#maggie sommers ;; musings
maggiexsommers · 11 months
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Maggie Sommers's Halloween Costume 2023
Ellen Ripley from Alien
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beth - anne  sommers is looking for their possible  slow  burn. it’s important that you know that this  would  likely  be  a  muse  that  works  in  the  same  household  as  her  (  she's  a  governess  )  or  is  of  the  house  that  she  works  for,   basically  they've  known  each  other  a  little  while  now  and  are  friendly  but  it's  your  typical  doesn't  think  they  like  each  other  to  start  with  etc. ages  range  is24+. fc suggestions include - any  fc.
cordelia moore is looking for their husband. it’s important that you know that they were married a few years ago due to their parents deciding that that was what was going to happen. they get along, but they aren't in love with one another, he doesn't know of her extra curricular activities and she often leaves him in the dark.. their age is 28+ fc suggestions include - any  male  fc.
cordelia moore is looking for their lover. it’s important that you know that this muse has been her lover since her little gentlemans club started,  and her two children are likely to be his but it is never to be spoken of, he helps her run the little club in the darker streets of the ton. their age is age ranges 28+. fc suggestions include - any fc.
defne  avci is looking for their woman who took them in. it’s important that you know that when she first arrived in the area this woman ( can be either someone who works for another family or in the ton or of higer rank ) took her in and gave her a place to stay as she really had nothing. their age is 40+. fc suggestions include - any fc. 
elizabeth  webber is looking for their older brother. it’s important that you know that like her he works for the prussian royal family as well as like a guard or something. their age is 23+. fc suggestions include - any  fc.
lucia  alvarez is looking for their potential suitor. it’s important that you know that this is someone her parents have arranged for and it is something that is 100% not her choice nor does she want it.  you  need to know that no romance will like ever come of this unless it is faked in the public eyes. lucia is into girls but hasn't quite figured it out yet . their age is 20 - 24 fc suggestions include - any fc.
lucia alavarez is looking for their first love. it’s important that you know that not a past connection but a future, being so young, lucia has never been in love and of course, doesn't know what she wants, she is very much a lesbian ( unknown to her ) but she meets your muse, and falls head over heels,  preferrably as does your muse,  because gimme all  the  sweet secret moments. their age is age ranges 19+ fc suggestions include - any fc.
marguerite potter is looking for their the one that makes them fall  in love. it’s important that you know that maggie has never really known love, she knows of stories, but her parents are the reason she doesn't trust it or believe in it. this muse comes along and pretty much has her heart skipping a beat.  etc,  cute  stuff  but  it'll  likely  be  a  slow  burn  because  damn  she  not  going  to  let  it  just  happen. their age is 25+. fc suggestions include - any male fc.
+8 connections added!
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GVL / Subjective Objects
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Maggie Walton
Subjective Objects June 3  - July 15 Opening Reception: Greenville First Friday, 6-9pm June 3,  2022
Featuring work by Hanna Odom, Jordan Sommer, Kate Burke, Maggie Walton, and Wesley Fry, Subjective Objects explores the processes and methods of subjective experiences becoming tangible objects. Both objectivity and subjectivity are considered locally, historically, and personally. Curated by Megan Hueble
The concept of “objective truth” often refers to a narrow, self-validating worldview, especially in the context of white, Evangelical Southern culture. By claiming objectivity, the lived experiences and insights of  marginalized people are discounted as “subjective opinion.” Proximity to this dynamic has shaped the lives and work of several Subjective Objects artists. Many of these artists use text in their work, and as this text enters a gallery setting, the artists’ musings, directives, and memories become public and precious. As subjective ideas become art objects, they are validated. 
The power dynamics of the gaze play into ideas of objective and subjective truth. From early Roman sculptures to contemporary movie posters, women have been portrayed as passive objects in service to the male gaze. This objectification was so pervasive that Édouard Manet’s Olympia (1863) was controversial because of her direct gaze, sexual agency, and suggested economic independence. As more women gained access to artistic spaces in the 20th century they asserted themselves as subjects in their own right (eg. Frida Khalo, Cindy Sherman). Other artists, like those of the Pattern and Decoration movement (eg. Faith Ringgold, Miriam Schapiro), created work using traditional craft materials and methods to critique the Western artistic tradition’s idea of “high” and “low” art. Subjective Objects is in conversation with these moments in art history as the artists use craft supplies, “feminine” colors and motifs,  and personal disclosure.  
Through humor and vulnerability, this work operates as empowered self-portraiture–unavoidable proof of individual experiences, or subjective objects.
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maggiexsommers · 1 year
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Maggie Sommers's Outfits for the carnival
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maggiexsommers · 1 year
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Maggie Sommers's Wedding Outfit
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