#m: lucy heartfilia
shiiro-arts · 1 day
Silly little doodle (pt.2)
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I love him
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Pt1 - Pt2 - Pt3
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fairydares · 2 days
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pathetic wet flop family
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fairygeek777 · 2 days
Flashback to 2017 me who had yet to watch Sun Villiage through Tartaros and stumbled upon an edit of Lucy and Natsu in episode 277. Showing That Scene and legitimately thinking they finally got together. Then, finishing the season and overall manga. Then, being mad disappointed to find out Lucy just sleeps like that and Natsu is still clueless.
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Yea nah. I was never immune to them.
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hollie-artz · 2 days
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duamin · 2 days
what if lucy asked him ?
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sure he'd be up for it.
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alive-pancake · 2 days
Y'all know the trend where someone draws two people and the text is like "Would we be soulmates in every universe?" And then they draw the people as different things through different universes but still together?
What would Fairy Tail ships be?
Nalu could be a book and a candle? As a light source to read?
Gruvia a matching winter scarf and hat maybe. Or A matching umbrella and hat?
Jerza armor and sword? Basic maybe but makes sense.
Gajevy is tougher. I'm not kidding I've been thinking of one for this for thirty minutes I can't come up with one 😭😔
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patentedsun · 2 days
was thinking of runaway princess lucy running into feral dragon demon natsu in the forest but I had no proper ideas to write for it. and then I remembered that I can draw. therefore... 🔜... hopefully...
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fthostevts · 2 days
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Welcome to Fairy Tail Hosted Events!!
This blog is dedicated to rekindling the spark of the Fairy Tail fandom by reviving classic events and bringing brand-new ones to life, whether they’re neutral or couples/ships’ events!
We want this blog to be the ultimate hub for classic (and currently inactive) events. This includes cherished events we miss and entirely unique concepts!
We need your help to build this blog and the events! Please take a moment to fill out this form and tell us what kind of events you’d love to see hosted. We’re open to ANY suggestion!
Access the rules and FAQ through “read more” or by visiting our page. Feel free to ask questions or leave comments anytime.
Follow us for more information!
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We welcome art, fanfiction, edits, headcanons, manga colorings, playlists, and more! Be creative!
To ensure your work appears on the blog, make sure it includes both the general event tag #fthostevts (without spaces) and the specific tag for this event within the first five tags of your post.
All work must be original and created specifically for this event. Everything you submit should be your own creation or content with the explicit permission of the owner. Do not plagiarize or alter someone else’s work!
If you’ve submitted your work, and it hasn’t been reblogged yet, don’t hesitate to send us a message to let us know.
Every contribution is valued. If you’re participating by commenting, liking, or sharing content, it means a lot to creators and inspires them to keep creating!
Please specify the prompt you’re using in your post.
Check out all event prompts and dates on the Events page (choose the event you want to see).
Only post content for a theme on the assigned day. Let’s keep things organized!
Late submissions for themes are still accepted, even after the event. We understand things happen, so it’s perfectly fine.
Remember that Tumblr has a policy where they no longer allow NSFW posts, including text/fanfics. Implied sex or light smut are acceptable, as long as they are not too explicit. You also can post the link that will redirect to a website that can host it.
Any mature content, it must be hidden “under a cut” and tagged appropriately.
Any content that might be triggering for viewers (blood, gore, injury, tragedy, death, or physical/mental trauma) needs to be hidden “under a cut” and tagged accordingly. When in doubt, err on the side of caution and tag it as mature/NSFW. Viewers who find certain content triggering can blacklist specific tags to avoid it.
Respect everyone! Content promoting homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, ableism, ship/character bashing, or any other offensive content will not be tolerated.
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QUESTION #1 — What are these events like?
These are typically week- or weekend-long event dedicated to the theme. Themes/events can be neutral/general or focus on couples/ships from Fairy Tail. Each day, we'll provide a prompt which you can create whatever you want.
QUESTION #2 — How can I participate?
Put #fthostevts (without spaces) and the specific tag for this event within the first five tags of your post. We'll be sure to reblog your creations! If you don't have a Tumblr account, you can submit your work through our summit box.
QUESTION #3 — Do I need to follow the daily prompts?
No! The prompts are just starting points to spark your creativity. Feel free to create your own prompts. But just let that clear on the post.
QUESTION #4 — What if I miss the post day for a prompt?
No worries! We encourage participation throughout the event, so you can still post your creation at your own pace. However, we can't accept submissions before the designated days for the prompt.
Thank you so much!
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floertoer · 3 days
this is canon btw mashima told me himself
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happy pride month everyone 🏳️‍🌈🏴‍☠️🥳
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shiiro-arts · 4 hours
Silly little doodle (pt.3)
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thanks @dootznbootz for the inspo for his robe LMAO
💞 🔁 Reblogs are appreciated 🔁 💞
Pt1 - Pt2 - Pt3
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scarletgray · 7 hours
nalu will be canon at the end of the 100 year quest
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allaboutlucyh · 2 days
Best friends.
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rosavatar · 1 month
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NaLu Week cover w/out text!
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gravewilt · 1 month
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nalu because i miss them and because 100yq anime is near
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squareksks · 2 months
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Nalu brainrot 🙌🙌
I love them so much, they’re so dumb and in love, they need to hold hands rn ‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️
(Btw this is not Lisanna hate, she’s awesome 🫶)
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imnothereokuwu · 2 months
Current State of NaLu:
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The new 100YQ chapter just reaffirms the current theory of Natsu thinking him and Lucy are dating without asking her or knowing that she doesn't think the same 😭.
NaLu was never "will they, won't they", it's "when will they (realize that they're totally not on the same page about their relationship despite having mutual feelings because one is thinking about marriage while the other is convinced her feelings are unrequited)"
Anyways I'm free from exams so I'll have free time!!! I'll try to improve my art lol. Toodles—!
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