cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
In my last design for him I made him a light gray tabby colorpoint, but I decided to make him a black tabby colorpoint this time because 2 of his kits are black, and despite the fact that RoC does not follow realistic cat genetics... it still bothers me bec it makes no sense that two dilute cats would have non dilute babies LOL
I actually really like this change tho!!! I think it looks really cool!
Also fun fact! His white is the exact same as Tigerclaw's and to make his gray I took Thistleclaw's gray and made it the hue of Snowstorm's blue!
Character Bio:
Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 4 cycles, 4 moons; ~33 Hyrs
Title meaning: -storm =   a cat who is powerful in battle; strong and fights like a storm; Was specifically given this title in reference to his mother.
Warrior -> Second of Thunder Order; was in line due to being Star Bluefrost's nephew
Mentor: Star Bluefrost
Mother: Snowstorm
Father: Thistleclaw
Siblings: Sky; Shine; Shimmer; Star Tigerclaw
Mate: Willowchime
Kits: Sootfur; Rainwhisker; Sorreltail
Step-Kits: Darkstripe; Graybelly
Grandkits: Cinderheart; Honeyfern; Poppyfrost
Step-Grandkits: Ashfall; Ferncloud; Willowfeather; Oakfeather
Other notable kin: Star Pineheart (grandfather); Leopardfoot (Grandmother); Swift (nephew); Brambleflower (nephew); Star Tawnyclaw (neice); Mothwing (neice); Star Hawkfrost (nephew)
Extra notes: I changed his name to Lynx bec White is boring and it matches with Tiger!
Lynx was mentored by Bluefrost bec I think thats cute, and it also just adds to why they are so close <3
another fact! Blue wished she had chosen Lynx to be her Second instead of Tiger... but tbh Tiger probably would have killed him, even if Lynx was his brother.
Character Summary:
Lynxstorm and his littermate Tigerclaw were Snowstorm and Thistleclaw's second litter, the first being a litter of 3 which all sadly died due to a premature birth. It was many cycles before Snow and Thistle tried for a second litter as the death of the first had left Snow distraught and fearful of it happening again. However their second litter were healthy and strong, and because of this Snow named them after two kinds of powerful and strong wild cat.
Thistleclaw took far more interest in Lynx's brother Tiger, as Tiger was the larger and stronger of the two, it was obvious that Tiger took after Thistle, which Thistle loved. However Lynx was smaller and more empathetic and kind, he spent far more time with his mother and found his father's more cruel nature unappealing.
As Lynx grew he also took far more notice of how toxic his parent's relationship was. Thistleclaw was so obsessed with power and strength, that he would often judge his own mate for doing things he deemed "weak" and Snowstorm would refuse to let anyone think her weak and would feel the need to prove Thistle wrong. Thistle didn't just put this pressure on his mate either, he put it on his sons, especially Tiger, and Lynx grew to hate Thistle for it.
Snowstorm died during a border dispute early into Lynx and Tiger's apprenticeship, and this drove Thistle to be even more cruel. Thistle would take his sons out on extra night time training sessions that were far more brutal than anything a normal apprentice would be doing. Lynx knew that he only rarely was taken on these training sessions, Tiger on the other hand was trained constantly by Thistle. Lynx wanted to tell someone but Tiger made him swear not to, as Tiger wanted those sessions to learn how to be strong, even if he hated Thistleclaw for how brutal he was during them. Lynx never learned that Thistle had also been training Tiger in the Dark Forest as well...
As an adult, Lynx stayed far away from his father, choosing to go about his live happily and without any Thistleclaw bullshit. This would be made truly permanent when Thistle was found out for his grooming of Spottedleaf, Lynx was horrified by this (though not 100% surprised by his father's actions). Lynx joined Bluefrost's plan to assassinate Thistleclaw instead of simply banishing him, and though Tiger was the tom to serve the killing blow, Lynx was certainly there to make sure the deed was done. This not only felt like vengeance for Spotted, this felt like vengeance for his childhood, for his brother, and for his mother.
During the first arc plot Lynx becomes a big role model to Fire, being something like a father figure along side Lioheart.
Lynx got closer to and fell in love with Willowchime around the time that Gray was an apprentice, Willow always wanted to chat with Lynx and Lion about her son's apprenticeship and they started bonding from there. Lynx is also one of the only cats to learn the full story of Willow's past romance with Dark and Gray's kittypet father, and he holds not judgement towards her for it.
Lynx and Willow both died in the great battle against Tiger Order.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Lynxstorm an au version of Whitestorm from Warrior Cats. He is standing tall and proud, with his right side showing, and he has a calm expression and smile. He is a long furred, white tom with dark gray almost black tabby color point markings, and white on his muzzle , paws and tail tip. His eyes are blue with yellow-orange irises, and his inner ears and nose are pink./End ID)
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wildfire-rewrite · 10 months
hmm… what is Sandstorm like?
Herbalist of the Fall Thunderbringer Sect
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Kitten -> Apprentice -> Herbalist
She/her/hers cisgender, poly bisexual
Image IDs below the cut and information.
Grandparents: Crowtail Parents: Redowl, Patchedpelt Siblings: Chestnutclaw, Cherrytooth
Mates: Sun Firesong, Grouseflight Kits: Squirrelflight, Leafpool, Juniperpaw, Birchfall, Foxleap, Shrewbelly Grandkits: Petalblaze, Jaypatch, Hollylarch, Poppyfrost, Fernsong, Sorrelstripe, Sparkwood, Alderheart, Dandelionpelt
Mentor: Lynxstorm Former Apprentice(s): Poppyfrost, Bristlefrost
Sandstorm was close with her cousin, Dustdapple, as a kit. They played often, teasing Ravenpaw, Chestnutpaw, and Cherrypaw. They were a very tight-knit family. Dappletail and Redowl made sure they were close, and that everyone knew they had a support system to talk to. If only it worked. Once Ravencatcher disappeared and was pronounced dead, Dustdapple grew hostile. He began to talk with Darkstripe and Tigerchaser more, agreeing with everything they said. She watched her cousin grow further apart after the death of Chestnutclaw. Then, stop talking to her altogether as she chatted with Fireclaw as friends. Eventually, they start talking again. It takes time, of course it does, but it happens.
Personal Comments:
No real plans for her other than for her to live long and be the foster mother for the Original Three.
I really want her to die old. Her death is the tipping point in TBC.
[ Image ID - An image of Sandstorm in the Wildfire Rewrite. She is a cinnamon and red spotted tortoiseshell with white on her tail tip, paws, and underbelly. Her tortoiseshell dapples are in two spots; one on her face, and one that covers her entire tail and a small patch on her spine. End ID ]
[ Image ID - The same image above, but decorated with accessories. A huge pouch is fastened around her. It is brown and has two additional smaller pouches on the front. Two brown pouches hang off the bag. She wears a large necklace with a chunk of rabbit's fluff tied around it. She wears another necklace, smaller, which has three stones on it, each dyed a different color. The first one is a sage green, the next is a sickly yellow, and the last one is a dull ruddy. End ID ]
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thetrailofflames · 1 year
Mottletail -> Splotchedtail
Spottedleaf -> Spottedthroat
Willowpelt -> Willlowfleck
Rosetail -> Foxtail
Leopardstorm -> Lynxstorm
Lionheart -> Lionroar
Robinwing -> Robinpounce
Fuzzypelt -> Fuzzyflower
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movedtojjadestar · 7 years
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just wanted to doodle this real quick before bed, Sydney and Lynxstorm’s kits! mousebelly was real little when he was born (hence the mouse prefix) but then he grew a whooooole lot. he takes after his mom and is a big eater!!
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cryptidclaw · 11 months
Star Tigerclaw
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Design Notes:
Here he is!!! Tigerclaw based on a white tiger!!! love this design so much ??? omggg
he has his mother Snowstorm's blue colorpoint gene , but he has dark black stripes like his dad Thistleclaw!
Character Bio:
Star Tigerclaw
Straight; Cis Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 4 cycles, 4 moons; ~33 Hyrs
Title meaning: -claw =  a cat who is very skilled in battle; they fight ferociously with their claws; may have distinctive claws, most likely extra large or sharp.
Warrior -> Guard Charge -> Second of Thunder Order; he was in line due to being Star Bluefrost's nephew. He was banished for murder and an attempted takeover of the Order.
Leader of Shadow Order; was in no way in line for Shadow leadership, he convinced the Order that he would be their best choice for leadership, as he came from a long line of powerful leaders and he would keep the Order strong after their many recent losses.
Second: Vulturemask; was in line and should have been leader due to being the previous Shadow Leader (Star Brokentail)'s Second and mate.
Mentor: Star Sunfall
Mother: Snowstorm
Father: Thistleclaw
Siblings: Sky; Shine; Shimmer; Lynxstorm
Ex-Mates: Goldenflower; Star Leopardpelt (Political marriage, ended when Tiger died)
Kits: Swift; Brambleflower; Star Tawnyclaw; Mothwing; Tadpolefrog; Star Hawkfrost
Grandkits: Falconclaw; Jaywing; Dove; Dawnpelt; Goldenheart; Flamespirit; Dovesong; Ivythorn; Junipersnow; Dandeliondust
Other notable kin: Star Pineheart (grandfather); Leopardfoot (Grandmother); Sootfur (nephew); Sorreltail (niece); Rainwhisker (nephew)
Character notes: Tigerclaw actually did truly love Goldenflower, and he was actually a pretty good mate and father before this betrayal was revealed. Golden cat divorced him during his banishment and Tiger chose to become mates with Star Leopardpelt soon after as a political marriage, this relationship was loveless and only for political gain and a continuation of their bloodline through their kits.
Character Backstory:
Tigerclaw and Lynxstorm were Thistleclaw and Snowstorm's second litter, their first was one of three kits which all tragically passed due to a premature birth (their names, Sky, Shine and Shimmer were given in reference to the Stars, as they joined them almost as soon as they were born).
Thistleclaw took great interest in Tigerclaw, as he was the strongest, and most alike him out of the pair of brothers. Due to this Tiger was greatly influenced by Thistle, with his father trying to pass on as much of his ideals and attitude as possible. The tom often gave Tiger extra training sessions in the dark forest, or during the night, sometimes White would be included as well though he never went to the Dark Forest (Thistle knew that White would tell on them).
Snowstorm died early on into her sons' apprenticeships and as a result Thistle became even more rash and cruel which only increased the extreme extra training Thistle put Tiger, and sometimes Lynx under. Thistleclaw's cruelty and actions made his sons hate him (they had also noticed how cruel he could be to their mother before her death as well, and hated him even more for it), White stayed away from his father all together, however Tiger wanted to continue training with him to increase his power and skill.
Despite hating his father and denying that he would ever become a cat like him, Tiger took on much of Thistle's teachings, the tom is adamantly anti-outsider and codebreaking and is very bloodthirsty just like his father. Though maybe Tigerclaw never fully believed the anti mixed blood, outsider and adamant code following ideals, maybe deep down he just liked them because it gave him power over other cats, and a seemingly "devout" and "loyal" exterior.
The first cat Tiger ever killed was Thistleclaw, after Thistle's grooming of Spotted was revealed Tiger joined Bluefrost, Lynxstorm and Redtail in assassinating Thistleclaw. Tiger hated his father and despite him agreeing with many of his views, he was horrified by his actions towards Spotted. He had other motives as well, Thistle was a high ranking warrior who used his power to control Tiger for his own gain, Tiger did not want to be anyone's pawn, he wanted the power for himself. After killing his father Tiger realized how much he liked the power in killing a cat, which wasn't all to surprising, but it was all the more reason he was so willing to kill later in his life.
Despite being an obviously bloodthirsty and increasingly cruel cat, Bluefrost refused to believe that her nephew was anything like his father. She desperately wanted to trust her sister's kits, and Tigerclaw was apprenticed to Blue's pseudo father Star Sunfall who Blue was certain would counteract any of Thistle's impact on Tiger. Of course Blue didn't know about Tiger's extra training, nor did she know about his secret lust for power.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
I made him a dark brown tabby to make him look more like Tigerclaw!
Character Bio:
Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 1/2 moon; 1/2 Hyr
Age at death: 13 cycles, 4 moons
Apprentice of Thunder Order
Mentor: Shriketail
Mother: Goldenflower
Father: Star Tigerclaw
Siblings: Chestnut; Brambleflower; Star Tawnyclaw
Half-Siblings: Hawkfrost; Tadpolefrog; Mothwing
Other notable kin: Lionheart (uncle); Lynxstorm (uncle); Falconstrike (nephew); Jaywing (nephew); Dove (niece); Flamespirit (nephew); Goldenheart (nephew); Dawnpelt (niece); Junipersnow (niece); Dandeliondust (niece)
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Swift, an AU version of Swiftpaw from Warrior Cats. He is walking, crouched low to the ground, with his right front paw raised and claws unsheathed, his left side is showing. He has an angry scowling expression. He is a long furred white tom with dark brown tabby patches and yellow and blue eyes. He has dark brown-almost black, classic tabby patches on the left side of his face, upper back and front legs, and on his flank and tail excluding the tip. His nose is pink, his inner ear is brown and his paw pads are dark brown./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 11 months
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Design Notes:
I havent done a design for this gal in AGES ... yet I tried to keep a lot of the ideas from my old one for this one!
I really liked the idea of her having tortie patches that mimic leopard spots which i had used in my old design, so I've done it again!
Character Bio:
Lesbian; demi-girl; she/they
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 11 cycles, 8 moons; ~64 Hyrs
Age as of 1st arc's end: 13 cycles, 6 moons; 72 Hyrs
Title meaning: -foot = a cat who is light on their feet; a cat who is sure of themselves, and is confident in their actions
Warrior -> Elder of Thunder Order
Mother: Swiftbreeze
Father: Adderfang
Siblings: Patchpelt
Ex-Mate: Star Pineheart
Mate: Fogtalon
adoptive/step kit: Mousebite
Kits: Thistleclaw; Night; Mist; Birdflight (biologically Fogtalon and Sparrowpelt's)
Grandkits: Sky, Shimmer, Shine; Star Tigerclaw; Lynxstorm; Sandstorm; Flint; Poppy
Other notable kin: both the Tiger and Fire descendants are her kin, Fire not biologically tho.
Character Summary:
Leopardfoot was born to Adderfang and Swiftbreeze alongside her brother Patchpelt, unlike in canon she is born a few cycles (years) earlier than Bluefrost and Snowstorm.
Leopard grew up with a very heteronormative ideal of what her live should be as an adult, find a good strong tom as a mate, have kits, be the perfect Thunder Order molly. Because of this, when Star Pineheart showed an interest in her a few years into her adulthood, she agreed to become mates with him, he was the leader after all, it would be dumb to say no to such an honor.
Leopardfoot soon had a litter of kits with Pine, Night, Mist and Thistle. Just like in canon Pine ends up abandoning the Order and his family to live with humans and Leopard is left to raise her kits alone. Leopard was devastated by this, especially after Night and Mist passed due to kitten cough. Due to all of this Leopard grew a misplaced hatred for kittypets which she passed on to her son Thistleclaw, and later her grandson Tigerclaw.
After Pineheart left the Order however, Leopard began to get close to Fogtalon with fog helping her out with the kits. The two of them end up having a slowburn romance and end up becoming mates later in life!
Leopard is a sort of step parent to Mousebite and Birdflight was raised with both Fog and Leopard as his moms!
Leopard retired with Fogtalon and as an elder she spent a lot of time with her grandson Tiger, who would often bring her fresh prey and moss and chat with her about the day's happenings.
Leopard had an idea that her son Thistle was kind of an asshole, but she was never told the full truth of his actions that lead to his death. Nobody wanted to hurt her like that, especially since she was now relaxing and retired.
Leopard was devastated when Tiger was banished and for a long while she was in denial about him being evil. she started to act more old and confused after this too.
within the plot, Leopard is able to give the backstories and motives of characters like Tigerclaw to Fire, though she really only tells these things to him after Tiger's banishment when she became more confused.
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Leopardfoot from Warrior Cats. She is laying down with her right side showing and she has a slight frown. She is a slender, long furred, black and orange tortoiseshell molly with green eyes. She is mostly black, with orange patches on her shoulders to mid back, paws and cheeks that imitate leopard spots. She has brownish gradient under where her orange patches are, as well as on her tail./ End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
She is a chimera, which is why she is black and cream, something that does not happen normally with cats! This is also why she is a calico while also a trans molly!
Her design has not changed at all from the previous one, I just relined and colored it!
Character Bio:
Bisexual; Trans Molly; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 9 moons; 13 Hyrs
Age as of 1st arc's end: 2 cycles, 7 moons; ~26 Hyrs
Title meaning: -storm =  a cat who is powerful in battle; strong and fights like a storm
Warrior -> Second -> Head Hunter of Thunder Order; was made Star Firesight's second (in line due to being his mate) but after she was taken by humans and was assumed dead she never returned to the position even after returning to the Orders, she instead became the Head Hunter of the Order!
Mentor: Lynxstorm
Fathers: Redtail; Birdflight
Siblings: Poppy; Flint
Mate: Star Firesight
Queer Platonic Partner: Shriketail
Kits: Squirrelflight; Leafpool (sire: Shrike); Foxleap; Icecloud (sire: Shrike)
Grandkits: Star Hollyleaf; Falconstrike; Jaywing; Alderheart; Sparkfire
Other notable kin: Rosebush (grandmother); Fogtalon (grandmother); Sparrowpelt (grandfather); Spottedleaf (aunt); Willowchime (aunt); Mousebite (aunt); Darkstripe (cousin); Graystream (cousin); Sootfur (cousin); Rainwhisker (cousin); Sorreltail (cousin)
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Sandstorm from Warrior Cats. She is standing with her right side facing us and her right paw raised slightly off the ground. She has a stern expression on her face and she has one eyebrow raised judgmentally. She is a slender, yellow tabby molly with solid black patches. She has mostly short fur but has spikey longer fur on her cheeks chest and elbows, and a curly tuft of hair on her head. Notably, the left half of her face is black along with the left half of her neck, which expands across her shoulder blades and down her right leg, she has more black patches across her pelt as well. Her face has black freckles running across her cheeks, inner right ear is pink and her inner left ear and nose is black, her left eye is orange and her right eye is green, and she has dark black freckles./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
idk how i feel abt this one... but I defo like it better than the last design I did for her :P I do love Rosebush's family of pink cats tho hehehe
Character Bio:
Cis molly; she/her
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 3 cycles, 1 moon; ~28 Hys
Title meaning: -chime = a kind, soft and caring cat; a cat with a soft and/or beautiful voice
Caretaker of Thunder Order
Mentor: Poppydawn
Mother: Rosebush
Siblings: Redtail; Spottedleaf
Ex-Mate: Teddy (kittypet)
Mate: Lynxstorm
Kits w/ Teddy: Darkstripe; Graybelly
Kits w/ Lynxstorm: Sootstorm; Rainwhisker; Sorreltail
Grandkits:  Willowfeather; Oakfeather; Ashfall; Ferncloud; Cinderheart; Honeyfern; Poppyfrost; Rainstorm; Mintfur
Other notable kin: Poppydawn (grandmother); Windflight (grandfather); Sweet (aunt); Sandstorm (niece); Poppy (niece); Flint (nephew)
Character Summary:
Not much change to her character other than her relationship with the kittypet Teddy!
Willow met Teddy as a young adult and she ended up having Darkstripe and then Graybelly with him. They had a fun youthful on and off again relationship but after she became pregnant the second time Willow realized that her continued relationship with Teddy was going to get her in trouble, as kits with outsiders is allowed only if there is no continued relationship with the outsider afterwards. She feared for the backlash and judgement that could fall upon her kits if she was found out, so she broke it off with Teddy.
Willow loved both Dark and Gray very much but she feels as though she failed her first kit. Dark became a very hateful and angry cat, and after the birth of Gray he barely interacted with Willow at all and when he did he seemed angry at her. Willow wonders if he knows about her long lasting relationship with Teddy, and she often questions if she should have told Dark about his father and tried to teach him to not hate his outsider blood.
Willow later became mates with Lynxstorm who she had never really been close to until Gray became an apprentice and Lynx played a large part in his training. Willow would often chat with Lynx and Lionheart about how the apprentice training was going (she wanted to keep an eye on her second kit's training after Dark seemed to have changed so much during his own apprenticeship). Willow and Lynx hit it off during this time and eventually became mates!
They had Sorreltail, Sootfur and Rainwhisker but both died protecting their kits in the Great Battle at the end of the first arc.
[image ID: a digital drawing of Willowchime an AU version of Willowpelt from Warrior Cats. She is walking with her right side showing and she has a calm, happy expression on her face with her mouth slightly open like she is talking. She is a sleek, long furred, light gray and orangey-pink tortie with white molly with green eyes. She is mostly light gray with salmon-pink markings on her flank and up to the middle of her tail, some as spotting on her shoulder and under her eyes and up the middle of her face to her curly hair tuft which is the same pinkish color. She has white on the lower half of her face, on her neck, on her legs and on her tail tip. Her inner ears, nose and mouth are all light pink./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
He looks like a spikey Graybelly (stripe) He and Gray got their body type from both their grandmother Rosebush and their kittypet father Teddy (a Norwegian Forest cat) Ashfall (fur) has his dad's crazy eyes aweeee
Character Bio:
Gay (& has no bitches); he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 2 cycles; 24 Hyrs
Title meaning: -stripe = a cat with distinctive stripe markings; a cat who is easily antagonized and angered; a cat with a “spiky” personality; based on the fact that a stripe is often jagged and sharp
Warrior of Thunder Order -> Warrior of Tiger Order; was a Thunder Warrior but after trying to kill Sorrel he was banished and joined Star Tigerclaw in Tiger Order.
Mentor: Star Tigerclaw
Mother: Willowchime
Father: Teddy (kittypet)
Siblings: Graybelly
Half Siblings: Sootfur, Rainwhisker, Sorreltail
Kits; Sired Brindleface's litter, was a shit dad: Ashfall; Ferncloud; Tulip; Elder
Grandkits: Birchfall; Larch; Holly; Toadstep; Rosepetal
Other notable kin: Rosebush (grandmother); Redtail (uncle); Spottedleaf (aunt); Sandstorm (cousin); Willowfeather (niece); Oakfeather (nephew); Ciderheart (niece); Honeyfern (niece); Poppyfrost (niece)
Extra notes: 
Definitely had a one sided crush on Tigerclaw, ofc it would never go anywhere Tiger was his mentor and way older than him.
Hates his step dad Lynxstorm.
Character Summary:
Due to being apprenticed to Tigerclaw, Darkstripe was taught to be VERY xenophobic. He became extremely insecure about the fact that he had kittypet blood, and he never forgave his mother for it, despite the fact that outsider sires are allowed within the Orders.
He constantly wanted to prove himself to Tigerclaw and wanted to make him notice and respect him so he tried to be exactly like Tiger (he failed at this, it just made him look dumb)
Dark became even more hateful towards his mother once he saw that her second son, Gray, was obviously sired by the same tom as Dark, both brothers have strong traits from Teddy. Dark fully believed his mother had a relationship with Teddy and he was pissed about it. He was right tho.. but Willow broke it off with Teddy soon after having Gray.
Dark was Shriketail's mentor and trained him the exact same way Tigerclaw trained him. He taught Shrike to be extremely insecure about his outsider origins and to be a xenophobic asshole.
Dark is something of a parallel character to Shrike, he is an example of what Shrike could have been if he hadn't turned his life around and changed as a person. Dark just fell farther into his beliefs and became truly evil.
Dark ended up siring Brindleface's litter to carry on his bloodline and hopefully make some mini Darkstripes. He was a shit dad though and didn't interact with his kits much besides pressuring them to live up to his expectations.
Dark then proceeded to help Tigerclaw kill Brindleface for the dogs. Ash and Fern already hated Dark and after finding this out when Dark was banished, Ash began his "I am filled with hate and need vengeance" arc.
just like in canon Dark tried to kill his sister Sorrel because she saw him help Tiger see his kits. He was then banished and he joined Tiger Order.
Ashfall killed him in the great battle out of vengeance and hatred, a hate that never went away.
[Image ID: a digital drawing of Darkstripe from warrior cats. He is standing in a defensive pose with his right side showing. He has his fur spiked up and he has an angry, wide eyed expression with his mouth open like he is yelling. He is a large, long furred, dark gray tabby tom with black stripes. he has yellow and orange eyes, with red lining the underside of them, his nose and mouth are both red./End ID}
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
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Design Notes:
Pretty much the same, but I made her white more blue, last time I made her too creamy colored.
Character Bio:
Pansexual; she/her
Age as of death: 5 cycles, 8 moons (~38 Hyrs)
Title meaning: -storm = a cat who is powerful in battle; strong and fights like a storm
Warrior of Thunder Order
Mentor: Sparrowpelt
Mother: Moonflower
Father: Stormtail
Siblings: Star Bluefrost
Half Siblings: Downnose; Cricketstep
Mate (cat divorced post death): Thistleclaw
Kits: Sky; Shine; Shimmer; Star Tigerclaw; Lynxstorm
Grandkits: Swift; Brambleflower; Tawnyclaw; Sootfur; Rainwhisker; Sorreltail; Mothwing; Star Hawkfrost
Other notable kin: Daisytoe (grandmother); Rooktail (grandfather); Goosefeather (uncle); Stonecliff (nephew); Star Mistyfoot (niece); Moss (niece)
Extra notes: 
Just like with Bluefrost, she doesn't really view Down and Cricket as siblings so I didn't list Shrike in the other kin section.
Snow just doesn't really think of Stormtail as her father and she just chooses to ignore him for the most part.
Character Summary:
Snowstorm is a strong and fierce cat, quick to fight and extremally stubborn, while Bluefrost is the cold and calculating one (before her old age at least), Snow is the one who is rash and quick to act.
It is not all to surprising that Snow ended up being mates with Thistleclaw as they were similar in many ways. However they are almost too similar, they fed into each other's worst traits, constantly wanting to one up each other and prove they are strong, they had a very toxic relationship. Bluefrost (and their shared friends Rosebush and Thrushcloud) took notice of this, they, especially Blue tried to get Snow to see the issue with the relationship, but Snow was a stubborn cat and refused any of their advice "she was strong and could take care of herself thank you very much". Eventually Blue and their friends gave up on actively trying to split up Snow and Thistle as they saw it could only piss Snow off more and would lead to her pulling away so they instead just kept an eye on her.
Snow and Thistle became known as that couple who fought and bickered a lot, but most didn't notice how poor the relationship truly was, just like how most didn't notice how awful of a person Thistleclaw was.
Snow and Thistle had their first litter when they were between 1-2 cycles old, sadly the litter was premature and all 3 kits died soon after their birth due to how weak and sickly they were. Snow named them Sky, Shine and Shimmer in reference to the Stars where she knew they would go to soon. The death of her first litter deeply traumatized Snow and she was not ready to have another litter for many more cycles, much to the chagrin of Thistleclaw who desperately wanted to carry on his bloodline (he wanted little mini Thistles to mold). However Snow wouldn't budge on the topic and they only had a litter once Snow was ready.
Thistle and Snow's second litter were Tigerclaw and Lynxstorm, two healthy and strong toms.
Sadly soon after Tiger and Lynx had been made apprentices, Snow had gone for a patrol alongside Thistle. They had gotten into an argument about the harsh extra training and morals Thistle was determined to give their sons. Thistle riled Snow up, claiming she was weak for disliking what he was doing, and when Snow was in a state like that she didnt think before acting. When a River Order patrol interrupted their argument by crossing the border, Snow jumped at the chance to prove just how much stronger she than her mate she was, but in battle Snow was too consumed with fighting to notice the cliff... which she fell over, plummeting to her demise.
The death of Snow deeply effected both her sons and Bluefrost, though it is hard to say how it effected Thistle, he barely showed emotion beyond anger, but the tom was almost always angry.
Bluefrost never truly moved on after Snow's death however, and it's because of this she was so blind to how cruel of a cat Tigerclaw was becoming, Blue was too attached to him being her beloved sister's son to believe he was more his father than his mother. She only saw the truth once the tom turned on her and attacked that she saw what her nephew had become.
[Image ID: A digital drawing of Snowstorm an au version of Snowfur from Warrior Cats. She is half standing with her back legs lower to the ground, she has a determined but happy expression on her face with her mouth open in a smile. She is a slender, long furred, light blue-gray and brown tabby color point molly, with blue eyes. She has a white body with with bluish light gray coloring on her face, ears, legs and tail and slightly darker stripes and light tan-brown lines her colorpoint markings where they meet the white. She also has white lining her eyes, on her muzzle and up between her eyes, on the tips of her toes and the tip of her tail. She has a pink nose and inner ears./End ID]
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
About Yellowfang's powers:
I think it would be interesting to have her be a clairvoyant. Instead of feeling the pain of others, she has the uncanny ability to just know things.
"Ok, Lynxstorm. I need you to get Thyme, Marigold, Yarrow, and Cobwebs, also Willowchime is pregnant congrats, and I think we're out of mouse bile too."
I like to think that Fire, Tiger, and Blue kin passed down their clairvoyance; it can also be a sign of being a good healer (as it aids in Starclan communication). Shadowsight lacks clairvoyance but is a very talented healer, and Mothering IS clairvoyant, but she just believes she's just good at her job. I like to think Brightheart and Ashfoot are also clairvoyant.
Other warriors who have clairvoyance:
Most med cats but not Blinding Moon or Acorn fur
Leafpool and Squirrelflight (duh) + Jaywing and Hollystar (muted clairvoyant), Dandelion(dust?), and Cherryfall
Stonefur (knew he was gonna die and knew leopard would join Tigerclan), Mosspelt, Greypool, Frostpaw, Icewing, and Sunfish
Paintdapple, Barleycloud, Harrybrook, Bellaleaf, and Rootspring (Tree lacks clairvoyance, but he is really smart lmao; most sisters are clairvoyant), Starbucks cat I forgot their name
Morningflower, Tallstar, and Tinyclaw
Tawnyclaw, Strikestone, Pouncestep, Sunbeam, Spireclaw, and Shadowstar
Ok I really like this!!! I probably wouldn't give as many cats this ability just to make it more rare and special~ but this power works really well for Yellow and a lot of other spiritually powerful cats!!!
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Does Fire still take on some healer duties as dep/leader? And how does he feel about having such a sudden career change? The boy’s gotta basically speedrun warrior training as an adult.
Oh he is soooo stressed, he has the weight of the order on his shoulders, he practically has to lead the order bec Bluefrost is out of commission. AND his role as second is greatly questioned and contested bec it breaks several laws....
On top of all of this he has to figure out wtf his job is supposed to be now??? Is he still a Healer or is he supposed to be a warrior now???
Fire ends up deciding to leave most of the Healing work to Yellowfang (is she still alive at this point??) And Cinderspark since he has zero time for healer duties. I think lynxstorm just kinda takes Fire aside and starts giving him warrior training bec Lynx knows that Fire is going to need some better fighting and hunting abilities. Though I will say, all healers do get a basic training in those things so Fire isn't completely helpless atleast ...
Fire ends up just choosing to be a warrior since it would atleast follow the usual conventions a bit more, plus its difficult to do important leadership jobs like showing up on patrols or in battle if he was a healer still.
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wildfire-rewrite · 1 year
Record of Cats: Fall Thunderbringer Sect
This record is specifically prior to the beginning of the Fire Period. Circa March 2000.
Cat Count : 53 cats
Notes: -- Around 2/3rds of these cats end up dead, slaughtered or murdered, by the end of the first arc. The surviving cats are not going to enjoy piecing the sect back together. -- You'll notice some cats' ages have been changed, along with some missing characters. Don't worry, I'll have a post explaining the changes soon.
Sun Bluefeather - a thick-furred gray ticked new-catte with vibrant eyes.
Redowl - a scruffy solid black and red tortoiseshell new-kater with a white face.
Spottedflower – a round black and red tortoiseshell catte with a white belly, paws, and tail tip. Training Ravenclaw
Featherwhisker – a pale gray and cream tortoiseshell kattu with warm yellow eyes.
Dappletail – a brown and ginger tortoiseshell tabby catte with green eyes. Lynxstorm – a gray colorpoint tabby kater with blue eyes. Training Sandclaw
Grouseflight – a pale cinnamon tabby with a white belly and a ripped ear.
Crowtail – a solid black kater with green eyes. Featherfur – a deaf solid white kater with strange red eyes. Frostfur – a white catte with vibrant yellow eyes. Cricketstrike – a pale brown tabby with a white belly. Training Darkclaw
Sparrowchest – a dark tabby kater with half of a tail and wild yellow eyes. Goldenflower – a cream and white tabby catte with yellow eyes. Cloverlegs – a pale brown tabby catte with distinctly darker stripes and a white underbelly.
Sweetberry – a mostly white catte with ginger and black tortoiseshell brindle patches.
Adderfang – an elderly ginger tabby kater with scars across his pelt. Thrushpetal – a pale brown kater with wide green eyes. Training Chestnutclaw Tigerchaser – a sturdy brown tabby kater with intimidating golden eyes. Brindlejay – a gray spotted tabby catte with calm hazel eyes. Patchedpelt – a brown spotted tabby and white kater with brown eyes. Speckletail – a ginger new-catte with scars across her chest and face. Rosebloom – a brown and ginger tortoiseshell tabby catte with yellow eyes. Mousefang – a short brown tabby kater with green eyes.
Smallsmoke – a solid dark gray kater with small ears and a lip scar. Poppydawn – a deep ginger catte with a huge scar down her flank. Whitetail – a mostly white, cream tabby catte. Training Dustclaw Darkleopard – a thin dark spotted tabby catte with wide green eyes. Robinfeather – a brown ticked tabby catte with narrow yellow eyes. Willowleaf – a gray ticked tabby catte with blue eyes. Training Cherryclaw
Swiftbreeze – a dark tabby catte with huge white dapples and brown eyes. Lionheart – a huge cream tabby kater with soft hazel eyes.
Ravenclaw – a black kater with a white flash of white on his chest. Dustclaw – a brown tabby kater with a white chest and yellow eyes. Cherryclaw – a dark tabby catte with huge white dapples. Chestnutclaw – a solid black and brown tabby kater with yellow eyes. Sandclaw – a pale cream tabby catte with narrow green eyes. Darkclaw – a dark gray ticked tabby kater with narrow yellow eyes. Grayclaw – a gray tabby kater with wide hazel eyes.
Cinderpaw – a brown colorpoint tabby catte with wide blue eyes. Ashpaw – a ticked gray tabby kater with brown eyes. Daisypaw – a ginger and brown tortoiseshell tabby catte. Swiftpaw – a gray and cream tortoiseshell and white kater. Fernpaw – a gray spotted tabby and white kater. Tulippaw – a gray spotted colorpoint catte with blue eyes. Berrypaw –  a gray spotted tabby catte. Brackenpaw – a ginger and white tabby kater with kind hazel eyes. Thornpaw – a cream and white tabby catte. Brightpaw – a cream and white tabby catte with narrow yellow eyes.
Windflight – a spotted gray tabby kater with a missing leg and brown eyes. Goosefeather – a gray ticked tabby with wide green eyes. Branchgaze – a lithe brown tabby with hazel eyes. Stormtail – a gray classic tabby kater with wild yellow eyes. Tawnyspots – a mostly white, heavily scarred, gray spotted tabby catte.
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Lynxstorm and Tigerclaw sound awesome :)
Tumblr media
Imma do it >:D
Lynxstorm it isssss
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wildfire-rewrite · 1 year
Name Changes Masterlist
All the name changes within the rewrite! Below the cut is a rather long list! The list may be changed, rearranged, and completely changed at any point in time.
old canon name -> new rewrite name (reason for change)
Bluefur/star -> Sun Bluefeather (boring old name) Redtail -> Redowl (symbolism) Spottedleaf -> Spottedflower (leaf is a Glory Title) Ravenpaw -> Ravenrun (different plot) Whitestorm -> Lynxstorm (Glory Title) Longtail -> Grouseflight (story reasons) Fuzzypelt -> Crowtail (boring old name) Featherkit (TC) -> Featherfur (lived to adulthood) Runningwind / Cricketkit (TC) -> Cricketflight (lived to adulthood) Halftail -> Sparrowpelt (undoing ableist names) Sweetpaw -> Sweetberry (lived to adulthood) Thrushpelt -> Thrushpetal (cooler new name) Tigerclaw -> Tigerchaser (claw is a rank title) Brindleface -> Brindlejay (cooler new name) Patchpelt -> Patchedpelt (cooler new name) Rosetail -> Rosebloom (cooler new name) Mousefur -> Mousefang (personality) Smallears -> Smallsmoke (personality) One-eye -> Whitetail (undoing ableist names) Leopardpelt -> Darkleopard (cooler new name) Robinwing -> Robinfeather (cooler new name) Willowfur -> Willowleaf (Glory Title) Cherrypaw (TC) -> Cherrybite (lived to adulthood) Chestnutkit (TC) -> Chustnutclaw (lived) Lynxkit (TC) -> Daisypaw (lived) Tulipkit (TC) -> Tulippaw (lived) Elderkit (TC) -> Berrypaw (lived) Stonepelt (TC) -> Branchgaze (new story purpose)
Links to various resources will be here (eventually!)
Last updated - 4/10/23
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