#magz liveblog
magz · 9 months
Rewatching Code Geass as adult, bc James convince should liveblog
Episode 1 reaction mode:
They already go hard with how imperialism n colonialism dehumanize. N the sorts atrocities happen.
To make message clear, they gonna keep hammer this in, huh.
Gonna be hard word some this tho.
Before - was watch video "we consume fiction wrong" - where main premise that not being able "turn off" brain - make impossible enjoy watch, when "better" analyze afterward
But am just like. Bro, the mecha anime with powers is do this thing right in your face tho.
"The right of kings" being literal symbolic power. That both the brittania empire hold n manufactured (making the power. CC. As experimental weapon.), n Lelouch- an anti-brittania ex-royalty use on side of colonized powers. To force their will onto others.
(Mixed messaging, yet on purpose. Not necessarily good logic but, is trying. Something)
The stripping n changing of names, to take away humanity (japan -> colony 11. Japanese -> elevens.)
Being lie / obscuring things ("am living a lie". Lelouch v brittania -> Lelouch just some guy -> later, his rebellion persona)
Making Brittania a mix of united states, u.k., n europe as a mega-superpower. N making the (u.k. inspired) monarchy, king-focused instead. Marking this series as a fight between major male figures - has already been setup.
The britannia soldier Suzaku from Japan, the anti-britannia rebel Lelouch of Britannia royalty. The whole parallel irony thing already setup.
Though the implications of a rebellion needing a colonizer from a private school, gifted The Right Of Kings (Geass. A word that mean a celtic oath must abide by) - to be able "change anything", is something the series gonna need contend with from now on...
And the alternate magical history being heavily based on U.S. occupation of Japan n E.U., post-WW2, is something am feel complicated about bc inevitably this influence gonna erase irl Japan's role in ww2 (the real life parallel) n they own colonies they had. The current assimilations of indigenous. To instead focus on dualism (twos) with brittania vs colony 11 (japan). Suzaku vs Lelouch. Anime political intrigue with magic n pew pews, that have interesting stuff say but major sacrifices in oversimplification already.
Am only say like. Lil bit of what was think. Cuz rest of thought is tangle words.
The ending theme is so nostalgic rozen maiden.
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magz · 9 months
Comtinuing liveblog code geass
Episode 7-8 (edit)
The show try frame (ep 7) thing where that sect of JP resistance group not listen to him, n all dying except him, as them all "being stupid" for not listen to lelouch
But thing is: he not try get allies beyond the like. Maybe 7 people from same resistance group he got in episode 2.
The reason the other sect all died was because they not trust him, n Lelouch was too prideful n confident in his intelligence as if actual political conflict n militia work would be like playing chess.
As soon as 1 thing went different from Lelouch's predictions, resulting in a member's death, they all started not believe him. Because they not *trust* him, they have no reason to. He only won 1 battle before.
N Lelouch had opportunity to make the other sects trust him ! He had time, especially when he was informed the other sects were being killed off by cornelia before ! He was told it was happening n asked for what to do by his group members. He could have done allying with other resistance groups, n his little scheming, n prepared if he cared - but he brush it off. Until a diff related sect was already under siege.
This immaturity in thinking his goal of destroy Britannian legacy n revenge his father will be easy, was reflected in ep3 when he did his first kill with own hands - killing his half-brother. N became nauseous n distressed (rightfully so), but he somehow thought that wouldn't happen n he presumed he was weaker than he thought n brushed it off.
Imo The problem wasn't that he got nauseous or that he was "weaker" - it was that he knows little of actual reality of conflict n oppression n killing. with actual people. Knows little the human side of things. the psychology of death + suffering + distress as actual thing that affects. N not just as plans, n chess.
If not for C.C. saving him with a diversion, he would have died in ep7 when his plan failed. As he not take into account that each battlefield will be different, n that people aren't chess pawns - they have feelings n suspicions.
With that in mind... his win in ep8, in the hostage situation was "genius" in realm of propaganda.
Using princess cornelia's fondness of her little sistern n wanting her safety.
Making one the Japanese Liberation Front commanders kill themself when they not concede to him, n make it seem like JLF knew they were on the wrong in strategy so the other JLF members back down.
Saving the Britannian hostages, when he was also consider killing euphy.
He made situation where he only needed leverage the very basics of emotions but no deaper than that. would not have matter whether Japanese liberation front became ally or not, whether enemies n allies acted certain way, he would have adapted the narrative to it.
All so he and his "knights" can look like saviors of the people for the people, regardless of if they Britannian or Japanese.
Yes, is "genius" propaganda leverage.
But it's bad logic for liberation of colonies to focus on dividing the conflict as "unarmed people" and "people with weapons".
Liberation isn't his main goal anyways. It's revenge against his father, as an exiled royalty.
So it won't matter, suppose.
Anyways - nenenenenenen's crush on euphemy was established in this episode w euphie save her. n nenenenenenen hatred of Japanese has been cemented further thru being made hostage when she is just rich white girl who hates poor people n has never experienced that type trauma before.
Suzaku doing whatever, suppose. He was ready to feel incompetent n cry about being unable to save people with his flawed follow-the-law morals n trust in britannia+justice, but this development was cut short by lelouch (zero) saving them.
Lelouch inadvertently just delaying the inevitable here (suffering) n keeping his rival suzaku going without have to self-examine his own goals/views.
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