#luta watches Hit Bite Love
lutawolf 1 year
Hello Luta,
I realize you don't know me and this is coming kind of out of nowhere but I saw you were interested in watching Hit Bite Love but were waiting for a few more episodes to drop before seeing it.
As someone who has both greatly enjoyed your D/s comments (and general reviews) and sympathized with all you've been through and who has watched the first two episodes of Hit Bite Love, I felt like giving a bit of a heads up in case no one else had. I understand you make your own, informed decisions but the MDL synopsis for the show is pretty inaccurate when it comes to Shogun (Shokun's) story and the trailer only partially clears things up.
What I mean is, the storyline following Shogun has SA and coercion. The SA occurs in ep. 2 starting at the 4:30 mark of the 4/5 section of the show on YT. Thankfully very brief but the trailer/synopsis gives no hint that this will happen.
As for the coercion, that involves the new love interest, Matteo. Now, the show is jumping around in the timeline a lot and there might be scenes in the upcoming episodes that show how Shogun comes to agree to Matteo's deal but the way ep 2 ended, Matteo is basically saying the only way available for Shogun to achieve a personal dream is to become Matteo's playmate.
As the MDL synopsis makes it sound like Shogun starts dating Matteo for social status and the trailer shows Shogun only voicing complaint about the pain play only after they're already dating, I don't feel like adequate information had been given to fully understand the story one is signing up to watching.
And after 2 episodes, Shogun still looks like a kicked puppy and he is such a sweet cinnamon roll that he really doesn't deserve it.
Hey fellow friend,
I'm not familiar with you, no, but I appreciate anyone looking out for my well-being. I do have severe issues if I'm surprised by SA, it's a huge trigger, so thank you very much for the heads-up.
I'm actually watching the first one right now. So perfect timing. There is no way I can skip this because I've fallen madly in love with Burger and King, but thanks to you, I'm going to get a buddy watcher. @notfreetoday were you planning on watching this show at all? Are any of my @coconuts-mafia planning on watching?
Hey, fellow SA if you'd like me to post trigger warnings like I did for LITA, let me know. I like to live as much of a normal life as I can and enjoy the things I would like to. But thank you for giving me the opportunity to do it safely. 馃挏馃挏馃挏
Love, Luta
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lutawolf 1 year
TharnType Episode 7
If you guys have missed the previous reviews, they can be found here.
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I love this scene so much for so many reasons. One of them being that though they aren't saying they are together, they really aren't hidden. I mean, Tharn his carrying Type's drink for goodness鈥檚 sake! I mean, Techno knows.
Then we have a moment of reveal in which Type admits he is dating someone, but doesn't say who. Hiding and yet not hiding. I especially love the way Techno's eyes slide right to Tharn. Like bitch, you are not fooling me, but I need confirmation. "Let's talk about your "girlfriend", Type" 馃ぃ馃ぃ馃ぃ
I mean, they are getting an apartment together. And there we go, there is Tharn admitting it. But other than Techno, Type sets the hard limit of him not wanting others to know. I know this was a hard thing for people to accept, but he put it out there. He was up front. It's just like guidelines, those are your limits, and they are what they are for your own reason. Tharn accepted this.
Now Type is back in his hometown about to learn some hard truths about himself. The way he talks about Tharn is a clear indicator of someone who is trying to stay detached, but can't. Already calling him, and of course Tharn has to call him out on it. Meanwhile, Tharn has no trouble admitting how he feels. Which is good because Type is the type that needs constant reassurance. When you bring a wall down, it is a bit like mowing the lawn. You don't stay on top of maintaining it, the grass grows back. Same with the wall we put up to protect ourselves.
Both of them ending the call smiling like stupid idiots is so cute.
Kom comes to visit! Kom speaking the truth. You always attract men. In the book, this is especially true. That's one of the reasons that Type is more homophobic than he likely would have been. He was constantly being hit on by guys who had a hard time understanding no. Think about women who have been SA, we aren't surprised that they dislike men because they will continue to be bothered and hurt by men. Just because a man is gay doesn't mean he can't be pushy. I mean honestly Tharn is pushy. It just happened that he clicked a switch in Type, unlike the others. But imagine having PTSD and no chance to breath or recoup. That's what has made Type who he is.
Kom says, "Come on, it's better to be loved than hated." So we are going back to this common narrative. We've seen it in earlier episode. It becomes ironic when said to a guy, but it's very commonly said to females. "You should appreciate all the attention you get." Why though? If someone doesn't want the attention, then they don't want it.
Wait Luta, you're confusing. We've watched enough of MAME to know that the characters pursue. Yup, that is correct. SA survivors have walls a mile high, it's gonna take work to break those down. We need people to gradually boulder the wall, not come in like a wrecking ball. We can't feel threatened or scared. And when we lash out, you'll have to take responsibility. Which is the standing difference. Abusers always blame you where people who actually give a fuck, take responsibility.
They are at the full moon party and everything about Type's body language says uncomfortable. Then the guy comes from Type's behind and touches him. Most SA survivors are triggered by touches from behind, first instinct is to punch and ask questions later. Type didn't physically touch the other students who touched him, just this guy who came up behind him. His PTSD fight or flight was triggered and since he was up against a bar and this dude behind him, his body had one choice. But that's real hard to explain to people in the heat of PTSD or coming off of it. Instead, Type once again lets his hate fester, but it bites him in the ass with his friend. Notice that Type is immediately upset, he is starting to get it.
Here is the thing about prejudice. It takes time to over come. People always crack me up when they meet prejudice with anger. When they think that everyone should magically understand and think like them because they can so clearly see that it's right. But everyone has prejudice. Everyone. Now, not everyone gives into it. But bare with me, and I'll try to explain social psychology. At its core, prejudice is simply an association of a sensory cue to an innate behavioral response. So like dog snarls and often bites, becomes dog that snares bites. Basically, human beings adapted mechanisms to respond quickly to visual cues that our brains deem dangerous without our conscious awareness. What's asinine is sometimes our brains see patterns in stupidly harmless things. You ever get a stomach bug and associate a certain food with that stomach bug, so much so that you won't eat it again. Even though you know it won't likely cause you to be sick again?
Now, most people are intelligent and empathetic enough to control reactionary implicit bias. Unless there is patternization or brainwashing. In Type's case, it's not brainwashing because he doesn't have people telling him how bad gays are, but the opposite. However, he has had repeated bad experiences with homosexuals, so it's pattern process. So what does all this mean? Type is scared, terrified really, and kicking someone like that is only going to make them fight back. Tharn is teaching him and helping him grow, but it's going to take time to circumvent the fear.
It took me a really long time to remove my prejudice towards men. A lot of therapy and support. But the empathy is there for Type, he is trying to be better. I love that he talks to Tharn about it, and it's not made into a big deal. Why? Because Tharn knows Type, and he already knows that the guy must have touched Type. Touch is a trigger for Type as it is for me. Once again, we see Tharn not being shy with his feelings, which is exactly what Type needs.
Type coming back home and Tharn immediately racing to him is a top scene for me.
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Tharn's sad face when Type says he won't tell anyone about them. He knew this, I'm not saying it's right, but I'm not judging it either. Type hasn't had time to come to terms with himself yet. I can understand the hesitation. I understand Tharn being upset. They are both justified in feeling what they are feeling.
The sushi scene is more than just a fun scene. Tharn hates sushi, but here is Type in public trying to feed him. So hell yes, he is going to eat that sushi. And Type hates that he hurts Tharn, so he just wants to do something for him.
The store room again!!! Hahaha!!! Mister, I don't want anyone to know, but I'll let you hold my hand in public while begging. Not suspicious at all. The sales girl is such a fan. Me too girl! Me too!
I really don't like San. Not just because of him trying to get back with Tharn but come one. What he did to Tharn was not acceptable.
I love the Facebook birthday scene. Tharn had no intention of telling Type his birthday. He knows Type will go looking, and he loves that. It lets him know that he is special to Type.
Okay so the scene on the bed. Where Type is spilling bullshit. Notice that Tharn does not meet this with anger. Just a deep sigh and calmness. Type rewards him with telling him that he is already his. The softer Tharn is, the more Type gentles, which is very accurate.
So that's it for this episode. Hope you enjoy this book. If you get to the end. Big Thanks!!! 馃挏馃挏馃挏
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lutawolf 1 year
Lovely Luta
It's funny. I watched the Trailer for "Hit Bite Love" and was interested but expected a TrashWatch... Now though.... Ep 1 gave me tingles.... I can't explain it but I have a feeling I don't get very often... Hope you might find Time to check it out and tell me what you think because I don't know where the tingles are from yet....
Kindest Regards
Hey tali!!!
Yay! Love hearing from you. Hope you are doing well.
This looks so interesting. I'm gonna have to give it a try. Where can I watch it?
Thank you! 馃挏馃挏馃挏
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