#madds maybe shut up about buddie now
darlingboydiaz · 2 months
do y'all ever think that eddie might have figured out how important buck is to him when he got shot, since he was reaching out to buck. and do y'all ever think he spent the next months trying to figure out how to get better and do better by chris and buck. and do y'all ever think he reached a point where he was finally gonna tell buck, but then buck got struck by lightning and eddie had to let that chance pass.
because i keep thinking about it.
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milkttea · 4 years
Damsel, Not in Distress
Jungkook x reader, Spiderman!Jungkook, GN!Reader: one shot
:: warnings: swearing, school
Pain is temporary, GPA is forever — @finah on Twitter
I’m a Damsel with Distress, but I'm pretty fine here.
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How you found yourself in the situation you’re currently in, you didn’t entirely know. Was it incredibly weird? Oh definitely. Actually, let’s go to the beginning of your day and see how you found yourself bound with rope and feeling your nihilistic attitude grow so much more.
Now it had been a relatively normal day, at first. You got out of bed a little later than what your alarm had been set to. You’d stayed up the night before to work on an assignment that wasn’t even due until the next week, but you wanted the weekend to be free so that you could relax. Still, you did leave in time to get to school without being late though, which you considered a win considering you really didn't want to be in the building.
When you got to your classes, the students were a little too loud for your sensitive ears and you wanted to just sleep the day away, but just went through the day best you could. The end of the day for you had come around pretty quick, nothing really happened, not that you’d expect anything to, but the events that would lead to you being tied up with rope started with lunch with your friends.
“(Y/n)! Over here!”
You’d been called over to a table where your usual rag tag group of misfits were, but there was an extra guy there. You recognized him as someone you'd talked to a couple times and he was pretty cute, you’d say you had a minor crush on him. His name was Jungkook, really smart guy, super sweet, kind of quiet unless he was with his friends, an all around Nice Guy, but actually a nice guy.
He didn’t look like he could hurt a fly. Oh how wrong you were.
To be honest, seeing him at your table surprised you, he was a mutual friend of yours, but it was weird seeing him in the lunch room. He was more the type to stay away from large groups of people and staying with his friends, only coming in occasionally if they were desperate for food, but you weren’t opposed to him joining the group.
“Oh hey Jungkook, hope I don’t sound like a jerk, but what’re you doin at lunch? You usually don’t come in here.”
It was a genuine question and you hoped you didn’t come off as rude, since you often didn't see him within the general vicinity of the cafeteria, to quote him from a conversation you once had asking about the same general topic: “people are gross and I would rather stub my left pinky toe than step foot in that nasty ass room.”
"Oh— Namjoon, Jin, and Yoongi had some studying to do for their exams since they have them next week, Hobi finished his classes for today and bailed, and Jimin and Tae are hanging with some of their friends in the gym. I didn't feel like tagging along this time, they were really sweaty."
He pushed his hair back as he was talking, what a cutie.
"Damn, well welcome to our little trouble group."
With that all of you ate your lunches with little pieces of banter here and there, nothing really significant to point out. Once lunch ended though, you and Jungkook headed out together since you'd started an interesting conversation about the city's Friendly Neighborhood Spider-man™.
"I don't know man, Spider-man needs a break, poor dude goes out like every day! He gets his ass beat—"
"Wow, rude—"
"He wins! I'm not saying he doesn't win! I'm just saying he gets hurt and probably doesn't have enough time to heal completely before going out the next day to deal with the next day's bullshit!"
Jungkook had to admit, this isn't how he thought the conversation would turn out. It started with you saying how you’d give your left lung to give him a hug and then it diverted into the current topic. The conversation ended once you had gotten to your apartment, and after saying goodbye Jungkook went back to his place. It was near, gotta stay close to the school to save gas money, and he thought a little about what you said. You were right, he didn't get breaks and was rarely healed up enough, even with his super regeneration. It was... nice to see some concern from someone other than Tony.
Deciding to not think too much about it, he put his stuff away and got suited up for his usual patrolling around the city. He also got ready to his favorite person, you. At some point on one of his patrols he wasn’t really paying attention to his surroundings, he was thinking about what he should have for dinner, ramen or do his homework until 2 am, truly an important question to ask himself. Anyway, he had been swinging by the apartments that were nearest the campus and saw your window open with you belting out the lyrics to Chop Suey!
This caused him to stumble and he flew directly into the space right by your open window. This scared you and embarrassed him, he truly never wanted to perish more than in that moment. You, being the nice person you are, asked if he was okay and after hearing confirmation invited him in to your room to have a drink. Was it dangerous of you to do so? Yeah, but at that moment you weren’t exactly thinking too clearly, Spider-man just smacked face first into the bricks of the wall after all.
From that day on, he had visited your apartment and a little friendship had begun to form. Back to the present day, Jungkook just made it to your apartment window when something didn’t seem right. For one, your window was wide open. Now it wouldn’t seem to weird to anyone else, but you only kept yours halfway open and with the big screen over it, this time there was no big screen and it was open all the way. The second thing to tip off that something wasn’t right was that there was no sign of you in your room, but it was like a tornado went through it.
The papers that would usually be on your desk were all over your floor, your water bottle had spilled everywhere, and your backpack looked like it had been thrown across your room with the contents all over the place. You weren’t here, but you had been briefly before you disappeared.
Now he was panicking, as both Spider-man and Jungkook, you were significant to both his hero life and his personal life. Frantically he began turning over stuff in your room trying to find anything that could point to where you could have gone. He then found an envelope, no address, it didn't say your name on it and it wasn't opened. There was something about the envelope that just didn't seem right, so he opened it.
It was written for him, and he took off to the address within it.
You were kidnapped. Because of Spider-man, no, because Jungkook had been around you too often as Spider-man and now you could be in danger or worse, dead.
He'd never swung through the city so fast. At this point he wasn't being careful he was just frantically swinging as fast as he could to the address of a warehouse that was used to house cranes and bulldozers. He arrived and swung into an open window, it led to the top floor where workers could go to fix the roof.
As he landed there he finally let some rational thinking take hold of him and surveyed the area, where were you?
"Karen, could you do a check for heat signatures?"
"Of course, Jungkook."
The eyes in Jungkook's mask had changed the vision from the usual clear view to a heat radar, with it he could see every person and got a scan for them. You weren't there, he looked harder and eventually found a body, tied to the top of a crane, placed over a makeshift kennel, with the roof open, of rabid animals fighting each other. Well this certainly can't be good.
"Karen, that's not a good sign right? Rabid animals attack whatever moves in front of them?"
"That would be a yes, Jungkook."
Immediately he springs into action, webbing together everyone he saw to different areas and wrapping them up in webs. He narrowly missed the shots of guns that were pointed towards him, and stayed high up in the building to make it harder for them to aim at him.
He lands on the crane that you're on, the crane swinging slightly and makes a move to grab you, but the sound of something powering up stops him. There, on the ground with a smirk aimed at Jungkook is a man with a scar that takes up most of his face and a large weapon shaped like a bazooka and with other weapons pointed towards you both.
"Well, if it isn't Spider-man, here to save the damsel in distress?"
You, who had been blindfolded turned your head in the direction of the voice, "I'm not a damsel in distress so shut your trap, you soggy testicle looking ass bitch!"
Jungkook whips his head at you, Karen offhandedly commenting on him getting whiplash, and takes off your blindfold.
"Name calling? At a time like this?"
Blinking at the sudden flooding of light into your oh so sensitive eyes, you see your friend, absolute madd ladd of a companion Spider-man.
"Spider-buddy! Nice to see ya!"
Jungkook could have fallen off the crane had his feet not been stuck on it.
"I– you're tied up right now? How are you so calm?"
Shrugging best you could, you make a face, "can't really do much considering I'm pretty tied up at the moment, pun intended."
Now he had been expecting you to be panicked, terrified, maybe crying? This, though, was definitely nothing like he had anticipated. You always continue to surprise him.
You wiggle a little and wince as your side stung a little. When you were taken from your apartment they hit you in the side and knocked you out. Felt a bit like overkill to you, but you did say some obscene things and threatened their genitals so you found it fair. Jungkook just stares at you, making you just a bit uncomfortable, but he spaces out pretty often so you didn't think too much about it. Ignoring the very possible death that is only about a hundred feet away and the pain in your side and head, you try to start a conversation.
"Sooooo how's it goin?"
Both Jungkook and the dude who kidnapped you look at you incredulously and yell:
Startled, your body jolts and the ropes binding you slip a little and your body falls just a bit.
"Oh that's probably not good—"
"Are you really asking that now? You– you're tied… to a crane… above rabid animals? Along with multiple weapons pointed at you? You're not even the tiniest bit worried?"
In your mind you’re thinking, ‘why hasn’t he gotten me down yet?’ To be fair to Spider-man, you are placed pretty precariously over rabid animals and have multiple weapons pointed towards you both. Anyway, the words that leave your actual mouth:
"Gotta be honest, my GPA and financial status instill more fear in me than the dude that looks like literal bacon over there."
Your voice got louder towards the last bit of your sentence and both of the men look at you. Jungkook at this point was on the verge of having a heart attack. The other man in the room with you (the only one that isn't tied up) was feeling pretty offended and debating just putting you out of your misery.
You continued speaking.
"I mean, is this ideal? No, but it's something different and I can't exactly free myself, y'know no powers or anything like that, so I guess I'm just here. Oh and uh Spider-buddy? My ropes are kind of slipping by the way, so if you could pretty please with a big fat cherry on top pick your dick up and help a friend out that'd be great."
Jungkook, finally snapping out of his stupor, just noticed that your ropes were in fact slipping and grabbed your torso, untying you and swinging you both away as the villain below began shooting, narrowly missing each fire.
"'Pick your dick up,' really?"
You put your face into his neck, telling him to shut up.
Before Jungkook left with you he told Karen to call the police and to arrest the people in the warehouse. He places your body on the top floor, where he came in through a window, and went back down to the villain to web him up. This time, he was not as good at avoiding the weapons firing at him while he goes around him firing his spider webs. By this time the people who had been webbed up were freed by their comrades with knives. He gets hit in the side by a bullet and falters in the air while he grips his left side, well this isn’t good.
"So I didn't get to ask this before, but why did you take this school suffering student?"
The villain just looks at Jungkook's mask, where the eyes are.
"Well to hurt you of course, being close to others only makes it easier for people like me to hurt you. Be grateful I didn't do anything too bad. I may be a villain, but I’m not a monster."
Jungkook stills, did you end up getting hurt? He didn’t recall Karen mentioning anything about you being injured. Then again he was too worried about you to think clearly. His thoughts slowly began taking over his mind and during this the man in front of him pulled a knife and slashed it at his face. That action startles Jungkook, the knife cutting through his suit and marking his face.
He knocked the man out and went back to you as he stumbled, hearing the police with his super hearing and swings away with you held close to him. Finally your both back at your apartment, and go into your room where you see how much of a mess it is.
"Ugh this is gonna be a pain to clean up, sorry about the mess."
Jungkook, kind of upset with how nonchalant you've been, rips off his mask so fast your mind begins reeling and just starts to shout at you.
"What the fuck are you talking about?! You got kidnapped, because of me! I could care less about how your room looks like right now, how are you so calm? You could have been hurt or been killed and your saying sorry for your room? I could have lost you today, (y/n)! What if I hadn’t visited you today and because of that you died? This is serious!”
He finishes his shouting, panting heavily while you just stare at him. It’s Jungkook. Jungkook is Spider-man and has been visiting you for months. Once it finally dawns on you that his mask is now off and his face is showing, you run to your window closing and shutting the blinds. As well as locking your bedroom door after quickly checking to see if your roommate is home.
Thankfully they aren't, most likely spending the night at their girlfriend's place. Bless them and their relationship.
"Okay, you can be mad at me for being all nonchalant, but you've been hiding this! You're Spider-man, you're constantly in danger and you're getting mad at me?! Jeon Jungkook you could have died on any of the patrols you do and I wouldn’t know what happened to you, none of us would know!"
Jungkook, realizing he took off his mask in a short fit of anger, steps back a little. Both of you are breathing slightly heavy, taking a pause to think over all the events that had just happened in a short time. The one to make the first move is Jungkook who just grabs you and hugs you tightly to his chest.
Not expecting it, you awkwardly place one arm around his shoulders and the other around his waist. Closing your eyes and just rubbing his shoulders blades to help calm him down, he was shaking ever so slightly in your grasp.
“Jungkook, not to ruin the mood, but did you get hurt? I know that sounds dumb because you have a cut on your face, but I’m just asking to be sure you’re not hurt anywhere else.”
His shoulders tense under your hand.
“And don’t lie to me, I can feel the wound on your left side and it’s kind of grossing me out right now.”
He let's go of you and sits down on your desk chair, his head was down and he looked a little dazed. You left your room briefly to get a towel, a bowl of water, your first aid kit and a glass of water for Jungkook.
"Here, I'd say drinking some water is good right now."
He leans his body back in the chair, wincing at the ache in his side, and looks at you.
"What about you? How are you feeling?"
You were getting the hydrogen peroxide and a gauze pad from your kit when you stopped. Your head had a dull ache, but you didn't think much of it. You were coherent, able to form sentences and move freely, so technically you were fine. The chances of you having a concussion though? More likely than you think, but you’ll get it checked out when your done with Jungkook. The ache in your side though, that needed some ice.
"For the most part… good? I got hit in the head so I'll need to get that checked out later, and I have ice so I can slap that on my side."
He lets out a loud sigh, bordering on groaning.
“Please take care of yourself, I’d rather not hear that you died from getting a concussion.”
You let air out through your nose in a silent laugh, which was so inappropriate it's not funny you're just uncomfortable. Spraying some of the hydrogen peroxide on Jungkook’s face causes him to wince as the solution fizzes, you walk around your room tidying up a little bit against your own better judgement. You should probably be laying down or calling an ambulance, but with Wonder Boy here you feel guilty just leaving him.
Also if your friend decided to come home early and just walk right into your room it’d be damn near impossible to explain why he was there in the first place.
“Turn your head to me,” you wipe the solution from his face with the gauze, “you’re lucky that the cut isn’t too deep, it doesn’t look like you’ll need stitches.”
He lets out a puff of air causing you to scrunch your face.
“That is some musty ass breath, Kook.”
He laughs, which makes him wince as he grabs at his side. Immediately, you move his hand to look at his side.
“Alrighty so I’m gonna need you to turn yourself so I can look at both sides, if the bullet is still there it shouldn’t bother you, but if not then that’s where the problem is.”
It seemed luck had finally been on both of your sides, there was no exit wound and he wasn’t coughing up any coffee grounds looking substance so there was no internal bleeding. All pretty good, just gonna need to clean the wound which would be a bitch and a half, but better than getting an infection.
Telling Jungkook this was not fun, going through with it was worse. He immediately went to bed in your clean, nicely made— just kidding your bed was a mess. You made him take off his suit and gave him some sweatpants that were big on you, and a giant shirt that you had. You really liked oversized clothes, so what?
With the shower he took, the bandages on his side and face, and the medicine you gave him for pain the minute his head touched your pillow he fell asleep. In the meantime, you picked up the things in your room that didn’t make much noise.
Eventually you went to bed on the couch in the living room, a little uncomfortable but you refused to sleep in the same bed with Jungkook. He had other plans though, he had sensitive ears and could hear you tossing and turning in your sleep. He left your room and went to the couch where he picked you up and brought you to your bed and laid there with you.
Arm draped around your form, you both slept soundly after such a stressful day. Truthfully, you were the “Damsel in Distress,” but if your hero was Spider-Man, and Jeon Jungkook, you didn’t mind.
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milomeepit · 6 years
Virgil’s Birthday
Prompt: So headcannon where the sides are all talking about special dates ((birthdays, anniversaries, etc)) and Patton goes, “Hey, Virge, when’s your birthday?” and he gets all quiet before just saying it, and horror just fills their faces as they realize it was forgotten a week ago https://chemically-imbalanced-romance.tumblr.com/post/168974544071/so-headcannon-where-the-sides-are-all-talking
Relationships: Platonic LAMP (Maybe Analogical at the end if you squint?)
Tag List: (I think I got everyone? Sorry if I missed anyone who wants to be in my tag list!) (I also tagged everyone I could in the notes of the original post, true to my word!) @istolelittleredshoodie @do-rey-me @chemically-imbalanced-romance @kittyboof8 @zoranzumrov @gay-space-rain @koalamuffins @pinknachoobject @realityisnt-real @minimandy1256 @vixyrules @torito-sakka @liberalautisticnerd831 @linnamonroll-too-good-too-pure @the-king-of-lemons @c-a-l-m-sanders @texastwo22 @shy---anon @themeddlinggirl @lynisnotamused @ohmyfuckingchrist @allaboutme7 @thomas-the-smol-gay-bean @pieces-of-annedrew @shyrinhabits @undertakershairline @nicky-nix @jinxgolden5 @i-support-angsty-virgil @maximusgayimus @cringey-username @nicole-is-online @theangelsoars @keeshy-ekho @failureofaesthetics @thepusheenqueen @captainmcfluffin @ananipurlue @hello-my-fandoms @justarandompersonwithadream @space-princey @sanders-trash-4ever @thelogicalloganipus @lovelylogans @baguettes-save-lives @waste-of-space-666 @lucyheartfilia123  @thatsthat24@issocoldiminfuckingnarnia @sunshine-hal @madd-catter @all-da-fandoms @devilessyeet @thebrokennightmare @fortunebooks @pyromaniacphoenix @leesacrakon @sos-fandoms @ireblogstuff-andineedalife @the-answer-is-juice-or-murder @novagalaxy4real @bennidoesart @sandersfanders @midnightcandy @mantha-has-fallen @awkward-avocado-of-death @softpretzel13 @angsty-sandersides @j-ust-l-ive @roliza @nyxwordsmith @persiphonec @ai-logical @cecil-the-scientist-catcher @im-bad-at-life @littleoptimistme @spoonfullofcrofters @markiptefangirl2017 @blade-the-demon-fangirl @11wolfpup11 @nyifmet @galaxypankitty3030​ @seas-space-and-stardust​ @otto192​ @enchantingdefendorperson​ @deathshadowrules​ @iaminmultiplefandoms​ @superwaywardangel​ @cheapwiltedroses​ @tree4life25​ @fsm-c-sher​ @that-purple-snazzy-dragon​ @super-confetti-cannon​ @future-watcher​ @anotherspnfangirl​ @passionateaboutponies​ 
Patton stretched up on his tiptoes, trying to reach up to the top of the window. He huffed in frustration and strained to hang the end of the banner on the hook attached to the wall. What he wouldn’t give to have the extra six inches to be Virgil’s height. “Roman?” He called, half-turning towards the kitchen.
“You need some assistance there?” Roman grinned as he meandered over.
Patton pouted. “I can’t reach. Can you get a ladder or something?”
“Psh, I can do better than that!” Roman proclaimed. He swooped forwards, wrapping his arms around Patton’s waist and lifting him up.
Patton squeaked in surprise, then quickly hooked the banner onto the wall. “There!”
Roman set him down and nodded. “It looks good!”
Virgil glanced up from his spot on the couch. HAPPY MEW YEAR! the banner read. Cartoon cats with party hats were on either end, and he chuckled at the pun. “Nice one, Patton.”
“Indeed, it shall suffice for the celebration,” Logan agreed. He sat at the kitchen table, carefully drawing out a schedule for the new year. Papers, rulers, and pencils littered the surface around him.
“Yaaaaay!” Patton grinned, clasping his hands together and bouncing up and down excitedly.
“So, what’s on the agenda for 2018 so far, Specs?” Roman asked, coming up behind Logan and clapping a hand on his shoulder.
Logan jumped at the sudden touch, frowning up at Roman. “Well, first of all, we need to work out resolutions-”
“Because that went so well last year,” Virgil said dryly.
Logan cleared his throat and continued. “Then of course, there’s Patton’s birthday, Valentine’s Day, Memorial Day, your birthday, Independence Day, Labour Day, Halloween, my birthday, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Now, naturally, I believe we should be focusing on staying organised in the new ye-”
“Wait!” Patton interrupted, shooting over the the couch and flopping down next to Virgil. “You forgot Virgil’s birthday!”
Logan blinked, looking closer at his schedule, and frowned again. “... I have indeed. My sincere apologies, Virgil. I’ll add it immediately.”
Virgil sighed, cupping the back of his neck. “N-nah, it’s fine, guys. Don’t worry.”
“C’mon, Gloom N’ Doom, we couldn’t forget about you!” Roman insisted.  
“Virgil, what’s your birthday, kiddo?” Patton smiled at him.
“It’s, uh...” Virgil licked his lips, nervous. “My birthday’s December 19th.”
The room went silent for a few seconds, and he regretted saying anything. He closed his eyes, curling up tight. There he went again, spoiling the mood. God, couldn’t he keep his mouth shut-
“We missed your birthday?” Patton whispered, horror clear in his voice as he gently touched Virgil’s shoulder.
“It’s fine, guys, don’t worry about it,” He murmured dismissively, unable to meet Patton’s eyes.
“It most certainly is not fine!” Roman shook his head. “Virgil, we are very sorry-”
“It’s fine,” Virgil snapped, shaking off Patton’s hand and standing. “Just drop it, okay?” He took a deep breath and shook his head. “... I’m going to bed.”
“It’s 4pm,” Logan glanced at his watch.
“I’m tired.” Without another word, Virgil disappeared up the three steps leading from the common area into the hallway.
“... Uh oh,” Roman sighed.
“Oh nooooooooo, we have to do something, guys!” Patton rushed over, grabbing onto Roman’s sleeve.
“Absolutely.” Logan agreed. “The only question is what? We clearly wouldn’t want to overwhelm him if he’s already not feeling great about it.”
“Buuut, it needs to be something special. Something... that just screams Virgil...” Roman mused.
“I’m gonna start making a cake!” Patton announced, sprinting to the kitchen. “Do you guys think chocolate would be good? Oooh, maybe devil’s food. Or black forest?”
“I think I remember Virgil saying he liked cherries,” Logan replied, setting aside the schedule and pulling up another piece of lined paper. “Roman, can you help me brainstorm some movies that Virgil might like?”
“Top of the list, Black Cauldron. Hmm...” Roman tapped on his chin. “The Hunchback of Notre Dame might be good as well. Return to Oz, perhaps?”
“All those suggestions sound really good!” Patton grinned. “How about Fantasia?”
“Fantasia? For Virgil?” Roman didn’t sound convinced.
“Well, sure! He likes music a lot. The animation is gorgeous. It’s right up his alley!” Patton explained.
“True, true... I’ll write it down,” Logan nodded.
Meanwhile, as the three older Sides talked, Virgil was pacing back and forth in his room. Good job, dumbass, you upset them all. God, why do you even bother? It’s not worth it anyway. You’re not worth it. Even if they did do something, you would have said or done the wrong thing.
His hands nervously raked through his hair.
You’re just fucking everything up again. They’re gonna hate you for not wanting to participate.
His fingers tightened into fists, pulling at the roots of his hair.
He sunk down into his bean bag, shaking. He tried to focus on his breathing. He could see the danger signs, see that he was standing right on the edge of a meltdown. The air was thick and heavy, hard to heave into his burning lungs. He couldn’t. Not right now. He couldn’t call the others to help. He couldn’t do it right now.
He shuddered, lurching forward off of the bean bag and crawling towards his bed. He snatched the Eeyore plush off of his bed- a gift from Patton- and clung to it desperately.
See, Patton gave me this, Patton cares, they care. They care. They care. He repeated to himself silently as tears began to roll down his cheeks.
He didn’t know how long he sat there, curled awkwardly on the ground, silently crying until his eyes seemed to run dry. Minutes? Hours? Time seemed static, unchanging, within his little bubble of misery.
Well, aside from the sun going down outside his window, but that was an illusion anyway.
A soft knock on the door shook him out of his blank trance. He leapt to his feet, scrubbing at his face quickly with his hands. “Yeah, what is it?” He called, doing his best to sound nonchalant.
“Hey, there, buddy...!” Roman’s voice was cheery, suspiciously so.
“... Can I help you, Princey?” Virgil rolled his eyes, gently setting Eeyore down on the bed before he trudged over to the door. He stood before it with his arms crossed, not yet opening it.
“So, Logan wanted some help with planning the next few videos and he wanted to see if you had any input?”
Virgil stiffened. Of course. Even after earlier, a small part of him had been quietly hoping that they would ignore him, make a big deal out of it, do something special. He viciously crushed the thought. He had told them to drop it, they had. He should be happy they did as he asked.
Not that they understand what you want because you never fucking talk to anyone.
“Y-yeah, sure. I’ll be out there in a sec.” He replied, glancing at himself in the mirror and frowning. His eyeshadow was smudged to hell and back.
“Excellent!” There was a pause. “Out of curiosity, do you like cherries?”
Huh? “I mean, they’re okay, I guess.” Virgil shrugged as he began to clean up his face. “Why? We doing a fruit video or something?”
“Yeah, something like that. Just curious.”
Virgil set down his makeup, then opened the door. Roman was leaning against the wall across the hall, a thoughtful look on his face. “Gee, you almost look like you have a brain,” Virgil said sarcastically.
“Surprisingly, it does exist,” Roman laughed.
Virgil snickered. “You’re a dork, you know that?”
“And proud of it!” Roman extended a hand and grinned. “Virgil, do you trust me?”
Virgil rolled his eyes. “I mean, you asking honestly or...?”
“Shut up and close your eyes, Mr Secretary of Nagriculture.” Roman grabbed his hand. “I promise not to trip you up.”
“Oh gee,” Virgil snorted, closing his eyes, “I feel safer already.”
Roman led him down the hallway, dodging around the pot plant next to Patton’s door. “Okay, gonna stop just before the stairs, alright?”
“Sure?” Virgil frowned.
He heard hushed whispers, a giggle from Patton, and Logan sighing. He strained, trying to hear what they were saying.
“Are you ready, Virgil?” Patton asked, suddenly much closer to him.
He jumped slightly. “Uh... yes?”
“Open your eyes and come on in, then!”
Virgil cracked open his eyes and took a step forward, onto the middle stair.
He was suddenly assaulted by party horns, confetti, and a spray of silly string onto his chest. He yelped and jumped, losing his balance. His foot slipped off the stair and he landed with a thump on the wooden floor.
“Oh, gosh, are you okay?” Patton tossed his party horn to the side, kneeling down next to Virgil.
Virgil looked around the room, speechless. Black, purple, and grey streamers were hung from the ceiling, draping down like cobwebs. A dark purple tablecloth had been thrown over the dining table, where a large purple and black iced cake sat. Even from his spot on the floor, he could see the dark glazed cherries in a ring on the top. Balloons bobbed up from each chair, with more tied to weights dotted around the edge of the room.
What caught his attention most, however, was the large, bright banner hanging across the top of the window. Happy Birthday, Kiddo! It read in bold, colourful writing, with his purple stormcloud on each end.
“Patton... your banner. You worked so hard to hang that up,” He mumbled.
“Oh, shucks, I can hang that up again with some help!” Patton waved a hand, laughing.
“I...” Virgil put a hand over his mouth, unable to say anything else. Tears pricked at his eyes.
Oh great yes go on cry theyll just think youre even more pathetic go on virgil start up the pity party thats all this anyway they just feel sorry for your stupid ass youre so needy
“Virgil, are you alright?” Logan asked, stepping closer, concern etched into his face.
Virgil opened his mouth, his hand still loosely touching his face, but nothing came out. The tears began to overflow from his eyes. They rolled down his cheeks, fat and hot, and he choked out a sob.
Roman threw his can of silly string over his shoulder and dropped to his knees in front of Virgil, expression worried. “Hey, hey...” He said soothingly, taking Virgil’s free hand and squeezing it gently.
Logan sat on his other side. “What’s wrong, Virgil?” He asked, his voice soft.
Virgil sniffled, waving his hand at the decorations, the cake, everything. “I-I don’t...” He struggled, swallowing another sob. “I don’t deserve any-any of this...”
Patton’s eyes started welling up. “Vir-gil!” He exclaimed with a huge smile. “Of course you do! You are perfect and special and wonderful!” He threw his arms around Virgil’s shoulders, almost knocking the featherweight Side onto his back.
“Indeed you are. There’s nobody else than all three of you who I would want by my side in life’s great adventures!” Roman proclaimed grandly, beaming at him.
Logan paused for a few seconds before speaking. “You’re vital. Both to Thomas’ functioning... and to us. We wouldn’t be... us without you.” He said slowly. “We... love you, Virgil.” He laid a hand on Virgil’s shoulder.
Virgil sniffled again, ignoring the voice in his head for the first time that day. He had solid proof. The lingering smell of baked goods. Patton’s hug, his glasses pressed awkwardly against Virgil’s cheek. Roman’s grip on his hand, warm and solid and soft and comforting. Logan’s gentle, subtle, touch, soothing in it’s own way.
“I-I love you guys, too.” He smiled.
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