#m!a school arc
in-your-reflection · 9 months
[@zygarde-the-guardian , for when you're ready]
[From the nearest dirt, skipping all actual entrances, pops out what looks like a seven year old girl with black and green hair, a white blouse, teal skirt and light up green sneakers. Her soft Kalosian accent echoes a bit too loud for someone her size.]
Lucifer? Brother! I'm here!
Lucifer is on his hands and knees in the playground, sobbing and blubbering out apologies.
I'm sorry... I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be a good boy, I promise...
He doesn't seem to have heard Zita. A discarded bat rests nearby him. The rest of the playground is deserted, not a single child or adult daring to approach him.
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sebfreak · 3 months
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Grim Reaper
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aghw18 · 28 days
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Red handed
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degreesofkei · 9 months
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school play cuts
corrupted sydney still defends and worries for kylar *point at blog name aggressively* they make me ILL. I CANNOT
it's nothin new but i'll put the text ⬇
the requirements are no kylar syndrome (walking home part), play as sterling, choose to encourage sydney when practice with both of them
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defend kylar - p!sydney & stay silent - c!sydney
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bonus the bully kylar with p!sydney option. c!syd is still same action & get lost dialogue
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going home
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walk with kylar
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chase kylar - fail
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chase kylar - success
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follow kylar - fail
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follow kylar - success
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let kylar leave
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umeji-writes · 11 months
I would like to talk about the Music Festival arc - aka my favorite Mairuma arc until now. I love them all tbh, this is just very close to my heart for several reasons. [cw: non-suggestive discussion of s*x; if you are a s*x-repulsed asexual person you are very much welcome to interact, but this may not be the post for you, take care and proceed with caution ♡ edit: I'm uncensoring the words from here onwards thanks to a kind anon's suggestion] To make it short, I love that the main theme of this arc is pleasure, and the desire for it. Honestly, it's very horny - but not in a slimy or creepy way, which is sadly quite rare in my experience. The appreciation for pleasure coming from love (also platonic love) is there in several layers. First, the plot itself, as Lilith cries out her desire to find "a love that burns like fire". She is not satisfied by most pretenders, and especially this frame spoke to me:
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Because... Well... It's so true. I am an adult, and I had my share of sexual partners. The expressions people make irl are not always aesthetically pleasing, but who cares! We are told to strive to be always attractive, but in those moments of intimacy it's really not important, not as much as being fully present and enjoying the moment! Then, can we talk about Kalego please?
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I mean, Nishi here went all out and didn't even try to hide her fascination for ...discipline:
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(and to be fully clear: I am NOT implying there is sexual tension between Kalego and his students, I am only referring to him!!!) When I saw the whip I couldn't believe my eyes. Of course in that context it's not used that way, but it's very much recognizable as an adult tool... But more on this later. Finally, I really like that the Misfits are growing up and finding out new things about themselves. They are characterized as high school students (even if we don't know how old they actually are), which is when humans tend to have their first experiences and explore their sexualities. They are building together this beautiful show full of emotions and desire, and honestly performing with other people is really an amazing feeling (I am a former musician and theater actor - let me tell you, every performance was fire). Look at their faces: from here...
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...to here.
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They are shocked, but happy! And definitely feeling ...feelings. And here is my main takeaway: I am really, really sad that sex is a taboo topic in our society, and when there's something about sex, it's mostly treated in a very bad way. This includes sex scenes in generic-audience movies, which I tend to dislike... I hate that sex is handled like a dirty and secret thing. I hate that sex is mostly treated as something that has to do with power imbalance and taking advantage of someone else, usually men that "want to do stuff TO" women (nonbinary individuals like myself not found) - and too often not in a hot and consensual way. I hate that social media are becoming more and more sex-hostile, because investors fear these topics, and use children as a shield to justify limiting contents for adults as well. I hate that sexual education is mainly reserved for talking about pregnancies and, if the students are lucky, prevention of STDs. Solo or reciprocal pleasure? Consent? Treating it as a normal part of life for many people (and not ALL, again, asexual people exist)??? Naaaah, why do that, when you can make people feel shame and embarassment and perpetuate trauma. Again, I am a grown-up now, and while this is legal and everything, I was conditioned to feel some level of shame nonetheless when talking about it irl (which I am working on). The whip I was writing about before (and the kneeling scene afterward)? It was a revolution in my brain. "So... That's a thing we can do...?"
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(like that) I plan on doing some adult drawings in the future, but there's a part of me that resists the idea, because adult entertainment usually involves some level of dehumanization... But you know what? I want to take it back and make it about pleasure and enjoyment as it should be. Tbh, I could write a whole essay on the causes for all of the above and how they interact (patriarchy, capitalism, religions as power institutions, etc.), but this is not the place. So I'll just say that I am really, really grateful to Nishi for including this arc in a manga for a young audience, as those are important years to build a healthy relationship with pleasure and one's own body. And as Sullivan said...
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I'm very much convinced that Nishi is doing a great job at sending messages for inclusion and social equality in M!IK, taking the role of educator herself. (Other reasons why I love the Music Festival arc are: Soi's story, Clara and Azz becoming closer, Iruma learning the piano, the appreciation of music itself, the immaculate art and more, but that's for another post!!!)
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Is nobody gonna mention the first villain we see in the Mafia AU isn't Baal or Kiriwo but Maemaro, the sixth finger?
What a pleasant surprise!
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Bro is GORGEOUS too like that design is just. Yes. Epic cowboy
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citrusbugz · 1 year
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umeji-imeji · 11 months
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Ink study on Welcome to Demon school! Iruma-kun (volume 25, chapter 219) by Osamu Nishi Did I use this prompt to draw my beloved Kalego's back? Yes, yes I did (I regret nothing)
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in-your-reflection · 9 months
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sebfreak · 3 months
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I applaud your avarice, young master.
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sky-skeks · 1 year
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I really tried with the background on this one 😭😭😭 anyway redraw of this page!
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madmarchhare · 2 years
Pov: your supervisor and your boss's grandson turn up while you were lazing about in your apartment.
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Also Kalego looks like the gloomy dad with his son at a parents evening that neither of them want to be at.
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its-cocaine · 2 years
Iruma in his wicked phase is honestly absolutely terrifying.
He knows how people work. He knows what makes them tick, how to get them on his side, how to use them. Iruma isn’t clueless or oblivious, as seen by how he so easily realized that Kuromu=Kerori.
It’s just terrifying to see him actually use these observations for his own goals.
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I just realised that when Azz was trying to break through Kiriwo's barrier in Chapter 303 and said "even Amaryllis can't break through" he wasn't referring to his mother but his power that he named after her-
Those blue flames during the Heartbreaker arc- he named them after his mom and this is so fucking adorable because despite his distaste for her overly affectionate smothering behaviours and other typical cringey mom things he really does love her and it's just so sweet
This whole time I thought he was referring to his actual mother as in Amu-chan but then realised he'd probably be referring to her as "mother" in his thoughts rather than her first name cus the latter would be just disrespectful and he's a big manners guy, and plus she's definitely rank 9 and probably could at least temporarily break through, considering Kalego could.
Azz supremacy 🤍🩷🤍🩷
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mazojo · 1 year
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Damn I wish love was a real thing that happened to real people in real life
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