#mahabharat and harry potter crossover
hunterartemis · 3 years
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Mahabharat and Harry Potter crossover: Ravenclaw
From the top: Pandava Sahadev, Pandava Nakul, Karnapatni Vrushali and Dwaraka Nath Shri Krishna
यथैधांसि समिद्धोऽग्निर्भस्मसात्कुरुतेऽर्जुन | ज्ञानाग्नि: सर्वकर्माणि भस्मसात्कुरुते तथा
Translit:  “yathaidhānsi samiddho ’gnir bhasma-sāt kuruterjuna jñānāgniḥ sarva-karmāṇi bhasma-sāt kurute tathā” 
---(Bhagavat Geeta Chapter 4: Verse 37)
Meaning:  “ Just as a burning flame turns fuel into ashes, O Arjuna, so does the fire of knowledge turn all actions into ashes.”
@decadentdeputyturkeyfan  @yeoldguccislides  @silencespeaks10 @beyzaarikan @hopingtoleave @debranjansinha @astrologyreadings @astrologyreadingsforlife-blog @seanromerovaldezblack @queenphoenixfire @atomiccrystalsblog @solare19 @jollyfarmweaseldonkey @theauthor97 @emmavalley @ibuprofenforthesoul @detectivepeeks @lemonfields12234 @ravenclaw-nonsense @ice-princess555 @ghastedpoetic @nivzzz @amara-airgid @thehorcruxstolemysoul @cartoon-lover101 @yellowbadger07 @thisisallicouldthinkof @constantly-in-limerence @adam-papa @amiaslytherinoramijustasnake @alliedolls00 @mothenarwhal @tattooedkermit @king-hsssy @n-a-romanovaa @bunchofdrabbles @rverfades @hallu-cin-ations @askhindumyths @jukti-torko-golpo @the-poet-who-bleed-her-agony
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hunterartemis · 3 years
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Harry Potter and Mahabharat Crossover: Gryffindor
From the Top: Pandav Bheemsen, Veer Abhimanyu, Empress Draupadi and Maharathi Arjun
परित्राणाय साधूनां विनाशाय च दुष्कृताम् । धर्मसंस्थापनार्थाय सम्भवामि युगे युगे
Translit:  Paritranaya sadhunang vinashay cha dushkritam. Dharmasang sthapanarthay sambhabami yuge yuge. -- Bhagavat Geeta (Chapter 4: verse 8)
Meaning:  For the protection of the good, for the destruction of evil-doers, For the sake of firmly establishing righteousness, I am possible in every age.
This Shlok is a part of Mahabharat OST. Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS3u9wUu8vY
@decadentdeputyturkeyfan  @yeoldguccislides  @silencespeaks10 @beyzaarikan @hopingtoleave @debranjansinha @astrologyreadings @astrologyreadingsforlife-blog @seanromerovaldezblack @queenphoenixfire @atomiccrystalsblog @solare19 @jollyfarmweaseldonkey @theauthor97 @emmavalley @ibuprofenforthesoul @detectivepeeks @lemonfields12234 @ravenclaw-nonsense @ice-princess555 @ghastedpoetic @nivzzz @amara-airgid @thehorcruxstolemysoul @cartoon-lover101 @yellowbadger07 @thisisallicouldthinkof @constantly-in-limerence @adam-papa @amiaslytherinoramijustasnake @alliedolls00 @mothenarwhal @tattooedkermit @king-hsssy @n-a-romanovaa @bunchofdrabbles @rverfades @hallu-cin-ations @askhindumyths @jukti-torko-golpo @the-poet-who-bleed-her-agony
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hunterartemis · 3 years
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Mahabharat and Harry Potter Crossover: Hufflepuff
From The Top: Pitamah Bhisma, Queen Gandhari, Emperor Yudhisthir and Chief Minister VIdur
“धर्म एव हतो हन्ति धर्मो रक्षति रक्षितः तस्माद्धर्मो न हन्तव्यो मा नो धर्मो हतोऽवधीत्”
Translit: “dharma eva hato hanti dharmo rakṣati rakṣitaḥ tasmād dharmo na hantavyo mā no dharmo hato'vadhīt”-- Manusmriti
Meaning:  Justice, blighted, blights; and justice, preserved, preserves; hence justice should not be blighted, lest blighted justice blight us.
The quote is also a part of Mahabharat OST: Listen it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-ij5DEfgEQ
@decadentdeputyturkeyfan  @yeoldguccislides  @silencespeaks10 @beyzaarikan @hopingtoleave @debranjansinha @astrologyreadings @astrologyreadingsforlife-blog @seanromerovaldezblack @queenphoenixfire @atomiccrystalsblog @solare19 @jollyfarmweaseldonkey @theauthor97 @emmavalley @ibuprofenforthesoul @detectivepeeks @lemonfields12234 @ravenclaw-nonsense @ice-princess555 @ghastedpoetic @nivzzz @amara-airgid @thehorcruxstolemysoul @cartoon-lover101 @yellowbadger07 @thisisallicouldthinkof @constantly-in-limerence @adam-papa @amiaslytherinoramijustasnake @alliedolls00 @mothenarwhal @tattooedkermit @king-hsssy @n-a-romanovaa @bunchofdrabbles @rverfades @hallu-cin-ations @askhindumyths @jukti-torko-golpo @the-poet-who-bleed-her-agony
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hunterartemis · 3 years
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Mahabharat and Harry Potter crossover: Slytherin
From the top: Maharathi Karna, Queen Mother Satyavati, Guru Dronacharya and Gandhar Raj Shakuni
य एव धर्मः सोऽधर्मोऽदेशकाले प्रतिष्ठितः। आदानमनृतं हिंसा धर्मो ह्यावस्थिकः स्मृतः॥
Translit:  ya eva dharmaḥ so'dharmo’deśakāle pratiṣṭhitaḥ. ādānamanṛtaṃ hiṃsā dharmo hyāvasthikaḥ smṛtaḥ
Meaning:  “According to differing time and place, the meaning of dharma is established. If situations become adverse then dharma becomes adharma and adharma such as lying, violence are (also) considered dharma”. --Mahabharat (Shantiparva)
This shlok is a part of Mahabharat OST. Listen to it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICZsr3sMIZk
@decadentdeputyturkeyfan  @yeoldguccislides  @silencespeaks10 @beyzaarikan @hopingtoleave @debranjansinha @astrologyreadings @astrologyreadingsforlife-blog @seanromerovaldezblack @queenphoenixfire @atomiccrystalsblog @solare19 @jollyfarmweaseldonkey @theauthor97 @emmavalley @ibuprofenforthesoul @detectivepeeks @lemonfields12234 @ravenclaw-nonsense @ice-princess555 @ghastedpoetic @nivzzz @amara-airgid @thehorcruxstolemysoul @cartoon-lover101 @yellowbadger07 @thisisallicouldthinkof @constantly-in-limerence @adam-papa @amiaslytherinoramijustasnake @alliedolls00 @mothenarwhal @tattooedkermit @king-hsssy @n-a-romanovaa @bunchofdrabbles @rverfades @hallu-cin-ations @askhindumyths @jukti-torko-golpo @the-poet-who-bleed-her-agony
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