#machoooo man
coriandher · 11 months
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A bunch of big Legate headcanons
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eraserheadbabyfever · 6 years
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conduitandconjurer · 4 years
🍣 to treat my muse to a fancy lunch
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Klaus is halfway through his third course. It is truly one of his unsung special abilities, the rate of his metabolism, as he stuffs his face with calories that should have him at twice his current weight.  
He’s also being extremely vocal about each and every high-cuisine bite. 
    “Ohhh, ahhh, mmm. Oh man, that’s....orgasmic, I....what DO they put in this damn SAUCE....!” 
He peers up at his brother and purses his lips, trying not to burst into a playful chime of laughter.
    “Am I embarrassing you, Machoooo Macho Man?”  He puts down his utensils and brandishes both palms. “Okay okay but seriously.”
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  Large green eyes soften. “What was this for?  It’s really sweet, Deegs.  It makes me think of when we were, y’know, younger, an’ did this all the time. Is there like...some occasion, or....?” 
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