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I'm crying in the club rn
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iishiizu · 7 years
I thought of the conversation between Mokuba and Kaiba and I just want to replace it with Freed and Laxus just so I can have Freed hearing laxus's fantasia plans and say "And to think people call you a diluted ego machiac"
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Machiace modern au where Izana and Emina are getting married, so Machina needs to take a date to the wedding so he doesn't get teased for his lack of a love life. So he ends up taking Ace along as his fake boyfriend. The rest I'm sure you can figure out.
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マキエ!!マキA!!MachiA is my favorite ship thank you for content!! I'm happy!!
MachiA is a good ship, I love it :')) there needs to be more content ;w;
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Machina totally loses his shit when he first sees Ace wearing glasses
Like, that boy is gone, he is deceased, Ace's cuteness meter just skyrocketed past the highest limit, this isn't fair it should be illegal to be that cute.
Cue him eventually spillin the beans to Rem who doesn't know whether to laugh, coo, or groan at her damn childhood friend for being such a mess.
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*crying* I like both versions dammit...
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Imagine like
During the alternate end of type 0, Kurasame takes Class Zero on this field trip
And during the whole entire trip Machina is such a fucking disaster with Ace, he can't compute, how does a cutie like Ace exist it's just not fair
And like, the rest of Class Zero obviously know about this damn crush. Cue Cinque laughing her ass off and making fun of Machina for being a mess, Rem is highkey concerned but at the same time lowkey amused, and Deuce is that sweetie who keeps comforting Machina
And Ace is legit so clueless, he has no idea what's goin on he just wants to see some damn chocobos but here comes Machina, tripping over his own damn feet and trying to flirt with some dumb pick up lines suggested by Jack and Eight
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Slides in. Why yes I do anon
Machina loves to spend time with Ace, he loves the damn attention because Ace always spends all his damn time studying in the library
Machine just loves spending time with his damn boyfriend so whenever he and Ace go out, he makes sure to be as lovey dovey with him as possible, pressing kisses against the crown of his head, playfully twirling him around, wrap his arms around Ace from behind while they wait in line for something, and so on and so forth
Ace loves to see Machina enjoying himself whenever they're out. He feels like he's honestly so boring and the fact that Machina loves him so much despite that really warms his heart
One time on a carnival date, Machina won Ace a giant ass stuffed Chocobo and Ace legit cried from happiness as soon as it was in his arms
Machina lowkey freaked out but Ace gave him a big ol smooch for it so it's all good yo
Whenever he can, Machina will gush about the dates he and Ace has to Rem, and she thinks its the cutest thing
One time before the two started dating, and Machina wanted to find a way to ask him out or whatever, Jack pops in like "uwu how about Trey, King, and I write a love ballad and play it while you confess your love???" and Machina is like no thank you he would rather the two of them be alone thank you very much
Eventually Queen comes up like, "how about you confess after our next lacrosse game??" She's been prepared with this because Ace already spilled the beans to her, Deuce, and Cinque that he liked Machina so she's hopin this will make progress for them
And Machina does end up doing so. After the girls win the game, it starts pouring so while everyone is high from the adrenaline, and it's pouring rain, and the moon is nice and high, Machina turns to Ace from where they are in the stands and is like "do you wanna go out sometime?" and Ace just flushes for a moment before eventually nodding, and Machina almost whooped from happiness because holy shit ace actually said yes-
Cut back to the present, perhaps a year and a half later, and these two are still in a good and healthy relationship
Eventually Machina gets over his fear of knowledge smh and goes to hang out with Ace in the library whenever the boy is studying.
He brings him a snack or two even tho its not allowed but Ace thinks that's sweet.
Izana always teases Machina, saying he's hella whipped, and all Machina can do is sigh, nod, and murmur "i know and it's amazing"
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