fnaf-sb-fan · 2 months
Is somebody gonna match my freak?
(No they aren't, what the goofy fuck is this account.. At least it's better than the other one tho fr, y'all I'm either gonna revamp or I'm making whole new account 💀)
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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• disabled children are not burdens •
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
Weird question for you lot but I'm a weird person so it's not anything new but anywho, is it normal to feel like the body your in isn't your own? Like it's someone else's body and your just another person in it- so like- their was someone else who ran the body and was the owner of the body but their like- gone and your left to take over the body?
Friends are telling me it's signs of DID but I don't want to assume things, I did do research on DID and I relate to things mentioned, I've also learned more about it like; Alters can combine with the host, the host can go dormant, the host is also able to prevent fronting of other alters for years the same could work for alters, and way more, I just don't want to assume anything but I've had multiple people say it's DID and want to see what you lot think.
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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Love y'all <3 /P
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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If used please give credits, but anyways have a lovely day/night <3
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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Take my boundaries, please respect them :D
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
WOOO FINALLY GOT THE MOTIVATION TO WRITE SOMETHING! Anywho, take this small piece of writing I did!
Time and day: 2:55pm, Monday.
Setting: within a school, classes are on and school is going to end soon, the sun, slowly getting to the time where it sets, for some off reason only one block of the school is open, the other is closed off and nobody is aloud there, nobody knows why it's blocked off, it just is.
Location... Science room five
Void would be sitting in the back of class at their usual seat, staring out the window, the court yard could be seen, looking clean as always, just before this the teacher was asking if people have stim habits,ect, they hadn't noticed the teacher telling him to get up which resulted in the teacher coming over to him, towering over void. "HEY!" The teacher yelled, void jumping up in surprise and finally looking up at the teacher nervously "What are you doing, I said to move seats next to -----" said the teacher again, this time void getting up and begining to walk to the new seat, "OI! what are you doing!? Your not in this class get out!" Yelled the teacher, void blurting out "I DIDN'T WANT TO BE HERE ANYWAYS ---- IS A BITCH AND YOUR CLASSES SUCK ASS" before running out and down the flight of science stairs to the Science three room.
Time: 2:57pm
Location... Hallway 2
Void ran here, seeing the off limits part of the building edges away from them they walked over to the striped tape, pocking at it when all of a sudden a teacher walked out their classroom "HEY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!" Yelled the teacher "GET IN CLASS NOW AND DO YOUR WORK" they yelled again, Void instantly running into the class on the verge of tears, shouting wasn't something they liked.
Time: 2:59pm, why is time seeming to drag so slow?
Loading... Science room three
Void ran in, still on the verge of tears from earlier, standing in the corner of the room, scanning who was in it, instantly seeing their friend and their partner, their friend only just sat in front of their partner, Void header over to sit with them as they noticed you had to work in pairs of two for a project, their partner having someone paired with them and working on something and their friend working on something alone as the person they were paired with was sleeping instead of working, void began helping their friend before the teacher from out in the hallway walked in "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING!? GET TO YOUR SEAT NOW AND WORK ALONE!" The teacher yelled, Void instantly yelling back "HER PARTNER IS FUCKING SLEEPING WHY DON'T YOU LECTURE THEM INSTEAD, IM ONLY HELPING MY FRIEND YOU DUMBASS-!" The teacher glaring at void as in the 'you fucked up' kind of glare "GET OVER HERE NOW AND SIT AT THE FRONT DESK AND WORK ON YOUR OWN NOW!" They yelled, walking away, Void yelling right back "YOU FUCKING DUMBASS IT'S YOUR JOB TO TEACH YOUR STUDENTS SO WHY DON'T YOU STOP BEING A BITCH AND DO SOMETHING THAT'S NOT SHOUTING AT YOUR STUDENTS!" Void was going to make sure they won this argument even if it ended in crying or a panic attack, they didn't care as long as they won. "WHY DON'T YOU EVER SHUT UP CHILD!? NO WONDER EVERYONE HATES YOU" Yelled the teacher, just making void more furious and cry even more "I CAN'T HELP IT DUMBASS, I SAY WHATEVER IS IN MY MIND BECAUSE I HAVE GOD DAMN MENTAL PROBLEMS SO THAT IF I-" they were cut off by the teacher yelling "NO YOUR JUST AN ATTENTION SEEKING BRAT WHO IS GOOD FOR NOTHING AND HAS NO FUTURE AHEAD OF THEM!" Void was now having a full meltdown, everyone in the class just staring at them as they hit themselves repeatedly in the head, the teacher simply walking away from him, time seeming the slow as it hit 3pm and everything went white.
Time: ???
Location... ???
Everything was white, faint voices could be heard yelling, finally the voices where clear and they were yelling "YOUR AWAKE!"
And this folks is where it ends! Thanks for reading, have a lovely day/night and I will see you next time!
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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Look it's human sundrop angst, anyways sorry for the lack of upload in the "Infected Sun AU" I'm just looking for some ideas, feel free to give me some ideas if you have any!
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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Yeah I gave up protecting identity's if they see this then they see this lol anyways that's the end of that drama for now
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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That's all from my pov, the next screen shots are from my friend who was still in the chat and sharing what they were saying about me
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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Here's part 2 yall
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
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Part 1 of this drama because there is so much of it-
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
This happened yesterday with a group of friends, there were 5 of us including me and we were sat outside a shop.
Me: "hey guys look after my bag please while I go get a drink from the shop" I proceed to go into the shop, grab a drink and wait to pay for it at the till
My friends: nowhere to be seen and my bag is left on its own in plain sight so someone could easily rob it
Mind you, my bag is full of my medical stuff which I can't replace, it would be over £200 to get replacements and I don't have that kind of money nor dose anyone else in my family
Me: runs out to get my bag still holding the drink that I haven't payed for and has security chasing me
Security: "HEY STOP-" literally running after me who proceeds to instantly turn round to him, run over and hand him the drink and instantly apologize over and over again, literally about to cry
Security: looks down at me and walked back inside
Me: grabs my bag, walks off and proceeds to cry in a corner until someone picked me up then as soon as I get in the car I end up full on sobbing again because I just ruined my reputation most likely and I don't like to be seen as a bad person
So yeah, and then all my "friends" had a go at me for stressing at them lol
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
Jokesters are good people, very good people and you can't tell me otherwise.
just so ppl are aware, i firmly believe april fools is for funny little gimmicks, absurdist memes, and dad jokes, so this blog won't be reblogging any sudden flashing/jumpscare/g0re videos!!
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fnaf-sb-fan · 2 years
Me as a fellow trans folk: bursts into room "HEY GUYS ITS TRANS VISIBILITY DAYYYY"
And yes. I'm aware that I'm late to this okay
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happy trans day of visibility everyone, i can now legally be perceived for the next 24 hours
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