#made my god damn day!! im in a writing mood all over again fkjgdhj
potted-cilantro · 2 years
haha hello i'm sorry ive drafted this so many times you'll have to forgive me if it's still a ramble i assure you the other versions were far worse 😅
but i just wanted to say you know thank you so much??? i had NOT been expecting my lil quiz to get quite as much traction as it has and people being so willing to share their stories with me kind of just blindsided me with this love for humanity
and i have. many. dnd ocs. i know how deeply personal some of them can get and how engrossed in your stories you can become and how wonderful it is!
i haven't been able to stop thinking about circe all day it's a terrifyingly amazing story you've given me and i just cannot express in words how much it means that you were willing to share this- and them- with me
a lot of illtellyouhowthisstoryends was me figuring out my own fears of baring my soul to an audience and how. terrifying. that can be sometimes and for it to be received so well and to have you share something like this with me in turn is just !! so i really can't thank you enough
i hope i can always be an audience for your stories in the same way- if you ever want to ramble about your ocs to anyone, i am always here and always willing to listen!!
but in the meantime i hope this finds you well i hope you keep creating and keep enjoying things because someone out here really loves reading it all <3
-- illtellyouhowthisstoryends
p.s.: due to an inabilty to spell cilantro, i might have sent this to the wrong person. whoops. if this message seems unrelated to you, please disregard everything said here beyond the section about keeping creating and keeping enjoying things, and i hope you have a very nice day!
Aa holy shit hi!! This got to the right person haha :)
DLSFJDSKL TY?? FOR ALL THE COMPLIMENTS??? GOSH,,, Believe it or not that's?? Not the final version of Drifting Apart (the name of the story, I honestly want to change it to something better), I still have a few edits to do in order to make it completely canon-compliant. I went back through the quiz twice to get the entire thing in, if I wasn't on mobile at the time there would've been a bit more context so apologies ^^;
Aa so much to say, where to start-
I really enjoyed i'lltellyouhowthisstoryends!! When I got to the "you promise?" question I just yelled and made everyone in my group take the quiz (I was taking it during dnd if you can believe it) I totally understand the baring your soul to an audience thing and I think illtellyouhowthisstoryends is a great great way to start!! Again I really enjoyed the story of it!
Someday I hope to have enough time to consolidate all of my writings/lore bits into posts for people to look through! For now they remain in unfinished docs or my writing server tho. This is my main so if you want to hear more about my characters you can check out @cilartbloggo which is the OC sideblog! I'm honestly debating making it my main instead so people can find me easier haha
Bottom line is I'm overjoyed you want to hear more about my characters and I'd be happy to share!! And I hope you can find an audience for your writing too, from the sound of it you've already started to gather one :)
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