ok for me to call you like this? I'm very very new and just found you three or so days ago. I saw one of your posts where you preferred to be greeted like this so I figured it would be finee)
First of all, I'm a minor, little less than 2 years shy of being an adult. I'm not sure if you would be comfortable responding to this. (many adults don't and I respect it).
I found you through the posts about your views on series such KP and LITA and others and I've taken a liking to your breakdowns of each relationship's d/s dynamics. Therefore, I want to ask for an advice for a personal matter regarding these d/s dynamics and relationships.
This is really longer that I expected it to. I apologise for taking your time for some immature teen friendship issue. Thank you.
I had a friend who I basically grew up with, we've been in the same class for 5-6 years in school and we use to be so close that we talked about anything and everything ranging from assignments from school to bdsm (this was a recent past two year development). We hit it off really great but soon she started becoming more and more possessive, didn't like me talking to others for a longer period of time, would sulk any time someone else would approach us when we were together, etc. Between the two of us, she was the one who had a more dominant personality and would prefer to take the reigns of the conversations and decisions about what was our next plan and all. For a long period of time, I let her do all those things, I didn't mind at all, she was respectful to the teachers, my parents and elders alike, she took responsibility of her actions, wasn't careless and even if she preferred to take control, she would also let me know beforehand and ask for my opinions (i was not great at talking at all or speaking up for myself) so she could see what would be the best possible outcome. I had even enjoyed her attention on me and actually did prefer for her to do all those things (as a middle child, at home, i had to step up and take responsibility because my siblings were always too 'old' or 'young' to do chores and run errands so i liked stepping back and letting her take the lead). However what I failed to notice was her sketchy reputation among the students, my friends had warned me repeatedly but i did not listen to them and so this went on until she and i formed a group with 3 other people. At first we got along really well but then she started getting jealous of another girl who i was close to in the group. I got tired of explaining to her all the time that she was my "best friend" while the other girl would just remain a normal friend. She started to sulk around, act all depressed even more that usual which made other people start whispering about us in class and everywhere and I hated that so much. My grades dropped to a new level i hadn't ever seen before. However I couldn't bring myself to be away from her. This continued on and she did some pretty shit thing to the people in the group we had formed out of jealousy which was really devastating for me. On one side i didn't want to leave the group because i loved my new friends a lot, they were like a breath of fresh air away from her. On the other hand i didn't want to leave her alone as she had been the one i had all this time and she was genuine about me and my concerns. Also, she didn't have anyone else despite being so social (as I mentioned other students were wary of her). Fast forward a few months she got a new friend so i finally found it in me to end our relationship.
Back in 2021, she reached out to me and we kind of reconciled. I, however, didn't want to be seen with her in school because literally everyone in the school knew what had went down between us (it was a very long drama) and i absolutely hated listening to their opinions so i made her stay at a distance and she agreed as she acted really desperate to be with me again. Morally, I shouldn't have agreed, I should've just kept the distance b/w us and it was pretty shitty thing of me to give her hope, after all she talked about me as if i was the centre of her life or something (in the words of others). And so our relationship went on and off until we grew very close again...this was last year in 2022(we didn't hide our relationship but we weren't too open with it too). Our conversations grew close and ultimately landed on bdsm. Now, we shouldn't have started talking about this but we could hardly keep things from each other, i had a habit of telling her everything i didn't dare tell my other friends. I trusted her on a whole another level. At one point we even talked about dating each other and we had lengthy talks about what our preferences were. She told me that if we were together, she would like me as her sub (and god, did that wake some feelings inside me. It was like finally getting (or hearing in this case) something that you were craving to hear for so long). As a 16 year old, i wouldn't dare talking about this to anyone else, but since it was her....(maybe at this age, i shouldn't even have these feelings and shouldn't even think in this direction). Anyways, we got pretty serious and even dated for awhile (i think so we did). However, all good things have to end, and i, couldn't keep myself in check. I started feeling guilty because all this time i was lying to my friends about her and i also kept her hanging (neither denying to be openly with her, nor agreeing). It soon got too much and i ended up ruining what we could have.
We haven't talked or seen each other in almost 5 months. We end up on pretty bad terms and she came to me twice to ask why i wanted to end this badly and each time i ran away. And hence school ended and we went to different schools for further studies.
It was somehow so abrupt and expected that I don't know where I stand right now. I feel guilty because it was my fault for ending it abruptly and each time i remember the crestfallen look on her face....
I want to reach out to her, say sorry and ask for her forgiveness because she didn't deserve it. But everytime I think of doing so, I'm reminded of what she did to my friends. It was really serious, I also feel guilty because I shouldn't have these feelings for her after what went down between them. I should stand rigidly beside my friends and I should hate her. I can't bring myself to hate her. Yeah, she didn't care for others like how I do, but she cared more than enough for me, she taught me things even what my parents neglected to tell me and i know her feelings for me were genuine no matter how she chose to show it. I'm so ashamed of myself. It is so selfish of me, honestly.
I don't know what to do? Should I reach out to her? Will she hate me? Will she make fun of me with her new friends? I really miss her, but sometimes I wonder if I only miss her because I crave that d/s dynamic from her that only she knew about. But then I miss her little notes in class where she wrote complicated poems to me, her random gift givings and i hate myself because I was never able to fully reciprocate what she did for me and somehow she didn't mind it. She used to come back from winning prizes from quizzes and Olympiads and would hand me the chocolates given as rewards and be like "for you." It was good while it had lasted.
My friends, me and her are all in different schools now. Two of my friends do go to the same school as her so i wonder if it would be right to message her.
Will it be selfish of me? Wanting something I shouldn't? And should I really message her? Is it ok? I don't know where i am going with this, it was really too abrupt. I had grown to depend on her and in these past 5 months, i can't coulnt how much I have thought of her.
I'm so sorry if this ended up wasting your time. Even if you don't end up responding, I feel a little lighter typing this all out. I really thank you for providing this space...this is the first time I am putting all my thoughts out and I don't feel too embarrassed to do so. Thank you.
Hey Nonnie!
Your greeting was perfect, and I appreciate it very much. Thank you.
I have a 17-year-old daughter who I'm very open with, so you are good. I'm also a mentor, though with that I'm a little bit more boxed in by rules. However, I feel that education should be tailored to fit the individual's intelligence and maturity. We have advanced classes for a reason, I don't know why we only apply that logic to classroom education.
This relationship is important to you. And years to come it will still shape you because whether we want to recognize it or not, the people who we interact with, especially friends, have a huge impact. I like to say that people are the paints that make up your unique painting. I felt this the most when thinking of names for my kids. I literally turned my nose up at many names because of remembered experiences. So when you think of it like that. Is it really that trivial.
Let me say that I'm super proud of you for recognizing your boundaries and finally standing up for them. However, your behavior afterward is deplorable. I'm just thankful that you see that. You're either friends with someone or you aren't. The excuses you gave for arms lengths means that you just shouldn't have reconciled because you weren't ready. However, you basically accepted the friendship and used it as an opportunity to get yours. Not cool. But it sounds you did some soul-searching and came to that epiphany yourself. Pretty impressive.
That said, leave her the fuck alone. You are addicted to the rush of BDSM and not mature enough for it. You apologize, you are gonna get drawn right back in. Just stop. Not to mention, apologizing to ease YOUR regret but with no solution and possibly more heartache is selfish of you. Sorry to be so blunt, but that's how I am.
I have a friend who is long from this earth. He murdered people. Yup, real life unalived several people. Other people hate him, and I don't blame them. I can fully recognize the awful things he did and know they are fully within their right to hate him. That said, he was there for me in a time when I was on the ground getting kicked at. I also understand more intimately than others how he became the way he did. So I don't hate him, but that doesn't mean that if I were alive, I'd be anywhere near him. Because I love myself enough to not put myself in those kinds of positions. I like Kinnporshe and Lita, but those are fictions, and we should recognize them as such. Boundaries must be much harder than what they portray.
You don't have to hate your friend. Emotions are too complex to make either gray or black. You have different experiences with your friend to shape your emotions that your other friends don't have. Not hating her doesn't mean you have to be friends with her, it just means you don't want to carry around that emotion. Love her and yourself enough to recognize that you two bring out the toxic in each other. Think of her, appreciate the good times you had, and when you happen to run into her, don't be an ass. Be authentic in your genuine happiness of seeing her, but don't push for a friendship. Be friendly associates, that occasionally see each other and don't hold animosity. Eventually, that will ease a part of you that's currently in turmoil. But let her go, for both you and her.
I would also take this time to develop yourself. You know yourself as a sub. And for other reading this and thinking of judging. You can ask all my friends on here, my daughter is the biggest brat and was born that way. I didn't push it on her, and I didn't even talk about BDSM until she was ready and started asking me questions. Because I would rather educate my child than someone else, we talked about it freely and openly. Her being a brat, just like her being a lesbian, is just her. All that to say, if you believe you're a sub. Take the time to learn yourself, by reading, not doing. Look at forums and read books. Learn your boundaries and be serious about them. That has to be done long before you even think of a D/s relationship.
Hope this was helpful. Wish you the best. 💜💜💜
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lutawolf · 2 years
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I posted 2,232 times in 2022
That's 2,232 more posts than 2021!
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1,315 posts reblogged (59%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 982 of my posts in 2022
#coconuts mafia - 198 posts
#luta opinions - 192 posts
#streaming kinnporsche on iqiyi - 153 posts
#kinnporsche the series - 150 posts
#luta question and answer - 145 posts
#kinnporsche - 134 posts
#kinnporsche luta - 116 posts
#not me the series - 112 posts
#luta - 104 posts
#not me series - 96 posts
Longest Tag: 118 characters
#i think another reason why i like bl is it won't ever be me so it's free of the stereotypical portrayal of a het woman
I sent 1 gift in 2022
My Top Posts in 2022:
Love In the Air Ep 5 Review & Running Commentary
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My freak flag is waving and I'm here to review for my fellow kinksters and the vanillas that want to be informed. For those that are new here, I do have previous reviews that can be found here. I've been asked how I feel about the lack of discussion and guidelines. I think this is a lifestyle couple from Thailand, which most Asian countries already have a soft D/s lifestyle. From what I've seen of the Asian relationships around me is that they are similar to the US South. Where someone in the relationship always holds more control. Which means there is already an expectation of figuring out who is in charge. In which case there is a softer way of doing guidelines and harder on consent commands. You'll see this same play out in more experienced D/s relationships because they are already familiarized. Also going over guidelines can take days, nobody wants to wait and go through that in their show. Okay, clearly some people do but not me. I'd rather skip to the good part.
Speaking of good part. We ended on a really good part last week. I just want to remind everyone of that before we get to the drama, lol. Okay, so there is just something about seeing the day after when they are still in the bed. It just instantly puts you into that moment. It's this warm and fuzzy feel. And he is sick. By the way I got a lot of answers to the Sick In The Rain comment but basically the rain comes during cold/flu season, which makes them more susceptible. Really interesting. I appreciate everyone who answered my question.
So back to Rain being sick. NO! But now that Rain belongs to Payu, he'll take care of him. Omg, Payu caring before almost killed me, now that he'll be more open about it. I'm gonna die! By the way... That hair. 👀 It's so fucking hot. Oh bless him, I know what it's like to wake up with a headache. Sucks ass and not in a good way either (if you didn't catch my Vegas reference, you most go straight to jail and you do not get to pass go). Yeah Rain, you didn't stand a chance luckily for us. Mom is valid. I don't care who you are, child or roommate. If you aren't coming home, call. So people don't worry, it's not about age, it's about respect and safety. These are top priority in BDSM too.
See the full post
336 notes - Posted September 15, 2022
Guys! Can we please talk about this moment.
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Porsche is normally the one doing the picking up in his sexual escapades. Look at him just fucking flying at Kinn. It's so natural and he is so happy.
392 notes - Posted May 29, 2022
Kinnporsche Masterlist
Thoughts & running commentary by episode: Masterlist
My Dominant/sub posts: Masterlist
Different D/s roles
Kinn being The Dom of Kinnporsche 1-14 Masterlist
Porsche being the brat submissive of Kinnporsche by iffy
Vegas and Pete S/m: Masterlist
Other Masterlists
Unforgotten Night
My Beautiful Man
Not Me
Love In The Air
Until We Meet Again
Between Us
Movie Reviews: Love and Leashes
For other master lists check out Coconuts Mafia
By the way, you can all thank @liankuea for this.
Please Re-blog, I love it! But please do not repost any of my blog onto other social medias without giving me credit. I do have requests to Re-blog in a different language with credit. I'm absolutely good with that 💜
If you don't address me in an Ask with at least Hi Luta, don't expect me to be nice. Why?
405 notes - Posted May 13, 2022
I'm seeing a lot of comments saying Porsche is the Dominant. I mean, I see some of your points and the validity in them. I just don't agree nor see it. Maybe I'm making correlations because, I personally live in a relationship with a Dominant male who is a sexual submissive to me.
Let's unpack the questions and see.
Porsche called Kinn out on his jealousy. He sure did, but it was in a submissive brat manner. As I mentioned in my notes it's all in the body language. He is not moving towards Kinn in a domineering stance he has leaned back and shifts down. Yet he is using his words to goad Kinn. What do you think submissive brat behavior is? It's struggling, small annoyances, and verbally talking back.
Because Porsche took control of the hand job at the end. Okay, this one I don't know what to think about it. I mean you're basically saying if I give my husband a hand job. Get him off but continue to get finger banged and lose myself in an orgasim that I am no longer Dominant. Well, okay, let me just go tell my husband that I'm not Dominant, hahaha! We'll just ignore the Dominant stance of Kinn's hand controlling Porsche's head the entire time, hmm.
He calls him out on the lack of trust. This is just fucking insulting to a submissive. It implies they are doormats to take abuse. That is not what submission is! It is a power imbalance but it does not take away a submissive's right to be treated with respect. Yes, there are some submissives that do enjoy that but it is a subcategory of submissive and does not describe all of them.
I've already explained the neck. Porsche's five second touching of Kinn's throat is in no way comparable to the complete control Kinn had over Porsche's entire fucking head. Not only that, there is absolutely no rule stating a submissive can't touch the throat. A D/s relationship is subject to their own personal guidelines of what is allowed. And to be very honest, I'm 89% sure that was an Apo move done unintentionally.
Porsche keeps proving he is the one in control and owns Kinn. Want me to point out each and every time Kinn used ownership words for Porsche and Porsche allowed it. Basked in it even but never once tried to return it. "Vegas always wants what's mine" "My bodyguard" "When you are done return to me both the gun and yourself" I mean that whole statement right there was ownership with Porsche smiling.
Now let me also point out to you Kinn's Dominant "come give me a hug" to which Porsche readily responds. He does not ASK Porsche for a hug, he commanded. A sub asks, like how Porsche does with Kinn on multiple occasions. He not only uses words but body language, the only time this changes is when he is being a brat.
Edited to talk about Kinn showing vulnerability. Do you guys really think that my husband has never held me as I cried. That as a Dominant, that I've some how given up the right to break down? That this somehow makes me less? Let me assure you that is all far from the truth.
Another edit because there keeps being more. Porsche was above Kinn which signifies the switch in power I've got to disagree. Notice how Porsche didn't put himself above Kinn, Kinn purposely placed him above him. When Porsche turns around from the mirror they are even. Kinn grips the back of Porsche's neck (again, Dominant move) and then lowers himself to inhale Porsche. From that point on Kinn is purposely placing Porsche above him. It's an apology.
Okay, thank you for coming to my Luta talk. Please feel free to ask any questions but don't come at me. 💜💜💜 Please understand that if you don't agree with me on the D/s or even who the D/s are. I respect that. Some of the above though is not only inaccurate to the community it's insulting.
425 notes - Posted May 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The D/s series: Kinn as a Dominant
(This is a companion piece to Iffervescent's sub post, that can be found here)
There have been a lot of requests for more information on the Kinnporsche D/s element. The amazing Iffervescent and I thought that we could provide this information to you all while enjoying ourselves. Seriously. You should have seen me taking this BDSM (Iffervescent's Idea!) as Kinn. The test was fun, interesting, and a little stare into a light bulb to cleanse my mind. Then excited babbling about the results afterwards. So without further delay.
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Could It Be More Accurate!!
So Kinn is a Dom. What is a Dom and how so? Dom/sub: Is a power balance. A Dominant, or Dom, refers to BDSM relationships and the role one person takes. In this role, this person has more control/power/authority in the D/s relationship.
Though a Dom wants and needs control. They are also the ones with the responsibility to care for and the protection of their sub.
You can clearly see how Kinn is the Dominant in the relationship between him and Porsche. It's there in the way he'll push and pull Porsche, he controls Porsche's movements especially his head, the crock of his finger and especially in how he cages Porsche in until he calms down. It's in the way that once Porsche feels that he has his Doms attention, he relaxes.
See the full post
450 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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