#ma and whhen it comes down to it and she harms khun. he chooses khun. over rachel.
k-ru-h · 1 year
not to get all analytical and stuff, but bam and endorsi shouldn't end up together- not because of bam, or khun, or whoever else you ship with him - but because of ENDORSI.
characters in tog are quite commonly either parallels or foils to the main cast - wangnan wants the role bam was forced into, hatz is the complete opposite of khun, and khun, bam, rachel and endorsi are... well. the general story of bam, khun, and rachel is "person is abused by their family, forms an unhealthy relationship with the first person they recieve genuine affection from, leaves and finds someone else". there are so many parallels between the three of them, its hard to analize their characters without delving into the other's. endorsi... well, shes got everything but the last step. her story ended on the first floor, and shes been begging bam not to leave her for whoever she thinks hes interested in. she has a team of her own - she has aanak - but bam was the first. bam was the first to offer her friendship, the first to show her genuine care, the first person she ever connected with. she didnt have a rachel or a maria or a bam, she only had her abusive family and... bam.
and bam doesn't care about her as much as she cares about him. which is perfectly fine! he doesnt owe her a return of her feelings. but to him, she isnt even *the* friend. he objectively cares about khun and rak more, to the point where its a running gag that he wont even realise shes talking to him if hes already talking to khun. he doesnt become as vulnerable or as trusting as he is with khun when around her. he doesnt revert to the sweet, happy persom he truly is when hes with her, like he does when hes with khun. he cares about her, a lot! but in the same way that he cares about team shibisu or sweet and sour. shes had to fight her entire life to be seen as worthy, shes had to be the strongest and the prettiest or she wouldnt be worth FEEDING. there is no way in hell being in a relationship with a person who shes never going to be the priority for is healthy for her.
she cares about him, a lot, and it goes both ways. but sometimes your loved ones, in any sense of the word, arent the destination, but the bridge. and she deserves someone who she is the number one to, no matter what
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