#luv y0urself . šŸ¤
luv-y0urself Ā· 4 months
boynextdoor when they have crushes
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boynextdoor x fem!reader genre: fluff, slice of life, mayhaps...? | wc: 2026 words | warnings: all sorts of tropes ahead !! all of the boys are the same age as the reader in the fic, although not mentioned :) š–¤ļ¼Žthank you to the anon who requested this ! i'm so sorry it took this long to get out... i might've gotten a little carried away (psst... i didn't tell you this, but i might be using this as a small teaser for a future series...!)
boy #1: park sungho
to me, sungho genuinely feels like the type to fall for his childhood best friend. itā€™s the feeling of comfort that he feels with her that suddenly morphs into something more, yā€™know? heā€™s having a casual night out, grabbing a quick drink with his friend for successfully ending the semester in one piece when she shows up dressed with her hair done, makeup immaculate, and a dress that fits her curves perfectly and accentuates all the nice things about her. he canā€™t help but gape at her form once he lays eyes on her, and is dumbfounded for a few seconds before heā€™s able to murmur a soft compliment in her direction. she merely laughs it off, telling him that he looked rather dashing that night as well. it was common for them to care for each other in that way; they didnā€™t think of it much when they were complimenting each otherā€¦ but on that night, at that moment, sungho meant every word. once sungho is able to fully mull over the situation (and fully realizes that he definitely has a crush on her), sungho would go out of his way to care for her. heā€™s always sending her texts (much more than usual), usually things like ā€œyour class starts soon, are you at school yet?ā€ to things like, ā€œdonā€™t skip lunch even if youā€™re working.ā€ he strikes me as the type to bring lots of sweets to his gal when mother nature decides to pay her a visit, or for him to cook her some of her favorite broth if sheā€™s feeling under the weather. at one point, i feel like she would realize that sungho has changed a little bit; she asks the other friends in her group about it and her friends canā€™t help but smack their foreheads at how dense sunghoā€™s crush is, then help sungho set something up for him to actually overcome the fear of losing his friend and confess to her.
boy #2: lee riwoo
to be completely honest, i feel like riwoo is the type to fall for a girl that he met at a dance competition. riwoo would be one of the judges, waiting for the last performance to go on stage and dance their hearts out. heā€™s beyond tired, having gotten at the site more than six hours ago, and having sat in his chair without moving for four of those six. but once she comes onto stage, riwoo would feel the spinning world stop. all he can see is her, dancing her heart out to the choreographed routine that she and her group mates put together for everybody to see. itā€™s unprofessional, really ā€” riwoo should be watching the performance for all of the rubric points, but all he could focus on was the way that she moved; the way that she waltzed with the song, her arms elongated and her steps light but strong, hitting each beat with undeniable passion that she mustā€™ve practiced with. riwoo isnā€™t able to do anything the day of, however ā€” that would be even more unprofessional than how distracted he was during the performance. no, the real time he would be able to do something is when he holds a surprise pop up class with a limited number of students able to attend, and sheā€™s one of them. when checking their form, i feel like riwooā€™s eyes would subconsciously stay on her form for a little longer compared to the other students, and if she had a question, he answer it to the best of his ability, and then some. riwoo doesnā€™t strike me as the impulsive type, but with her in the room, i feel like he would change the choreo that he's teaching to a pair dance, choosing her in the room to dance with.
boy #3: myung jaehyun
god, myungjae would be the loudest guy out there once he has a crush. he definitely strikes me as the type of guy to go shouting in the group chat, saying that he just spotted the ā€œgoddessā€ of their school while walking around. he probably also wouldnā€™t waste any time beating around the bush; the very next time he spots her, he would probably go up to her and say some cheesy pick up line (ā€œso, aside from taking my breath away, what do you do for a living?ā€) although the girl would definitely be surprised, and maybe even annoyed at his seemingly insincere ways of telling her, myungjae would do everything he can to regain her trust in him (aka. making her fall for him, according to his boasting). whenever he spots her on campus, myungjae makes sure to make himself known. he often waves at her from hundreds of meters away, running to her from wherever he saw her from (and ditching whoever he was with, which, most of the time, is poor woonhak) just to strike a conversation with her. he asks her about all kinds of things, like what sheā€™s doing today, how sheā€™s feeling, if anything happened to her in the past 16 hours which he hasnā€™t seen her, anything. (once, she replied back that she was going to go meet a long distance guy friend, and myungjae immediately got sooo jealous. he would ask all kinds of things, like what he looks like, how tall he is, whether sheā€™s ever liked him in the past or if she does now, how long sheā€™s known him for, etc. she would definitely tease him for being jealous before leaving in a flash, purposely mentioning that she needs to ā€œget readyā€ for her hangout with the said guy. myungjae is absolutely distraught, to her delight.) but, if sheā€™s feeling down, heā€™s there for her always, giving her a shoulder to cry on if needed. he provides lots of advice for her if she opens up to him in that way, glad that he was able to be of help to his one and only.
boy #4: han taesan
boy oh boy, han taesan. definitely the type to fall for the girl working at the lp shop that heā€™s a regular at. taesan was just walking around the shop, seeing if there were any albums that were recently added that he hadnā€™t seen the last time he was there. thatā€™s when he spotted her listening to the legendary nirvana album (in his opinion), bleach (1989), and she was humming the melody to ā€œabout a girlā€ when he couldnā€™t help but be intrigued about her. the lp shop was old; taesan was close with the owner of the shop, since the old man had cared for taesan like his own son. taesan would definitely ask about her the next time he sees the man (which is very soon), surprised when he mentions that sheā€™s working at the shop now; taesan came to the shop almost everyday following that short encounter, often staying at the shop much longer than necessary when she was around (and leaving the shop quickly when he wasnā€™t able to see her at her usual spot at the counter), trying to get a better look at what she was doing or if she was listening to anything else that he enjoyed listening to, too.Ā  the first time that taesan would actually make a move is when he catches that sheā€™s sick from the rapidly changing weather. he spots her erupting into small coughing fits, which she suppresses quickly with a quick drink from her practically steaming tumbler. the next day taesan walks into the shop, his pockets are a little heavier than usual; heā€™s carrying with him some cough medicine and tylenol, packaged nicely in a clear bag, perfected with a clean note inside (which he definitely didnā€™t take 15 minutes to write two lines of). when sheā€™s not at the counter, cleaning something at a different end of the shop, taesan slips over and places the bag of medicine containing the note next to her tumbler so she canā€™t miss it, smiling a little as he exits the shop.
boy #5: kim leehan
would it be a surprise if leehan falls for the girl working as a docent at the aquarium? she's all heā€™s been looking for; an expert on fish that shared the same love for marine life that he did. i feel like leehan would meet her coincidentally at his local aquarium; usually he likes to stay home and just look at his own fish tank, but that day, he felt like going out. it had been too long since he left the house, anyway; the last time heā€™d left was a few days ago, when he went to go find some new fishies for his fish tank (if leehan has his fish tank and his phone, he could probably stay at home for a whole month without leaving it once).Ā  usually, leehan is the type to walk around the aquarium by himself; he already knew a lot about most of the fish there, and if he didnā€™t know anything, he was the type to stand in front of the description for a while in order to read everything about the new fish. but, something about her voice stroke a chord in him; her voice was different from the other docents that he had walked by, and he saw himself just trailing the crowd that was following her, listening to her words that were flowing out of her like she was telling the story about the fish for the first time. after the entire tour, when she seems to go on break, leehan would call out to her according to her name that she had mentioned at the end of the tour, letting the people know that she was always happy to talk about fish if they ever spotted her around the aquarium another day. he would then proceed to question her about some of the new species that had recently been added to the aquarium tanks, piquing her interest in him as well. i think they would meet a couple more times at the aquarium itself before leehan would ask if she would like to see his own fish tank at his house ;)
boy #6: kim woonhak
woonhak is the epitome of boyish love. thereā€™s no denying itā€¦ he just reminds me so much of the type of guys that would endlessly tease and poke fun at you just because he doesnā€™t know how else to express himself. i think the person that he would do this to would definitely be a somewhat calm personā€¦ like a student volunteer at his schoolā€™s library!! he would definitely fall for her when heā€™s checking out his textbooks at the beginning of the year ā€” heā€™s never stepped into the textbook room prior to this (since this was all a new system that the school implemented) and woonhak just saw her working hard, interacting cordially with the kids she knew and genuinely looking like she was enjoying her job there. her genuineness sparked something deep inside of him, and after that day, i feel like he would visit the library all the time. heā€™s going to memorize the days and periods that sheā€™s working at the library and get out of class during those days just to go to the library and try to see her. because he visits her so often, i just know that they would start to talk and that would just make woonhak fall even more for her ā€” sheā€™s such a passionate individual, always working hard for what she wants to achieve in the future. whenever she talks about her ambitions, woonhak just canā€™t help but be mesmerized about everything around her; her pretty, sparkling eyes, the soft breeze from the window that tickles her hair, being able to easily tune out the bustling of the students around them as if they were alone, and her voice, making him truly wonder if she was born under the extensive care of angels. at one point, though, i feel like she would ask him why he always visits her but never actually looks at any of the books or the library in general. woonhakā€™s ears would burn a bright shade of red before he clears his throat, finally asking her out on a date (ā€œactually, speaking of whichā€¦ do you want to, uh, go out this weekend?ā€)
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reblogs + feedback are greatly appreciated ! Ā© luv-y0urself / 2024
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luv-y0urself Ā· 4 months
myungjae is such the type to put his girl on the countertop of the kitchen (or the fucking bathroom) and start kissing the hell out of her omg
heā€™d be so passionate about it too
his hands would wrap her legs around his waist and he would make sure her arms are around his neck and his hot hands are all over her, caressing her legs or the curve of her butt (even giving it a few quick squeezes, knowing his cheeky demeanor) but oh my godā€¦. heā€™s so fucking in love and heā€™s going to show it to her in every possible way he can, any time heā€™s able to
if she starts to get out of breath and she starts hitting his chest lightly to let go of her, he would chuckle a little and pull on her lips with his teeth before FINALLY letting go, earning himself another smack on his chest from his girl
she would probably mumble something like ā€œthat hurt, you idiotā€ and he would respond back with ā€œbut iā€™m your idiotā€ and start pampering her neck with kisses because she seems too out of breath for him to try and kiss her on the lips again
itā€™s his way of caring for her at that momentā€¦ although iā€™m not sure how long it would last šŸ„ŗ
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Ā© luv-y0urself / 2024
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luv-y0urself Ā· 4 months
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neighbor!boynextdoor x fem!reader genre : slice of life! | wc : 576 words | warnings : mild cursingā€¦ only used to get the point across :') š–¤ļ¼Žomg first post ! soo excited to enter the bnd community here :>
boy #1: park sungho / good boy next door
sungho moves into the room next to you and suddenly all of your friends want to stay at your tiny studio apartment just to get a glance at him
and besides... he's also super nice
will probably will catch your bugs for you if you need him to
he's also the type that will probably come and knock on your door to wake you up if you mentioned that if you need to wake up to do something on a certain day
boy #2: lee riwoo / overly nice boy next door
you probably overheard the landowner saying that there was a dancer moving in next door
and you were probably horrified because a dancer = NOISE
but riwoo is probably a fallen angel bc he is the nicest, sweetest guy out there
probably willing to do anything to stay on your good side and that means ANYTHING
will help you with your groceries if he spots you struggling
shares food if he makes some (and it's usually pretty good)
just there if you need anything (even a shoulder to cry on)
boy #3: myung jaehyun / cute boy next door
your annoying neighbor moves out (thank god) and omg who moves in? this cute lil guy
AND he's friendly as hell
makes really good food
lures you in w the pastries (it's the only way he knows how to land a gal, alright?)
he's such a bright ball of energy and will do anything to make you smile if you're having a bad day
this includes making your favorite pastry and being flustered when you mention that you love him for this
boy #4: han taesan / awkward boy next door
you're probably just attracted to him at first sight (bc who would not be?)
but EVERY single time you've tried to talk to him
it has just been awkward as hell
(later you find out from him that that was bc he thought you were super pretty but do you know that yet??? absolutely not)
would probably try and show his heart a little more by like helping you with heavy packages and whatnot
he's just an awkward lil cat boy
OMG imagine you spot him playing with the stray cats on the street and you genuinely just fall for him even more (and wish that he would act the same around you)
boy #5: kim leehan / party-lover boy next door
thought all of these would be wholesome? yeah no
the worst of the worst moved into the room next to you: a fucking party hoster
what happened to sweet old grandma luu? she moved into a nursing home and kim leehan moved in her place instead
makes your life literally a living hell bc he is so annoying (he probably has a sharp mouth... and then some)
probably pisses you off even more bc he's hot when he snaps back at you
but is he supposed to know that?
absolutely notā€¦. lord
boy #6: kim woonhak / shy boy next door
you suspect he's a uni student that goes to the school that you go to
emphasis on SUSPECT bc you have never like SEEN seen him outside of his room after he moved in, only passing by
he has no interaction with anybody whatsoever
but something about that intrigues you bc you SWEAR that when you passed by him
he was the sweetest looking boy ever
but one day you hear soft crying in the room next to yours
turns out he's just a shy lil engineering major dealing with a crush that he doesn't know how to handle, so you help him through it
takes a while for him to realize that you are the REAL one there and musters the courage to ask you out on a date for your happy ending !
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reblogs + feedback are greatly appreciated ! Ā© luv-y0urself / 2024
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luv-y0urself Ā· 4 months
don't go breaking my heart. (sneak peek!)
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neighbor!taesan x fem!reader genre : slice of life, fluff! | wc : 1.4k words | warnings : cursing, mentions of breakups, loud neighbor taesan, drunk taesanā€¦ š–¤ļ¼Ži promise i'll finish this soon and post it asap... but for now, here's this !
The constant boom of the bass from across the wall. The constant singing and rapping from across the wall. The constant clinkering of different instruments from across the wall.
For the fourth day in a row, Y/N couldnā€™t go to sleep. If it wasnā€™t for her damned neighbor, always waking up at around 2PM and blasting music until around 4AM (she could always tell when he woke up because of the crashing noisesā€¦ Along with sounds of him groaning after he obviously hit himself on something). He was practically nocturnal. It didnā€™t help that all he sang about was this girl who had stolen his heart and appealed to her through his lyrics, telling her that he was the ā€œone and only.ā€ What a psychopath. I have had enough, Y/N thought. Y/N threw her soft, ivory-colored duvet back and walked to her doorway, slipping on her white Adidas slides as she opened her door. She was going to end this, once and for all. ā€¦ And figure out who the fuck was doing this the entire time. She had never seen him outside of the house, and she was more than curious to have a good look at his face. Knock knock! No reply. Still blasting music. Y/N hit the door harder this time, feeling as if it would bruise her knuckles. She was wincing at the pain when the music abruptly stopped, causing her to snap her head up devoid of noise. Soft padding of feet could be heard approaching the door. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I didnā€™t decide on what I was going to say specificallyā€” ā€œā€¦ Can I help you?ā€ The voice that Y/N had heard too many times through the wall resonated through the long hallway, and Y/N was dumbfounded at the sight in front of her. The man wasā€¦ Well, he was fucking gorgeous if she was being brutally honest. Sharp eyes that tilted downwards the end, a distinctly shaped (but pretty, nonetheless) nose, glistening lips as if he had just put on chapstick. His hair looked strikingly similar to an... Oreo, with the top portion obsidian black, the middle part bleached, and the bottom black once more, straightened and covering his dark brown eyes slightly. His tall and lean frame was adorning a white baggy jersey with black sweatpants that complimented his form well enough for her to drop her jaw before she dragged her eyes back up to his own piercing ones. ā€¦ Iā€™m so fucked.
After the rather awkward introduction Y/N had with her neighbor, she went back into her house and threw herself onto her bed, which struggled to support her weight as it creaked. What the fuck. Why was he so good looking? She couldnā€™t even say anythingā€¦ She was practically close to being incomprehensible because she was so dumbfounded at his beauty. ā€œIā€¦ Uhā€¦ Could youā€¦ Could you t-turn down your music? Iā€¦ I canā€™t go to sleep.ā€ ā€œOh, could you hear everything? Iā€™m sorry.ā€ Then he slammed the door on her. Slammed. ā€¦ He didnā€™t need to slam the door like that, did he? Y/N shook her head. She needed to go to sleep while she had peace; after all, she had classes tomorrow bright and early in the morning (evidence of how terribly she had failed in registering for classes). Thankfully, the music couldnā€™t be heard anymore, and Y/N thought she didnā€™t have to see him again, saving her from further embarrassment.
If you told Y/N that she would be standing in front of her door, her hand clutching a frying pan, terrified for her life merely seven minutes ago, she wouldnā€™t have believed you. Beep, beep, beep, beepā€” ā€œWhyā€¦ā€ Why was her lock beeping like that? Was it someone trying to rob her? At 3AM in the morning? Just last week, she had to deal with her hot neighbor, and now this? Y/N wanted to cry, but instead made the (somewhat) more reasonable decision of inching closer to the door, her hand now clasping her door handle. She took a deep, shaky breath, and whipped the door open. ā€œā€¦ Hot neighbor?ā€ She slapped her hand over her mouth as she realized she said that out loud, her eyes dilated thrice in size. But her neighbor didnā€™t reply. His head was facing downwards, and his body was swaying softly left and right, his body blatantly lacking conscious control. Y/N placed her frying pan onto the small table she had left in front of her doorway, and just in time to catch his body from falling onto her. ā€œOh, what the fuckā€”ā€ The ridiculously strong smell of beer and soju filled her nostrils, making her gag. How much did he have? She tried to place him upright on his feet, tapping his shoulders. ā€œā€¦ Hey, hey, can you hear me? Youā€™ve been trying to enter the wrong house. Here, Iā€”ā€ She opened her door again and stepped out into the hallway, struggling under his weight but still going to the door directly next to her own. ā€œWhat is your password?ā€ She leaned under to try and meet his eyes, covered by his long bangs. ā€œā€¦ She left me.ā€ ā€œPardon me?ā€ ā€œShe left meā€¦ Said I was too coldā€¦ Iā€™m justā€¦ Iā€¦ā€ Fat, glistening tears began rolling down his cheeks, and Y/N wondered what she had done in her past life to get her into this situation.
Y/N opened her eyes slowly, blinking them as she immediately let out a groan. ā€œAh, fuck.ā€ She arched her back, trying to crack it back in place ā€” a consequence of sleeping against her bed last night, not on it. Who was on it, you ask? ā€¦ Her hot neighbor. Speaking of whichā€¦ Y/N turned around, coming face to face with said man. Holy shitā€” ā€œWhoā€¦ are you?ā€ His raspy voice filled the air around them, and Y/N felt the urge to cry again.
ā€œDid Iā€¦ I really said that?ā€ ā€œYes, you did. And then you started sobbing, so I had to take you in my house instead of yours, since you didnā€™t seem like you wanted to go inside your apartment anyway.ā€ With his horrible bedhead, her hot neighbor (who introduced himself as Taesan), listened to her summarizing everything that had happened the night before. Y/N sighed. ā€œAnd now I missed my econ classā€¦ā€ She murmured. Who was she going to have to contact for notes? She hadnā€™t really escaped her comfort zone to go talk to people yet, except the handful of girls she knew because of a group project from another class specific to her major. Maybe one of them took this econ class before? Y/N snapped out of her thoughts when he began to speak again, her eyes focusing on his sheepish form sitting on her bed. He was scratching the back of his neck, pursing his lips. ā€œIā€¦ I apologize. I justā€¦ I had a rough day yesterday.ā€ Y/N sighed but nodded her head. She understood the pain of having to let go of someone you loved; she had felt that feeling, too, merely a few months ago. ā€œNot that youā€™re off the hook or anything, but yeah, I get it. Just donā€™t try and break into my house again; I almost had a heart attack because I thought someone was trying to rob me. And because I need some good sleep. I donā€™t think I can feel my ass right nowā€¦ā€ Taesan let out a small smile at that, allowing Y/N to see for the first time what it was like for him to have a pleasant expression on his face. She studied him carefully, finding it cute that he was sitting on her bed, probably not knowing about his ravenā€™s nest of hair and half-closed eyes. She quickly shook the feeling off and stood up, brushing off dust that had collected on her body overnight as she threw her arms over her head, twisting this way and that to get a good stretch. ā€œHey.ā€ Y/N peeked out of one eye, signifying that she was listening, still stretching her body from being folded against the ground for such a long period of time. ā€œHow aboutā€¦ Do you have classes later today?ā€ ā€œToday? Todayā€™sā€¦ Friday, so no. I only had the econ class to go to. Why?ā€ She had stopped stretching now, and focused all of her attention on him; why was he trying to figure out her schedule? ā€œOkayā€¦ Okay, thatā€™s good.ā€ He looked up at her standing form, giving her a small grin. ā€œHow about I treat you to some lunch? As my token of gratitude for you not leaving me out in the hallway to freeze my ass off.ā€ Y/N tilted her head in response, but slowly nodded as she realized what that meant. Free food. Besides, her hot neighbor was the one who was buying the meal! Who wouldnā€™t say yes? It was like a one plus one package. ā€œDeal.ā€
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reblogs + feedback are greatly appreciatedĀ ! Ā© luv-y0urself / 2024
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luv-y0urself Ā· 4 months
ĖƒĢµį“—Ė‚Ģµļ¹•ash's masterlistļ¹’šŸ’«ļ¹’ź’·ā‚Šā€§
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fluff (ā ā™”) humor (ā˜†) angst (ā˜) suggestive (ā€) author's favs (šŸ«§) ā€» read before requesting !
boynextdoor (bnd)
neighbor!boynextdoor (ā ā™”)
boynextdoor when they have crushes (ā ā™”) (šŸ«§)
park sungho / coming soon . . .
lee riwoo / coming soon . . .
myung jaehyun
kissing you (ā€)
han taesan
don't go breaking my heart (sneak peek) (ā ā™”)
kim leehan / coming soon . . .
kim woonhak / coming soon . . .
exo / coming soon . . .
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Ā© luv-y0urself / 2024
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luv-y0urself Ā· 4 months
ź’·ź’¦ā€§ā‚ŠĖšļ¹’welcome to ash's haven !ļ¹’ā˜ļ¹ļ¼…
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įµ”į“—įµ”ļ¹•ashlyn (she/her) | '05 (18) | korean americanļ¹’ā˜ļ¹’Ė–Ėšā‚Š š–¤ļ¼Ž status . . . semi-mia ! š–¤ļ¼Ž masterlist . . . requests currently : [ open ] ! š–¤ļ¼Ž networks . . . @blankjournal @onedoornet š–¤ļ¼Ži'll be writing for a couple of different bgs, but mostly boynextdoor and exo (but i might write for other idols in the future as well) !
ā™«ļ¼Žrules for requests : below the cut !
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ļ¹’please be respectful! i am a full time student extremely busy with studies, so i may not get to your request in a timely manner. ļ¹’i take requests for drabbles, timestamps, reactions/scenarios, and message conversations. ļ¹’i reserve the right to not accept a request if it makes me uncomfortable in any way. ļ¹’i do not write member x member, or poly. ļ¹’all fluff requests are okay, but suggestive content must be for legal line members only.
ā™«ļ¼Žhow to : send in a request ?
ļ¹’write the member(s) of your choice + a prompt ! ļ¹’don't forget to write the genre : fluff, humor, angst, suggestive (legal line only) ! ļ¹’please indicate whether you want it to be a drabble, timestamp, reaction/scenario, or a message convo !
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Ā© luv-y0urself / 2024
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