#mag 37
charon-cries · 3 months
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Gertrude Robinson commission for @thatf-ckinnerd through @magnusforgaza !!
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thebitchofbaghdad · 10 months
YALL i am in TEARS.. relistening to tma and i get to mag 37 where this person is talking about the animals that are part of their job and they specifically emphasize a pine marten. A pine… MARTEN. They call them “a wee bear. An adorable wee bear that NEEDS be PROTECTED”. And jon talks in the most loving, happy voice during this part and you can tell he’s smiling while he talks. I’M??? SORRY??? Im in love... and so is jon…….
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tmascrapbook · 4 months
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Mag 37: burnt offering
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a-mag-meme-a-day · 2 years
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meme for @a-mag-a-day Day 38
MAG 37 - Burnt Offering
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morning-softness · 2 years
For the @a-mag-a-day event: Episode 37, Burnt Offering
“I don’t know what this means. I don’t know what any of this means. I am very tired.”
(Me too, Jon. Me too.)
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[Image Description: A picture of Jonathan Sims, from The Magnus Archives, in front of a purple background. Jon is a stocky British-Indian man with short, greying dark hair. He is wearing a grey jumper, pale trousers, and a dark blazer. Jon is standing with one hand pressed to his forehead. His eyes are closed, and he has a sad and tired expression. His glasses dangle loosely from his hand. End Description]
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
Today’s behind-the-scenes fun fact: the “special thanks to Samantha Emery” (who was also one of the error-pointer-outers in “Boatswain’s Call”!) is because everything but the fire/heat stuff was based on an actual experience she posted in the forum!
Ohhh interesting 👀👀
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Mag 37
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So the tapes have caught bits and pieces of pertinent conversation before, but it has always been in the process of recording a statement. This is the first time that Jon feels compelled to record information that is not a statement, just in case. It's not a coincidence that this happens immediately after he gets the Web lighter.
Also it's extremely funny how done with this Martin sounds from his first word. How may times has Jon forced him to go through the same sparse details?
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I've said it before but it's great that Breekon and Hope just look like delivery men. No notable features, just big, wearing delivery uniforms and speaking in fake accents. Sounds legit to me.
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Yes, but consider this: what if you got into the business of destroying knowledge. Maybe that would be a good career move for you.
What is Elias playing at, prompting Jon to destroy the table? If the NotThem gets Jon he'll have to replace the Archivist and restart his ritual prep, so why take such a risky move to try and secure a Stranger mark? Why bother going for a Stranger mark in the first place, if he intends to throw Jon into the Unknowing soon enough anyway? Maybe he (incorrectly) assumes that Jon would have one of his assistants destroy the table instead of going all 'extended sounds of brutal pipe murder' on it himself. Maybe it's a test of some kind?
Or maybe I'm overthinking it and Elias just gets off on watching Jon fuck around and find out.
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First time Martin expresses care/concern for Jon <3 They've definitely been spending more time together off-tape. They've got to be basically roomates at this point.
Also the prompt of 'go to sleep dumbass' help us place this in time. I definitely think this statement takes place immediately following the last (instead of with the normal week long gap). Jon ended that statement running off to talk to Martin and starts this one obviously having been speaking to him for some time. In the gap between tapes he has also interrogated Rosie, spoken with Elias and presumably been to see the table in Artefact Storage himself. I think it's safe to say that during the interim everyone else has gone home for the night and Martin and Jon are now alone in the Archives after hours again.
If I'm right about that timing it means that this is the first time we know of that Jon has read two statements in one day (depending on how canon you consider the liveshow to be, and whether or not it 'counts' if Jon reads a genuine statement off-tape as he does in that show). We know the statements can take a lot out of him, so that's got to be contributing to his general state of exhaustion.
Also I've dragged Jon before for recording statements onto tapes that are already running, but in all seriousness I think that at this point the Eye won't allow him to turn off a tape recorder for good without feeding it. Once a tape recorder is playing, it must receive a statement, no matter how confusing it will be for any students or academics using the tapes for research.
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I wonder what kind of reputation the Magnus Institute has in the wider world? We know it's generally a bad one, but also we see so many statement-givers coming to the Institute for help. Is that motivated purely by desperation, or is there an idea in the general public consciousness that if you are having a supernatural problem of some sort that TMI can help? We know that the Institute only exists to observe and record and helping people is not on their agenda, but we do have confirmation of instances where they have helped the general public. I am thinking of Piecemeal, where Lee Rentoul talks about how they helped a friend of his who thought he was being haunted realise that he wasn't. Maybe the Institute only helps in cases that have no connection to the Entities? That probably makes the most sense.
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Very cool how this statement starts out as if it could be Lonely before taking a sharp turn into Desolation territory. It's not about how alone he is, it's about how much he has to lose.
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I can't remember, is this the place where Agnes was born? I know this is the site of Gertrude's binding spell, but did she find the site of Agnes's birth to do this? That would make sense and explain the altar stone in the centre. But I am a bit confused by the trees. They were deliberately planted 50 years ago? The binding would have happened around 12 years ago, so Gertrude didn't do that. It also would have been before she was Archivist? I have no idea when Agnes was born (I have a terrible head for dates) but wasn't it during a forest fire that would have decimated this entire area? I can't imagine that those Lightless Flame freaks were planting new trees afterward. Maybe they just grew on their own because of spooky reasons.
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So I happen to be in the car with my parents (two retired nurses) as I'm typing this and asked them what would realistically happen to a guy who drank boiling water. They both absolutely fucking lost it.
Mum: Severe burns all over his mouth and throat! He'd be in absolute agony.
Dad: Not his throat, you'd never swallow.
Me: It doesn't say if he swallowed or not.
Dad: You couldn't. Not in that amount of pain.
Mum: Only if it was literally forced down him.
Me: So you'd need to be hospitalised?
Both: YES.
Mum: Immediately! Your mouth would be absolutely ruined; you wouldn't be eating anything without medical intervention.
Dad: And if there was anything in his throat there's no treatment for internal burns like that. They'd just have to give him antibiotics and hope.
Mum: But he wouldn't have swallowed boiling water, that would be insane. It would just be his mouth.
Me: This says he just lay down for about half an hour to get over the pain, then he sort of just kept going like normal.
Both: Not a chance.
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Redemption Round 3 - Match 8
We were so close to a Desolation v Desolation, y'all. Alas, Section 31 stayed in the rankings with 126 votes last round, and is up against Burnt Offering and its 136 RR2 votes for 256 Redemption Votes so far! Side note, I don't think I put this in any of the posts yet but did y'all know Burnt Offering is partially based on a true story? Like the finding a weird ritual site?
MAG 043 - Section 31 | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Police Constable Basira Hussain regarding her time investigating strange occurrences as part of Section 31. Statement taken direct from subject.
MAG 037 - Burnt Offering | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of Jason North, regarding the discovery of an alleged ritual site found near Loch Glass in Scotland.
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generalb · 2 months
MAG 37 “Burnt Offering” review: man, this is heavy…..
We start off with Sims grilling Martin about the movers, but lost importantly there’s a soft moment between him and Martin when Martin tells him he needs to sleep. But onto the statement:
This one was not as scary as others, but it definitely had good creepy vibes. There’s something menacing about how he didn’t describe what fire-related incident happened to his wife which makes the whole thing worse as you have to imagine what happened yourself. Most importantly, the photo in the glass jars surrounding the clearing are of Gertrude, Sim’s predecessor.
The same Gertrude who died at the same time of an incident in an earlier,m statement, though for the life of me I can’t remember which. I’d have to look through the transcripts and I can’t bring myself to muster up enough energy to read through them. Typing out that sentence made me feel like I want to do it out of spite so I’ll be back.
Okay, after combing through some transcripts I found that in MAG 25 “Growing Dark”, Gertrude Robinson died May 15th, 2015, the same day that police were called out to investigate the weird chapel that the vampire cult lived in, on account of neighbors hearing screams. I don’t think this has any connection to today’s Statement but I like to keep things connected. Gertrude…..what was your damage? Overall, this episode has a 6/10 for me, could’ve been scarier, will burn down a random man’s life again.
Statement ends.
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i had forgotten how much i absolutely love season one of magnus archives.
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martin: i do think we should destroy the table though...
jon: elias told me the same thing
me: elias you asshole. you fucking BITCH
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decodedparagram · 9 months
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black-nebula13 · 2 years
Just listened to MAG 37 (Burnt Offering).
And boy, oh boy.
You can see everything that has been happening as of late is beginning to catch up to Jon.
I was a bit frustrated in the beginning. I mean, this dude reviews statements that obviously have something with the paranormal with all his cockiness, all his skepticism, dismissing it like even the thought of it seems preposterous.
But now he knows better. After reading Jane Prentiss statement he just cannot keep doing it anymore, he *has* to acknowledged it now. And it won't even save him in the end.
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jesterguy · 11 months
*Jon voice* Do you know what a pine marten is? It's a wee bear... an adorable wee bear that needs to be protected
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chaoticpinetree · 2 years
'We should really destroy it' YES YOU SHOULD
'We're not in habit of destroying knowledge' JON YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT—
And also can we talk about how Jon's predecessor, Gertrude, is clearly also in some shenanigans, because there was that time a guy dreamt about her and now the pictures of her in that weird clearing and uhhhhh that is not looking good.
Akjgfdghjhgfdghgd the cliffhanger, the 'Run!' okay I gotta listen to more now. I gotta.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
"I do think we should destroy the table, though"
"Elias says the same thing" Oh. Oh. Oh god
How fitting, that in an episode about the Desolation's gleeful destruction of everything a man holds dear until he's completely broken, Elias suggest the exact action that he knows will push Jon into a similar fate
(Kill Elias is what I'm saying I'll do it myself 🔪)
The conniving bastard
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