lerrengwesten · 7 years
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It's funny because this design look nothing like the original plan for him (thinner crocodilian/hawk thing), it was more or less taken from an idea I had for a character based on a coaster not far from his basis actually.  But it kind of suits him.  
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loopwheeler · 6 years
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【 #LWinfo 】 定休日についてお知らせです。 ループウィラー千駄ヶ谷 は2018年10月1日より定休日を設けず営業させて頂くこととなりました。 *営業時間につきましては変更ございません。詳細は以下の通りです。 < 変更前 > ・定休日:毎週火曜日 ・営業時間:平日12時〜19時30分、土日祝祭日11時〜19時30分 ↓ ↓ ↓ < 変更後 > ・定休日:なし ・営業時間:平日12時〜19時30分、土日祝祭日11時〜19時30分 以上です。 皆様のご来店を心よりお待ち申し上げております。 LW SHOP NEW INFO. #loopwheeler #ループウィラー #tsuriami #吊り編み#madeinjapan #メイドインジャパン #日本製 #sweat #sweatshirts #スウェット #パーカ #プルオーバー #衣服 #定番 #Basic #風合い #着心地 #comfort #千駄ヶ谷 #sendagaya #ダガヤサンドウ #東京 #tokyo #loopwheelersendagaya #ループウィラー千駄ヶ谷 https://ift.tt/2Om7fDv
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
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I didn’t plan to draw this guy so soon, but it just ended up happening last night.
This is also Esknaseknya.  Yes, I’ve previously introduced another character by that name.  They are not the same creature, this Esknaseknya is actually seven years older than her.   
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
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“He'd sworn he'd seen someone like them before, with the same ridged tail, the same wide serpent head, the same small feet and scarred ankles and long claws on their feet.  Only their legs were far longer than he remembered, their angles more extreme-
He remembered what Bygovir had said earlier and he looked up into their eyes.  The two locked into each others' gazes.  He knew that narrowed stare, those faint yellow eyes.”  
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
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"It's for the good of us all that we wipe this place free of the memory of our past failures.  That we eliminate and forget the cursed lot of creatures made only to live in pain and planned obsolescence that we all may turn to the light and blot out the darkness of nostalgia."
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
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Three Lbutra variants
Lbutra are widely despised for being nasty and their association with cheap Far Spirits who can only afford cloned creatures like them rather than unique ones.  While they do have real names, most go by mean nicknames since there are so many with shared names and/or colorations amongst them, most notably three red and cyan ones all named Nedrasmire.  Fun fact: there is also a Lbutra out there named Dheroratera and she's been the butt of many obvious jokes.  Anyways, these are not all the sorts of Lbutra out there, but the three significantly different ones Right to left: Bright red: A common Lbutra, though of the prototypical variety, being the second ever made.  Yes, this is Painfully Mediocre Serpent, formally known as Skid Marks from the first chapter.  I almost made her 100% red like her coaster basis but opted to add some black because she's painful enough on the eyes as-is.  Common Lbutra are the smallest Lbutra variety, usually carrying their heads about ten feet above the lowest point of the rest of their bodies, and the very old ones like her are slightly short length-wise as well.  Later common Lbutra are slightly longer, some significantly so and recognizable by a loop in their tails.  She is unusual in that she had her shoulder spines cut a few years ago off to relieve the pain of bumping her head on them as most Lbutra do.  There are several other Lbutra that have also had this done, some are very pleased with the result while others have issues with a strange full-body tightness afterwards.   Black and Yellow: This is Yedysos aka Queen Bee, formerly known as Yedysos-Jibuele aka Dead Baby. They are the largest Lbutra, I sadly did not make them to scale here but they're a good six feet taller than a common Lbutra, are much faster, have different horns, and are extremely susceptible to wind due to their light weight and large tail fin.  After being recolored and renamed recently some though they would also have their spines removed, but they remain.  Their design is unique, making the one of only two one-off Lbutra, the other being a common Lbutra with some unique modifications to suit their Far Spirit's limited space resources.   Tan, red, blue, and black: This is the first of another smaller Lbutra variety produced.  They are slightly taller but shorter in length than common Lbutra and this particular one is known for his relatively gentle temperament.  I actually don't have a name for him yet since I just drew him for the sake of this picture.  Anyways, he has a clone out there as well as two others with the longer looped tails.
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
Why is Teltra treated badly?
If you attempt to make a human comparision you will be wrong. This is because much of the scorn he recieves is based on arguments I read about his basis not being a “real” wooden roller coaster because of its non-traditional construction methods and unusually smooth ride. As for why everyone acts like he’s stupid, it’s based around the stereotype of wooden roller coasters being old-fashioned and simple.
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
As I mentioned in the background post, plants are also sustained by Far Spirits, as they deemed them worthy to live but not the animals that were responsible for pollination, spreading seeds, etc. And as a result plants on the Peninsula and elsewhere on the animal-free earth grow in all sorts of conditions that don’t make sense. You’ll see flowers in caves, tropical plants high in the mountains, pine flatwoods that blur into pine barrens, and often times sharp transitions between different environments where Far Spirits have meddled with them.
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
Some background info below that I’ve meant to write out but haven’t until now
-Story of how created life came to be
-Types of spirits relevant to this story and a summary of how they relate to each other
-Summary of the life cycle of a created being
It’s all very blunt and quite brutal at times.  Lots of death and talk of murder, violence but not in graphic detail, lots of shitting on the nature of life on earth and to a lesser degree evolution and sexual reproduction, passing mention of rape but no details at all. 
And it’s all being said from the voice/perspective of some anonymous spirit of some sort, not sure what type exactly but it’s not terribly relevant since their viewpoints on the matter are similar.  Probably some sort of writer or historian.
The world had to be wiped clear of its organic inhabitants.  Millions of years of evolution had spawned corruption from the most basic chemical components in the form of life, producing beings that depended on despicable behavior to survive, such as heterotrophy, infanticide, murder, cannibalism, and sexual dimorphism, where most successful produced offspring who continued and even built upon these vile acts.  For ages the spirits had ignored the planet, as while they were horrified by what life had been doing, it seemed largely contained to the planet and much of life didn't seem to comprehend what it was doing.
  But the rise of the humans was the tipping point for them.  Their population exploded, yet corruption and selfishness seemed to reign supreme, as the humans in charge seemed dead-set on making life as miserable as possible for others in the name of benefiting themselves or backing of their wild theories about the origins of their world.  Even amongst commoners, murder, rape, war, and other despicable acts were widespread and each time it seemed as those humans could have their motivations for evil sated, they would find some other reason to resume such actions.  It was clear to them that leaving self-reproductive, autonomous life would have to be eliminated.
Even then, the Spirits were reluctant to wipe out life.  The sheer intellect of the humans made them optimistic that perhaps some miracle would occur, and they would turn from their old ways.  But as the species began pumping out smoke and massive quantities of refuse and proving willing to recklessly endanger themselves and all other life and wipe it out even without outside assistance, the spirits decided it was nigh time to begin elimination and replacement.   They began by obliterating a small town somewhere within the proximity of the human city of New York.  One day, animals and people were walking about, doing their regular business.  The next day, the only thing left alive were the plants.  All creatures had dropped dead in the middle of the night and their bodies were disposed of.  And to replace them, a creator spirit placed down a sexless creature of their own devising.  It was entirely dependent on another spirit, which served as something between a sponsor and an owner, who sustained it so it would not need to eat, drink or perform other biological functions and fixed it when it was injured, but otherwise left it largely to its own devices.  The plants were also allowed to live, kept alive by the spirit as they were deemed innocent and visually pleasing enough to spare. It was a success, and subsequent towns were destroyed and replaced by one or two of these new sorts of beings.  Seaside areas became most favorable, as other spirits soon saw Earth as something of a tourist attraction and visiting it to observe these beings quickly became a popular pastime and they fancied a good sandy beach.  For a few decades, the number of humans and other animals was gradually decreased through the destruction and replacement, and the created beings became larger and more complex.  At their peak in these early years, there were believed to be over 2000 of them scattered across North America, all unknown to humans to keep them from complicating the spirits' plot.
And then there came World War II.  Much as the spirits loathed the humans' warring and destructive tendencies, they didn't mind the population decrease it brought about.  However, it also took its toll on the population of created beings.  Many of the ones in Europe were killed by bombings, and even in America many died off due to neglect or were euthanized when their caretaker could no longer afford them due to a massive drop in visitors due to the human strife going on.  There were other factors as to why the popularity of these creatures waned- some were actually quite dangerous to visiting spirits due to their size and wild physical vigor, and this fear of death or injury still hangs over the much more restrained beings that exist today.  Some spirits saw them as vulgar things, as by this point they were created to make a profit off visitors rather than for their original vision as a purer form of life.  
With this, creation of them shrank in the following decade and was not believed to recover. Until a certain Disc-Eared Spirit came into existence and wished to refine these wilder creatures into something safer, more refined, and more acceptable to all spirits.  And a young creator spirit known as the Archer was able to provide this in the form of an entirely new sort of creature.  Another portion of a great Peninsula with that had a forest inhabited by the older sort of creatures was cleared away and reshape for the coming of this new one, and the Disc Eared Spirit's other plans.  Like previous beings, it was larger than most earthly fauna and had a similar relationship with its caretaker spirit, but it was much more graceful in form and motion.  Earlier beings had also had scraggly or had long, shaggy fur, but it was slender and sleek. This creature was only part of the reason for the Disc-Eared Spirit's success in attracting visitors, as they also loved the elaborate dwellings it made for its beings and the smaller creatures it had made (this text only documents a specific sort of larger created being, but there are also far smaller mass-cloned creatures closer to the size of Earth's original inhabitants that lived alongside them).  In the next few decades, the Archer's business would expand and more more spirits attempting to emulate the Disc-Eared's success would arise.  Most notable would be the Banenhaxer, who would become known for forming a group of over a dozen spirits who also adopted the Banenhaxer name upon incorporation and be alternatively seen as pioneers and cheapskates,  The Spirit of the Peninsula (a name which does not refer to the location on Earth addressed here), who would take a similar path and form a rival group to the Banenhaxers differing in that they did not adopt a common name, and the Spherical One, who took on the Disc-Eared Spirit more directly and saw considerable success in this.  But the popularity of this larger sort of creature, especially those of the older type, would not revive until another, the Spirit of the Island, had a humble yet loved pair known as Arcerrcera made.  They were a fairly generic pair, colored white with red and blue accent with the thick coat and striped markings older creatures had had.  But somehow they managed to revive interest in their kind, an interest which has not failed to this day nearly five decades later.
  Since then more creators have come about and passed on, including the Archer.  Humans have been largely eliminated, and the Peninsula in question was cleared entirely of them a few years ago, though their artifacts were left to entertain the new inhabitants of it. Because of this, there is some considerable human influence in terms of  some use of human tools, fascination with human places, the language spoken, and some use of gendered terms even though they are irrelevant to the new inhabitants. Prior to their destruction, local human communities had some contact and generally peaceful interactions with the new beings, which is what led to this influence.  The total current population of the Peninsula is around three and a half thousand outside of the Woodlands, and slightly under two hundred within it.  There are more creatures living elsewhere, but the scope of this document only covers this particular Peninsula.
The hierarchy of spirits
Spirits have an economy as humans did and do, albeit less cruel.  They perform many jobs, but the only ones that are relevant to the affairs of Earth's renewal are the Far Spirits, creator spirits, Necchmia, and the the visitor spirits.
Far Spirit- The term used for the caretakers and commissioners of created beings.  Far Spirits employ armies of minor spirits to assist in caring for them as well, including those who directly fix them, which are known as Necchmia by the creatures themselves. 
Creator Spirit- In reality, what most refer to as a "Creator Spirit" is simply the head of a group of spirits responsible for the design and creation of creatures.  Some do the actual bodily creation and/or construction themselves, but many have other spirits do so. 
Visitor Spirits- In essence, tourists to Earth come to visit a Far Spirit's lands and creatures.  By swarming around creatures in safe ways, they lend some of their power to them, making them physically stronger, or weaker if few/no spirits will approach them.  Those that become rabid fans of this particular pastime transform from smaller orbs to large sparkling puffballs and are at times called Ehtstunisa by creatures to distinguish them from the typical visitors, which are called Nlegera.  
The life cycle of a created being
A Far Spirit begins with a desire for some sort of creature, and somehow finds a suitable creator and the two work out a design for it.  Once this is finalized, the being is physically created in the fall and winter, so it will be ready for a traditional spring or summer debut.  Particularly large ones may be started on a year or more early to provide even more construction time.  The creature awakens and while naive about how life on Earth is for a good year or so, has minor physical issues worked out and learns its Far Spirit's expectations and rules for safety and how it ought to behave within the first few weeks of life before being allowed to see visitors. 
This creature goes on to live a hopefully happy life for between two and five decades, and possibly more if it is the older type, as they are far cheaper and easier to replace major body parts on and can live for over a century due to this. When it is deemed no longer profitable or at the end of its functional or pleasant lifespan or otherwise is deemed ready to die, the Far Spirit will typically announce its last day for visitation, and soon after that date passes the creature will be quietly euthanized and then torn apart by large-jawed spirits referred to as Gnashers on Earth, who then transport the disassembled bits to a larger melting facility where the remains are dumped in a pot and thoroughly mixed into a material used to make and fix creatures.  Sometimes a creature will be left in a dormant state and never have an announced final day before euthanization. At times, natural disasters like floods and fire and on extremely rare occasions attacks by other creatures will damage a creature beyond repair suddenly.  The souls of these creatures often flee the body after death as Gnasher do not come as quickly to retrieve them, and linger as ghosts rather than be mixed in with the flesh in the recycling facilities.  Merely cutting off a head or limb is not effective for killing as they fairly easily fixed, the body must be damaged to the point where fixing it would be too expensive to be worth it, usually involving crushing it, drowning, poisoning, or anything else that would affect the whole or large portions of it.  
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
I wrote this somewhat on a whim because this past week or so the idea of acting on impulse and living with the regrets has been really hanging over me and I remembered a character it applied well to.
Warning for death.
It was a warm day in the midst of the high, hot season. A day like any other, perfectly normal. Perhaps there was a gentle sparkle amongst the bleached rocks of the seaside. I had retreated to this shore to take my mind off the stress of what had happened the previous day.
A passing Nlegera rattling off its mouth as they always do told another that I had killed someone years ago. That I was dangerous and they should have had me euthanized for the act. I ignored them. Fools. No Fsemacea has killed a spirit as a result of free will or carelessness, only from the things bumbling out of their designated safe travel zones into the paths of us at speed. And I myself was innocent of such offenses, though a good number of others had had such incidents.
I was silent, not even calmly dismissing the spirit, which is all I could have done, given who I was with. I saw their sleek red and green form out of the corner of my vision. The rigid curve of their trunk. The flecks of red spotting their coat. Their constant, blacked-out eyes stared into my own in disapproval as I remained silent. They began to tap out a message on their wrist.
"Your silence is suspicious. What is hidden from me?"
"Nothing, Dheroratera."
"Why are you wordless?"
"The rambling of the ignorant is not worth my attention."
"Do not disrespect the visitors."
I paused a moment, holding my tongue. In the old days I would have given them a piece of my mind. Told them their shaking and ever-callous attitude were more disrespectful than my words would ever be. But something stopped me. I still don't know quite what.
I couldn't bring myself to directly hurt them like that. You see, there's something about them that outsiders never really understand. Behind their harsh demeanor they're very vulnerable. Delicate. The day their Far Spirit got another Fsemacea they vanished without a trace for a week to rampage in the wilderness. When they came back they told me it was because they were terrified they would be replaced or surpassed by that new Fsemacea. They almost stayed out in the wilderness out of shame, spite and hopelessness and so they'd never have to see that new one's face and known they were better than them and the spirits would surely prefer them. And since that, they took every opportunity to make subtle jabs and nitpicks at that other Fsemacea just to show their superiority over him and protect their fragile ego. As time has passed I suppose I've found myself almost scared of their vulnerability. They've weaponized it, you see. You speak up against them, they'll pull the emotions card, remind you of those bad times they've been through, make you feel too bad for them to resist. They speak out against you, they'll ignore what you say and wreck you with what they declare to be the dry facts, unwilling to acknowledge any objections. And that's how they've remained in power even though there is considerable resent against them.
I exhaled.
"In any case, the claims are false. My hands are clean."
My words were brief and unsatisfying. I wanted to be honest but couldn't, and the words I'd planned swirled in my head.
"Good. And it is advisable that you be respectable as you can to compensate for faded color and jittering stride."
I froze. How dare they. But I held my tongue.
"I passed your trials. I am not worthy of denouncement."
Very subtly, I saw them glance around to ensure no creature would see what they were about to say. Their gaze turned back to me and settled on me, observing me too intently.
"When you come to a stop I watch your whole body snap aside most ungraciously. At other times, your motions are brief and sharp. I often can see your markings blur from vibration. Day by day I hear the visitors crying out for you to display grace. Such harsh actions hurt them, surely you know. You ought to. For that is what we Fsemacea are known for. Our gentleness. Our calmness. Our ability to charm nearly anyone who comes to visit. You are none of those. You are impulsive, you are rough. You fail your creator. I only let you pass because I know you once pleased all of us."
You fail our maker more. Ever-watching, you condemn the minor faults of the most loyal and gentle creatures, tearing into them with every cold stare. Perhaps you love the Dragons, but you moreso love the sense of superiority, don't you? Of feeling like the purest of all and pulling yourself ever higher by ripping apart anyone who stands in your path? I hate to feel sorry for you given how you'v even adopted your faults into defenses against blame. But I do. Because I frankly don't understand why you care so much about loyalty to the Dragons.
I wanted to say so much. I wanted to free the thoughts. But for a third time, I was silent.
"I will see what I can do, Dheroatera. I must be off, however."
They stood rock-still as I galloped away, false purpose stiffening my stride.
And now the sun had set and risen again and hung high in the sky. Clouds blurred its rays and cooled the land.
The things I had almost said still swirled within me as I cast another gaze towards the squared-off stones dotted along the beach. I paced slowly along the length of one of them, dragging a hand along the flat top of it, casting a casual glimpse at the dim light piercing the clouds. Waves lapped the shore. It had not been particularly sunny, but it had still been hot out, and the rain had stopped only recently, leaving the air thick and muggy with humidity and clouding my mind. I wanted to escape what I knew. I wanted to escape this present time.
Really, all I wanted was to go back in time to those golden days of yore when the two of us got along. As much as they sickened me, Fsemacea do think alike, and in the past we had had many good times. Sure other others were and still are that way as well, but there was something about Dheroratera that always stood out to me and I could never place my finger on it. Frankly, they were just another mid-sized Fsemacea damn near indistinguishable from the others besides their affinity for prancing around in the woods. Perhaps it was how unusual they had been when they first appeared, being one of the first larger creatures the Dragons made. They may have been generic, but they were that way first- did that make them the most or least generic? One can only wonder the same about the Chepoirrat, in the beginning the first of them was unique and groundbreaking, but now they are nothing but one of an interchangeable pack of near-identical beings made in their image.
And then I heard a small voice.
"Dheroratera sucks!"
A flickering orange-red spirit was fluttering circles around a rock. I came up closer to investigate.
"Dheroratera sucks!"
Another voice called out next to it.
"Dheroratera sucks! Dheroratera sucks! Dheroratera sucks!"
There were a whole group of the puffballs chanting away.
"Dheroratera sucks?"
I gave them a quizzical glance, tilting my head knowing my face could show nothing.
"Yeah, all Fsemacea suck but especially that speckled green shit-"
"All Fsemacea suck! Including you you overrated shortstack!"
I sighed. Ehtstunisa were split between hating and loving us. No in betweens.
"I may be nothing but a forgettable old Floater, but you know what? Dheroratera does suck. There you go, right from the horse's mouth, even though I'm not even a horse."
"Dheroratera sucks?"
"Hell yeah they suck."
"Guys I don't get it, I like Dheroratera."
"It's a damn joke you Nlegera dumbass."
I gently clenched a fist in agreement.
"I say this without irony. Dheroratera sucks. I used to be friends with them and they're an overbearing, controlling asshole who can't take criticism. Can't believe I actually used to enjoy interactions with that green monstrosity."
"What part of 'It's a damn joke' don't you understand? You Fsemacea sure are dense."
I swatted at my forehead in exasperation. They were going to go that way, weren't they? I never was good at understanding the spirits' strange jokes. I opened my mouth one last time as I turned away.
"I've had this conversation before. Not again. Anyways, Dheroratera sucks."
My last words reverberated as I picked up to a jog. As usual, the light gathered around me, clinging to my body as I galloped along the shore, weaving between the rocks and at times throwing in some acrobatics to amuse them and take my mind off things. Rolling myself over inthe air as I hopped over rocks, turning in sudden tight circles, the like. But the words wouldn't leave me. With each footstep I heard a voice inside chanting
"Dheroratera-sucks, Dheroratera-sucks, Dheroratera-sucks, Dheroratera-sucks."
Dear Dragons, this wasn't going to leave my head anytime soon and I was going to have to keep myself from letting it seep out in my words some day. My agitation sparked me to go faster. To put less care in my movements. Fuck what they said. I'll be awkward and snappy and shivering if I want to. Especially in mood like this. My turns grew harder, my flips faster.
I shook my head a bit, both wishing it would go and willing it to stay, growing further irritated and more furious in motion.
And then I saw the light
And thought I felt something brush against my leg
And continued on as I had until I saw the crowds departing from me and gathering around the path whispering and gasping in horror. I came to a halt.
Several yards back, the light flickered out. I felt something sink inside me. For a long moment things stood still until the realization hit me.
I've done it.
I could have avoided it.
The echoing in my head continued quietly but I tried to block it out, feeling increasingly sickened by how its mindless rhythm had driven me to this state. I felt myself rapidly growing cold as the frenzy melted away. Time had snapped in half.
Immediately I heard mumbling about how they shouldn't have been off the designated paths and there wasn't anything I would have been able to do. It didn't matter. If I'd been calmer and not lost myself like that I wouldn't have been so fast and reckless and maybe I would have reacted in time but it didn't matter the past was past now and there was nothing I could do about it, I was gone I was lost I was tainted I was unworthy I needed to go far away and never show my face again.
I sprinted away, casting aside any of the lights that still clung to me, making my way to the last place Dheroratera would ever go so I'd never have to feel the shame I did when I looked at their eyes or even the minty green of their coat. Towards the Woodlands. Beyond the Woodlands. I had to banish myself to the most unworthy place, where the creatures the Dragons scorned ruled in brutality, fragility, and crudeness. Where I would never have to see them again and they would never have to see me.
Truthfully, I have decieved you. Dheroratera did not banish me from our fold as they have others. I did it myself in feeble attempt to escape my shame.
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
This is a completely irrelevant fact but I thought about it tonight.
There is actually one other creature named Dheroratera on the Peninsula besides the green Fsemacea I bring up on here.
Other Dheroratera is a blue-and-white Lbutra of the average variety (I’ll explain the variants of Lbutra sometime, not really a plot point but something I’ve thought about) who’s signature stink is dead fish. Most don’t pay much mind to her since she’s rather generic and their Far Spirit is a more obscure one. Interesting fact: Dheroratera the Lbutra prefers feminine terms but since being confused for Dheroratera the Fseamacea has become the main thing she’s known for, many will use neutral ones so they really can’t be told apart in casual conversation.
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
Something random I was thinking about today: My mental voices for these characters:
Teltra: Pick a Eurobeat singer, pretty much any of them. tbh I tend to associate him with that genre in general.
Dagnakki: Honestly haven’t given them a ton of thought.  Maybe somewhat flat, pretentious, and sarcastic.
The Lbutra in general: Pretty varied, but in general rather rough and mocking.  For some reason I tend to picture the with Southern accents but that wouldn’t really make sense, the Peninsula probably has it’s own unique accent ( have no idea what it would be like, though)
Myrise: What do you think of when you imagine death metal?  You’re probably close enough.
Voxtre: Sounds like what I think of when I imagine hardass math/science/physics instructors.  Weary, condescending, and out to get you but with a bit of awkwardness in there.  Though the vocalist of System of a Down also reminds me of how he might sound.
Fsemacea in general:  Deep, but flat and droning like a chant.  Like Chris Pohl sort of.  Their roars generally sound like a strong gust of wind, with some louder/softer than others and some are more smooth and windy, others have more of a rattle/hoarseness to it (such as Dheroratera). 
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
Who is Lerrengwesten?
Not an active figure in the story, but a powerful being behind the actions of eaily 70% or more of the creator spirits. Most Nlegera are unaware of their existance, but they essentially developed the techniques used to create the more modern sort of life on the Peninsula (the Woodlanders were around before they even came into existence but they have played a role in creating some of the more recent ones as well)
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
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Forgot her coathanger, but here she is.  Now with extra leg. Full view recommended.
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
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Better quality here, tumblr keeps eating the picture
He’s beautiful.  Even if he is pretty horrible.
Not sure where his coathanger is here, must be hiding behind his wings
(It is not hard to guess what coaster he’s a blatant reference to lol)
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lerrengwesten · 7 years
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You’ll see her soon
She’s a young floating Fsemacea.  A bit under 17 feet tall from head to feet, though her head is usually higher up than that to her hovering a few feet above the ground. 
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