carefreemonk · 21 days
!? It's been like what. TWO years? He hasn't seen Mitama since everyone in that one arena event had to survive on a spoonful of honey and now she's just... scurrying? Across the ballroom? Like that's normal?
"Hey!!" Henry had to thank Frederick for leg day. Gotta keep up with this guy who is sooooo normal chasing after young girls like that. "What's got your wig in a bundle?? Why're you running??"
It takes a moment for Azama to realize this guy's talking to him,
and he is instantly indignant.
"Wig?! Excuse you, this is-" huff "-all natural! You don't know how many people have asked me for the, haa, secrets to my beautiful mane of hair!"
He can't hack it anymore and comes to a stop, bent over, hands on his knees and he desperately makes to catch his breath. He stands, then, casts a wistful glance to the crowd but, no,
she's long gone, isn't she?
Scowl alights.
"I was trying," he growls at Henry, "to catch up to my daughter."
The whole is punctuated with an irritated huff.
"So." A bit calmer now. Just a sliver. Curiosity is so oft his better. "Why were you running? After me?"
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ulircursed · 25 days
"Aw heck! Get a load of your bird!" Henry cackled, reeling his stomach back at the cute little thing. A pigeon at a ball, who woulda thought? It was a good thing you caught this guy outside, 'cause you could call in the calvary...! Raising his arm up, a hurricane of black feathers came up to roost, three crows perching on him, all comfy cozy. "Here, say hello!"
All three of them cawed, a cacophony of shrill notes played over his shoulders. "I didn't know we were allowed to bring 'em in! You sure are bold for that..."
"Or should I say, you're crow-ageous for that? Nya ha ha!"
"Wh—" With barely any warning, the man had summoned a trio of crows, all staring directly at him with almost uncanny intelligence in their eyes as they cawed. Andrei tenses, the (bad) joke doing little to ease the feeling of suddenly being outnumbered. The crows do seem to respond to the other's command, or at least his voice, as though they were trained.
Still, he'd best not take any chances. "I do hope they would not hurt a younger bird," he says warily, holding Cranberry in his hand and preparing to fend off an attack should it come, "I will admit I am uncertain of what a crow finds entertaining."
Well... they like shiny trinkets, don't they? He briefly looks down at his brooch, with the crystal gleaming upon it. Perhaps it would convince them to be more friendly. Unpinning it from his coat, he holds it out towards the trio in a tentative offering.
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taguelbunnyboy · 2 months
[ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐭𝐡 ] : sender drapes a coat / cape / etc. around receiver's shoulders.
Camp had to be made quickly, this time - the rocky crags chosen for cover were not exactly perfect conditions for erecting a campsite for a few dozen. Yarne was one of the few who didn't get a proper place to set up a tent, but, he figured it would be fine - he'd have his fur to cover himself for warmth, and the crags should theoretically keep out the winds... right?
Wrong, it turned out. Yarne shivered, the moonlight caught in his crimson eyes. Why the hells was it so cold out here so late? Yarne had felt the touch of death so many times, and this was a harrowingly similar feeling. He curled up tighter, eyes wide - the others would need their tents more. He could survive, he won't be going extinct from a little chill, he could handle it.
Just when the briskest chill yet struck, a respite was found - a warm shroud of dark, covering him. Were these... feathers? Huh. Yarne wasn't in a mental place to really think about the gift, let alone who gave it... but the black feathers provided another layer of warmth he needed. He muttered as the person who gave it went back to their tent.
Yarne leaned against one of the tents (the tent of the person who had given this cloak, but Yarne wouldn't learn that until morning), eyes drooping shut. Even in as hostile a world as this one, the taguel was never alone. Even the past generations had him covered, no matter what.
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fellincantation · 10 months
"Huh?" There's something inexplicably wrong with this picture. Robin's here, in the flesh, just like he remembered her. Except there was just something... uncanny about it. About her, he meant. For one, she was way taller than he remembered, and no number of broken bones could have casted such a growth spurt. And for another, when her glass eyes caught the light, they glowed blood crimson instead of their usual gold. "Robin?" He held a finger up, trying to think of something to say.
"Why are your vibes so rancid?"
"Nya ha ha, no offense, but it's kind of cool! In the very obviously not my friend, kind of way."
Grima allowed Henry to observe her and found a light amusement in his approach. She should have known there was no way to fool Henry. He had never been stupid nor easily swayed by nonsense. His playful response made Grima smile. The smile was polite and patient as she waited for him to finish. When he was done, she spoke.
"You think so?" She asked, ignoring his accusation for a moment. Henry wasn't like the average Plegian that Grima had come into contact with. Her people had changed over the millennia of her imprisonment and yet Henry reminded her very much of those who were there before it. There was no fear in him when he faced her. "You're the very same Henry that I remember."
She was watching his face with an uncomfortable intensity. She couldn't recall what his face looked like when he'd fallen in her own future. Perhaps he had been smiling just as he was now. That felt right even if the memory wasn't real. It was almost unnatural to imagine him limp and blank-faced.
"I'm still your friend, Henry. I could never stop considering you my friend at the very least after everything we'd been through. How's Olivia doing? It's been some time since I've seen her as well." Her pleasantries were almost too practiced. Unsettling in the way she smiled and spoke.
"Even if I'm not the Robin you remember I'm still her at my core. She's still here with us." As a prisoner in their own mind, perhaps. "Is that not good enough?"
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timidsteps · 8 months
He had a habit of fiddling with the ring that hugged her finger like a promise well-kept. A secret poorly-hidden. She made this marriage thing so fun, and so obvious, and— Well, it was her day. He didn't need to be so existential about how they ended up as happy as they did. Still. As he fiddled with her ring, he wondered if she knew that he knew: today was her birthday, and she hardly made a fuss over it. But why? It wasn't just any day, it was literally the best day, barring none aside from the day their son was born. And the day they confessed. Oh! And the day Inigo came around! And-- And-- ... Okay. Maybe there were a lot of best days, but they were all revolving around the same person, with the same heart, and the same smile.
To be honest, giving her a Risen arm after a few dates did nooooooot go well. And he kept the eyes and tails and weird newts to himself afterwards. But now that he had gotten this marriage thing down, he had to ask... would what he got her be as invaluable as what she's given him? As his fingers twirled her ring quietly, deep in thought, Henry perched the tip of his tongue against his teeth to whistle to himself. Doubt it.
The crows descended from the sky, some perched on his shoulders and others gathered close to keep Olivia warm. But it was his, after all.
"Hey. Olivia~ Wanna see a magic trick?" A crow pulled its head up, with a ring in its beak—smaller in circumference, to go around her pinkie. With a quick flick of his fingers, the ring disappeared from his crow's possession into his own. "Tada! This is for you."
He gently lifted her hand, sliding the small pinkie band onto it. And it pulsed quietly, like a faint heart beat. It's not like it would bother her. (He had low blood pressure, after all, nya ha ha!) "You can feel my heartbeat, can't you? It's connected to the one I have." Flippantly, with a goofy smile to match, he held up his own pinkie. "Matchies!"
"Happy birthday! To be honest, it seems like everything pales like a ghost when I know its yours. And it's you. But here, take it."
After spending a few hours with much needed cathartic crying, Olivia figured it would do her best to simply de-stress by going on a walk with her husband. She very much enjoyed her time with him, and wondered how someone so wonderful was in love with a bundle of nerves like her. Well, it was perhaps best not to try to sort it out for logistical reasons- as making sense of life's nonsense proves to become a difficult challenge to consider. Therefore, she simply chooses to live and to love.
Their interlocked hands swung back and forth like giddy schoolchildren, as Olivia accepts that even if the two are adults, they are still Naga's precious children- two drifters eager to learn the curious oddities of the world.
Specks of black burst forth, the crows offer them their blessings to the two lovers. Henry was always one for theatrics, after all. He knew just what tricks he would need to play to bring a genuine smile to her face.
"Of course." She chuckles sweet and soon a little crow gifts her quite the sentimental treat.
Her mouth slacks, in awe.
With a snap of his fingers, Henry reminds her just what sort of magician he was.
A good one.
Sentimentality has always spoken volumes to Olivia, as Henry finds new ways to showcase his love to the woman he cared most. …On the pinky? A quiet thought , and soon she's shocked by the sensation of the beat of his own drum.
" I can." She says as assuredly as she can possibly offer, while starstruck with bewilderment. She hoped he could feel hers too, pitter pattering all over like the rain that brings the two close.
He always knew what to do. She laughs as he reveals another trick up his sleeve.
"Oh Henry… " the woman laughs, touched by this very well thought and perfectly crafted magic act- observing the bond of their matching pinky rings. "You have my heart too, and that's a promise."
As she crosses the pinkies with one another.
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txmehunting · 21 days
"Hey buddy, your vibes are rancid...! What's your deal?" Henry offered a bunch of suspicious Sue candies to him as a "peace" offering.
well! he NEVER! what! the auDACITY!
oh, so sennō just goes around giving people a sniff or two and now HE'S the bad guy? look, BUSTER, i've already had my fair share of run-ins with freakazoids today, and you're about to go on that list. don't you test me! i'll turn you inside out! i'll turn you into a dolphin! i'll turn you into an inside-out dolphin, and then everyone will look at you and say, ' good heavens, look at that disgusting little dolphin! ' and then you will feel VERY ALONE! because nobody wants ANYTHING to do with a freaky flesh dolphin! yeah? yeah, are you scared? are you SCARED YET?
of course, none of what he's just thought has been vocalized, because sennō is something of a "silent hater." instead he sits there, glaring unpleasantly from under his hat ( as has become his most common action of late ). once he finishes his little mind-marathon, he decides he'll cautiously play nice---but only because this guy smells, disgustingly yet intriguingly, like dark magic.
he looks at the candies, then back to this freak, then back to the candies, then decides he'll try one to forge this stupid bond for idiots. it feels odd and smells significantly odder, but he figures it's just because of his attachment to hoshidan sweets. always easy on the nose and tongue, indeed.
wordlessly he pops the candy in his mouth, chews, and sits there motionless. then he begins to sweat a little bit. then a lot. then his face contorts into a mix of nausea and abject horror at how a candy can taste so obscenely disgusting!
"ugh! what the hell is this?!" he screeches, spitting the remaining pieces on the floor with absolutely zero decorum. in his panic about this candy he's completely forgotten his original plan---after all, a dark mage just gave him a shitty candy. this probably means he is going to die. "countermagic! countermagic! i need countermagic! this freak tried to curse me with death candy!! uegh! eurhgh!! ghuerghhg!!!!"
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weepingclergy · 1 month
"OH! Wait a second, kiddo... I know you??" The question mark was poignant, and ever the tell-tale sign that the spiders in his head were working over time. His face, his prominent pout, his Grima-forsaken ironic slouch. (Maribelle was the last person in the world to have a bad posture, so Henry had always found it HILARIOUS.) "I do! Yeah! It's..." He snapped his fingers twice, like striking a match. "Brady! Or do you go by some other name now?" Cynthia hadn't given him a rundown about Maribelle's kid at all, so for all he knew, Brady went by Brandon Salamander or something now, right?
"Man oh man— glad you're not dead in the water, nya ha ha! Didn't know I'd end up bumping into a whole lot of you kids here, but I guess flocks of a feather end up together, ahaha~" He tilted his entire body to one side, trying to peek for the kid's signature instrument of choice. Then the other, just for funsies. Did he still play? Was it just Henry, or was this kid even older now??
"You still play, don'tcha? The crows and flowers always liked when you did."
finally his sickness subsides and brady can drag his arse out of the infirmary tent. it's embarrassing enough that he had to forego the traditional interview because of his weak stomach, but he totally ralphed at least 4 times on the way from the interview hall to the medtent. he wants to whack his skull against a wall. if ANYONE calls him 'barfy' or something similar, he's going to beat the shit out of them.
as he swaggers from one place to the next, flashing sneers wherever he walks, brady keeps eyes out for any suspicious figures. however, he's so caught up in his search that when someone addresses him from behind, he almost throws up again from surprise.
" AHH! WHAT T-- " cough. slouch. leer. " oh. it's you. yeah, it's me. an' i didn't change my name none, either---the hell gave you that idea?"
henry always was a bit of a nutcase in brady's eyes. never not talking death or crows or murder or what have you; risen were scary, but the way this guy pulled them apart like string cheese was scarier. oh, gods, the imagery's making him feel sick again. he shakes his head and tries to keep his stink eye strong.
though, something that white-haired melvin says alerts him. " you kids? " he grunts, turning his head lightly to the side. " wait, you mean i ain't the only one of us here? where're the others? you know somethin' i don't, grampa? "
he tries to get close, maybe intimidate some info out of henry, but his next question pops brady's bravado like a tent in a windstorm. he sags, flicks his eyes to the side bashfully. he didn't think the guy would be genuine like that.
" 'course i still play. why the hell wouldn't i? my violin case s' still on the boat. "
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georgi-girl · 1 year
Meet The Mallards
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original meme belongs to blaze_on_fire A journey of historic proportions unfolds when a family of fowl comes across a lapin nomad. starring... Daffy Duck (Loony Toons) in the role of Eep Bugs Bunny (Loony Toony) in the role of Guy Drake Mallard (Darkwing Duck) in the role of Grug Gosling (Darkwing Duck) in the role of Sandy Bubba (DuckTales) in the role of Thunk (because how could I not include him in this recast?) Scooge McDuck (Mickey's Christmas Carol) in the role of Gran Morgana Macawber (Darkwing Duck) in the role of Ugga Charlie Dog (Loony Toons) in the role of Nippers Tootsie (DuckTales) in the role of Douglas (I couldn't find a screenshot with just her in it) also starring Abu (Aladdin) in the role of Belt Gossamer (Loony Toons) in the role of Chunky
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laslow · 9 months
Love, Persevering
starter for: @macawbre , @timidsteps <3
He wakes with a gasp.
Curled up on his side, all loose limbs, he stares wide-eyed at the wall, heart thundering in his ears. A hand rests on his stomach. Seconds tick by before he gathers the courage to peek beneath the covers, steeling himself for whatever awaits--
No blood stains pristine sheets, no tears mar the fabric of his shirt. Slowly, Laslow sits up. Lets the sheet fall away, shaking fingernails scratching his stomach as he yanks up the hem. Nothing. Only faded scars from battles long past stare back at him; there's nothing proving the events of the last month.
It all felt so real. The stage, the voice in his head. But there, at the end, it all faded to black. Emptiness where there was once sensation. He'd been weightless, floating aimlessly until he returned to himself with a startled inhale.
Gods. Already his memories feel fuzzy, like he's viewing them through a frosted glass. Could that all have been a dream, then? Some magical experiment? He prays so. They never found the missing women and children--he'll only live with himself knowing their plight wasn't real.
He slips out of bed, anxiety making it impossible to try falling back asleep. Woodenly, he dresses, mind still processing everything. He grabs his dancer's rings without making a conscious choice. Little else will settle his nerves when he's this rattled.
Laslow's silent on his way to his little forest clearing. The very air feels different. Charged, as if it knows something fundamental is different. He doesn't dare let his guard down, starting at every little noise.
So keyed up, in fact, he nearly dismisses the two figures a few feet ahead of him as an extension of his dreams. Laslow stops dead, rings clutched protectively across his chest. He's a teenager again, having traveled back in time to prevent a future no child show grow up in.
(He's four years old, seeking comfort after a nightmare.)
"....Mom? Dad?" He croaks in disbelief.
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speedfreak01 · 1 year
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here’s another set of fakemon for the awmaet region, it's Scarakeet, who evolves into Macawbre!
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smidgeofcinnamon · 7 months
Some OC-core with Mandy and Vanessa Macawbre (they’re besties)
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magpie-murder · 1 year
You have another blog?? What was the previous name of the ikol one because maybe I already knew about that one
it was danse-macawbre, my main blog. i wanted danse-macabre, but i knew it would be taken, so i settled for having two Bird Name blogs. i also have three sideblogs for funsies but i haven't shared them and they have no followers, i mostly just use them for organization
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ringdingdestroya · 1 year
I absolutely need to see the shakespearean translation of that mcr post 👹👹👹
here it is:
…and if’t be true thee turneth to thy hath left,  thy shalt encounter the emos.
is’t truth that thou speaketh, in fact, of mine own chemical romance?
silence, thou clay-brained toad! thou shalt not make such assumptions, that every group of emos must, inevitably, be mine own chemical romance! 
but sir! surely, that may truly be mine own chemical romance?
such humour and wit, does bring me such joy. 
I seem to have seen this everywhere, except tumblr itself. t’is the blessed post.
i reblog this ev’ry time it comes onto my dashboard; I have no shame in doing so.
i cannot fathom that i’ve finally found this blessed post of great wonder!
could someone recreate this masterpiece, at this time that mine own chemical romance is once again on tour?
there seemeth to be but one survivor on this post…
it’s not the best quality because this was right at the beginning of my course and i had very little idea what i was doing but i tried my best lmao <3
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"Hey Drakie, ..... mmm nah, never mind. I was was going to tell a joke about a dead parrot, but it was way too Macawbre."
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Shes so proud of herself, I apologize for her I really do.
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"Don't be so sure. I have a very dark sense of humor."
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theacewithmace · 2 years
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I posted 2,763 times in 2022
That's 2,763 more posts than 2021!
48 posts created (2%)
2,715 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,336 of my posts in 2022
#prompt - 196 posts
#writing - 142 posts
#color palette - 141 posts
#fashion - 99 posts
#clothes - 67 posts
#important - 65 posts
#dresses - 61 posts
#quotes - 57 posts
#spin’s bitching - 55 posts
#marvel - 41 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#never capitalizing unless it’s someone’s name or like a movie that needs caps (unless i don’t like them then i use lowercase to be rude lol
My Top Posts in 2022:
maybe it’s just me, but my hyperfixations are so funny because one minute i’m in love with this one thing then get a yt video recommended about this other random thing and are like “eh, what the heck” and then an hour later have watched five more videos, analyzed its wiki page, and hurt my fingers from scrolling thru its tag
then at the end of the day when i’ve consumed as much as my brain will withstand even tho it’s still starving, i’ll look back to my previous hyperfixation, glance back and forth between the two for a minute, then sit there thinking “oh god… what have i done?”
21 notes - Posted August 15, 2022
Every Friend Group Should Have:
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See the full post
24 notes - Posted October 5, 2022
there’s just something about a villain who, unknown to the hero, has been trying to turn good and after losing everything gets caught vulnerable and crying by the hero who starts to fight them only for the ex-villain to start saying, “please, i… i can’t do this alone anymore” and the hero stares at them in silence, just taking in ex-villain’s wounded expression and seeing a new, desperate and lost side to them and T_T
89 notes - Posted July 26, 2022
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261 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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as someone who is/has all three i can confirm chairs will be the death of me
271 notes - Posted September 27, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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verseandrhyme · 3 years
once more onto the breach
@yewfallen ; @macawbre ; @atypicalsenerio
The next round begins and carries with it a sense of finality. Once more, strange new spells are granted to her, a ring slid on her finger and a brief explanation of what she is capable of. Mitama spares it little mind. Her focus is already determined, eyes lingering on Henry even as the new enemies are summoned to face them.
Fix the mistake. Ensure they survive. Ensure that no one else suffers for your failings.
Her usual physic spell is not returned to her. Instead, a new spell is given, one that grabs her attention immediately. Fortify...
The go is given, and Mitama makes her move immediately. She takes a calming breath and focuses her energy, feels the spell dance within her as it gathers and, throwing her hands forward, casts.
Mitama rolls a 12. 4 Health! Henry, Soren, and Febail recover 4 health.
It does not fly as she is used to, does not seek out a target and fly to them specifically. Rather, the spell grows outwards from her, covers all allies to her team and, from what Mitama can tell, heals them all.
A stunned silence follows Mitama’s spell. All of them...perhaps she should study faith a little further than she already had when all of this had ended.
To think on later. For now, they have all recovered, and Mitama lets out a laugh as Febail and Soren return. “Please try not to go back immediately this time, the both of you...”
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