containatrocity · 1 year
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Hello lovely, I'm corruption- I just noticed that you seemed a little down. Just sign right here on this line and I can change your life This is a blind shot in the dark, I don't think what you need is love- Take that off we're gonna make you a star!!!
"Have Mercy baby! Merc Wainwright, but you can call me daddy. The better half of the Sidon Brothers, 30 years young. Freakshow barker performing feats of human strength, firebreathing, human blockhead, coal walking, ever seen a man put a hook through his face? you want to? But I'm outta the game, as seven years ago my idiot brother took a wrong turn with our circus and landed us here, in Huntsville. I've recently taken ownership of the oddities shop in town and trade in useless shit nobody wants anymore. Me and the commune don't fuck with each other, really, guess I spend too much time sniffing around it for tail and not enough time 'participating' in their whole gig. I'm a hedon, who doesn't believe in vices, but if I had to pick one, I've been known to get myself involved in the affairs of those married, taken, and otherwise off the market."
Name: Roewan "Mercy Wainwright" Sidon
Aliases: Merc, Mercy, RoRo, The Marvelous Mr. Wainwright
Age: 30 (October 13th)
Sexuality/Gender: Pansexual Cis Male
Personality: Mercy's a showman, and that much is clear moments into knowing him. Loud and demanding of attention, he commands a room when he enters it, and isn't one to shy away from conflict. a true hedonist, Mercy's only goals in life appear to be his own pleasure and receiving the affections and accolades of others, quick to assume something is wrong with them if they don't like him, or find him attractive. Vain to a fault, he continues to defy his surface-level behavior by being a loyal friend, protective and willing to die for those who mean the world to him, if push comes to shove. A con-artist and gambler who loves to rig the game in his favor, Mercy's tendencies to challenge people to bets they 'surely can't lose' only to rinse them for their belongings is well known- a man skilled in sleight of hand and misdirection thanks to a background in the circus- not everyone in the Menagerie is a conman, but Mercy certainly took on the role early into his life.
Occupation: Former sideshow performer and 'freakshow' announcer, current owner of Auntie Em's Antiques and Oddities.
Affiliations: The Menagerie Circus, the Town of Huntsville, Arkadeon Sidon, Hex Sif-Sidon
Scent Profile: Heady notes of sugar and honey under something more bitter, like warm coffee, petrichor and blood. Lanolin from violin bows, a scent and a talent he shares with Hex, the dusty scent of old, well loved books and furniture, and the herbal notes of marijuana cigarettes smoked out of black paper rolls.
Aesthetic: A clean, well pressed vest and perfect white dress shirt ruffled by hands reaching to run down covered chest. The glint of a dagger, juggled, swallowed, or tucked along the hem of someone else's smallclothes. Rosy colored glasses hiding the aces tucked up your sleeves, blood on your tongue but the pain's always been a pleasure, so you share it, copper between lips, steel hidden away. A brother wearing a crown, your hunger for power insatiable and only asleep, not quelled by the platitudes you were offered. Black-painted nails and several rings streaked sanguine. Your suit is still impeccable, somehow.
Hello darling, Names seduction- Why don't you find something comfortable? Let me take your coat.... Don't be reluctant. Nothing you want can phase me, I'm all ice inside baby! Let's fix that addiction, You're sick'n I've got the remedy.
The hedonistic, self-serving younger of the Sidon siblings, Mercy has made himself a rather unpopular member of the Menagerie in the time since his arrival with a substantial number of people. His tendency to serve only the interests of himself at the end of the day prove him to be rather impossible to get along with, and only those who have successfully appeased the selfish, lavish man first have come to know him as a loyal, well-meaning friend. As the now owner of Auntie Em's (as of mere months ago) He takes in the relative 'junk' that people can't find uses for- or things that townsfolk who meet an... untimely end, leave behind. He functions similarly as a fence, with a no-questions-asked policy for buying and selling, no matter the item. An eclectic, an artist, and an inventor of his own regard, he has a tendency to tinker, taking apart the junk and oddities in his shop to create something new- though it's typically something sharp or naughty, all things considered.
His pleasure-seeking ways aren't completely, and uniquely self serving, of course, as he's become rather well known for his 'get togethers' held overnight in houses no longer occupied, cheekily touted as the 'chance to get to know your neighbor' but decidedly leaning into the carnal. While it's an open secret- and something Mercy himself tends to hand out invites to like candy, It's still something he plays dumb about- especially to the police and government around Huntsville- generally distrusting of them at large. He doesn't seem to be bothered, by the fact he's trapped here, the looming threat of death embraced like a dagger held in his teeth- a living dead boy with no fear of death since his childhood, Mercy Wainwright has no want or need to get attached- and dead bodies piling up around him are par for the course. Calamity made flesh, chaos in flesh and bone- Mercy's seen the world before he could even drink- and now he's found himself bored of what it has to offer. He can only climb higher and higher- but Huntsville may yet melt the wax holding together inky black wings.
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snooziluvr · 2 years
i have a feeling vernon does not drink enough water…yeah… like wasn’t he the one who ordered chocolate milk when they were eating seafood lekelemoemdowkwowowkwof
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karamfilmare · 2 years
My Alhaitham headcanon lol
I don't think anyone believes Alhaitham can fall in love. He's just so very...not normal. He is personally motivated, he doesn't seem motivated by emotions, he has his own logic, etc.
Plus he comes across as aloof at best, arrogant at worst. He is fairly blunt, he doesn't spare feelings, and he enjoys being the odd one out.
All in all, he doesn't seem like the type to keep relationships or really care.
And he does a good job of leaning into this image. If that's how he's seen, it's whatever. He knows how to outmaneuver his way in most situations.
But he's at a loss when he's developing feelings. At first he denies it. Biology is strange, hormones probably, love doesn't really exist, at least not for him.
Then he gets past that, slightly. He finds himself listening to you. It doesn't matter what it is, but he's listening. And he's got less bite to you, at least when you're alone together. Sure, he's a bit condescending, especially to others, but with you, he doesn't try to explain or anything. He lets you speak and think for yourself, adding on when he feels like it.
And then he's finding himself wanting to be around you more and more. It doesn't matter to him about other duties, he gets stuff done. But he'd much rather do them with you.
Intimate encounters were just ways of relieving stress for him. He knows he's attractive, he's never had trouble finding interested partners, at least for a night. But he actually cares about you and your needs. At least, in his own way.
Alhaitham in love is different. He's just so stunned by you. He'll find everything about you fascinating. He may not care about the gods, but he thinks you're made by them. So perfect and yet so human.
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felldragxn · 5 years
Excitement for iris
Send me an emotion and I’ll describe how my Muse expresses it non-verbally.
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- The most obvious signs are definitely her ears and tail. Her ears will perk up when something’s got her attention, and her tail will either thrash about or puff up and quiver a bit. Besides those, she can never sit still if she’s excited - she’ll either bounce around, continuously shift her weight from foot to foot, or probably make some noise with her hands if she’s sitting down (like patting her hands against her knees or something). It’s pretty obvious when she’s really excited about something.
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kylcxren · 5 years
Force my Muse to Spill their Secrets || ACCEPTING
🍻- For something bad/mischievous you did as a child or teen that your parents don’t know about
“Okay, So the first time I ever snuck out of the house, I didn’t leave a window open, so when I came home I was locked out. And so me, in all my intelligence, broke the glass with a rock and snuck inside as fast as I could, before my parents could investigate. Then came out of my room pretending to just wake up while my father searched the whole house, blaster out. I never told”
🌜- For a ‘weird’ habit or tic that no one knows about
“When I’m nervous I.. sneeze. I don’t know why but all my life whenever I get on edge I sneeze several times, I’ve managed to suppress it as I’ve gotten older but as a child it made me a terrible liar.”
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wentwayward · 7 years
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Morticia Smith’s Teen Angst Playlist
LOWLIFE - That Poppy
TEEN IDLE - Marina and the Diamonds
HARD TIMES - Paramore
LOSING MY MIND - Mystery Skulls
SPACEMAN - The Killers
KEEP ON BRINGING ME DOWN - Forever The Sickest Kids
SHIP TO WRECK - Florence And The Machine
PAINT IT BLACK - Vanessa Carlton
PITY PARTY - Melanie Martinez
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containatrocity · 1 year
T. What are their favourite foods? (Mercy)
Mercy's preference for meat has thankfully not suffered for his presence in Huntsville, regularly eating deer steak and potatoes for dinner when the cirque eats together. He has a taste for the finer things, despite his humble, nomadic living with the circus, and this shines through with food, expensive wine, exotic fruit and meals, he was often exploratory with his palate, and took a badge of honor from his willingness to try new things.
as it stands now, he'd probably commit various atrocities for a fruit roll up from the box, or some Trix cereal- he misses processed sugars perhaps the most, in their absence.
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felldragxn · 5 years
4 and 5?
Send a number and I’ll list my muses in order of…4. most to least outgoing
5. loudest to quietest laugh
Some of these are based on peak crazed laughter-
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felldragxn · 5 years
Send a number and I’ll list my muses in order of…14. best to worst grades in school
Oh, boy, let’s see, this one is difficult-
None of them are really like... bad at school necessarily, nor would some of them make lower grades, just in terms of technical skill I feel like this would be the most accurate? Re is the only one who would probably fail school and it’s less because he’s dumb more because he just can’t pay attention at all--
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felldragxn · 5 years
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((maybe............. a corrupted herkimer diamond, which looks like a diamond but is really a quartz... ))
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felldragxn · 5 years
((I know I’m not doing much but I can’t resist, Grima’s Outfit))
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felldragxn · 5 years
The Seere
The designated leader of Ethir. Replaced every five hundred years, they are usually of the older generations of elves in the tower. There are multiple candidates trained throughout the century leading up to the replacement process. Upon becoming the Seere, the chosen candidate gains access to the vast aetherical knowledge stored within the tower’s lower levels - a library containing ancient texts dating back to the first recorded period of man’s history - and a pool of aether that draws in the aether from the surrounding sea. By allowing direct access to the pool’s aether, the Seere casts spells that are otherwise impossible to use by mortals, either in defense of Ethir or in the pursuit of specific knowledge. Absorbing this aether directly, however, reduces an elf’s lifetime over time, leading to the need for replacements every few centuries.
Any decisions that could affect the entirety of Ethir are brought before the Seere and a council made up of their peers (former, future, and potential Seeres). As the most knowledgeable of the elves, trust is placed upon them to make decisions for the tower involving their allies and enemies. On very rare occasion, there have been uprisings to overthrow a rogue Seere, but due to the limitations on a mortal body enforcing a limit on aether consumption, it has never ended in too big of a disaster.
The first Seere, long since deceased, was the first to slay the Divine Beast, Ammiras. It is because of this that such high honors were bestowed upon them, and played a large part in easing relations between elves and humanity.
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felldragxn · 5 years
🤕 = Has your character obtained any unique or important injuries/scars, what are they and what are they from? (For Asim)
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- A small round, somewhat jagged scar on his hand from some sort of pencil incident--???- I mean when he’s older he has two noticeable scars at the bottom of his face, as if some creature scratched him. Sort of like in this picture.
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felldragxn · 5 years
Dalvensus is kingdom of monsters, located to the far north near Myrartis. Due to aetherical disturbances, monsters that should not exist often appear here, and are pushed back by nearby countries. However, Myrartis seems to have become involved with Dalvensus and its creatures, leading to their growing hostilities in recent years.
Drawn by the high amounts of aether in Ethir, what seemed to be a plantlike scout from Dalvensus traveled there and attempted to root itself in the tower. It did not go unnoticed by the elves living there, however, and they captured it before it had climbed to the top of the tower. While the goal of Jastira, a renowned alchemist and the last ruler of Ethir, was to study and experiment on this creature, an incident occurred causing it to infect a number of elves and turn them into abominations. 
Due to Ethir isolating themselves from the rest of the world, this went unnoticed for some years. When it was discovered, red vines had overtaken most of the tower. Its inhabitants were now beasts similar to those that lived in Dalvensus, with the plant that brought their ruin rooted in the inner depths of the tower, far beneath the sea. Guarding it is Jastira herself - still looking humanoid, dawning a red dress, she attacks all trespassers with magic and dodges with inhuman speed.
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felldragxn · 5 years
((oooooh they probably live in Myrerius. Sarge (one of the main cast) is a dragon person and he comes from there.... meaning they’d probably have horns and stuff---))
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felldragxn · 5 years
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((Also it was Myrartis that kidnapped the twins when they were younger and experimented on them. They really did have good intentions for the world at large, but have since allied themselves with.... basically an army of the damned.))
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