#mah wee contribution
sentanixiv · 5 months
C'mere, Morgan. Think I heard somethin'...
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Christ, Marston. Ain't it trouble enough we's in Blackwater when Dutch said no one's s'pposed to go back?
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Relax, ain't no one'll recognize me with these scars.
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Ain't no one'll need to if they hang you for public indecency, dumbass.
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goodthoughts001 · 2 years
MAH CHANG: THE GAME AND ITS HISTORY slot deposit pulsa tanpa potongan        
Some three thousand years ago, according to the legend, there was a fisherman named Sze who lived on the shores of the slot deposit pulsa tanpa potongan. There were many fishermen who lived about the shores of East Chien Lake, but Fisherman Sze was more enterprising than the rest, for he decided that more fish could be caught from a boat than by standing on the shore.
Sze's family had considerable wealth and they backed him in the purchase of several boats. Then he employed a hundred fishermen from other villages and started out to try his luck. All went well until the wind began to blow and then Sze's troubles began, for all of the fishermen were 'land' fishermen and unaccustomed to the rolling seas. They became seasick and had to be taken ashore.
It looked like bad joss to this early Izaak Walton, so a family council was held and it was decided that seasickness was merely a matter of the mind - imagination if you please - therefore the thing to do was to devise some method for getting the men's minds off their mal de mer. Fisherman Sze and his nine brothers then thought long and seriously, and the result was a game which they called Mah Diau.
So there you have the origin of 'Mah Chang,' 'Mah Choh,' 'Mah Jongg,' 'Mah Diao,' 'Mah Juck,' 'Pe Ling,' 'Mah Cheuk,' or whatever you desire to call this game of the ancient Chinese which has taken America by storm and which is being 'taken up' in London, Paris, and other world centres, not to overlook Chicago and Hannibal, Missouri, and other points west. The game of Mah Diau, as originally played by the lowly fishermen in the employ of head-fisherman Sze, consisted of one hundred and eight pieces of cardboard and was played by four persons, and each held thirteen cards even as to-day is the practice in Shanghai, New York, and Washington, D. C. And according to the legend the fishermen became so absorded in the game of Mah Diau that they forgot their seasickness, and as a result Sze and his nine brothers prospered and founded a great family which lives even unto this day.
 From this humble beginning the Ingatbola88 game 'caught on' and next we hear of one Chen Yu-mun, an officer in the imperial Chinese army who was also stationed at Ningpo, the provincial metropolis of Chekiang Province of China.
General Chen's chief job was that of bandit-catcher and his army was known far and wide because of the white caps which they wore. But General Chen was sorely worried because of the habit of his soldiers of falling asleep during the wee sma' hours of the night, at which times the bandits would slip through the lines and hold up trains, or whatever the means of conveyance were in those days.
Hearing of the wonderful game of Mah Diau, which was so fascinating that fishermen forgot to get seasick while playing it, he possessed himself of several sets and tried them out on his night guards. It worked moderately well; but due probably to the fact that soldiers, even in those days, were more blasé than simple fisherfolk, General Chen still had trouble, for some of his soldiers persisted in falling asleep when they should have been watching for bandits.
After great meditation the General solved the problem by inventing some new cards: chung (red), fah (green), pah (white), and north, south, east, and west. This brought the number of cards up to one hundred and thirty-six, and never again, says the story-teller, did General Chen have trouble with his soldiers falling asleep. They stayed awake all night and he is reported to have had trouble thereafter in pursuading them to go to sleep. They wanted to play the new game all the time.
As time went on, continues the chronicler, certain persons of low repute, gamblers they were called, took up the game and by means of the simple little cards took away the wages of the fishermen and soldiers. But the gamblers also made their contribution to progress, for it is said in the records that a famous exponent of profit by change, one Chang Shiu-Mo by name, also of the village of Ningpo, found that the number of cards was not sufficient. So he added some more: spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and Mei (plum blossom), lan (orchid), ruh (chrysanthemum), and chuk (bamboo). This made the game so terribly fascination that it spread to the far boundaries of the Celestial Empire, and has continued to this present day to be the chief method of recreation for officials and persons of the upper classes, and even into the lair of the bandits of Paozuku, who have found their diversion in the click and play of the little ivory and bamboo tiles as they move deftly from hand to hand about the table.
There isn't much more to the history. Later on some enterprising manufacturer made a set from bamboo, and then his competitor across the street, remembering the white-capped soldiers, of the Ningpo legend, added white-bone or ivory caps to the bamboo; and thus we come to the modern days when the dull pages of the Chinese Maritime Customs returns are made more interesting by items telling of unbelievably large cargoes of this interesting Chinese game being exported to foreign countries by fast steamers.
Then the trouble began, - there is always trouble in every story of achievement, - for it developed that it is one thing to start a 'craze' and an entirely different matter to supply the wherewithal to supply the craze. Orders began coming to China for sets of this Chinese game, and the Chinese manufacturer looked up from his workbench, where he was turning out 'characters,' 'bamboos,' and 'circles,' all deftly but slowly done by hand in the manner of his fathers, and said, 'No can do,' and went back to his work.
Chinese manufacturers had been making this game for centuries, and they saw no reason for changing methods which the fathers, grandfathers, and great-grandfathers to the nth generation had found successful. Furthermore, there was a scarcity of labor. Each shop or 'factory' contained from a dozen to thirty workers, and each shop did one thing: that is, one shop sawed the bone into squares and another did the engraving, while still another sawed the bamboo, and so on through a maze of operations which through the centuries had slowly produced perfection.
So why change the system just because a lot of crazy foreigners wanted to play a Chinese game? And then there was another problem as expressed by one dealer, 'No can get plenty bones.' It seems that the white-bone faces on the tiles can only be made from a small section (about seven inches in length of the shin bone of the cow, and China's cows, long accustomed to supplying a certain proportion of their framework for this purpose, refused to yield any more. The Chinese dealer had these foreign buccaneers then. 'No can get plenty bones!'
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chelseyroseblog · 8 years
Written by: Elaine Clara Mah
Do you often work till the wee hours of the night, and then go home to find that though you’re mentally exhausted, you’re still finding it difficult to sleep? 
The importance of sleep has been frequently overlooked, with many getting less than the optimal 8 hours of quality sleep every night. This is worrying, as a lack of sleep is extremely harmful to the body. Sleep deprivation hinders the ability of the mind to relax and therefore leave it constantly in a fight or flight state, which affects the general health of the body.
 Why is Sleep Important?
As a student, I thought I thrived on less sleep. I would spend many nights burning the proverbial midnight oil to finish assignments on time, surviving on a sinful amount of energy drinks. Sure, I finished my work and also did well on it. But on the health front, I was losing. I felt lethargic in the day and when that last can of energy drink finished, I crashed into bed, only to wake up feeling even more exhausted.
Getting adequate sleep each day is essential to the human body because our system needs rest, much like how our electronics need a recharge.
Chronic sleep loss can put us at risk for many health problems including heart disease, high blood pressure and stroke. A lack of sleep impairs cognitive processes including alertness, concentration and reasoning – skills that we use in our day-to- day lives.
So how do we get a good night’s sleep? Here are some effective tips:
 Stick to A Schedule
Create a sleep schedule for yourself. Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. Creating a consistent schedule will help regulate your body clock, which will help you fall asleep and stay asleep regularly.
Where possible, make it a habit of going to be early and then rising early to start your day. Try to get at least eight hours of adequate sleep every day; it has been linked to being productive at work.
 Get A Relaxing Ritual Going
A relaxing ritual before bedtime will help you fall asleep easier and get sufficient rest. Relaxing allows the body and mind to accept sleep better; relaxation enables the production of melatonin naturally – a neurochemical essential for deep and restful sleep.
Start the relaxation ritual by dimming the lights, diffusing calming essential oils and turning off your electronic devices.
A meditation practice before sleep will also aid in relaxation by reducing stress and calming the mind. Meditation will also help you focus on the present and enable you to let go of any pains and problems that they are holding unto.
 Exercise Regularly
A consistent exercise schedule is a good way to get better sleep at night as it reduces stress with the release of endorphins and tires you out.
 Walking and jogging are great exercise choices, but if you’re looking for more dynamic workouts, cycling or martial arts may be suitable for you.
For a practice that creates more relaxation, give yoga nidra a try!
 Lead A Healthier Lifestyle
Like it or not, the food you consume plays an equally important role in the quality of sleep that you get at the end of each day. Eating acidic and
spicy foods may cause heartburn, which will disrupt sleep. High-fat foods like burgers and fries also affect sleep cycles as they are considered heavy meals, which will result in the digestive system going into overdrive.
Try to minimize your intake of junk food as they are difficult to digest and can wreak havoc in your body, causing sleep disruptions. Instead, opt for healthier meals with more vegetables and good fats. 
Elaine Clara Mah
Elaine is a Contributing Writer for BookMeditationRetreats.com. She is a firm believer in meditation and sets aside at least an hour a day for silence.
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