#m; sadist child for happiness; iris
twinklesofhope · 16 days
Red no longer
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She... stared at the sight in front of her. She was planning to visit Wadanohara, yet... a blue coloring began to spread from the middle of the sea, enveloping all she knew and hoped. The child desperately grabbed at the water filled with death. She... She had to save some before everything got purified. Anything.. ANy... any thing. Please.
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...Yet... nothing would stay in her hands. Nothing at all. She collapsed to the floor, her body shaking. What... was this feeling that is overcoming her? Was this... fear? The red liquid in the sea began to disappear bit by bit. She can no longer feel the red magic... and as the purification of the sea began to overpass her... her mind instantly cleared up. A feeling she never knew existed.
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She opened her green eyes. That... happy feeling that she was so accustomed too... That feeling was gone. Instead, what was left was pain. Physical and mental pain. She had so much pain from all the wounds she had received over the time she was red... Iris didn't like this.
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"Give... Give it back. Give my happiness back. Everything hurts. Mommy.... Daddy... Where are you...?"
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mcsesofhope · 2 years
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“Miss Witch is back!”
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bored-storyteller · 3 years
Re-posted, because everyone hates Ruven, even tumblr
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Hi Anon! Thank you so much for asking about Ruven! I love him so much you know!
I tell you, this is the basic information that I wrote, usually I never say too much more (for example the whole question about his "disease") because I prefer that he is slowly known in roleplays or stories. If anyone wants to interact with him (roleplay or not) or if you want me to publish some stories about him let me know, I'd be happy. Very few people really know him.
Original Character Profile
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(when I have time I will make a full graphics card, I promise)
General information
Name: Ruven Nightclock
Age: 27 years old
Height: 1.83 m
Birthday: October 12th
Profession: Doctor
Favorite food: Custard tart and milk tea
Ruven is a distinguished man, a perfect gentleman we would say. Classy, well-mannered and full of culture to offer.
His deep voice is quiet and delicate, he never really needs to raise it, he perfectly knows how to manage his words to express his emotions.
He will always greet you with a gentle smile and a slight nod, and he will never fail to respect you as long as you don't give him a reason.
Sure, he might seem perfect, but people aren't always comfortable with him. Whenever he meets someone new, that someone might get the feeling that Ruven wants something from them, that he is trying to find something, that he is suspicious and probing. In truth he has no interest other than to satiate his curiosity, and if it is pointed out to him he will have no problem admitting it.
He is not a sneaky man and despite this merit or defect, he will know how to stay within his limits when it comes to the intimacy of others. Well, but if you want to make him a confidence you will see the same light that you will see in the pure eyes of a wagging puppy come in his one clear eye .
He might also be scary, especially if he talks about medicine. He doesn’t have many problems in describing even rather bloody scenes without realizing that these could offend the sensitivity of others. From time to time he might even propose to try some new "experimental medicine", but don't worry, he is not a sadist, he would never do anything that would jeopardize someone's health.
However, his knowledge goes well beyond the medical field, and if by chance you happen to visit his office, you will be able to see what great culture those sturdy dark wood bookcases, that shiny desk of his and practically every corner of the room contain. if you make him love you enough, he could also show you his collection of maps and globes.
Ruven belongs to a world different from ours, but which basically reminds us of past eras that some remember with fear, others with nostalgia.
If in our world technology has taken hold, there it was not necessary, and mechanics governs the technique supported by what we could generically define magic, or rather some kind of alchemy always and in any case studied under a scientific criterion.
Ruven was born in a small provincial village in the state of Lyroran, but after the premature death of his parents, which occurred before he could have a clear memory of them, he grew up in the capital, Ceneraria, under the affectionate gaze of his wealthy paternal grandfather who for first he guides his beloved nephew on the path of knowledge.
His strong curiosity manifests itself from the earliest years of his life, and this passion of him leads him once he grows up to have a brilliant academic career in medicine that will result in his beloved profession as a doctor in the populous city.
He is currently a very respected and in demand doctor, he is esteemed for his great skills and in-depth knowledge that go beyond the scientific field.
You must know that there are several worlds. It is a difficult concept to explain and perhaps even Ruven would not know how to do it well, but know that they exist, each developed in a different way and with different characteristics, but basically all with a beating heart similar to the others.
Now, some worlds are perfectly aware of other realities, and are aware that if you want they are perfectly achievable, but the price to pay is said to be extremely dangerous, although no one has ever really found out what it really is. Crossing the threshold between worlds is an arduous undertaking and absolutely forbidden in the world of Ruven.
Yet, how can someone as hungry for knowledge as our doctor not attempt at least once to cross a new world? If it had only been once ... instead he became more and more refined in details and technique, and one day - good or bad - taking a step in his studio, he suddenly found himself in a golden light, and his feet a moment afterwards they rested on the fresh dew-soaked grass of an unknown land.
And since that day, Ruven has become able to travel between worlds, coming and going as he pleases. Of course, at first it was difficult, it was funny to see the dear doctor so awkward, but now, oh, who can stop his curiosity?
Still, the price has been paid. Something strange happened to his body. His right eye was completely disfigured; there is no longer an iris or pupil, and the skin all around him has taken on unhealthy gray and yellowish shades. But the most worrying thing is that this dubious disease has not had the slightest consequence, beyond appearance. No pain, no visual impairment despite the fact that there is no longer any pupil in which light can pass. I mean, it's hard to worry when you don't feel any pain, right? Or maybe Ruven is just sinning negligence, pretending not to see so as not to lose the treasure he found.
Yet, he is gradually realizing it, of how every now and then he misses his memory, of how he finds himself in places where he does not remember well how he got there, or of how, sometimes, he wakes up with a strange bloody metallic taste on the tongue. But that's the only thing his curiosity is afraid to investigate.
Biri: is a very small golden dragon and basically Ruven's pet. He is barely larger than a hand and he often and willingly perches on his master's shoulder or under his long raven hair. Biri's left wing is a mechanical wing, it was made by Ruven when he saved the little one from a storm.
Biri is an affectionate and cuddly pet, even if at first it might be a bit suspicious.
Celesia: Celesia is Ruven's providential young assistant. She looks at him with deep admiration, and although there are only six years between the two of them, the girl sees the doctor as an extremely more mature man than she is.
According to Ruven, she is a very intelligent and competent girl, he trusts her and leaves her to run the studio when he is away. Celesia will become an excellent doctor herself.
Zaafir (another main Oc of mine): Zaafir is a vampire who lives in our world and has existed since the time of ancient Egypt. He is friends with Ruven and they both share a deep love of knowledge, albeit for different reasons. There is an outstanding pact between them.
Family members: The death of his paternal grandfather was for Ruven the greatest pain in his life. Despite this, he is grateful to have been able to enjoy his presence and his guidance until adulthood.
He has practically no memory of his parents even if he respects their memory and loves them with the sweetness of which a child is capable. His very profession is a legacy he learned from his father.
Ruven's family is still alive with his maternal grandmother who, according to her grandson, is still in great shape despite her venerable age. She lives in a provincial town outside Ceneraria where she lives in her little house among her perfumed flowers and her cats, her nephew does not fail to visit her every time he has a break from his commitments.
Another mention perhaps a little more important than the others should be made to his aunt Nadja, his father's younger sister who was only ten years old when Ruven was born. The tragic death of her older brother in a tragic accident had left her tremendously shaken especially because she had already lost her mother, so she became very attached to her grandson who basically grew up with her as if he were a younger brother.
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twinklesofhope · 17 days
☀️ Hopes / wishes for Aria and Iris
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"I want a world where fictional characters are treated well. There are plenty of writers who desire to make their characters suffer. Most of us can't write our own life after all. "
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"Come on. You all know what I want."
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"I want everyone to be as happy and cruel as me! I want as many people to be a part of my 'Family' as I can get!"
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"I don't wanna be happy alone after all..."
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twinklesofhope · 9 days
@fctedivided liked for a starter
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"Quit following me already." The child sighed, before turning over to the water witch.
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"Shouldn't you be happy? You've tried for sooo long for me to get out of the Red Sea. Well guess what, I'm out of it." Her voice oozed of anger, unlike the happy go lucky voice that came out of the corrupted her.
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twinklesofhope · 14 days
((💫 and 👥 for Iris please!))
💫 ― an obscure memory.
👥 ― a memory involving a friend.
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"Ah.... What a wonderful place." The girl walked into the Red Sea. She was technically a convert from another world besides the Red Sea. She was lucky that she was allowed to visit such a place... where death and happiness seemed to converge. It must be due to the magic inside her body that allowed her to breathe in this sea...
Yet, what would it feel like to drown in such a beautiful place? A pleasant smile approached her face at the thought. Something approached her from behind.
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"Like the view?" A young mage approached from behind. "The first time I was brought here... I was so happy... This was nothing like home."
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"It makes you wanna bring it to other places. I know my home will be better with it..."
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The girl giggled. "You really get me, don't you. Maybe some time we can go on a killing spree together, Sana!"
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twinklesofhope · 1 year
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"It's not fair that I can't use my illusion magic inside the village. There goes any chance of playing pranks." Iris. That's a good thing. Your pranks often involve horrifying things.
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twinklesofhope · 2 years
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“Hi miss! Your outfit is really pretty!” The child would smile at the battlefield idol. “I think it would go well with another color though. Wouldn’t red match your hair?”
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mcsesofhope · 3 years
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“Miss Witch seems to be a little more active! The Red will never end!”
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mcsesofhope · 3 years
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“Oh! I know how to use knifes to make people happy! Stabbing people is fun!”
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mcsesofhope · 3 years
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“This is why I keep many weapons with me! If someone takes a weapon from me, I can still kill them~” Murder child pls calm down.
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mcsesofhope · 3 years
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“So You’re Lovely.” Iris approached the Precure in their civilian form.. She wondered if Tsubasa had told the others about her appearance. The only ones who saw her were Swan and Princess after all.
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“You’re friends with Cure Swan, right?”
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mcsesofhope · 4 years
graceful-cure-swan answered your ask “I’ll chain you up again.” (From Iris)”
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The child couldn’t help but laugh, an innocent childlike laugh. Though her actions were anything but childlike. A Precure with no powers, still a symbol of happiness, was begging. 
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“You are waiting for your friends, aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’m sure they’ll come to rescue you shortly... not here but they’ll come to rescue you~ I like it that you are struggling though. It makes things more fun and makes me happier.~ But i’d like to ask you to stop trying to escape.”
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mcsesofhope · 3 years
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“The Red Sea has everything you could ever want.~”
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mcsesofhope · 4 years
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“My illusions will make you as happy as you can be. Just listen to your heart~ You wanna be happy too right?”
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“Just fall asleep and dream a little dream of me~”
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mcsesofhope · 4 years
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“Awww... You’re still your normal self.” She was bored while thinking up her next plan. So whoops she’s sending an illusion of herself to antagonize Tsubasa. She already knew that Tsubasa was her normal self. Still, the other’s remarks can be somewhat enertaiing.
..... Of course, what she sees is an upside down Iris in mid-air, almost as if she’s hanging down, well, from nothing. 
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“Don’t wooorry though.” Iris began to slowly rotate and ‘fall’ to the ground. “I’m not here to fight. Not this time.”
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