#maan x firoz
craziestfangirl98 · 2 years
I am watching A Suitable Boy series and want to know
Why Oh Why, are there no Maan x Firoz edits/thoughts all through YouTube and Tumblr?
All I'm getting are long ass research papers! (Which are also fun I must admit)
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idkatbh · 4 years
watched a suitable boy, i have many thoughts
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desi-lgbt-fest · 3 years
I just skimmed through the Netflix adaptation of Vikram Seth's "A Suitable Boy" and HOLY SHIT the sexual tension between Ishaan Khattar's Maan and Shubham Saraf's Firoz is so goddamn thick you could cut it with a knife. Apparently, in the book, it is implied that they used to be physically intimate as teenagers but have since stopped fooling around and stayed best friends. But if there's anything about the best friends to lovers to best friends/fwb relationship arc, you just KNOW there are lingering feeling always around the corner.
And god do both Ishaan and Shubham deliver on that aspect. It is never outright stated but you just know that these both are/used to be more than just friends. There's a palpable intimacy there that's just too easy-going yet too weighted to be just dudes being Bros. Even in a country like India, where physical affection between men is more socially acceptable than in the western world, the characters are written to be threading that very thin, very delicate line between homosocial and homosexual. It's so beautiful to witness their relationship grow and stumble and bloom yet again into something even more unexplainable as the series progresses.
Also you cannot convince me that Maan and Firoz aren't the prime example of the Disaster Bisexual x Distinguished Bisexual trope. Lmao.
You know what, i didn't watch the movie before. But if anything could convince me to, this is it.
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