#lyxatt talks
keeve-trenniis · 1 year
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Corrupted force users and issues with the dark side? Idk her I only know gardening 🥰
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keeve-trenniis · 1 year
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keeve-trenniis · 2 years
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Local idiot who has been playing jfo solidly for three days straight is obsessed with taking photos on dathomir
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keeve-trenniis · 2 months
Thanks for the tag @kingpersonoftheuniverse!!!!
Get to know me tag game! Answer and tag people you want to get to know better or catch up with
Favourite colour: honestly what isnt my favourite colour but atm I'm finding that cheerful mustard yellow things are my favourite
Last song: I listen to Ava Max a lot whilst Im making things cos its good background noise that I enjoy the tune of so probably one of her songs
Currently watching: Im having a great time rewatching the vampire diaries because it requires absolutely zero brain power so is great to have on in the background whilst Im doing stuff
Currently craving: carrot cake cos I finished the last of the carrot cake I made last week yesterday and now Im sad
Coffee or tea: tea babeeeyyyy love me some aggressively sweet tea
Any hobby you would like to try: i wish i had the time and money and energy to trying literally every single craft on the planet but alas (I am particularly interested in stained glass lately though and I would love to try making it some day)
No pressure tags!! @littleladymab @qt-kt @rwoh @strwrs anyone that wants to do this!!
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keeve-trenniis · 2 years
Zoya glaring at the bee that landed on her shoulder i am DYING
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keeve-trenniis · 1 year
EMMA! MIEKO! CANDON!!!!! HAS WRITTEN WEDGE ANTILLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FOR ROTJ FACPOV!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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keeve-trenniis · 2 months
hi!!! top 5 high republic characters for the ask game? 💙
Hello!!!! Im gonna cheat and put two characters on the same level bc I equally never stop thinking about them so
1. Keeve Trennis (no surprises there hahaha!) and Silandra Sho!
2. Kantam Sy! Non binary parent teacher to the Starhopper padawans I love youuuuu (fr I think daily about the flashback in midnight horizon of Kantam meeting Lula for the first time its so frikin cute😭)
3. Matty Cathley my BELOVED she has never done anything wrong in her eNTIRE LIFE (I have a specific colour of sticky tabs that mark all the moments in path of vengence that made me cry that specific involve her)
4. Avar Kriss my first love sgshsjjskd I latched on to her so hard when I read LOTJ for the first time (I also latched on to Jora but we don't talk about how that went💀)
Honorable mentions bc I have too many favourite kids: Elzar Mann my favourite disaster hes trying so so so hard I adore him, if we're including the high republic cinematic universe then Master Indara has recently skyrocketed into my favourites list, Reath Silas is my besties favourite character so that makes him like my son in law right?, Rooper Nitani precious baby girl who sees the force as cOLOURS????? THATS SO FRIKIN COOL?????????, and last but not least Lula Talisola aka the original baby girl who needs to be protected at all costs I miss her sm (@ the publisher of the thra comics make them easy to get hold of in the UK damnit)
Ask me about my top 5/10! My ask box is open!!!
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keeve-trenniis · 2 years
I love making stuff!!!!??!! i love making stuff so much!!!! Needle goes in and out of fabric!!!!! My ink roller on smooth paper!!!!!!!!!!! Its soooooooooo <3 <3<3<333333!!!!!!!!!!!!
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keeve-trenniis · 2 years
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Wedge, Wes, Tycho, and Hobbie being a menace™️ in Starfighters of Adumar
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keeve-trenniis · 2 years
I can't get over ahsoka and obi wan cutting opposite sides of vader's mask, like they both together make up anakin, both while they are trying to protect others from him, and both in the hope they can get through to him
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keeve-trenniis · 2 years
Seeing wedge gifs this morning has reminded me exactly how much of an issue I am going to become when the rogue squadron film happens because i am not letting myself consider that it might not actually happen and what will happen if it comes out and isnt good
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keeve-trenniis · 4 years
Ok so after looking through the Ahsoka tag for a bit it seems pretty clear that there is quite a split between the fans that liked her, the fans that hated her and the fans that belive she shouldn't have been in mandalorian in the first place
I'm still not entirely sure where I stand on the whole thing but I can say that I'm somewhere in the middle of it all as I neither absolutely loved or hated the appearance but a do almost wish that she had stayed in animated for purely bc I still cant belive that shes actually in live action and it doesnt feel real to me which is an issue that I think will likely fade as time passes. I think part of this problem is the voice as Ashley (to me and Im sure to many others) will always be my Ahsoka and anyone can see that she absolutely adores the character, which is very important to me. I can see why Rosario was chosen for the role as her face is similar to Ahsoka's in s7 of tcw but if the whole reason to bring ahsoka into the live action universe because she is such a loved character then Ashley would be perfect bc of her attachment to the role and shes not only a voice actor but a live action actor too. I think that Ashley playing her wouldve removed some of my apprehension towards the performance. I cannot imagine how she mustve felt when she learnt that her beloved character was going to be given to somene else. This is not to say that Rosario didn't do a decent stab of the role but she just doesn't know the character like Ashley does. Not to mention the fact that I really dont like the fact that Rosario got the role despite the allegations against her bc thats just wrong and I cannot suport anyone who is transphobic even if they're playing one of my favourite characters. All they've succeeded in doing is making me and a lot of people upset because they've given our character to a transphobe.
Theres been a lot of hate and unrest about the lekku and montrails situation as well and I admit that when I first started the episode I was shocked that they weren't much bigger but then I realised that this was almost certainly due to the fact that moving about like Ahsoka does with a giant headdress on is really not practical and the concept art at the end proves this as you can see that they were suposed to be bigger. I supose there is an argument that cgi is an option but one of great things about star wars is due to how much they use actual physical costume and I much prefer the fact they made do with a smaller one than have them cgi something. I'm a cosplayer and I'm planning an Ahsoka cosplay at the moment and I fully intend to disregard the live action lekku and montrails but that because I've become used to the rebels look and I just like being extra and making giant headdresses but undoubtedly there are people out there who want to make her live action look and that is very valid. Everyone has their own preferences and things they like and to be honest the thing about live action Ahsoka that upset me the most was not the actual look, its fact that I knew how people were going to react to it. Its valid to hate them. Its valid to like them. Please dont attack people who dont have the same views as you.
Whilst all of the above may seem like I didnt like the episode and the appearance but that is not true. I absolutely loved that opening scene in the woods and I will stand by that as one of my absolute favourite scenes in live action star wars. The silhouetted Ahsoka with her DUAL WHITE LIGHTSABERS (hehehe can you tell I liked them?)? Absolutely stunning. I have to admit that the lightsabers were my favourite part of the entire episode and damn do I wish I had money bc I realky really just wanna be able to swing those lightsabers around but thats beside the point. To any clone wars/rebels fan, the choreography may seem slightly off but we knew that we wouldn't be able to see Ahsoka doing her full acrobatics in live action. We do, after all and somewhat unfortunately, have to adhere to the laws of physics but I know from friends who havent seen the clone wars thought she was so badass that I had to smile bc the mandalorian has succeeded in getting them interested in my favourite character and if they watch the clone wars then they are in for a treat. I do wish we had seen more of her reverse grip but thats my only big complaint about the whole thing (aside from the fact that of all the people in the world they got a transphobe to play her). Its possible that there was more footage of her using it but for whatever reason it had to be cut out in editing, maybe because other shots looked better visually.
All in all, Ahsoka is Dave Filoni's baby and I trust him to look after her. If he is content with her portrayal then I am happy to keep watching.
The most important thing I want to say is that can yall PLEASE stop being horrible to each other about your opinions and whether or not you liked it or not. You're allowed to disagree without being horrible ya know.
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keeve-trenniis · 3 years
Do you ever just hear a song you havent heard for y e a r s and yet you remember all the lyrics and it makes such a strage feeling but its also a nice feeling and it feels sort of like a hug bc theres a song you havent heard for so long and yet you remember it so clearly
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keeve-trenniis · 3 years
Do you ever just look at something beautiful and squeal inside because its so beautiful and it just makes you so happy and the feeling fills you up inside and its just so comforting
Anyway yeh thats the vibe for this evening
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keeve-trenniis · 3 years
Not me forgetting to look at my side blog that I post my art on and realising my kanera edit sort of blew up and my favourite artists reblogged it
Tis a good feeling
Tis a very good feeling
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keeve-trenniis · 3 years
Once again I am missing the Rogues and Wraiths and disparing over the fact ive gone through preeetty much all the content i can find on here and may have to resort to twitter
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