#lycopene syrup side effects
khulkarjiyo · 8 months
Lycopene Multivitamin And Multimineral Syrup Uses & Side Effects
Hello friends, today we will talk about the use of Lycopene Multivitamin and Multimineral Syrup which is rich in So much nutrients which helps in improving our overall health. Lycopene Multivitamin And Multimineral Syrup Uses & Side Effects It contains vitamins, minerals and lycopene in abundance, which prove beneficial for our health. But despite all this, you should use Lycopene Multivitamin…
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squaeacturers · 3 years
You can easily avoid this trouble by controlling or limiting the use of anti-inflammatory
  Iron deficiency is a common health issue reported in hospitals. It is generally characterized by decreased production of red blood cells in body. Anemia can happen due to many reasons. Main causes of anemia include iron deficiency, folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency. As per studies, including certain foods and herbs in diet are found to be very effective to improve the red blood cell production in body. Let's see here the herbal treatment for iron deficiency problem. Poor diet is a main cause of anemia problems. Do you like to eat dates? As per studies, including dates in daily diet is found to be as an excellent remedy for solving many troubles. Dates, enriched with iron improve blood circulation in body naturally. You can make use of this natural remedy for Self Tapping Screws Manufacturers getting relief from health issues like fatigue problems. 
Today, date syrup is a common ingredient added in products that cure tiredness problems. Hence feel free to make use of this natural remedy in case of need. As per studies, including figs in daily diet is found to be as an excellent cure to heal many health issues. Apart from figs, you can also include food items like dates, beetroot and brown rice in daily diet. Iron absorption can be made easier with the use of vitamin C enriched food items. Some of the best used vitamin C enriched food sources include orange, lemon and tomato. It promotes iron absorption in body and prevents health issues due to iron deficiency. Tomato, enriched with vitamin C compounds not only promotes iron absorption but also nourishes your skin. Lycopene present in tomato is actually responsible for this effect. Hence feel free to make use of tomatoes in case of need. As per records, regular use of certain medicines can induce fatigue problems. 
Today, you can easily avoid this trouble by controlling or limiting the use of anti-inflammatory medicine. This problem is generally solved by making use of products like vitamin B capsules. It ensures improved production of red blood cells in body safely and naturally. Beetroot juice is a fine example for food recipe with excellent iron compound. You can make use of this vegetable juice to flush out toxins from body. Toxin removal is not at all a difficult task with the help of vegetable juices like apple juice and beetroot juice. Hence feel free to make use of this remedy as per need. Herboglobin capsule is one of the best used herbal cures for the treatment of anemia problems. You can make use of this herbal treatment for iron deficiency problem with any other product. It assures great result within a short period of time. Lack of side effect is a main advantage of this herbal cure. For better result, follow a healthy lifestyle with balanced diet and regular exercises.Read about Herbal Treatment For Iron Deficiency Anemia. Also know Herbal Treatment For Low Hemoglobin. Read about Hemoglobin Enhancer Pills.
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Rosehip Benefits for Health and How to Use
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Rosehip benefits for health and how to use for best effects. If you have never been in the habit of using a rosehip - read on and you will change your mind! The stems are small grainy, edible fruits that grow under the leaves of shrubs, called wild roses (usually of the Rosa rugosa species). These plants are characteristic of the northern hemisphere, ie regions with temperate climates. The rosehip comes in many different colors, shapes, and sizes. They are usually reddish to dark orange in color and have a slightly conical, spherical shape. They can be used as fresh, dried, for making various teas, jams, syrups, essential oils, and even for making wine. Rosehip is very widely used in traditional medicine. For example in the treatment of various diseases (inflammation, various pains, etc.), and current research confirms a number of beneficial effects of these herbs. In today's article, we will get acquainted with the benefits of the rosehip for our health.
Rosehip benefits for health
Rosehip is a nutritionally concentrated food The composition of 30 grams of rods contains the following values: about 50 calories, 11g carbohydrates (7g fiber and about 1g sugars), 1g protein, and a negligible amount of fat. The real value of the bars, as well as the rest of the fresh food, is their exceptional micronutrient and that is the following (in 30g) daily needs: - 200% Vitamin C - 30%  for vitamin A - 15% for manganese - 10% for vitamin K - 9% for vitamin E - 6% for calcium - 5% of magnesium - 4% of potassium In addition, bars are an excellent source of antioxidant components These include the very important lycopene and beta carotene - pigments that give the specific color, but also ellagic acid, quercetin, and the mentioned vitamin C. Antioxidants are the body's defense mechanism against free radicals. These are harmful components that are constantly produced as metabolic waste in the body and oxidatively damage its various cells and tissues. The body has mechanisms to produce a certain percentage of necessary antioxidants, but of course, it is not enough and still depends on the intake. Permanent oxidative damage leads to processes of chronic inflammation or inflammation. All this in the long run is one of the main reasons for the development of chronic diseases. It is worth mentioning that the nutrition of the rosehip depends on many factors in cultivation. It depends on the soil, the method of cultivation and the processing techniques, so fresh mountain rosehip has a significantly higher concentration of vitamin C, compared to commercially obtained rosehip. Rosehip seeds also contain amounts of glycosides, cyanidins, which can be toxic to humans. In fact, the seeds of many other fruits of the same family, such as apples, apricots, etc., also contain cyanides. However, when in small quantities, this seed can not cause us any problems. In addition, seeds are often difficult to digest and absorb unless properly broken. With rosehip, we get better immunity This is quite logical to conclude, given that rose hips are one of the richest natural sources of vitamin C. Only a few fresh grains from the bars can meet the daily needs of an adult of this vitamin. Studies show that vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is essential for stimulating the immune response. This increases the body's ability to defend itself against various threats. In addition, vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that suppresses chronic inflammatory processes. Foods rich in vitamin C (fresh food) should be eaten more often, especially during periods of colds and flu. Rosehip and its products are a great choice if we want to get more vitamin C in our body. The rosehip is great against aging Vitamin C, in addition to what we have already said, is also very important for skin health. Namely, it is one of the key elements in the metabolism of collagen synthesis - the most abundant protein in the human body. This protein is crucial for skin health, but also for bone health. Vitamin K, which is also rich in rosehip, also contributes to healthier bones. Vitamin C protects the skin through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action, along with other antioxidant components of the rosehip. In addition, the rosehip contains (seeds) and polyunsaturated fatty acids that can contribute to healthier skin, ie protect it from pro-inflammatory components, such as UV rays, cigarette smoke, pollution, etc.
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One study shows that the use of rosehip-based powder can visibly reduce skin wrinkles and increase its elasticity and moisture. Rosehip can be very helpful in arthritis This is perhaps the most famous and beneficial effect of the rosehip. Regular consumption of these fruits can alleviate the symptoms of arthritis, such as pain, numbness, inflammation, etc. This is thought to be due to the ability of rosehip to block the activity of certain proteins in cartilage cells that are a major cause of joint tissue degradation. The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of rose hips can also reduce chemotaxis. Chemotaxis is the transport or transfer of immune cells into joint tissues. Some studies show that regular use of certain rosehip supplements can increase the mobility or mobility of people with rheumatoid arthritis by as much as 25%. Better cardiovascular health by consuming rosehip Eating rosehip can significantly improve the health of our heart. It does this by lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels in the body. A study of more than 30 volunteers found that drinking rosehip-based beverages could lower blood pressure and total cholesterol. Additionally, such drinks, and the fruits themselves, are rich in fiber and a range of antioxidants. All of these components are very good for improving our cardiovascular health. The rosehip has a potential anticancer effect Some laboratory studies show an anticancer effect on the rosehip. For example, a 2015 study published in the journal Cancer found that treating malignant cells with rosehip extract proved to be particularly successful in stopping and slowing their growth. This extract has been able to selectively reduce specific MAPK and AKT, enzymes responsible for stimulating the growth of malignant cells in breast cancer. Ways of using the rosehip As already mentioned, the rosehip can be consumed as fresh, dry, as tea, or as supplements based on them. We need to remember that fresh shrimp are best eaten when they are softer. The standard recommended dose is about 10g per day, consumed twice. Over 40g per day, rosehip can cause side effects, such as digestive discomfort. Tea can be made from both fresh and dried rose hips. Rosehip tea is a great way to get the most out of their nutrition. How to make rosehip tea that will retain all the nutrients and healing properties? Put 200 to 300 grams of dried or fresh rose hips in 1 liter of water. Leave the water on the fire until it boils. Once it boils, remove the pan from the heat and let the liquid stand for a few hours or overnight. The next day, crush the softened fruits with a fork or mash them with a blender and return them to the liquid. If necessary, add a little more water and put the pan back on the fire until it boils. Then remove from the heat, allow to cool, strain, and drink in moderation throughout the day. Tea can be sweetened with honey or cinnamon and lemon, but it is best to drink it without any additives because it is very tasty without them. It is important to mention that rosehip tea should be drunk by breastfeeding mothers, because through milk vitamin C reaches the baby, thanks to which it will be healthier and resistant to colds and other viral infections. Rosehip tea for immunity Take three tablespoons of chopped, dried rosehips, soak them in 0.5 liters of cold water, and let them stand for three days.
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Then put them to boil for half an hour, leave it to cool, then strain and mix with the same amount of milk, sweeten with a teaspoon of honey. Drink this tea for immunity always before bedtime. Tea strengthens the body, especially in the elderly. Rosehip tea for dry coughs and colds with excellent results and easy to prepare. Put a tablespoon of finely chopped dried rosehips, pour 2 dl of boiled water, cover and leave for 15 minutes. Strain, sweeten with a teaspoon of honey, and drink before meals, three times a day. If a cold is the cause of the cough, drink it more often several times a day. It is important that it is always freshly prepared, not overheated. Be sure to consult your doctor about rosehip supplements.
Rosehip is an herb that has been used for a long time with a wide range of benefits for our health. Its composition is extremely good for human health. It contains carbohydrates, proteins, fiber, and very little fat. As for vitamins and minerals, vitamins A, C, E, K are present in the rosehip, as well as the minerals calcium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, and others. The direct health benefits of the rosehip are as numerous as those for immunity, a healthier heart, bones, skin, and even anti-cancer properties. It can be consumed as a tea, for making jams, syrups, essential oils, and for making wine. In any case, a rosehip is a healthy option in the diet that you should use because you have nothing to lose, you can only improve your health. Read the full article
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iamkellyadams · 5 years
Top 20 Cancer Crushing Foods Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About
“Let food by thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” ~ Hippocrates
Our diet and activity level are the biggest indicators of our health, including our risk for cancer.1
Food makes us healthy…or sick…and it can heal and reverse diseases.
A diet high in sugar and processed foods creates inflammation and the perfect environment for cancer.
Refined oils and refined carbohydrates are also linked to cancer growth.
Luckily, many foods have been proven to prevent and fight cancer.
Cancer is found in developed countries while Indigenous people don’t develop the disease. *
A natural diet, less gluten, less dairy, and moderate exercise makes for much better health and less disease. *
So it’s worth comparing a natural diet to the Standard American Diet, also known as SAD. *
The SAD diet is low in foods that fight cancer.
We know that eating a healthy plant-based diet of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and beans prevents and helps treat cancer.
Leafy greens and cruciferous veggies prevent and fight cancer because they’re rich in glutathione, a master antioxidant high free-radical-scavenging abilities. *
That’s why doctors advise eating greens. They’re also easy to include in your diet in salads and smoothies. In case you find it difficult adding greens to your diet, we recommend you to drink a glass of this amazing green superfood elixir  and never worry about not getting enough green nutrition from your diet.
A healthy diet also keeps you at a healthy weight.
Excess body fat increases the risk of at least 11 different cancers. *
Your doctor might not know about all of these cancer-fighting foods…
…or tell you about them, but they will make a huge difference in the treatment of cancer.
1. Jackfruit
Jackfruit is the largest fruit in the world, yet it’s not well known.
This orange, sweet fruit is loaded with potassium and vitamins C and B6.
All of the brightly colored fruits listed have phyto-chemicals and antioxidants as well.
2. Guanabana
This tropical fruit, also known as soursop has a pineapple-strawberry flavor. It’s rich in vitamin C and fiber.
Studies have shown it inhibits cancer cells. Eat this one as a whole fruit, as the supplement can cause problems.
Try making a tropical fruit salad with jackfruit, guanabana, and other brightly colored fruit for a cancer-fighting superfood.
That’s a dessert that’s good for you, and you’ll feel so much better than if you were to eat cake or other sugar-loaded foods.
3. Daikon
Daikon is an Asian radish with a mild flavor yet a little spice.
They contain vitamin C and fiber.
This is a fun way to add flavor to your salad or dinner that’s low calorie.
4. Sweet Tamarind
You can eat this out of the pod or as a pulp. It’s rich in fiber, potassium and magnesium.
Tamarind pulp is sweet and is served as a spread or candy, making it a cancer fighting treat.
5. Reishi Mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum)
There’s hundreds of different mushrooms, and they all are immune-enhancers.
Reishi, cordyceps and maitake are known to improve immune function, fight tumor growth and help cell regeneration.
Reishi enhances immune response and protects cellular DNA by raising antioxidant capacity.
This one specifically helps with cancer treatment by alleviating chemotherapy side effects like nausea and kidney damage.
Reishi helps to better activate the natural killer (NK) cells, reducing cancer metastasis.
These mushrooms assist in slowing the growth of tumors, with promising research showing they help with colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, and breast cancer.
6. Maitake Mushrooms
Maitake contains a broad-spectrum array of bioactive molecules, and they stimulate NK cell activity in cancer patients.
The antioxidant properties protects cells and decreases the inflammatory factor COX2 enzyme that’s common in cancer.
Maitake enhance our innate immune response to fight infections. They even help adaptive immune response, which creates long-term immune enhancement.
This mushroom has anti-metastatic properties that inhibit the proliferation and spread of cancer.
Research is promising in the areas of breast cancer and lung cancer.
7. Shitake (Lentinula edodes) 
Shitake contains a glucan called Active Hexose Correlated Compound, or AHCC.
It’s used in alternative and complementary treatment of cancer in Japan due to its immune-enhancing functions.
Shitake also have Lentinan, which is actually used as an intravenous anti-cancer drug for its anti-tumor properties.
Clinical studies show that using lentinan gives patients a higher survival rate, higher quality of life, and lower recurrence of cancer.
8. Almond Mushroom (Agaricus Blazei Murill)
In a study, 90% of guinea pigs injected with cancer cells made  a complete recovery when taking this mushroom supplement.
qThe study was jointly conducted by the Medical Department of Tokyo University, The National Cancer Center Laboratory, and Tokyo College of Pharmacy.
That might be why this mushroom is also called Mushroom of the Sun, Mushroom of God, and Mushroom of life.
9. Turkey Tail Mushroom
They’re not just fun decorations on a log. Turkey tail mushrooms are a biological response modifier.
Studies show that turkey tail mushrooms:
Improve survival rates
Act an immune modulator with immune stimulating and anti-tumor properties
Enhance the effects of chemotherapy
Reduces the side effects of radiation therapy
The anti-viral properties of the turkey tail mushroom offer a unique opportunity to target oncoviruses (tumor virus) such as human papillomavirus leading to cervical cancer, and hepatitis C leading to liver cancers.
If you’re wondering why there isn’t more research into mushrooms and more mushroom-based medicine available, it’s because drug companies cannot patent mushrooms.
Therefore, they don’t want to invest money into developing a natural medicine that they can’t commercially protect.
You can buy organic, whole mushrooms to add to dinner, or you can get supplements and powders.
10. Berries
Berries are some of the top high-antioxidant foods in the world.
Berries are especially rich in proanthocyanidin antioxidants, which lower free radical damage.
You’ll also get phenols, zeaxanthin, lycopene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and polysaccharides.
Berry extracts slow the growth of cancer cells. Strawberry and black raspberry extracts have the greatest impact on colon cancer cells.
11. Beans
Doctors tend to promote eating greens. People forget about beans, or even avoid them because of the side effects of fiber.
Remember, fiber does miracles in our body! Beans are also full of protein, fiber, and nutrients.
Studies continuously show that the folate, phytochemicals, and sterols in beans fight cancer.
Consuming small amounts of beans regularly in your diet helps avoid gas.
12. Onions
They add flavor and protect your health.
Onions are packed with allicin, sulfuric compounds, manganese, vitamins B6 and C, copper, and selenium.
They stimulate production of glutathione—the most potent antioxidant for your liver. That helps detoxify the entire body.
13. Seeds
Seeds are a superfood packed with health benefits.
Chia seeds and flaxseeds are two of the most nutrient-dense seeds in the world, providing fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and minerals.
Don’t forget other seeds like hemp, sesame, and pumpkin.
14. Turmeric
Turmeric is a must for an anti-cancer spice.
It has curcumin, which decreases tumor size and fights colon and breast cancer.
You can add turmeric to curry and other dishes, and even hide it in a drink. There’s also turmeric supplements that fight cancer and inflammation.
15. Garlic
People have used garlic to get over cold and heal disease for centuries.
It has sulfur compounds that stimulate the immune system’s natural defenses against cancer too.
New studies show that garlic can reduce the incidence of stomach cancer by a factor of 12!
16. Corn
What’s better than fresh corn on the cob on a summer evening?
Corn is loaded with a phenolic compound called ferulic acid, which inhibits cancer-causing substances.
Of course, we’re talking about whole corn and not corn syrup, which you should avoid!
17. Dates
These treats from nature are higher in total polyphenols than any fruits or vegetables.
The polyphenols protect the fruit while growing in harsh desert conditions.
They make a great, natural treat that can fix your sweet tooth and chocolate craving.
18. Tiger nut
Tiger “nut” is actually a tuber with a sweet, nutty flavor.
It’s used in Spain and Mexico to make horchata, a sweet and light milky drink.
So it’s a good milk alternative, although it lacks protein and calcium.
It is high in resistant starch, which aids in digestive health and fights stomach and colon cancers.
19. Sweet potatoes
Sweet potatoes, and any brightly orange-colored fruits and veggies are packed with cancer-fighting nutrients.
The bright colors of citrus fruits, squash, sweet potatoes are from phytochemicals, especially carotenoid antioxidants.
Beta-carotene is an essential nutrient for immune functioning; detoxification; liver health; and fighting cancers of the skin, eyes and organs.
20. Red Grapes
These natural treats have seeds filled with the super antioxidant activin.
It’s a cancer-fighting chemical also found in red wine and red grape juice, and it protects against cancer and heart disease.
Fill your diet with these delicious foods, and strive to eat a variety of (naturally) brightly colored fruits and vegetables.
Buy organic whenever possible for further health benefits and to avoid pesticides and dyes—many non-organic fruits and vegetables are actually soaked in dye to make them more bright and attractive.
A healthy diet with these super foods will prevent and fight cancer, and leave you feeling great.
Want to learn more about being the healthiest you can?
Food, Health, & You will teach you how to cure many lifestyle diseases while feeling great and having more energy.
The post Top 20 Cancer Crushing Foods Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About appeared first on Get Health Remedies.
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lindafrancois · 6 years
3 No-Cook Recipes That Help In Weight Loss
No-cook easy recipes
With the shortage of time and an alarming rise in lifestyle disorders, perception of healthy recipes for weight loss has changed. It is not confined to cooking and spending valuable time in the kitchen. Right food choice and its processing can also attribute to healthy and fuss-free life. No-cook recipes is one such alternative. 
Table of Contents
Convenient food: Demand of time 
 Advantages of no-cook Recipes
 Cheese- Tomato Salad 
 Peanut-butter chocolate No- Bake cookie
 Convenient Food: Demand of time
It is an established fact that convenience is now one of the major factors that influence the consumer’s food choice and eating pattern. Be it working class, students or beginners in cooking, convenient or no- cooking foods are a big yes!!
The Indian market is also flushed with convenient options like sprouted legumes, fruits, and vegetable salads. This is due to increased awareness among people for healthy no-cook meals.
 Advantages of No-cook Recipes
The no-cook recipes can also be one of the healthy recipes for weight loss. Besides, they are beneficial in many aspects like:
It is time-saving
Add variety and ease for inexperienced cooks as well
Gives more scope for value addition– in form of as many healthy ingredients you want to add
Efficient utilization of leftovers
It has resulted in increased inclination towards natural greens, fruits, and vegetables
Also, it provides ease of transportation.
Further, in this article, we are sharing a few no-cook recipes adding variety, color, and nutrients to your regular meals.
The national food of Lebanon, Tabbouleh is a Mediterranean dish. It has been ranked as one of the world’s most healthy recipe with healthy ingredients enriched with micro and macronutrients.
Traditionally, it is served as meze meaning as an accompaniment with alcoholic beverages or at the beginning of multi-course meals.
It is very popular in Arab and Middle Eastern nations. But because of its healthy composition and health benefits, it is now popular and consumed worldwide.
Servings– 2
Wheat bulgur (extra fine)- 50 grams Parsley leaves- 40 grams Fresh Mint leaves- 10-12 leaves Cucumber- 1, finely chopped Tomatoes- 2, medium, finely chopped Spring onion- 2, finely chopped Garlic- 2 cloves, crushed Olive oil- 2 tbsp Lemon juice- 1 Salt- to taste Cumin seed powder (Optional)- to taste
 Method of Preparation-
Rinse and soak bulgur in warm water for at least 30 minutes. If coarser grains, soak for at least 45 minutes.
Chop all the vegetables and herbs finely and mix together in a bowl.
Drain out all the water from bulgur and squeeze between your hands to remove any water.
Now, mix bulgur with all the vegetables. Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt and spice and mix well.
Refrigerate it for 30 minutes prior to serving with pita bread or lettuce leaves and hummus.
Note: For the gluten-free version, bulgur can be replaced with quinoa. For that, cook the equivalent amount of quinoa as directed in the package.
Nutritional Significance:
Low in calories– Non-utilization of oil medium along with the use of complex carbs make it minimal in calorie content.
Nutrient Retention– Due to the absence of any heat treatment, all the heat-sensitive minerals, vitamins and proteins are retained well.
High in fiber– As this dish comprises of vegetables, herbs, and wheat bulgur, therefore, supply excellent amount of fiber, that is helpful in lowering the blood cholesterol level, blood sugar level as well as curing the painful condition of constipation.
High in protein– Due to bulgur content in the respective salad, the protein content is considerable with approximately 5 gram in one serving. If this salad is prepared with quinoa, then the protein value is enhanced as quinoa is an excellent source of essential amino acids.
Exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cholesterol properties due to the presence of fresh vegetables and herbs.
Preventive action against metabolic disorders like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and even cancer, due to the presence of phytonutrients like flavonoids and lycopene.
Good source of omega 3 fats and MUFA- due to the presence of olive oil. Therefore, healthy for heart health and brain functioning.
 Cheese- Tomato Salad
Also known as Caprese Salad, it is a simple salad originated from the island of Capri, off Italy’s southern coast.
Comprising of mozzarella cheese, tomato and basil leaves, it is served as a starter before major course meals.
Tomato-cheese salad
As this salad contains just 4 ingredients, it is basically, the quality of the products that enhance the taste and quality of this salad. This is the reason, that one should employ high-quality raw ingredients.
Servings: 2
Tomatoes- 2, cut into cubes Mozzarella cheese- 100 grams- cut into cubes Basil leaves (or cilantro leaves, depending on availability)- 5 grams Olive oil- 1 tbsp Garlic- 2 cloves, crushed Lettuce leaves- 10 grams Salt- to taste Black pepper- to taste Balsamic vinegar (optional)- 1 Tsp
 Method of Preparation-
Add cubed tomato, cheese and basil (or cilantro) in a bowl.
For the dressing, mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and crushed garlic and mix well.
Drizzle the dressing over the vegetables and toss well.
Refrigerate before serving and its ready to serve as an appetizer or side dish with mocktails or main course meals respectively.
Nutritional Significance
Less in calories– As a salad, it comprises of healthy vegetables and dressing that contributes to healthy calories.
Rich in Antioxidants– Like flavonoids and lycopene that acts as a free radical scavenger, reducing inflammation and related disorders.
Rich in Protein– As contain cheese, it is a very good source of protein especially the casein protein.
Also, the salad, as comprises of vegetables and healthy dressing, therefore, has blood cholesterol and blood sugar lowering effect. Also, good for healthy GI tract and hormonal balance.
 Peanut- butter chocolate No- bake cookie
A no- bake cookie essentially means no addition of eggs and requires no cooking techniques. This cookie is a classic recipe that requires simple ingredients and less time to prepare.
No-bake cookie
These scrumptious delicacies are easy-to-cook and can be consumed as healthy snacks. As these are vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and protein-rich, therefore, a perfect choice for celiac patients, lactose intolerants as well.
It is also a blessing for vegans as they can come up with healthy and innovative ingredients to add on.
Servings- 20-24 cookies
Peanut butter (creamy)- 1 cup Honey (or maple syrup)- ¼ cup Semi- sweetened chocolate chips- 20 grams Rolled oats- ¾ cup
 Method of Preparation-
In a double boiler, add honey (or maple syrup) and peanut butter. Mix well until it melts.
Add oats and chocolate chips into peanut butter mixture. Stir and fold until well combined.
Line a cookie sheet with wax/parchment paper.
Put a scoop/ 1 tbsp of mixture onto sheet evenly spaced apart.
Spread it with a fork, as per the desired thickness.
Let it cool in the refrigerator until hardened.
 Nutritional Significance
Rich in Antioxidants– The ingredient like chocolate is rich in phenolic compounds like polyphenols that act as mitigating agents for oxidative stress. Also, peanut also has rich content of Vitamin E.
Good for cognitive aspect– Studies have suggested that Resveratrol, present in peanut, is very beneficial for brain growth and even can reduce the complications related to Alzheimer’s disease.
Good source of soluble fibers- Therefore, a boon for cardiovascular health as a potential of reducing the level of LDL cholesterol, triglyceride and total cholesterol level in blood.
Potential performance improver in athletes– Studies have suggested that chocolate helps to increase oxygen availability in the blood and to the muscles. Another bioactive compound called epicatechins also improves the performance as stimulating the secretion of nitric oxide in the body, that serves many functions like as neurotransmitter increasing oxygenation to blood, maintaining the muscle of the heart, GI tract and body muscles as well.
Good for bone health and muscle tone– Rich source of Magnesium that is an important part of the bone matrix along with calcium and phosphorus. Similarly, Magnesium also helps in muscle contraction and relaxation process for better blood flow and oxygenation.
 The post 3 No-Cook Recipes That Help In Weight Loss appeared first on Truweight Blog.
3 No-Cook Recipes That Help In Weight Loss published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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healthranks · 7 years
The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017
Men need to stay on top of their health – taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to do it.
Multivitamins for men are supplements that are specifically formulated for men to support immunity, energy, muscle function and metabolism.
There are different unique multivitamin formulas to support the needs of men at any stage of their life.
Below is a list of the best multivitamin supplements for men on the market, according to price, product quality, and customer reviews. Part two of this guide breaks down what exactly goes into a men’s multivitamin supplement and how they work.
Here’s our #1 recommended multivitamin for men:
1- Rainbow Light Men’s One
Lowest price on Amazon
Rainbow Light Men’s One is the a top quality multivitamin made from food based sources and one of the best all-around supplements you can take.
A best-seller on Amazon and thousands of positive reviews, Men’s One is a favorite vitamin solution for many happy customers. One of the most diverse multivitamin supplements available for all-around nutritional support.
Also one of the more affordable men’s multivitamins per serving, compared to other leading brands.
This particular supplement is loaded with specific vitamins, herbs, whole foods, and minerals for optimum male health, plus probiotics and plant-source enzymes for easy digestion.
Here are some of the ingredients found in Men’s One:
vitamins A, B-complex, C, D3
saw palmetto
organic spirulina
beet for natural energy
Men’s One is 100% free of sugar, lactose, dairy, wheat, gluten, and yeast, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives or additives.
Buy Men’s One on Amazon
2- Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is one of the biggest supplements brands in the health space. As expected, their men’s multivitamin is nothing short of top quality.
Opti-Men combines 75+ active ingredients into a 3-tablet serving for a daily all-around nutritional care package. You can either take all three at once or spread them across meals throughout the day.
Some of the ingredients in Opti-Men include:
25 Vitamins & Essential Minerals
1 Gram of Free Form Amino Acids (including Arginine, Glutamine, and BCAAs)
100 MG Phyto Blend (Phytonutrients, over 20 fruit and vegetable extracts)
1,500 IU of Vitamin D
Enzy-Blend: 4 specific enzymes.
350+ Milligrams B-Complex Vitamins
In addition to vitamins and essential minerals, the formula includes foundational amounts of botanical extracts that can be built on through consumption of a healthy, balanced diet.
Buy Opti-Men on Amazon
3- Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin
Lowest price on Amazon
Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help with men’s health.
Here are some of the ingredients:
Vitamins A, C, D, E, & B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12
This blend of vitamins and minerals is designed to boost cardiovascular, brain, digestive, and immune health. Each capsule supports better vision, skin care, weight loss, detox, and joint pain relief.
It is recommended that with this multivitamin supplement, you take two (2) capsules in the morning with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Buy Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin on Amazon
4- Vitafusion Men’s Gummy Vitamins
Lowest price on Amazon
If you’re looking for a tasty, easy-to-take vitamin supplement, Vitafusion has your back.
Offered in delicious fruit flavored candies, Vitafusion Men’s gummy vitamins are a perfect on the go solution for overall health maintenance.
Take just two gummies daily for adequate vitamin support – pretty simple right? Not to mention they taste great.
This particular multivitamin supplement helps to support:
increased energy
immune system health
Ingredients in Vitafusion Men’s gummies include:
Retinyl palmitate, ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate, cholecalciferol, dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, inositol niacinate, pyridoxine HCl, folic acid, cyanocabalamin, biotin, calcium d-pantothenate, potassium iodide, zinc chelate, chromium picolinate, molybdenum citrate, choline bitartrate, inositol niacinate, boron citrate, lycopene, glucose syrup, sucrose, water, gelatin; less than 2% of: citric acid, colors (blueberry and carrot concentrate), fumaric acid, lactic acid, and natural flavors.
Buy Vitafusion Men’s on Amazon
Lowest price on Amazon
As one of the most popular supplement brands in the game, GNC has a reputation of higher quality supplements for experienced users. MEGA MEN is no exception.
One of the pricier multivitamins on the market, but you definitely get a lot in your daily dosages.
This supplement contains 1600 IU of vitamin D-3 and helps with energy and metabolic support. It also helps cushion your joints with vitamin C, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. 
Here are some more ingredients contained in MEGA MEN:
Stearic Acid Vegetable Source
Magnesium Stearate Vegetable Source
Titanium Dioxide (Natural Mineral Whitener)
Natural Vanilla Mint Flavor
Caramel Color
Stevia Leaf Extract
Allergy disclaimer: this particular supplement may contain fish and soybeans.
Buy MEGA MEN on Amazon
What are multivitamins for men?
A multivitamin supplement for men specifically helps men get the proper nutrition that they need to promote all-around health on a daily basis.
Sometimes it is difficult to get all the recommended vitamins and minerals naturally acquired from the foods you eat.  Depending on your diet, you probably don’t get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals with every meal.
This is where taking a daily multivitamin supplement can help. It can ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of healthy minerals, vitamins, and ingredients that promote all around masculine health.
Multivitamins for men supplements are also used to treat vitamin deficiencies (1) caused by poor nutrition, illness, digestive orders and many other conditions.
How do men’s multivitamins work?
Multivitamin supplements specifically for men provide a large array of benefits. Most multivitamin supplements help to:
reduce the risk of medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc.
provide stronger bones and stronger immunity
improve mental health and clarity and general bodily functions
give better sleep quality and increased energy
reduce the level of stress
enhance overall well-being and muscle rebuilding
provide quicker healing of injuries
How to take men’s multivitamins?
Many vitamins and minerals can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if taken in large doses. It is very important that you take the supplement exactly as directed on the label or as prescribed by your doctor.
Do not take a higher dosage of a multivitamin unless specifically prescribed by your doctor. Take your multivitamins with a full glass of water in the morning or evening before you go to bed.
For liquid medicine, measure it with a special measuring spoon or medicine cup so you get the exact amount. To get the most benefit out of your multivitamins, get in a habit of taking them daily. 
What are the possible side effects of men’s multivitamins?
When taken as directed, multivitamins for men are not expected to cause any serious side effects.
Less serious side effects that have been reported such as stomach upset, unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth or headaches.
Just like with other supplements, avoid taking more than one multivitamin product at the same time unless specifically instructed by your doctor. This is because taking similar vitamin products together can result in a vitamin overdose which can cause serious side effects.
Overdose symptoms may include vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, hair loss, loss of appetite, tingly feeling in or around your mouth, peeling skin, severe headaches, weight loss, severe back pain, muscle or joint pain, blood in your urine, and easy bruising or bleeding. 
Do not take multivitamins with milk, calcium supplements, or other products that contain calcium as calcium makes it harder for the ingredients in the multivitamins to be absorbed by your body.
Many multivitamin products contain minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium which can cause side effects like increased urination, tooth staining, uneven heart rate and stomach bleeding, limp feeling or muscle weakness and even confusion.
The bottom line is to stick to the recommended dosage and ask your doctor before combining them with any other supplement.
Taking a multivitamin is an easy and inexpensive way to stay on top of your nutrition.
Unless you are eating a high quality and diverse diet, you could probably benefit from taking a daily multivitamin supplement. Check out the rankings at the top of the page to see which one best matches what you’re looking for.
More Supplement Rankings
Best Greens
Best Fiber
Best Beef Protein
Best Meal Replacement Shakes
Best Raspberry Ketones
Best Garcinia Cambogia
Best Nitric Oxide
Best Taurine
Best Creatine
Best Joint Support
Best Multivitamins for Women
Best Sleeping Aids
Best Nootropics
Best Calcium
Best Probiotic
(see more)
The post The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks http://healthranks.org/multivitamins-for-men/
0 notes
bobdelseynv · 7 years
The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017
Men need to stay on top of their health – taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to do it.
Multivitamins for men are supplements that are specifically formulated for men to support immunity, energy, muscle function and metabolism.
There are different unique multivitamin formulas to support the needs of men at any stage of their life.
Below is a list of the best multivitamin supplements for men on the market, according to price, product quality, and customer reviews. Part two of this guide breaks down what exactly goes into a men’s multivitamin supplement and how they work.
Here’s our #1 recommended multivitamin for men:
1- Rainbow Light Men’s One
Lowest price on Amazon
Rainbow Light Men’s One is the a top quality multivitamin made from food based sources and one of the best all-around supplements you can take.
A best-seller on Amazon and thousands of positive reviews, Men’s One is a favorite vitamin solution for many happy customers. One of the most diverse multivitamin supplements available for all-around nutritional support.
Also one of the more affordable men’s multivitamins per serving, compared to other leading brands.
This particular supplement is loaded with specific vitamins, herbs, whole foods, and minerals for optimum male health, plus probiotics and plant-source enzymes for easy digestion.
Here are some of the ingredients found in Men’s One:
vitamins A, B-complex, C, D3
saw palmetto
organic spirulina
beet for natural energy
Men’s One is 100% free of sugar, lactose, dairy, wheat, gluten, and yeast, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives or additives.
Buy Men’s One on Amazon
2- Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is one of the biggest supplements brands in the health space. As expected, their men’s multivitamin is nothing short of top quality.
Opti-Men combines 75+ active ingredients into a 3-tablet serving for a daily all-around nutritional care package. You can either take all three at once or spread them across meals throughout the day.
Some of the ingredients in Opti-Men include:
25 Vitamins & Essential Minerals
1 Gram of Free Form Amino Acids (including Arginine, Glutamine, and BCAAs)
100 MG Phyto Blend (Phytonutrients, over 20 fruit and vegetable extracts)
1,500 IU of Vitamin D
Enzy-Blend: 4 specific enzymes.
350+ Milligrams B-Complex Vitamins
In addition to vitamins and essential minerals, the formula includes foundational amounts of botanical extracts that can be built on through consumption of a healthy, balanced diet.
Buy Opti-Men on Amazon
3- Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin
Lowest price on Amazon
Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help with men’s health.
Here are some of the ingredients:
Vitamins A, C, D, E, & B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12
This blend of vitamins and minerals is designed to boost cardiovascular, brain, digestive, and immune health. Each capsule supports better vision, skin care, weight loss, detox, and joint pain relief.
It is recommended that with this multivitamin supplement, you take two (2) capsules in the morning with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Buy Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin on Amazon
4- Vitafusion Men’s Gummy Vitamins
Lowest price on Amazon
If you’re looking for a tasty, easy-to-take vitamin supplement, Vitafusion has your back.
Offered in delicious fruit flavored candies, Vitafusion Men’s gummy vitamins are a perfect on the go solution for overall health maintenance.
Take just two gummies daily for adequate vitamin support – pretty simple right? Not to mention they taste great.
This particular multivitamin supplement helps to support:
increased energy
immune system health
Ingredients in Vitafusion Men’s gummies include:
Retinyl palmitate, ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate, cholecalciferol, dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, inositol niacinate, pyridoxine HCl, folic acid, cyanocabalamin, biotin, calcium d-pantothenate, potassium iodide, zinc chelate, chromium picolinate, molybdenum citrate, choline bitartrate, inositol niacinate, boron citrate, lycopene, glucose syrup, sucrose, water, gelatin; less than 2% of: citric acid, colors (blueberry and carrot concentrate), fumaric acid, lactic acid, and natural flavors.
Buy Vitafusion Men’s on Amazon
Lowest price on Amazon
As one of the most popular supplement brands in the game, GNC has a reputation of higher quality supplements for experienced users. MEGA MEN is no exception.
One of the pricier multivitamins on the market, but you definitely get a lot in your daily dosages.
This supplement contains 1600 IU of vitamin D-3 and helps with energy and metabolic support. It also helps cushion your joints with vitamin C, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. 
Here are some more ingredients contained in MEGA MEN:
Stearic Acid Vegetable Source
Magnesium Stearate Vegetable Source
Titanium Dioxide (Natural Mineral Whitener)
Natural Vanilla Mint Flavor
Caramel Color
Stevia Leaf Extract
Allergy disclaimer: this particular supplement may contain fish and soybeans.
Buy MEGA MEN on Amazon
What are multivitamins for men?
A multivitamin supplement for men specifically helps men get the proper nutrition that they need to promote all-around health on a daily basis.
Sometimes it is difficult to get all the recommended vitamins and minerals naturally acquired from the foods you eat.  Depending on your diet, you probably don’t get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals with every meal.
This is where taking a daily multivitamin supplement can help. It can ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of healthy minerals, vitamins, and ingredients that promote all around masculine health.
Multivitamins for men supplements are also used to treat vitamin deficiencies (1) caused by poor nutrition, illness, digestive orders and many other conditions.
How do men’s multivitamins work?
Multivitamin supplements specifically for men provide a large array of benefits. Most multivitamin supplements help to:
reduce the risk of medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc.
provide stronger bones and stronger immunity
improve mental health and clarity and general bodily functions
give better sleep quality and increased energy
reduce the level of stress
enhance overall well-being and muscle rebuilding
provide quicker healing of injuries
How to take men’s multivitamins?
Many vitamins and minerals can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if taken in large doses. It is very important that you take the supplement exactly as directed on the label or as prescribed by your doctor.
Do not take a higher dosage of a multivitamin unless specifically prescribed by your doctor. Take your multivitamins with a full glass of water in the morning or evening before you go to bed.
For liquid medicine, measure it with a special measuring spoon or medicine cup so you get the exact amount. To get the most benefit out of your multivitamins, get in a habit of taking them daily. 
What are the possible side effects of men’s multivitamins?
When taken as directed, multivitamins for men are not expected to cause any serious side effects.
Less serious side effects that have been reported such as stomach upset, unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth or headaches.
Just like with other supplements, avoid taking more than one multivitamin product at the same time unless specifically instructed by your doctor. This is because taking similar vitamin products together can result in a vitamin overdose which can cause serious side effects.
Overdose symptoms may include vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, hair loss, loss of appetite, tingly feeling in or around your mouth, peeling skin, severe headaches, weight loss, severe back pain, muscle or joint pain, blood in your urine, and easy bruising or bleeding. 
Do not take multivitamins with milk, calcium supplements, or other products that contain calcium as calcium makes it harder for the ingredients in the multivitamins to be absorbed by your body.
Many multivitamin products contain minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium which can cause side effects like increased urination, tooth staining, uneven heart rate and stomach bleeding, limp feeling or muscle weakness and even confusion.
The bottom line is to stick to the recommended dosage and ask your doctor before combining them with any other supplement.
Taking a multivitamin is an easy and inexpensive way to stay on top of your nutrition.
Unless you are eating a high quality and diverse diet, you could probably benefit from taking a daily multivitamin supplement. Check out the rankings at the top of the page to see which one best matches what you’re looking for.
More Supplement Rankings
Best Greens
Best Fiber
Best Beef Protein
Best Meal Replacement Shakes
Best Raspberry Ketones
Best Garcinia Cambogia
Best Nitric Oxide
Best Taurine
Best Creatine
Best Joint Support
Best Multivitamins for Women
Best Sleeping Aids
Best Nootropics
Best Calcium
Best Probiotic
(see more)
The post The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks http://healthranks.org/multivitamins-for-men/
0 notes
georgepaul32 · 7 years
The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017
Men need to stay on top of their health – taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to do it.
Multivitamins for men are supplements that are specifically formulated for men to support immunity, energy, muscle function and metabolism.
There are different unique multivitamin formulas to support the needs of men at any stage of their life.
Below is a list of the best multivitamin supplements for men on the market, according to price, product quality, and customer reviews. Part two of this guide breaks down what exactly goes into a men’s multivitamin supplement and how they work.
Here’s our #1 recommended multivitamin for men:
1- Rainbow Light Men’s One
Lowest price on Amazon
Rainbow Light Men’s One is the a top quality multivitamin made from food based sources and one of the best all-around supplements you can take.
A best-seller on Amazon and thousands of positive reviews, Men’s One is a favorite vitamin solution for many happy customers. One of the most diverse multivitamin supplements available for all-around nutritional support.
Also one of the more affordable men’s multivitamins per serving, compared to other leading brands.
This particular supplement is loaded with specific vitamins, herbs, whole foods, and minerals for optimum male health, plus probiotics and plant-source enzymes for easy digestion.
Here are some of the ingredients found in Men’s One:
vitamins A, B-complex, C, D3
saw palmetto
organic spirulina
beet for natural energy
Men’s One is 100% free of sugar, lactose, dairy, wheat, gluten, and yeast, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives or additives.
Buy Men’s One on Amazon
2- Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is one of the biggest supplements brands in the health space. As expected, their men’s multivitamin is nothing short of top quality.
Opti-Men combines 75+ active ingredients into a 3-tablet serving for a daily all-around nutritional care package. You can either take all three at once or spread them across meals throughout the day.
Some of the ingredients in Opti-Men include:
25 Vitamins & Essential Minerals
1 Gram of Free Form Amino Acids (including Arginine, Glutamine, and BCAAs)
100 MG Phyto Blend (Phytonutrients, over 20 fruit and vegetable extracts)
1,500 IU of Vitamin D
Enzy-Blend: 4 specific enzymes.
350+ Milligrams B-Complex Vitamins
In addition to vitamins and essential minerals, the formula includes foundational amounts of botanical extracts that can be built on through consumption of a healthy, balanced diet.
Buy Opti-Men on Amazon
3- Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin
Lowest price on Amazon
Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help with men’s health.
Here are some of the ingredients:
Vitamins A, C, D, E, & B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12
This blend of vitamins and minerals is designed to boost cardiovascular, brain, digestive, and immune health. Each capsule supports better vision, skin care, weight loss, detox, and joint pain relief.
It is recommended that with this multivitamin supplement, you take two (2) capsules in the morning with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Buy Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin on Amazon
4- Vitafusion Men’s Gummy Vitamins
Lowest price on Amazon
If you’re looking for a tasty, easy-to-take vitamin supplement, Vitafusion has your back.
Offered in delicious fruit flavored candies, Vitafusion Men’s gummy vitamins are a perfect on the go solution for overall health maintenance.
Take just two gummies daily for adequate vitamin support – pretty simple right? Not to mention they taste great.
This particular multivitamin supplement helps to support:
increased energy
immune system health
Ingredients in Vitafusion Men’s gummies include:
Retinyl palmitate, ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate, cholecalciferol, dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, inositol niacinate, pyridoxine HCl, folic acid, cyanocabalamin, biotin, calcium d-pantothenate, potassium iodide, zinc chelate, chromium picolinate, molybdenum citrate, choline bitartrate, inositol niacinate, boron citrate, lycopene, glucose syrup, sucrose, water, gelatin; less than 2% of: citric acid, colors (blueberry and carrot concentrate), fumaric acid, lactic acid, and natural flavors.
Buy Vitafusion Men’s on Amazon
Lowest price on Amazon
As one of the most popular supplement brands in the game, GNC has a reputation of higher quality supplements for experienced users. MEGA MEN is no exception.
One of the pricier multivitamins on the market, but you definitely get a lot in your daily dosages.
This supplement contains 1600 IU of vitamin D-3 and helps with energy and metabolic support. It also helps cushion your joints with vitamin C, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. 
Here are some more ingredients contained in MEGA MEN:
Stearic Acid Vegetable Source
Magnesium Stearate Vegetable Source
Titanium Dioxide (Natural Mineral Whitener)
Natural Vanilla Mint Flavor
Caramel Color
Stevia Leaf Extract
Allergy disclaimer: this particular supplement may contain fish and soybeans.
Buy MEGA MEN on Amazon
What are multivitamins for men?
A multivitamin supplement for men specifically helps men get the proper nutrition that they need to promote all-around health on a daily basis.
Sometimes it is difficult to get all the recommended vitamins and minerals naturally acquired from the foods you eat.  Depending on your diet, you probably don’t get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals with every meal.
This is where taking a daily multivitamin supplement can help. It can ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of healthy minerals, vitamins, and ingredients that promote all around masculine health.
Multivitamins for men supplements are also used to treat vitamin deficiencies (1) caused by poor nutrition, illness, digestive orders and many other conditions.
How do men’s multivitamins work?
Multivitamin supplements specifically for men provide a large array of benefits. Most multivitamin supplements help to:
reduce the risk of medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc.
provide stronger bones and stronger immunity
improve mental health and clarity and general bodily functions
give better sleep quality and increased energy
reduce the level of stress
enhance overall well-being and muscle rebuilding
provide quicker healing of injuries
How to take men’s multivitamins?
Many vitamins and minerals can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if taken in large doses. It is very important that you take the supplement exactly as directed on the label or as prescribed by your doctor.
Do not take a higher dosage of a multivitamin unless specifically prescribed by your doctor. Take your multivitamins with a full glass of water in the morning or evening before you go to bed.
For liquid medicine, measure it with a special measuring spoon or medicine cup so you get the exact amount. To get the most benefit out of your multivitamins, get in a habit of taking them daily. 
What are the possible side effects of men’s multivitamins?
When taken as directed, multivitamins for men are not expected to cause any serious side effects.
Less serious side effects that have been reported such as stomach upset, unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth or headaches.
Just like with other supplements, avoid taking more than one multivitamin product at the same time unless specifically instructed by your doctor. This is because taking similar vitamin products together can result in a vitamin overdose which can cause serious side effects.
Overdose symptoms may include vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, hair loss, loss of appetite, tingly feeling in or around your mouth, peeling skin, severe headaches, weight loss, severe back pain, muscle or joint pain, blood in your urine, and easy bruising or bleeding. 
Do not take multivitamins with milk, calcium supplements, or other products that contain calcium as calcium makes it harder for the ingredients in the multivitamins to be absorbed by your body.
Many multivitamin products contain minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium which can cause side effects like increased urination, tooth staining, uneven heart rate and stomach bleeding, limp feeling or muscle weakness and even confusion.
The bottom line is to stick to the recommended dosage and ask your doctor before combining them with any other supplement.
Taking a multivitamin is an easy and inexpensive way to stay on top of your nutrition.
Unless you are eating a high quality and diverse diet, you could probably benefit from taking a daily multivitamin supplement. Check out the rankings at the top of the page to see which one best matches what you’re looking for.
More Supplement Rankings
Best Greens
Best Fiber
Best Beef Protein
Best Meal Replacement Shakes
Best Raspberry Ketones
Best Garcinia Cambogia
Best Nitric Oxide
Best Taurine
Best Creatine
Best Joint Support
Best Multivitamins for Women
Best Sleeping Aids
Best Nootropics
Best Calcium
Best Probiotic
(see more)
The post The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks http://healthranks.org/multivitamins-for-men/
0 notes
crystalgordontx · 7 years
The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017
Men need to stay on top of their health – taking a daily multivitamin is a great way to do it.
Multivitamins for men are supplements that are specifically formulated for men to support immunity, energy, muscle function and metabolism.
There are different unique multivitamin formulas to support the needs of men at any stage of their life.
Below is a list of the best multivitamin supplements for men on the market, according to price, product quality, and customer reviews. Part two of this guide breaks down what exactly goes into a men’s multivitamin supplement and how they work.
Here’s our #1 recommended multivitamin for men:
1- Rainbow Light Men’s One
Lowest price on Amazon
Rainbow Light Men’s One is the a top quality multivitamin made from food based sources and one of the best all-around supplements you can take.
A best-seller on Amazon and thousands of positive reviews, Men’s One is a favorite vitamin solution for many happy customers. One of the most diverse multivitamin supplements available for all-around nutritional support.
Also one of the more affordable men’s multivitamins per serving, compared to other leading brands.
This particular supplement is loaded with specific vitamins, herbs, whole foods, and minerals for optimum male health, plus probiotics and plant-source enzymes for easy digestion.
Here are some of the ingredients found in Men’s One:
vitamins A, B-complex, C, D3
saw palmetto
organic spirulina
beet for natural energy
Men’s One is 100% free of sugar, lactose, dairy, wheat, gluten, and yeast, and contains no artificial colors, flavors, sweeteners, preservatives or additives.
Buy Men’s One on Amazon
2- Optimum Nutrition Opti-Men
Lowest price on Amazon
Optimum Nutrition is one of the biggest supplements brands in the health space. As expected, their men’s multivitamin is nothing short of top quality.
Opti-Men combines 75+ active ingredients into a 3-tablet serving for a daily all-around nutritional care package. You can either take all three at once or spread them across meals throughout the day.
Some of the ingredients in Opti-Men include:
25 Vitamins & Essential Minerals
1 Gram of Free Form Amino Acids (including Arginine, Glutamine, and BCAAs)
100 MG Phyto Blend (Phytonutrients, over 20 fruit and vegetable extracts)
1,500 IU of Vitamin D
Enzy-Blend: 4 specific enzymes.
350+ Milligrams B-Complex Vitamins
In addition to vitamins and essential minerals, the formula includes foundational amounts of botanical extracts that can be built on through consumption of a healthy, balanced diet.
Buy Opti-Men on Amazon
3- Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin
Lowest price on Amazon
Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin contains a unique blend of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that help with men’s health.
Here are some of the ingredients:
Vitamins A, C, D, E, & B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12
This blend of vitamins and minerals is designed to boost cardiovascular, brain, digestive, and immune health. Each capsule supports better vision, skin care, weight loss, detox, and joint pain relief.
It is recommended that with this multivitamin supplement, you take two (2) capsules in the morning with a meal or as directed by your healthcare professional.
Buy Vimerson Health Men’s Multivitamin on Amazon
4- Vitafusion Men’s Gummy Vitamins
Lowest price on Amazon
If you’re looking for a tasty, easy-to-take vitamin supplement, Vitafusion has your back.
Offered in delicious fruit flavored candies, Vitafusion Men’s gummy vitamins are a perfect on the go solution for overall health maintenance.
Take just two gummies daily for adequate vitamin support – pretty simple right? Not to mention they taste great.
This particular multivitamin supplement helps to support:
increased energy
immune system health
Ingredients in Vitafusion Men’s gummies include:
Retinyl palmitate, ascorbic acid and sodium ascorbate, cholecalciferol, dl-alpha-tocopheryl acetate, inositol niacinate, pyridoxine HCl, folic acid, cyanocabalamin, biotin, calcium d-pantothenate, potassium iodide, zinc chelate, chromium picolinate, molybdenum citrate, choline bitartrate, inositol niacinate, boron citrate, lycopene, glucose syrup, sucrose, water, gelatin; less than 2% of: citric acid, colors (blueberry and carrot concentrate), fumaric acid, lactic acid, and natural flavors.
Buy Vitafusion Men’s on Amazon
Lowest price on Amazon
As one of the most popular supplement brands in the game, GNC has a reputation of higher quality supplements for experienced users. MEGA MEN is no exception.
One of the pricier multivitamins on the market, but you definitely get a lot in your daily dosages.
This supplement contains 1600 IU of vitamin D-3 and helps with energy and metabolic support. It also helps cushion your joints with vitamin C, collagen, and hyaluronic acid. 
Here are some more ingredients contained in MEGA MEN:
Stearic Acid Vegetable Source
Magnesium Stearate Vegetable Source
Titanium Dioxide (Natural Mineral Whitener)
Natural Vanilla Mint Flavor
Caramel Color
Stevia Leaf Extract
Allergy disclaimer: this particular supplement may contain fish and soybeans.
Buy MEGA MEN on Amazon
What are multivitamins for men?
A multivitamin supplement for men specifically helps men get the proper nutrition that they need to promote all-around health on a daily basis.
Sometimes it is difficult to get all the recommended vitamins and minerals naturally acquired from the foods you eat.  Depending on your diet, you probably don’t get a wide variety of vitamins and minerals with every meal.
This is where taking a daily multivitamin supplement can help. It can ensure that you are getting adequate amounts of healthy minerals, vitamins, and ingredients that promote all around masculine health.
Multivitamins for men supplements are also used to treat vitamin deficiencies (1) caused by poor nutrition, illness, digestive orders and many other conditions.
How do men’s multivitamins work?
Multivitamin supplements specifically for men provide a large array of benefits. Most multivitamin supplements help to:
reduce the risk of medical conditions like heart disease, diabetes, etc.
provide stronger bones and stronger immunity
improve mental health and clarity and general bodily functions
give better sleep quality and increased energy
reduce the level of stress
enhance overall well-being and muscle rebuilding
provide quicker healing of injuries
How to take men’s multivitamins?
Many vitamins and minerals can cause serious or life-threatening side effects if taken in large doses. It is very important that you take the supplement exactly as directed on the label or as prescribed by your doctor.
Do not take a higher dosage of a multivitamin unless specifically prescribed by your doctor. Take your multivitamins with a full glass of water in the morning or evening before you go to bed.
For liquid medicine, measure it with a special measuring spoon or medicine cup so you get the exact amount. To get the most benefit out of your multivitamins, get in a habit of taking them daily. 
What are the possible side effects of men’s multivitamins?
When taken as directed, multivitamins for men are not expected to cause any serious side effects.
Less serious side effects that have been reported such as stomach upset, unusual or unpleasant taste in the mouth or headaches.
Just like with other supplements, avoid taking more than one multivitamin product at the same time unless specifically instructed by your doctor. This is because taking similar vitamin products together can result in a vitamin overdose which can cause serious side effects.
Overdose symptoms may include vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, hair loss, loss of appetite, tingly feeling in or around your mouth, peeling skin, severe headaches, weight loss, severe back pain, muscle or joint pain, blood in your urine, and easy bruising or bleeding. 
Do not take multivitamins with milk, calcium supplements, or other products that contain calcium as calcium makes it harder for the ingredients in the multivitamins to be absorbed by your body.
Many multivitamin products contain minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc and potassium which can cause side effects like increased urination, tooth staining, uneven heart rate and stomach bleeding, limp feeling or muscle weakness and even confusion.
The bottom line is to stick to the recommended dosage and ask your doctor before combining them with any other supplement.
Taking a multivitamin is an easy and inexpensive way to stay on top of your nutrition.
Unless you are eating a high quality and diverse diet, you could probably benefit from taking a daily multivitamin supplement. Check out the rankings at the top of the page to see which one best matches what you’re looking for.
More Supplement Rankings
Best Greens
Best Fiber
Best Beef Protein
Best Meal Replacement Shakes
Best Raspberry Ketones
Best Garcinia Cambogia
Best Nitric Oxide
Best Taurine
Best Creatine
Best Joint Support
Best Multivitamins for Women
Best Sleeping Aids
Best Nootropics
Best Calcium
Best Probiotic
(see more)
The post The Top 5 Multivitamins for Men of 2017 appeared first on Health Ranks.
from Health Ranks http://healthranks.org/multivitamins-for-men/
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New Post has been published on http://www.lifehacker.guru/flush-your-weight-out-10-food-and-drinks-that-really-help-to-ease-your-water-weight/
Flush Your “Weight” Out! 10 Food and Drinks That Really Help To Ease Your Water Weight!
Yes, you look like you have gained 10 pounds during sleep.
Have you ever got a panic attack when you saw the drastic increased number on your scale, and then realise you lose all those weight in just a couple days? You might have thought you got some weird metabolic disease, but this symptom could have simply just caused by water. What you have gained is not fat weight, but water weight.
What is Water Weight? Does That Mean I am Fat?
Different from fat weight, you could gain 2 to 4 pounds of water weight in the course of a day. It is basically just a shift of your body’s fluid status. It could be caused by multiple of reasons, including premenstrual symptoms, lack of dietary protein, excess consumption of salt, side effect of medication, or even weather. For most of the times this gain will just last for a few days and is unharmful to your body.
So How to Flush That Out?
In case you would like to control your water weight so that you won’t suddenly look swelled for a couple days, making some changes in your diet could be a very effective way. Here are 10 diuretic food and drinks that could help you flush out the excess water weight in your body.
Water kills water- Drinking “the right amount” is key
This might sound very counterintuitive, but not drinking water is a cause for your body to retain more water. So by drinking enough water (The Institute of Medicine recommends women drink 9 cups (2.2 liters) of water daily. For men, they recommend drinking 13 cups (3 liters) a day.), you will not have stored excessive water.
How about some high water content fruit- Watermelon, maybe?
Watermelon contains 92% water and also nutrients that could stimulate urination.
Grilled Watermelon, Feta, and Basil Salad
Summer Shrimp Salad
Make your dish a little bit garlicky
Garlic has been shown effective in curing water retention and also contribute to the breakdown of fat. It could also help maintaining heart health and fight diabetes.
Creamy Garlic Chicken
Garlic scallops
Forget about OJ and try CJ for breakfast- Cranberry Juice
Cranberry contains a lot of antibacterial and diuretic properties.It is also rich in nutrients such as antioxidants, vitamin C and salicylic acid.
O for the old-fashioned yet healthy food- Oats
Oats are rich in water-soluble B vitamins along with potassium, a mineral that regulates water levels in the body.
Banana Oat Energy Bites
Raspberry Vanilla Overnight Oats
Either You pronounce it as To-ma-toes or To-may-toes, it helps anyways.
Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene, beta-carotene, folate, potassium, vitamin C, flavonoids, and vitamin E. These nutrients help give tomatoes their diuretic effect.Tomato Pie
Garlic Grilled Tomatoes
Maybe some more Cucumber to your salad nex time?
Cucumber is 96% water, making it the highest water content in any solid food.
Cucumber Salsa
Asian Cucumber Sesame Salad
Cabbage is a good side-dish you can consider next time!
Both green and red cabbage have powerful diuretic benefits since they have a high water content and are a good source of potassium.Cabbage Sautéed with Chicken Cabbage rolls with Hamburger Fillings in Tomato Sauce
Yes.Yes.Yes. The mighty Lemon always help (nearly everything!)
Other than helping you reduce water in your body, the Vitamin C in lemon could also help you burn fat during exercises.
Lemon Syrup
CopyCat Chick-fil-A Frosted Lemonade
Try to replace Potatoes with Asparagus next time when you make your fries.
The Vitamin K in asparagus act as a natural diuretic. It can also help regulate blood sugar with various kinds of B vitamins.
Roasted Lemon Parmesan Garlic Asparagus
Baked Asparagus FriesTake a look at the recipes linked in the article. They might be some good choices for your fight with water weight!
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thehealthology-blog · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://thehealthology.com/2017/01/mexican-doctor-cure-joint-pain/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=TheHealthology+blog&utm_campaign=SNAP
Mexican Doctor reveals A Natural Cure For Joint Pain; Improves Memory and Vision up to 80%
Everyone has aches and pains from time to time, but sometimes it can be just too much. Severe joint pain can prohibit you from doing the things that you enjoy the most.
You can always take a man made medication, but they often have harmful side effects. Conveniently, a Mexican doctor has discovered a natural remedy that is a great way to take back control of your body!
Joint pain can be caused by a multitude of things. Any damage to the joints, such as straining from exercise, can cause inflammation in the joints. You can fight your joint pain by certain exercises too. Walking, swimming, weight lifting, pedaling, and yoga can all give you a significant release of your pain, especially if combined with this natural remedy. You can fight joint pain using walnuts, Avocado, beetroot, rosemary, apples, and tomatoes. Each ingredient contains powerful and rejuvenating vitamins and minerals to help reduce any and all types of joint pain.
Walnuts can strengthen the blood vessels in your brain due to their high omega-3 content. Walnuts help improve memory by improving oxygen flow to your brain. Tomatoes contain loads of Lycopene. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that reduces damage done to your cells. It is mostly present in red fruits such as tomatoes, grapefruit, papaya, and watermelons.
Apples are rich in Pectin! Pectin is a fiber that will improve your digestion and even brain health as well! Rosemary is such a powerful ingredient to the remedy, that you could almost use it alone! Beetroot regulates blood flow while containing numerous nutrients for the body. Avocados have the ability to increase your cerebral blood flow which produces better memory and overall brain health. I found this recipe on healthylifevison.com. If you suffer from serious joint pain, it is most certainly an option worth trying.
2 in. piece of ginger root
2 tbsp. Of cinnamon
3 tbsp. Of honey
4 lemons
125 gr. horseradish
Blend the horseradish and ginger first, then add freshly squeezed lemon juice in the blender and mix for a couple of minutes. Add the honey and cinnamon afterward and mix again, then pour the syrup in a jar.
Take a tablespoon of the remedy twice a day or before your cardio exercise. In just 3 weeks, you should lose a noticeable amount of weight and your overall health should be improved.
Source: www.healthyhouseideas.com
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lindafrancois · 6 years
3 No-Cook Recipes That Help In Weight Loss
No-cook easy recipes
With the shortage of time and an alarming rise in lifestyle disorders, perception of healthy recipes for weight loss has changed. It is not confined to cooking and spending valuable time in the kitchen. Right food choice and its processing can also attribute to healthy and fuss-free life. No-cook recipes is one such alternative. 
Table of Contents
Convenient food: Demand of time 
 Advantages of no-cook Recipes
 Cheese- Tomato Salad 
 Peanut-butter chocolate No- Bake cookie
 Convenient Food: Demand of time
It is an established fact that convenience is now one of the major factors that influence the consumer’s food choice and eating pattern. Be it working class, students or beginners in cooking, convenient or no- cooking foods are a big yes!!
The Indian market is also flushed with convenient options like sprouted legumes, fruits, and vegetable salads. This is due to increased awareness among people for healthy no-cook meals.
 Advantages of No-cook Recipes
The no-cook recipes can also be one of the healthy recipes for weight loss. Besides, they are beneficial in many aspects like:
It is time-saving
Add variety and ease for inexperienced cooks as well
Gives more scope for value addition– in form of as many healthy ingredients you want to add
Efficient utilization of leftovers
It has resulted in increased inclination towards natural greens, fruits, and vegetables
Also, it provides ease of transportation.
Further, in this article, we are sharing a few no-cook recipes adding variety, color, and nutrients to your regular meals.
The national food of Lebanon, Tabbouleh is a Mediterranean dish. It has been ranked as one of the world’s most healthy recipe with healthy ingredients enriched with micro and macronutrients.
Traditionally, it is served as meze meaning as an accompaniment with alcoholic beverages or at the beginning of multi-course meals.
It is very popular in Arab and Middle Eastern nations. But because of its healthy composition and health benefits, it is now popular and consumed worldwide.
Servings– 2
Wheat bulgur (extra fine)- 50 grams Parsley leaves- 40 grams Fresh Mint leaves- 10-12 leaves Cucumber- 1, finely chopped Tomatoes- 2, medium, finely chopped Spring onion- 2, finely chopped Garlic- 2 cloves, crushed Olive oil- 2 tbsp Lemon juice- 1 Salt- to taste Cumin seed powder (Optional)- to taste
 Method of Preparation-
Rinse and soak bulgur in warm water for at least 30 minutes. If coarser grains, soak for at least 45 minutes.
Chop all the vegetables and herbs finely and mix together in a bowl.
Drain out all the water from bulgur and squeeze between your hands to remove any water.
Now, mix bulgur with all the vegetables. Add olive oil, lemon juice, salt and spice and mix well.
Refrigerate it for 30 minutes prior to serving with pita bread or lettuce leaves and hummus.
Note: For the gluten-free version, bulgur can be replaced with quinoa. For that, cook the equivalent amount of quinoa as directed in the package.
Nutritional Significance:
Low in calories– Non-utilization of oil medium along with the use of complex carbs make it minimal in calorie content.
Nutrient Retention– Due to the absence of any heat treatment, all the heat-sensitive minerals, vitamins and proteins are retained well.
High in fiber– As this dish comprises of vegetables, herbs, and wheat bulgur, therefore, supply excellent amount of fiber, that is helpful in lowering the blood cholesterol level, blood sugar level as well as curing the painful condition of constipation.
High in protein– Due to bulgur content in the respective salad, the protein content is considerable with approximately 5 gram in one serving. If this salad is prepared with quinoa, then the protein value is enhanced as quinoa is an excellent source of essential amino acids.
Exhibit anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-cholesterol properties due to the presence of fresh vegetables and herbs.
Preventive action against metabolic disorders like diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension and even cancer, due to the presence of phytonutrients like flavonoids and lycopene.
Good source of omega 3 fats and MUFA- due to the presence of olive oil. Therefore, healthy for heart health and brain functioning.
 Cheese- Tomato Salad
Also known as Caprese Salad, it is a simple salad originated from the island of Capri, off Italy’s southern coast.
Comprising of mozzarella cheese, tomato and basil leaves, it is served as a starter before major course meals.
Tomato-cheese salad
As this salad contains just 4 ingredients, it is basically, the quality of the products that enhance the taste and quality of this salad. This is the reason, that one should employ high-quality raw ingredients.
Servings: 2
Tomatoes- 2, cut into cubes Mozzarella cheese- 100 grams- cut into cubes Basil leaves (or cilantro leaves, depending on availability)- 5 grams Olive oil- 1 tbsp Garlic- 2 cloves, crushed Lettuce leaves- 10 grams Salt- to taste Black pepper- to taste Balsamic vinegar (optional)- 1 Tsp
 Method of Preparation-
Add cubed tomato, cheese and basil (or cilantro) in a bowl.
For the dressing, mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper and crushed garlic and mix well.
Drizzle the dressing over the vegetables and toss well.
Refrigerate before serving and its ready to serve as an appetizer or side dish with mocktails or main course meals respectively.
Nutritional Significance
Less in calories– As a salad, it comprises of healthy vegetables and dressing that contributes to healthy calories.
Rich in Antioxidants– Like flavonoids and lycopene that acts as a free radical scavenger, reducing inflammation and related disorders.
Rich in Protein– As contain cheese, it is a very good source of protein especially the casein protein.
Also, the salad, as comprises of vegetables and healthy dressing, therefore, has blood cholesterol and blood sugar lowering effect. Also, good for healthy GI tract and hormonal balance.
 Peanut- butter chocolate No- bake cookie
A no- bake cookie essentially means no addition of eggs and requires no cooking techniques. This cookie is a classic recipe that requires simple ingredients and less time to prepare.
No-bake cookie
These scrumptious delicacies are easy-to-cook and can be consumed as healthy snacks. As these are vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free and protein-rich, therefore, a perfect choice for celiac patients, lactose intolerants as well.
It is also a blessing for vegans as they can come up with healthy and innovative ingredients to add on.
Servings- 20-24 cookies
Peanut butter (creamy)- 1 cup Honey (or maple syrup)- ¼ cup Semi- sweetened chocolate chips- 20 grams Rolled oats- ¾ cup
 Method of Preparation-
In a double boiler, add honey (or maple syrup) and peanut butter. Mix well until it melts.
Add oats and chocolate chips into peanut butter mixture. Stir and fold until well combined.
Line a cookie sheet with wax/parchment paper.
Put a scoop/ 1 tbsp of mixture onto sheet evenly spaced apart.
Spread it with a fork, as per the desired thickness.
Let it cool in the refrigerator until hardened.
 Nutritional Significance
Rich in Antioxidants– The ingredient like chocolate is rich in phenolic compounds like polyphenols that act as mitigating agents for oxidative stress. Also, peanut also has rich content of Vitamin E.
Good for cognitive aspect– Studies have suggested that Resveratrol, present in peanut, is very beneficial for brain growth and even can reduce the complications related to Alzheimer’s disease.
Good source of soluble fibers- Therefore, a boon for cardiovascular health as a potential of reducing the level of LDL cholesterol, triglyceride and total cholesterol level in blood.
Potential performance improver in athletes– Studies have suggested that chocolate helps to increase oxygen availability in the blood and to the muscles. Another bioactive compound called epicatechins also improves the performance as stimulating the secretion of nitric oxide in the body, that serves many functions like as neurotransmitter increasing oxygenation to blood, maintaining the muscle of the heart, GI tract and body muscles as well.
Good for bone health and muscle tone– Rich source of Magnesium that is an important part of the bone matrix along with calcium and phosphorus. Similarly, Magnesium also helps in muscle contraction and relaxation process for better blood flow and oxygenation.
 The post 3 No-Cook Recipes That Help In Weight Loss appeared first on Truweight Blog.
3 No-Cook Recipes That Help In Weight Loss published first on https://dietariouspage.tumblr.com/
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