cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
Why do I get the feeling you're up to something?
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
Well my power is sleep inducement so I think I have you covered, buddy. I'm Cooper.
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I can’t sleep. Is someone willing to drug me? Or give me a bottle of scotch?…Or, you know, just hit me in the head with a shovel until I black out?
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
"You think?" Cooper asked her, not really sure if this guy had multiple personality or that he was just a male version of that girl Sally from the Nightmare Before Christmas. A small chuckle escaped him at her comment, as he placed his hand that wasn't holding hers onto her waist. He began to lead her slowly around the small space in the diner, his head resting lightly on top of hers and a contented smile on his face, as he hummed the tune of the song lightly. After a minute he stood back to twirl her lightly before pulling her in close to him and dipping her, keeping a firm hold around her waist as he did, smiling because she seemed to be enjoying herself. He'd always liked the air of confidence about her and how she held herself, but she seemed less guarded around him and he was thankful for that. As the song drifted to a close, he pulled her close and looked down at her, shooting her a wink, "See?" he asked, "And you didn't step on my feet once, I'm proud." finishing with a laugh. Grabbing her jacket as well as his, he placed a few bills on the counter and guided her out of the diner, not taking his hand from her waist until they were out by his bike, "That's me out of ideas, is there anything else I can do for the ever lovely, Jen?" he asked her as he shrugged on his jacket and opened the trunk of his bike to take out both the helmets.
I've been Guarded Long Enough// Cooper & Jennifer
Jennifer shrugged in a nonchalant way.  ”If you had you would like the Eric part of him.” Jennifer said, doubting that Coop would’ve liked this alter ego thing, no one did.  Jen took the silence as an opportunity to finish off almost all of her burger, wiping her hands with her napkin as she heard her favourite song come on.   She smiled and tapped her fingers to the slow tempo without realizing she was.  She couldn’t help but laugh a little when Cooper directed a little bow towards her.  ”I’m down for some dancing, as long as you don’t get mad if I accidentally step on some feet.” She said, taking his hand cautiously.  Jennifer was actually surprised he knew this was her favourite song, maybe she’d been blasting her music a little too loud? “Fine, fine.  I’m waiting for your lead.” Jennifer said looking down at his feet, not knowing how this would work. “If your an idiot, then we can be idiots together.” With anyone else she would never have done this, but with Cooper she easily let her guard down for some reason. 
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
Then I clearly haven't missed anything important.
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So, what have I missed?
Well, nothing really, I don’t pay attention to these things
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
Whatever you feel is important enough to tell me, I'm sure a beautiful girl like yourself wouldn't care much for the trivial things.
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So, what have I missed?
Depends on what you want to know, babe
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
So, what have I missed?
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
It could be a new side to my power, you never know. Vegas? I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
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What is with the temper-mental weather?
It’s funny that you say that, my boyfriend just surprised me with a trip to Vegas. You must be psychic too.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
We all need a break sometimes.
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What is with the temper-mental weather?
I grew up here, this is home. I suppose it wouldn’t be too bad to take a vacation though.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
Really? And why is that?
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What is with the temper-mental weather?
Never really thought about leaving New York.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
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Do you really need to ask? There's always a choice, though you're a much better conversationalist than any of the other people I currently work with and it's always nice to have someone to talk to who can hold a conversation.
The things you see in this city.
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Have I? I guess you’ve left me no choice to come in and charm your boss into giving me a job then.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
It'll be our little secret.
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The difference is you've already won me over but it is always lovely to see that smile of yours. You're right, we'll be the next dynamic duo.
The things you see in this city.
Yeah, yeah.  Just don’t go spreading the word.
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I will definitely try to get a job there then, sounds like my kinda place. I’ll be sure to flash by biggest most bright smile then, in both of your directions.  Plus we’d make an awesome pair.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
You mean you haven't thought about it before?
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What is with the temper-mental weather?
That…probably would be cool.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
Cooper couldn't help but chuckle at Jennifer's would-be description of him. "I can't say I had the pleasure of meeting him to be honest, it seems like that was for the best," the intonation at the end of his sentence made it seem more like a question. He let them both bask in silence for a moment before the tune of What If I Told You by Jason Walker reach his ears from the speaker system before an idea came to his head, "Well Jen," he told her, standing up and moving to offer a hand to her accompanied by a mock bow, "I don't mean to boast but I have been working on my dancing skills, and I happen to know that this is your favourite song, care to test them out?" he knew he was taking a chance, knowing how Jen wasn't one for the intimate public displays of friendship, but he also knew how much she loved this song. "Come on," he prompted light heartedly, "If you can't enjoy doing silly things while hanging out with an idiot like me, when can you?" he asked with a grin.
I've been Guarded Long Enough// Cooper & Jennifer
“Taking the words right out of my mouth”, Jennifer said to Cooper after he ordered for her.  ”I’m actually starving, I haven’t eaten anything since breakfast,” She said looking at the door that led to the kitchen, hoping their food would come quickly.  ”Well, I wouldn’t tell them much, that would ruin the mystery,”  Jen paused and shot Cooper a sly smirk, “I would probably saw something along the lines of, ‘oh that mysterious handsome stranger on the bike? He’s a friend’, maybe add in a wink if I’m feeling it.  Keep things simple,” Jennifer said with a laugh. When the food came she took a bite of her hamburger before she answered him. “Actually I haven’t been causing trouble, my mother would be proud. All this drama, especially with Eric, or Caliber I should, had actually managed to weird me out.  I’m just a softie lately, it’s unusual to say the least.” Jen said as she raised her eyebrows,  and eating a few fries.  ”What about you, what have you been up to?  Other than getting a kick ass motorcycle,” She finished by flashing a smile.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
Cooper raised his eyebrow at how the girl cringed, "Not one for compliments, eh?" he asked knowingly, "Not the worst reaction I've had before." he finished with a chuckle. Listening intently as she finished her elaboration, "In that case, I'm Cooper, Cooper Phelps," he told her, extending his hand for her to shake. "Am I allowed to shake your hand or would you prefer a wave seeing as you're not a social sport?" he asked conversationally, having been around different people long enough to have grasped the fact that not everyone was the same and not wanting this girl to feel uncomfortable in his company.
Erica & Cooper // First Encounters
Erica cringed. It wasn’t his fault she hate soppy words and anything down that path, though. She stared into space as he grabbed the old bottle she’d previously placed on the table, replacing it with a new one. Her attention shook back into action when she heard about him not recognising her face. “Oh, don’t know. Guess I’m just not the social sport around here.” She watched as others walked by, trying to grasp her eyes any place other than the unknown boy. “Or I could tell you the truth — but I don’t know you so I shouldn’t do that, really should I?” She turned her head, returning the smile he addressed to her earlier.
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cooperphelps-rpg · 11 years
It's alright Jen, I know I'm your exception. 
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You'll have to come in one night then, I'm sure my manager would offer you a job in a heartbeat. I happen to know the only thing him and I have in common is that we have a soft spot for girls with beautiful smiles.
The things you see in this city.
You better appreciate it, I’m never emotional like that.  
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That sounds like a fantastic plan.  I will gladly trade workplaces with you. A whole bunch of drunk people sounds like something I could work with.
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