tribbetherium · 3 months
The Early Rodentocene: 5 million years post-establishment
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Doomed If You Don't: Remnant Lineages of the Early Rodentocene
In the race to evolve and diversify at the dawn of the Rodentocene, about twenty or so subspecies of Cricetulus griseus emerged as early as 1 million years post-establishment, all in turn radiating into available ecological niches still vacant. Unfortunately for some, certain lineages would come out on top, with advantageous traits or adaptations to thrive in different habitats, and with everyone vying for niches, some, in the end, would be outcompeted and eventually disappear.
As of 5 million years post-establishment, only eight of the original twenty-plus subspecies still have living descendants, the rest lost to time, having lost the race and being unable to secure a niche to thrive in before they were outcompeted into extinction. And while four of the remaining eight subspecies are diversifying with great success, and in hindsight have a bright future ahead of them, the other four are less so: enduring merely by momentary fortune and surviving for now, but will ultimately be short-lived experiments in the evolutionary tree.
C. griseus musculus, a long-tailed mouse-like subspecies, would survive as its burrow-digging omnivorous descendants, one of which is the evening squeaker (Murocricetus lutosucauda), a nocturnal seed-eater that lives out in open grassland, foraging for food throughout the night and hoarding seeds to take back to its burrow. Its thick fat tail serving both as a balance and a semi-prehensile grasping limb, it climbs precariously up grass stems to harvest its seeds growing atop tall stalks. While currently secure in its current niche, this clade would eventually decline with the success of the jerma's descendants, the furbils and the jerryboas. Both faster and more agile, and occupying the same territories, and competing for the same resources, the furbils and jerryboas would be able to collect larger quantities of food more efficiently and more quickly before the evening squeakers could get to them. And while the evening squeaker would hold out in small corners in the vast grasslands of the continents, it would eventually die off as its small range and small species count left it more vulnerable to localized extinctions, all too common in the hectic ecosystem of a newly-seeded planet.
C. griseus macrotia and its descendants like the big-eared dustbun (Macrotiacricetus magni) would fare somewhat beter, its large ears and long legs enabling it to thrive in deserts and arid equatorial savannahs by shedding more heat and being able to cool off in the sweltering hot afternoons, taking over a biome mostly inaccessible to other hamsters. It became a nimble hopper, leaping on its back legs to reduce its contact with the hot ground. But, in time, it too would fall victim to the spread of the jerryboas, also hoppers but far more flexible and agile. When the desert-dwelling jerryboas that overlapped its territory also evolved large ears as heat sinks, its primary advantage was lost, and it now was left behind by those occupying its same niche but better at it. As the desert jerryboas in time began splitting into multiple species, the dustbun was pushed ever closer to the brink by an increase of competitors, and, in periods of unpredictable droughts, the reduced resources were better-exploited by the jerryboas, ultimately spelling the end of the dustbuns with their smaller populations, fewer species, and lower resistance to sudden ecological changes.
C. griseus giganteus, as its name implies, grew larger than other subspecies at the time and would eventually settle on a form somewhat larger than the typical hamster, becoming a guinea pig-like herbivore, with one species, the goliath broadhead (Gigacricetus gigantis) developing a large, blocky head structure with powerful teeth and jaw muscles to feed on tougher plants. Such harder-to-eat vegetation was scarce in the Early Rodentocene, as the gouties had not yet evolved to push the local flora into defensive diversity, and so the broadhead was content for some time in its small but stable niche, feeding on the sparse fibrous grasses other hamsters could not eat. But the coming of the gouties' descendants the hamtelopes and the cavybaras would bring about an unfortunate irony, as, with their grazing pressure came at first an increase in tougher plants, which proved initially beneficial to the broadheads, but later would prove a bane too as the cavybaras and hamtelopes then became better adapted to to eating the increasingly hardier plants--including the original grasses the broadheads had specialized to eat. This early woody grass would go extinct, and the broadheads and kin would soon follow, making vain attempts to specialize on other grasses but ones already in high demand from the new grazers, and would entirely be replaced by smaller relatives of cavybaras known as cavilets by the time the Middle Rodentocene came about.
And last of these would be C. griseus mirabilis, which included members such as the piebald patchling (Mirabilicricetus varicolor). This lineage was a holdover from the earliest diversification of random mutations, one of which, piebaldism, spread among the populations with no negative consequences in the earliest days. In the earliest days less than one million years PE, a wide range of sporadic mutant traits emerged, like colors, markings, size, shapes, ear sizes, tail lengths and more. Of these, some traits persisted since there was no negative consequence for them. The piebald patchling was one of them, standing out with its unique coloration of black, red, white and yellow markings that randomly blotched each individual like a fingerprint. But then, predators began to evolve, and the striking patterns of the C. griseus mirabilis lineage now became a liability rather than a benign trait. Easily seen with its lack of camouflage, and devoid of any other survival characteristics, the piebald patchling would become easy prey for the keen-eyed hammibals and be eventually hunted to extinction. Its slightly more cryptically-colored cousin, the black-pawed dendend, would persist for somewhat longer and be remarkable as the last surviving species not from any of the four main clades, but it, too, will eventually go extinct without leaving any descendants.
While the four main clades would go on to flourish and bring forth incredible and untold biodiversity, these species would, in the end, just be short-lived experimental branches that would be relegated to the evolutionary dustbin of the fossil record. In the race to occupy new territory, new food, and new niches, some species diversified earlier and gained the upper hand. Those slower to the take would hold on in niches for some time, but, in the ever-changing and fickle kaleidoscope of adaptive radiation in the Early Rodentocene, would either be pushed out by someone else better at the niche or prove unable to cope with sudden changes in the environment. Ultimately, it is the ability to change that determines a species' and lineage's longevity: a trend that will continue to be apparent as countless species emerge, diversify, decline and disappear throughout the eras to come.
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ainsleyview · 5 months
Everything You Need To Know About Otoplasty
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Ear decrease Individuals with huge or curiously large ears (macrotia) may profit from an ear decrease. During this technique, a specialist will eliminate tissue to make your ears more modest.
Ear increase In some cases, individuals have deformed ears, little ears or ears that haven't completely evolved (microtia). The objective of ear expansion is to expand the external piece of your ear. This typically requires ligament or tissue uniting.
Strategy Subtleties How could I get ready for otoplasty? Before you have otoplasty medical procedure, your specialist will meet with you. During this visit, they'll:
Look at your ears. Consult with you about your assumptions. Survey your wellbeing history. Your specialist will likewise provide you with a nitty gritty rundown of pre-employable directions. These can differ from one individual to another. Yet, as a general rule, you'll probably have to:
Keep away from nonsteroidal calming drugs (NSAIDs) to lessen your gamble of dying. Abstain from smoking. Set up for a confided in companion or relative to drive you to and from your arrangement. What occurs during otoplasty? Otoplasty is typically a short term strategy. This implies you'll have the option to return home that very day.
Before medical procedure starts, your medical care supplier will give you sedation to keep you agreeable. This is finished under broad sedation (where you're totally snoozing) or neighborhood sedation with sedation (where you're sluggish, yet can in any case answer questions).
The particular careful advances differ contingent upon what kind of otoplasty you're having. General advances include:
Making a cut (as a rule on the rear of your ear or in the folds of your ear). Adding or eliminating tissue to your ear. Reshaping your ear. Shutting the entry point with join. What amount of time does otoplasty require? Otoplasty Malaysia medical procedure requires somewhere in the range of one and three hours, contingent upon your particular circumstance.
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sandadopts-archive · 6 months
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Blitz, Terri, and Macrotia for bananaquit
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themicrotiatrust · 10 months
Otoplasty Surgery- When it is performed?
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Do you know what otoplasty is and why it requires surgical management?
Otoplasty is a cosmetic surgery designed to permanently correct structural abnormalities of the ear. It is a procedure to reshape, resize, and reposition the ears without impacting or improving an individual’s ability to hear sounds. It provides aesthetic appeal to the face with improved ear appearance and improved self-confidence.
When is it performed?
According to Dr. Parag Telang, an ear cosmetic surgeon in Mumbai, otoplasty surgery might be considered to address the following:
Protruding ear(s)- One or both ears sticking out far from the head.
Oversized ear(s) or Macrotia- One or both ears are overly large and out of proportion to the head.
Small, constricted ears or Microtia- The ears are smaller and not in proportion to the head or not fully developed.
Mishappen ear(s) or earlobes- One or both ears or ear lobes are misshapen due to a traumatic injury or birth defect.
Types of Otoplasty
Depending upon what kind of correction is required, any one of the following types of otoplasty are performed:
Ear pinning- This type of otoplasty is recommended by a plastic surgeon to bring the protruding/prominent ears closer to the sides of the head. It even reshapes the malformed ear cartilage.  
Ear reduction- This type of otoplasty is reserved for people with oversized ears. In this operation, the surgeon removes extra tissues to make ears smaller. 
Ear augmentation- This type of otoplasty is meant for people having a mishap, small, or microtia ear. In this surgery, the surgeon increases the outer ear portion to make the ear look larger and in proportion to the head. Usually, it involves the grafting of tissue or rib cartilage.
What to Expect from Otoplasty?
Before otoplasty
Otoplasty surgery can be performed in an outpatient surgical facility or hospital. The anesthesiologist may provide the patient with local anesthesia that numbs the ear or sedation that renders the patient unconscious. Anaesthesia is provided to ensure the surgery is comfortable throughout.
During Otoplasty Surgery
The surgical technique used will vary based on the type of otoplasty. The surgeon determines the right technique for the patient and accordingly chooses the location of the surgical incisions and the resulting scars.
The general steps of the surgery are:
Making incision- The surgeon might either make a cut on the back of the ear or within the ear creases.
Adding or removing ear tissues- The extra cartilage and skin of the ear might be removed.
Reshaping of the ear- The cartilage of the ear is folded into proper positions and secured with internal sutures.
Closing incision- The skin incisions are closed with stitches.
The overall procedure typically lasts for about 2 hours.
After Otoplasty
Following otoplasty, the otoplasty surgeon in Mumbai will cover the operated ears of the patient with sterile bandages to provide the ear with added protection and support. The patient can expect to feel slight itching and discomfort and have ears likely to be red or swollen. A couple of days following otoplasty, the patient can get off their bandages. After the bandages are removed, the patient can see an immediate and permanent change in the ears’ appearance.
The patient should carefully follow aftercare instructions:
Take pain-relieving medications to get relief from post-surgical discomfort.
Avoid placing pressure on the ears or sleeping on the side of the operated ear.
Do not rub the incision site or put excessive force on the ears.
Wear shirts or tops with loose-fitting collars or buttoned shirts.
Wear a loose headband to cover ears at night for a few weeks to avoid pulling forward of ears while rolling over in bed. 
Avoid touching, scratching, or rubbing the operated ears.
Am I a suitable candidate for otoplasty?
The good candidates for otoplasty are:
People who are at least 5-8 years old: By this age, children would be almost done growth of their auricles and have auricles 90% of their adult size. This is the earliest possible age recommended for children to have otoplasty, if necessary.
Individuals who are aged under 66 years old: People aged above 65 years are usually unhealthy or don’t have a healthy lifestyle, so recovery is not smooth.
Healthy people without any heart or lung issues: Health is crucial before otoplasty to ensure safe and effective use of anaesthesia.
Non-smokers: Having nicotine in the system can elevate blood pressure and delay the healing of surgical wounds.
People who hold realistic expectations about the procedure and results
People who are willing and able to comply with all post-surgical instructions
Benefits of otoplasty surgery
Correction of structural ear abnormalities
Boost in self-confidence
Safe surgery
Lifetime results
Nearly instant results
Can be covered under Health Insurance.
Request an appointment today!
Do people make fun of your ear appearance? Don’t want to be conscious of how your ears look anymore? If so, you may be a good candidate for otoplasty surgery.
Would you like to learn more about otoplasty or go ahead with it? Contact Dr. Parag Telang today at The Microtia Trust to schedule your initial consultation for this life-changing surgery that helps you enhance your aesthetics.
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afbplasticsurgery · 8 years
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#Macrotia Large Ear Reduction #beforeafter http://ow.ly/o8kq309BGPc (at Ear Plastic Surgery Otoplasty Seattle Bellevue)
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What is Otoplasty ( Ear Surgery)?
Otoplasty, or cosmetic ear surgery, is a cosmetic operation that modifies the size, location, or proportion of the ears. The results of ear reshaping surgery vary widely depending on the targeted alterations, but these treatments often enhance self-confidence, particularly in youngsters and teens. Ear pinning surgery can be performed to flatten the ears against the head if they protrude.
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 What can ear surgery treat?
 Ear relocation can produce symmetry if one ear is higher than the other. Large, enormous ears can be treated on their own or in combination with other ear problems.
Macrotia is  a disorder in which the ears are abnormally big.
Hearing loss is not connected with protruding ears on     one or both sides to varying degrees.
Adults who are dissatisfied with past ear surgery. 
When to Consider Ear Surgery
 If you were  born with disproportionately big or tiny ears,
If your ears are disproportionate to your skull or are unusually situated If your ears  protrude or stand out significantly If you have  had an accident that has changed the shape or location of your ears, If such a surgery will boost your self-esteem or self-image.
 What are the Benefits of Ear Surgery?
Your ears'  shape and proportion can be improved through ear surgery.
Ear surgery may increase your self-esteem and is a low-risk operation that can be done  on children over the age of five.
The effects usually last a lifetime with very minor changes.
Which Doctor is good For Ear Surgery? 
It’s important to choose your surgeon based on:
Education,  training, and accreditation
Ear surgery experience
Your degree of comfort with him or her
After locating a board-certified Plastic surgeon in your region who is skilled in doing ear surgery, you will need to schedule a consultation. Because of the in-depth nature of the consultation, there is usually a fee for the initial appointment.
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beauty1332 · 3 years
Ear Surgery in Islamabad
What is ear medical procedure?
Ear medical procedure, otherwise called otoplasty, can advance the shape, position or extent of the ear. A deformity in the ear structure that is available upon entering the world or that becomes evident with improvement can be rectified by otoplasty. This system can likewise treat distorted ears brought about by injury.
Otoplasty makes a more regular shape while carrying equilibrium and extent to the ears and face. Adjustment of even minor disfigurements can have significant benefits to appearance and confidence. If jutting or disfigured ears trouble you or your kid, you might think about plastic medical procedure from ear surgery in islamabad
What can ear medical procedure treat?
Excessively huge ears – a condition called macrotia
Distending ears happening on one or the two sides in shifting degrees – not related with hearing misfortune
Grown-up disappointment with past ear medical procedure.
Who is a decent possibility for ear medical procedure?
Kids who are acceptable possibility for ear medical procedure are:
Sound, without a hazardous disease or untreated ongoing ear contaminations
For the most part 5 years of age, or when a youngster's ear ligament is steady enough for revision
Agreeable and adhere to directions well:
Ready to impart their sentiments and don't voice protests when medical procedure is talked about
Youngsters and grown-ups who are acceptable possibility for ear medical procedure are:
Solid people who don't have a dangerous disease or ailments that can disable mending
People with an inspirational perspective and explicit objectives at the top of the priority list for ear medical procedure
Ear medical procedure is an exceptionally individualized technique and you ought to get it done for yourself, not to satisfy another person's cravings or to attempt to fit any kind of ideal picture.
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drdanielbarrett · 4 years
What Are The Different Types of Otoplasty Surgery?
Self-esteem can be a serious issue, not just fluctuating weight or height can cause such distress. Even a little facial feature like oversized, undersized, or oddly shaped ears can cause embarrassment and psychological distress. By choosing to do an otoplasty surgery, i.e., ear surgery in Beverly Hills, you can quickly gain lacking confidence. Let’s take a look at the three types of otoplasty surgeries.
1- Ear reduction : Ear reduction involves the removal of some of the ear’s outer tissue. It can correct the abnormal size of the earlobe or condition such as macrotia. Ear reduction surgery removes excess cartilage, creating an appearance that is more in proportion with the rest of your face.
2- Ear augmentation : Ear augmentation can give your ear more structure, ensuring that all of its components are balanced. A malformed or disfigured ear can also get treated with augmentation by taking cartilage from other parts of your body.
3- Ear pinback : Ear pinback is the most common type of otoplasty surgery. Ears that protrude too far from the face can get pulled back towards the cheeks using this surgery. The procedure involves a simple incision at the base of the external ear and removal of some cartilage to enhance the effect.
Bottom line
All of these procedures can get executed as an outpatient procedure that will require local anesthetic and minimal recovery time. 
If this blog suggests that you require an otoplasty, then visit Barrett Plastic Surgery for the best ear surgery in Beverly hills.
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tribbetherium · 3 years
The Early Temperocene: 135 million years post-establishment
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Meowse, That's Right: Meowses of the Early Temperocene
Among the carnohams that once ruled the Therocene as the apex predators, only one small cat-like predator, the semi-arboreal meowse, would survive the end of the Glaciocene. Its larger cousins, such as the ursine tibears and the leonine panthsters, would disappear in that era, unable to adapt to changing climates and new competitors.
But following the end-Glaciocene mass extinction, this one sole surviving genus would find new opportunities in the diverse new realm of the early Temperocene. Over time, they would spread throughout Arcuterra, and diversify to fill the gaps of their lost relatives: once more bringing the carnoham lineage, laid low in the Glaciocene by shrinking habitats and more-adaptable predators, to the heights their kind had once experienced. Filling a role as solitary ambush predator, different species would be segregated by size, thus occupying different niches even in the same environments.
Some would remain small and basal, clinging on to the same ecological position that had allowed for the carnoham lineage to persist in the first place. One such species is the painted treetom (Felimimomys variegata), which has remained mostly unchanged from its earlier ancestors, as a forest hunter able to pursue small prey both in the trees and on the ground. Equipped with retractable claws, it goes after squizzels, ratbats, rattiles and even lemunky young when it can get to them, and its blotched yellow-and-black coloration help break up its outline in the uneven shadows of the forest, allowing it to lie in wait for its prey unseen.
Other species have since colonized other environments: in the Arcuterran deserts, a small ground-dweller scampers across the arid landscape in search for a meal: the desert meounce (Vulpefelimys macrotia), where, in spite of the searing heat, a wide array of small quarry are abundant, especially rattiles such as burrowurms that the meounce listens for with its large ears as they scurry beneath the sand. These large ears serve many purposes: not only do they use them to home in on prey, they also act as heat sinks to disperse excess heat, helping the little creature avoid overheating to cope with the scorching temperatures.
But slowly and surely, the meowses are reclaiming large predator niches, such as the broad-nosed pawma (Ailurucynomys platyrhinus), a cursorial plains predator adapted for giving chase on the ground but also for scaling trees. Camouflaged in dry vegetation by its stripes, allowing it to blend with the vertical shadows of grasses, the pawma sneaks close to medium-sized prey such as ungulopes and podotheres before breaking into a chase. Its claws are only semi-retractable, allowing it to gain traction, and once a kill is made, the pawma stores its meals higher up in trees, well out of reach of thieving zingos and larger meowses.
Indeed, this species co-exists in the same ranges of grassland with the largest extant species of meowse: the yellow kogar (Unciaureomys grandis), which can grow up to 70 kilograms and measure eight feet in length including tail. More of an ambush hunter than a sprinter, it targets a wide range of game, including small or young piggalo, grimhogs, ungulopes, and on occasion even lemunkies. While occupying a somewhat larger-game hunter than the pawma, this does not mean the two do not occasionally clash: they frequently see one another as competitiors in their territory, with kogars attacking and driving away pawmas they encounter, who in turn are not unwilling to prey on kogar cubs to reduce future competition.
Numbering a total of 17 species in eight genera, the meowse has quickly diversified on the continent of Arcuterra to take advantage of the vacancy of predator niches and the advanced diversity of herbivores locally present. While predatory podotheres roam Mesoterra, large badgebears prowl Gestaltia, South Easaterra has seen the rise of novel new carnivorous rhinocheirids, and South Ecatoria is reigned by very large zingos and tigerillas, here on Arcuterra the descendants of a long-lost apex carnivore has returned to its roots: reclaiming its throne in a changed world by the grace of one small genus hardy enough to survive global catastrophe.
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rohinic123-blog · 4 years
Otoplasty Market Projected to Witness Vigorous Expansion by 2030
Otoplasty: Introduction
Otoplasty, also known as cosmetic ear surgery, is a procedure for changing position, shape, or size of the ears. It involves surgical reshaping of the pinna or outer ear in order to improve its appearance or to correct defects, if any.
Report Overview @
The procedure is more common during childhood but also can be performed at any age after the ears have reached their full size. It can also be done at the age of three.
Otoplasty can be used to correct he defects that are present in the ear structure at the time of birth. The procedure can treat macrotia, a condition having overly large ears and protruding ears
Scarring, asymmetry in ear placement, changes in skin sensation, problems with stitches, and overcorrection are various risk associated with otoplasty
Planning To Lay Down Future Strategy? Request Brochure Of Otoplasty Market
Key Drivers and Restraints of Global Otoplasty Market
Increase in awareness about appearance of the ear among the youth; rise in adoption of cosmetic surgeries; and increase in prevalence of congenital ear deformities such as hemifacial microsomi, Treacher Collins syndrome, and others drive the global otoplasty market
Increase in cases of trauma to the external ear resulting from blasts, puncture, and damage due to blunt objects are projected to drive the global market during the forecast period
Furthermore, increase in influence of cosmetic surgery; psychological impact of appearance, looks, and beauty on young generation; and increase in screening for deformities at birth are projected to boost the growth of the market during the forecast period
To Obtain All-Inclusive Information On Forecast Analysis Of Otoplasty Market , Request A Discount
Ear Augmentation Segment to Account for Major Share of Global Otoplasty Market
In terms of type of fittings, the global otoplasty market can be classified into ear augmentation, ear reduction, and ear pin back
The ear augmentation segment is anticipated to dominate the global market during the forecast period, owing to increase in demand for otoplasty for ear augmentation to improve appearance and rise in number of ear surgeons offering otoplasty under reconstructive surgery
Surgical Segment to Capture Major Share of Global Market
Based on technique, the global otoplasty market can be categorized into surgical and non-surgical. The surgical segment is further divided into anti-helical fold manipulation, conchal alteration, and correction of earlobe prominence. The non-surgical segment is bifurcated into tissue molding and others.
The surgical segment is expected to account for major share of the global otoplasty market by 2027. This can be attributed to growing number of patients preferring cosmetic surgery for ear augmentation and rise in availability of surgical augmentation of ear.
Request For Covid19 Impact Analysis –
North America to Dominate Global Otoplasty Market
In terms of region, the global otoplasty market can be segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and Middle East & Africa. North America is projected to dominate the global otoplasty market during the forecast period.
Increase in prevalence of congenital ear deformity and increase in number of cosmetic surgical procedures is anticipated to drive the market in North America
As per the Plastic Surgery Statistics Report, 22,884 otoplasty procedures were conducted in the U.S. in 2018. Out of these, 13,289 procedures were performed on female patients.
Key Players Operating in Global Otoplasty Market
The global otoplasty market is highly fragmented, with a large number of domestic players accounting for major market share. Key players operating in the global otoplasty market include:
Allergan (AbbVie Inc.)
Invotec International, Inc.
Sklar Surgical Instruments
Phoenix Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd.
More Trending Reports by Transparency Market Research –
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themicrotiatrust · 3 years
Best Ear Surgeon in India, England, USA
The shape, size, and structure of the ears are determined by the information provided by genes, and sometimes any defect in genes can result in forming deformed, irregularly shaped, or protruding ears. This result in causing protruding ears or microtia ears that can affect one’s overall appearance. With ear reconstruction surgery performed at The Microtia Trust by Dr. Parag Telang can help one to get the desired ear shape by correcting any type of ear cosmetic surgery. The surgery can correct congenital ear deformities, microtia, macrotia and improve looks and self-confidence, and brings out more facial balance and proportions to the ears and face. To know more consult the best ear surgeon in India, Dr. Parag Telang at The Microtia Trust.
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*Disclaimer- The images and content used in this post, are for information purposes only.
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Microtia? Macrotia? Its before-and-after time again, ear addition.
   Microtia is a congenitally underdeveloped external ear. Macrotia, being the opposite of microtia, refers to a ear which is larger than would be expected.  Luckily this can be correct, usually at an early age, with ear surgery.  Ear surgery (otoplasty) is usually done on children, age 4-14, to set protruding ears back closer to the head or to reduce the size of large ears. Ear surgery can also be done to correct the ears in adults. Many other ear procedures are available to correct the different problems in the shape of the ears. Surgeons can also build new ears for those who were born without ears or those who lost them through injury or disease.
Ear surgery is usually performed as an outpatient procedure. General anesthesia for young children and local for older children or adults is usually the norm.
Ear surgery may take 2-3 hours. Recovery is usually uneventful and most children will be return to school in 7-10 days. As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks and possible complications which should be discussed with your surgeon.
Now lets get to some before-and-afters:
Sourced from/Photo Credit: advancedcosmeticsurgerysc.com
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tribbetherium · 4 years
The Middle Rodentocene: 10 million years post-establishment
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Leaps and Bounds: The Jerryboas and Rabbacoons
One of the most diverse lineages of hamsters during the Middle Rodentocene are the jerryboas (family Saltocricetidae) which are widespread throughout a wide array of biomes, including grassland, forest, tundra, desert and savannah. Dozens of genera and hundreds of species have exploded in diversity in the past 2 million years, and today the tiny rodents, typically gerbil-sized, have come to dominate many of the ecosystems of HP-02017.
Jerryboas are distinctive by their very long hind legs and thick balancing tails, which aid them in their unusual form of locomotion: bipedal hopping. Leaping about on two legs, they are able to efficiently traverse long distances, storing kinetic energy with each landing and using it to fuel the next hop, and are able to hop for long distances without tiring. Their long and flexible tails aid them in keeping balance and changing direction, and jerryboas are incredibly agile, able to hop in zigzags and make quick turns in order to confuse and escape attacking predators.
Most jerryboas are almost entirely herbivorous, feeding on seeds, fruit, grasses, leaves and shoots, though a few species in hot desert regions are known to eat insects on occasion. Their bipedal locomotion has freed their forelimbs for grasping food, allowing them to hold their meals in their forepaws as well as in their cheek pouches when they are out foraging.
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However, while most jerryboas are very small, being the size of mice or gerbils, some of the plains-dwelling species have started reaching bigger sizes, such as the greater skipperroo (Rodontomacropus pseudomarsupialis), which can reach a weight of nearly 40 pounds in the larger specimens and grow to a height of about three feet. Along with their relatives, the hare-sized roobits, they are abundant in the open grasslands, where their diet has come to shift mostly to grasses and other low-growing vegetation, clipping the tough grasses with sharp incisors and grinding them with broad flat molars, which similarly to their incisors have also adapted continual growth to deal with constant wear and tear.
Their more-efficient dentition, as well as their more energy-effective means of long-distance locomotion, has made the giant plains jerryboas the predominant grazers of the grasslands and open savanna, crowding out the hamtelopes as the primary large herbivores of the grassland and plains. The hamtelopes instead thrive in areas less hospitable for the jerryboas, such as steep mountain cliffs, the forest floor of dense woodland, and a few isolated landmasses that broke off before the jerryboas could colonize it, thus allowing some hamtelopes to evolve in isolation free of competition. Some hamtelope species, which persist in the savannah, become small, rabbit-sized herbivores to avoid competition, feeding on softer, lower grasses while the giant jerryboas tackle the rougher foliage.
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Meanwhile, another family very closely related to the jerryboas have taken on a far different lifestyle: the rabbacoons (family Lagocricetidae). These medium-sized omnivores average about the size of a hare, and are distinguished from their jerryboa cousins by their rabbit-like quadrupedal hopping gait, their omnivorous diets, and their bushier, distinctively-marked tails, which, having less use as a hopping balance organ, instead serve as flags for communicating with each other in dim light.
Rabbacoons are mostly active at dawn, dusk, Beta-twilight and nighttime, where they spend most of their day rummaging about for practically anything they can find. Seeds, nuts, fruit and inverterbrates, as well as carrion and even smaller rodents are well part of the rabbacoon diet. Some, such as the desert-dwelling white-streaked rabbacoon (Cricetulepus macrotiae), takes a preference for the juicy succulent plants that grow in the dry environments, while others, such as the phantom rabbacoon (Lagocricetulus phantasmus) specialize instead on small aquatic prey such as mollusks and crustaceans that they forage for at the banks of rivers and streams.
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tribbetherium · 4 years
The Middle Therocene: 45 million years post-establishment
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So Marsh More: The Floodplains of Northern Ecatoria
15 million years have passed since the Early Therocene. The Middle Therocene has arrived: characterized by warm, humid climates throughout most of its tropical regions, and nowhere else is this more evident than in the northern floodplains of Ecatoria, a brackish watery biome fed by rivers that swell with the tides. And here, much of life has greatly changed, as new forms adapt to conquer new biomes, continuing to evolve as the Therocene goes on.
In these marshy wetlands, a tremendous diversity of flora and fauna thrive in stunning variety. Grasses, shrubs, bushes and reeds grow here in abundance, having adapted to the mild salinity, as well as a number of sparsely-growing trees that dot the landscape, but most conspicuously are tall, bright-green plants, the brackssicas. Though they vaguely resemble palm trees, they are in fact descendants of cabbages, introduced originally to serve as food for the colonists- but in their absence have taken on a life of their own: evolving into unusual new forms just as the animals do. And buzzing among the grasses and reeds are small flyers that resemble dragonflies- but are actually stingless wasps that have converged with them heavily as aerial predators of smaller flying insects: the draclets. On this planet, nothing is what it seems at first glance: as evolution takes hold to fill the gaps left empty in this terraformed world, familiar organisms are changed beyond recognition into forms no longer recognizable as the ancestors that they originated from.
The rivers that feed these wetlands are remarkable in their periodic changes of water level, with high tides sometimes being as little as a difference of a few inches, but at other times can be as high as five to six feet, flooding the plains and even the forest floors during the highest of tides. As such, these circumstances favored plants that could survive prolonged immersion in water, and animals that were good swimmers, or capable climbers that could escape into the trees above. Insects formed rafts of their own bodies that clambered up onto stems to escape hungry shrish below, while other species of shrish evolved the ability to survive buried in mud during low tide. And all of this is made possible by the unusual celestial arrangement of HP-02017: its two moons.
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The planet is orbited by not one, but two moons, Pyramus and Thisbe. Pyramus, the larger of the two, is roughly the same size as Earth's moon, and orbits at a similar distance, but Thisbe, which is about three-fifths of Pyramus's diameter, orbits nearly twice as far away, and thus appears much smaller from the planet's surface: but, due to its lighter and more reflective surface reflecting more sunlight, is also much brighter than Pyramus, and when full, shines nearly thrice as bright as the full moon of Earth at night and casts the landscape in a pale, silvery light.
Pyramus takes 30 days to to complete its orbit while Thisbe, orbiting much further away, takes almost 60 days to cycle its phases. The presence of the secondary sun has a peculiar effect on both moon's lunar phases: when not in a full phase, the unlit portion is sometimes faintly illuminated by Beta-twilight, producing a faint, ghostly orange outline of the moons' dark sides.
While Beta is too far away to affect the planet's tides in any meaningful way, the gravitational forces of Alpha, Pyramus and Thisbe raise tidal bulges that, due to the planet's rotation, appears to travel around the planet's surface like a large, continuous wave. On times where the primary sun and the two moons are at opposing angles, the tidal bulges cancel each other out, producing very minimal differences in high and low tide: but at the times where they align with each other and the planet, their combined gravitational pull produces immense tidal bulges that can raise the water level by many feet: and it is in the coasts and wetlands that this effect is most felt- and it is the creatures that adapt to the periodical coming of water that have the greatest success in these wet biomes.
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One such example are the lemunkies of northern Ecatoria such as the hamchichis (Simiomimomys chichi) which seek refuge in the treetops, retreating upwards when the water rises to escape the floods, and descending back down when the water subsides to feed on the bounty of marine plants and invertebrates that washed ashore inland during low tide.
Many herbivores also thrive here in great abundance, to feast upon the wide banquet of plants that grow in the lush wetlands. Some, such as the semi-aquatic boingo known as the swamp muckaroo (Syndactylopus marshi) are permanent residents, sporting adaptations like water-resistant fur and broad webbed feet that keep them from sinking it soft, moist soil and make them surprisingly excellent swimmers. Others, like the yellow-spectacled lagolope (Xanthoculomys macrotia) are part-time residents, typically living in drier grasslands and forests most of the time, but migrating to the wetlands during low tide to graze on the tender aquatic plants that abound in near-limitless quantities.
But the largest permanent resident of the floodplains is the marsh ruffalo (Bubalobovimys ecatorius), a descendant of the steppe tusked mison from 15 million years earlier. Favoring water plants as a large part of its diet, the marsh ruffalo spends much of its time half-submerged in the water. Living in a warmer clime, it has since lost the thick shaggy coat of its ancestor, instead sporting a sparsely-haired leathery hide, which it cools off by wallowing in mud. It also helps deter insects, as its expansive back is a magnet for biting insects: and also attracts flinches (Nyctopasser spp.), a small, insectivorous ratbat that perches on their backs to pluck insects off their skin. While ridding them of biting bugs, their nibbling irritates the ruffalo's skin and sometimes even causes wounds- and as such, the flinches straddle the thin line between benefactor and parasite. Aside from these annoying houseguests, however, the ruffalo has little to worry about, due to its lack of predators. Its massive tusks are primarily used for digging and uprooting water plants, and aside from a few territorial headbutting that on occasion happens between males, is generally a peaceful and placid creature.
Indeed, there are few predators that inhabit this swampy sanctuary, at least for now. The few that live here are primarily shrish-eaters, such as the wadewolves (Ardeacyon spp.), long-legged zingos whose slender, gracile limbs allow them to venture into the shallows, where they snatch up shrish, invertebrates, and small swimming rodents from the water with their narrow, elongated jaws.
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themicrotiatrust · 3 years
Top Otoplasty Surgeon in India | Otoplasty Surgery Near Me
Otoplasty surgery focuses on the correction of the prominent or protruding ears. It is performed for cosmetic purposes on the auricles (clearly visible part of the outer ear). This surgery aims to give the ear the right shape, size, and position on the side of the head. It can also improve the symmetry or proportion of both ears. Otoplasty surgery can be of several different types, such as ear pinning (to draw the protruding ears close to the head), ear reduction (for macrotia-large ears), and ear augmentation (to increase the size of small underdeveloped ears). The operated ears appear slender and flawless after surgery. This invasive treatment can only be carried when the child has developed fully grown ears. Searching for best doctor for otoplasty surgery near me? Contact the top otoplasty surgeon in India, Dr. Parag Telang, to correct prominent ear concerns.
*Disclaimer- The images and content used in this post, are for information purposes only.
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