#m: mostlylows
multusxcastalides · 2 years
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@mostlylows​​ inquired: ❛ I just moved into the apartment next to you, so I guess we’re gonna be neighbors now. ❜ (lill)
     She had not expected visitors and had kind of settled into a /whole/ afternoon to herself. The girls were with Brandon at the park - it had been his idea to give her the afternoon off - and she had no obligations whatsoever. So, when the doorbell rang, she was confused for a moment. Had she forgotten about an appointment?
     In her sweats and oversized sweater, she opened the door only to find a complete stranger standing there. “Oh hi,” she leaned against the door and smiled at him. “What can I do for you?” Her gaze quickly moved across his face, taking in his features. He was handsome, young - maybe a little younger than she was - and looked… somewhat familiar, though she couldn’t place him.
     “I just moved into the apartment next to you, so I guess we’re gonna be neighbors now.”
     “Oh!” She leaned out of the door and glanced at the apartment building that had been finished only months before. It had looked expensive, especially next to her strangely colored and built a while ago house. “Nice to meet you!” She held out her hand. “My name’s Lill. God, I’ve wondered about that building. Looks fancy. Is it fancy?”
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from here with @mostlylows​
Dean was a mess. Endless days and nights on the road, with only the necessary breaks for food, fuel, and sleep, finally caught up with him. He’d assumed that staying with familiar company would help him relax a bit. Instead, when he let his guard down in terms of deep sleep, did the nightmares attack him. He was at his most vulnerable when those insecurities crawled out from the depths of his psyche and prayed on him.
That was when he found himself on the floor with the blanket tangled around his legs. With the fog of sleep quickly dissipating, Dean fumbled about until he was able to snatch the blanket and free it from his limbs. The air in the room made goosebumps prickle along his skin, and as he managed to drag his heavy body back onto the sofa, the lights came on. He let out a groan, and he winced as the new brightness further woke him.
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“M’fan-freakin’ ‘tastic,” he muttered in response to TJ’s question as he rubbed his eyes with his palms. His shirt was sticking to his skin as he brought his legs up to the couch and leaned back into the cushions. Dean’s sarcasm was part of his nature, and his words weren’t meant to be spiteful to T.J. He simply hated being caught off guard by anyone, even by those who’ve known him for a long time.
But after some thought, he closed his eyes and slowly exhaled.
“It’s nothin’,” he said out loud. Whether it was to T.J. or himself, or even both. “Just a stupid dream.”
Opening his eyes once more, he glanced over at T.J. and apologized with sincerity.
“Sorry if I woke ya.”
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simnopke · 3 months
Restricted Job Offers
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Download on Mod The Sims
simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-core simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-core-jobRejectionMod
simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-numberConfig-shortage simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-numberConfig-equal simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-numberConfig-around3 simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-numberConfig-always5
simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-levelConfig-equal simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-levelConfig-mostlyLow simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-levelConfig-mostlyVeryLow added 24 Apr 2024 simNopke-restrictedJobOffers-levelConfig-unrestricted
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scriptorxfabularum · 8 months
Update on threads
// I am just going to list all my threads here, tag all my partners and y'all let me know if something needs to change here. Please let me know if there's a thread on here you'd like to drop. And also if there's a thread on here that I dropped that you would like to keep.
If there is a thread missing, that's not listed under any of the three headings, let me know. I might have forgotten to add it to my tracker.
Up first, threads that will be dropped off my tracker. They are not deleted, just archived. So if you'd prefer to keep the thread, let me know, and I'll just move it back.
@colorscanvas: [x] [x] [x] [x]
@boywebbed: [x] [x]
@higheverlost: [x]
@tymptir: [x] [x]
@heroiisms: [x]
@xradiant: [x]
@camerasutra: [x] [x]
@mostlylows: [x]
@hopeslastchxnce: [x]
@qceensofkings: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
@pcraspcra: [x] [x] [x]
@imprvdente: [x]
My turn:
@imprvdente: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
@hvbris: [x]
@ofthclight: [x]
@imafirefly: [x]
@fatedtragedie: [x] [x]
@caracarnn: [x] [x]
@hrhenryfox: [x]
@freedcmscall: [x]
My partner's turn:
@ofthclight: [x] [x]
@imafirefly: [x]
@starscaping: [x]
@seesgood: [x]
@imprvdente: [x] [x] [x] [x]
@hvbris: [x]
@altuspavus: [x]
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shieldedsouls · 3 years
             𝐀𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄𝐒,  𝐓.𝐉 𝐇𝐀𝐌𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐃 𝐈𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐀𝐍 𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐋𝐘 𝐑𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑.     but when he's hungover,  this problem is only heightened.     he's not sure what time it is when he finally comes out of his alcohol-induced coma in the hotel room,  but it's after a few lazy noises and stretches that he begins to come to terms with the waking world;   much to his chagrin.     there's a dull pounding in his temple and the usual aches and grogginess that tend to come with a night of drinking a few too many,  but that's nothing NOVEL in the former first son’s wild lifestyle.     then flashbacks from the night before begin to kick in,  and his sleepy state is quickly forgotten,  blues flying open.     he remembers laughter.     vodka.     silver haired guy.     and one of those novelty chapels;   like the kind in vegas.    ❝   HOLY SHIT...   ❞  he mutters as it all slowly dawns on him.     they got married last night.    t.j sits up in the bed,  disregarding the hangover in lieu of a more 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆 matter.     is the guy still here somewhere?     ❝   hello...?   ❞
     usually, he’s awake by now. but as it turns out? pietro can in fact outdrink his own metabolism. the price, it seems, was being out for what probably constituted a normal amount of time ( and then some ) and he doesn’t stir until there’s noise in the room. beside him. WAIT. beside him? he drank much more last night than he had realised.
   the man makes a discontented rumble at being woken, face stubbornly pressed against the pillow until he’s good and ready to face the day. “ hi, ” he reluctantly mumbles from the under the covers he’s bundled in, altogether unconcerned by having company for the moment. not wanting to get up didn’t mean he couldn’t, nor did it mean he couldn’t easily defend himself. he’d just be grouchy if he had to. “ time? ”
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freedompersonified · 5 years
       @mostlylows (continued because Steve got stuck on this and won’t let me do other things til I do this):
   𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐒 𝐀𝐁𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐋𝐘 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆,  and simply shrugs and smirks mischievously at the blond.     ❝   is that right?     and what’re you gonna do,  rogers?     arrest me?     PUNISH ME?   ❞     t.j mitigates the words by shuffling closer and sliding an arm around steve’s neck,  brushing their lips gently.     ❝   i happen to have some 𝐇𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐂𝐔𝐅𝐅𝐒 under the bed…..   ❞
Steve was half-asleep when he’d made the comment about TJ’s chilly feet tucking themselves against his legs, but two of the words that register with him have him wide awake. He deepens the kiss almost instantly, bringing TJ closer to him with a firm arm around his waist. “Mm, I might just have to make good use of those,” he mumbles into the kiss, nipping gently at TJ’s lower lip. “I’d say assault with chilly feet is certainly a punishable offense. . . .” His hand, which as been slowly wandering lower, makes contact with TJ’s ass and gives it a squeeze that’s somehow sharp and soft all at once.
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warkept · 5 years
         @mostlylows | plotted.
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                Eyes watch T.J. closely as fingers gently dance across the bruises on his face. How one man can get into so much trouble is beyond Ashley ; it seemed like every other week, Ashley was cleaning up T.J.’s messes. Not that he minded, really. He may act like he does, but he likes to fight, relishes in the violence like a savage boar. Less than human, less than human, he was. Weapon, tool, shield. Thing.
                 As his brain snaps out of it, he realizes his hand was cupping T.J.’s cheek a tad more firm than he had intended. Clearing his throat, his touch turned tender, a quiet “ I’m sorry, ” passing through his lips. 
                 In silence, he cleans and bandages the scrapes and cuts. As per usual, he leans in and places a gentle kiss to the most painful one ; his sister had told him kisses healed wounds faster. Words he’s clung to for a long time. There was no sentiment to the action besides the hopes that T.J.’s wounds healed soon. 
               “ T.J., ” he says firmly, trying to catch his attention as he leans back on his haunches. Eyes narrow, head tilts, though expression doesn’t change. “ Do you have others who do this for you ?? ” Please say yes ; how can I leave if you don’t ??
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justicetempered · 5 years
@mostlylows || Semi-Plotted SC
A familiar face plopped down at the bar across from Steve and he couldn’t help but grin. Holding up a finger, telling the brunet just a second, Steve poured the couple beers the couple at the end had ordered before turning to get T.J.’s usual. A moment later he slid it across to the younger man, before leaning across the bar to chat.
    “You look kinda glum- everythin’ alright?”
Since pulling T.J. out of that apartment fire months ago, the brunet had become a regular at Steve’s place of work, entertaining him while on shift. They’d become real close friends, even having their own inside jokes and plenty of late-night texting conversations. It was unusual- Steve wasn’t a firefighter for the praise or the gratitude, he merely wanted to help people any way he could. T.J. seeking him out after to personally thank him and invite him to his nightclub had been unexpected, but Steve didn’t regret accepting the offer.
While their lives were vastly different, they got along well, and it had been a nice breath of fresh air to Steve’s mundane routine. He wasn’t the type of guy who habitually hung out with semi-famous owners of nightclubs. But T.J. never seemed to mind, seemingly happy to talk about normal things like Steve’s complaints about his fire chief and what show T.J. was currently binging. Steve had come to really care about the younger man, especially knowing some of the burdens of his past and of his family, and he hated seeing the usually-chipper man looking so down.
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brooklynbornn · 5 years
HAMMOND, TJ ( alias: none ) --- @mostlylows
As always, TJ’s fingers are warm. In that TOUCH, he conveys so much more than the quiet THANKS that follows. And yet? It’s gone in the next FLEETING moment. Bucky memorizes the slip of TJ’s fingers through his own, the bit of PRESSURE, and then the slow drag back. In response, he hums a bit. The soldier’s gaze falls down to the floor, tracking the SCUFFS in the toes of his boots. 
❝ Yeah? ❞ he follows, and the SMIRK that shatters is cool demeanor is inevitable. ❝ Good thing I didn’t intend on goin’ anywhere, ain’t it? ❞ Bucky drawls, eyes flicking up TJ’s body before SETTLING on the softness, on the  V U L N E R A B I L I T Y  in his expression. Reaching up, Bucky barely ghosts the tips of his metal fingers against TJ’s arm before deciding BETTER of it, and his hand falls. 
❝ And I don’t think I want to. ❞
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multusxcastalides · 2 years
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@mostlylows​​ inquired: ❛ what the hell just happened there? ❜ (dean)
    Lips pressed together, he glanced around at the space he was standing in. “Isn’t it obvious?” He asked, looking at the other man, as he tried to come up with an obvious, valid, and good reason for what had happened. “Cult,” he said simply. A lot of things could be explained by cults. And maybe this was one of them. “I’m sure you’ve heard how these things can spiral out of control.”
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where does your fear reside in your body?
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in your chest
your fear grips your chest with its icy fist. a suffocating anxiety that makes your heart shrink and your lungs hurt with every breath... yes, you will probably have problems with these organs in the future. but you don´t care. quite the opposite - you want to be punished. you feel paralyzed and weak. you've never been so small and your fears - so big. you know you're worried about something unimportant. the truth is you're just pathetic. but you're not gonna show that, right? you distract yourself with whatever, you try to numb yourself and become incapable of feelings - everything but face your fear. you even interact with people around you when you have to. don't worry, they won't notice anything. only the most astute people will see in your tired, languid movements and your lack of concentration that your mind is somewhere else, and your vital energy is slowly dying a white death in its icy cage... let me guess, you probably have anxiety, and it's probably because of trauma. you yearn to be free, to live bravely, but you never quite succeed. i feel the same, buddy. please understand that whatever you went through, your fear protected you from it. when you don't need it anymore, don't blame yourself or push it down; say goodbye to it like an old friend.
tagged by: nooobody
tagging: @xxgotthedevilinsidexx (Sam), @crackedmxgic​, @mostlylows​, @summerxmelodies​, and whoever else wants to do this :)
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fameheld-blog · 5 years
      @mostlylows // plotted.
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                  Nightclubs weren’t especially his scene, but the Dome had a nice feel to it. A pleasant owner, too, it seemed. It seemed as though he was eager to have him perform. The night went smoothly, the crowd mingling and dancing enjoyed the performance ( a mix of covers and original songs , and a painful throwback to Peach Soda which everyone but Charlie seemed to enjoy ) and Charlie considered it a job well done. 
                  Pushing his glasses up, he wove around the crowd, making his way to the lounging area. Eyes caught on T.J. and lips curled into a smile, pleasant and polite. While he was a flatterer, he tried to keep his relationship with those who employed him professional. Walking to the empty seat on the couch beside him, Charlie slipped his hands into his pockets. “ Mind if I sit here ?? ” 
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scriptorxfabularum · 1 year
Quick update on threads
The following characters will stay. Threads with characters not on this list will have been dropped:
Alexander Carlisle
Matilde Carlisle
The Experiment
Hermione Granger
Andrea Harrison
Lucas Jackson
Cersei Lannister
Faith Lehane
Theresa Lewis
Draco Malfoy
Theodore Nott
Lill Redding
Jane Rizzoli
Mia Rutherford
Robb Stark
Sansa Stark
Alistair Theirin
Maxwell Trevelyan
The following threads will also stay. Threads not on this list have been dropped.
@artifexx [x]
@azmenka [x] [x]
@boywebbed [x] [x]
@camerasutra [x]
@caracarnn [x] [x]
@colorscanvas [x] [x] [x] [x]
@eternal-pariah [x]
@ghostofaformerself [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
@heroiisms [x]
@higheverlost [x]
@honnleathrose [x] [x] [x] [x]
@hopeslastchxnce [x]
@imprvdente [x] [x] [x]
@incissam [x] [x] [x]
@lunareaum [x]
@mostlylows [x]
@ofhighever [x] [x]
@ofimaginarybeings [x]
@ofmages [x]
@ofthclight [x]
@qceensofkings [x] [x] [x] [x]
And cause there's apparently a 4096 text-character limit per block... Let's do a new block for the rest
@seesgoodd [x]
@texastoyboy [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
@tymptir [x] [x]
I was accidentally a little too enthusiastic about removing threads that will be dropped from my thread tracker, otherwise, I would've listed those too, as usual. I'm sorry.
If there's any threads listed above that you would like to drop, please let me know, so I can take them off my tracker.
If you feel like a thread should still be listed, but it's not, please also let me know. There's been a lot of change, I might've missed something in the move.
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shieldedsouls · 4 years
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( v; not the spotlight i wanted | former first daughter!angie )
semi-plotted verse with @mostlylows​’s tj hammond
                           be a good girl.
      that was all she ever was, so the words didn’t make sense at first. not while her father ran his campaign, not at any of the events she and her siblings were supposed to dress their nicest for and attend politely. janey was the ‘wild’ one, and the most she did as the youngest was sneak out to go binge-eat ice cream with friends. hardly criminal material, the martinelli children.
                                                     be a good girl.
 angie only understands what the words are supposed to mean when photos somehow end up in the press ( sometime after her father won the vote and became president, sometime before she’s joined him to reside in the white house ) of her kissing someone. no, not just someone, but a girl. michelle dylans, her best friend since they were five, captured in a moment that was supposed to be innocent in (almost) every way because they’re young and curious and excited.
                     we told you to be a good girl, not to do this, she’s reprimanded for weeks after. she never sees michelle again, the entire family uprooting to get away from the scandal and to separate the girls. her best friend’s parents had loved the martinelli family right up until they found out it hadn’t even been the first kiss between the two; angie didn’t go anywhere for almost a month afterward.
    by the time she’s sixteen ( and photos of much more than kisses have gone out because the fucking hounds keep finding her no matter where she tries to hide ), angie martinelli has officially raised a flag of ‘FUCK IT’ and makes sure she’s done plenty before seventeen.
          if being herself like she had always been wasn’t being a good girl, and she was going to have everyone’s attention anyway, then she was goddamn well going to make sure she earned the ire and disbelief suddenly started to use around her. if it lands her in the tabloids in again, so what they’ve already stolen the last of her childhood from her. if it lands on her parents’ plates, so what they don’t have time to deal with her in person anyway anymore. if it lands her in the hospital, well…
   until then, she’ll do whatever she wants just like she always did. she’ll live by her father’s words to ‘ be yourself whatever the cost to someone else ’ sooner than she’ll wither and die trying to please everyone.
        angie is a former first daughter, and her parents remain politically active post-presidency ( including her father making it as vice-president just two terms after serving as president ). her brother went into the military to get away from the increasing dramas, her younger sister surprisingly mellowed out and became quite the socialite. as for angie…well, she’s working on it.
          she becomes quite the party girl with a particular inclination for alcohol, but has dabbled with harder substances over the years. for every story about her parents and their successes in their careers, there’s another about her and another party, another leaked affair, another article about whether she needs to lose weight or not.
   angie and tj have been friends since they were quiet young, having met while his father was president and keeping contact. it wasn’t unusual to run into each other at the same parties, and she’s more than once joined him in certain highs just for the sake of some company, especially once michelle was forcibly cut out of her life, and she’s spent just as many nights with him wishing she was wasted because then it’s harder to focus on it.
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warkept · 5 years
@mostlylows : 
             𝐈𝐓'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓 𝐎𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐍 𝐓.𝐉 𝐈𝐒 𝐒𝐓𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐄𝐃,  but so far ashley is proving to occasionally have that effect.     his lack of ability to read the other man means that he surprises the former first son on a relatively FREQUENT basis,  and t.j is slowly coming to decide that it is a good thing.     he likes being kept on his toes and hearing something he wasn’t expecting to hear   —   this being a very suitable case in point.    a date.     a date,  the suggestion of which is posed endearingly nervously.    t.j actually studies the guard for a few moments,  half-suspecting that it’s some kind of odd 𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐄 he’s missing the punchline to.     but a search of ashley’s features indicate sincerity, and finally t.j lets himself smile.     ❝   …..as a matter of fact,  i WOULD.     what kinda place do you wanna go?   ❞
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              Ashley watches patiently, albeit terrified, for a response. There’s a look of surprise on T.J.’s face, and the man fears that he’s crossed a line. However, he doesn’t retract his offer, simply stands there, quiet as could be, and waits for a response. If he’s chastised, he’s chastised. And if not ?? Well he achieved the desired outcome. A date. Finally, T.J. smiles, and Ashley’s tension lessens. So he would like to go. Licking his lips, his shoulders raise in a shrug. “ We could do something cliche, like dinner. Mini golf. Or we could go to the park. Doesn’t really matter to me, so long as it is with you. ”
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pcsitivibee · 5 years
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positivity for @mostlylows: mostlylows is the best t.j. hammond on the site hands down! such good attention to detail both past and present, and is always moving his character forward beyond what the show has given him. the writer is a delight and the writing itself is superb!
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