#mahoutokoro gakuen
auxiliarydetective · 4 months
More Kōgyoku uniform concepts!
Yesterday, I presented to you the femme version of the uniform, today it's masc time! You know the drill, there are versions with notes under the cut and I decided to throw the color scheme in again just because.
Once again, using this concept art as a reference is fully allowed, just credit me and please let me ramble to you and see what you create because creating together is always so much freaking fun
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
And once again tagging @benevolenterrancy and @fluffle-system - Look what I made! <3
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mahousekairpg · 8 months
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『 魔法所の宇宙: 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐨 』 ✹ Isla Mágica: Umiguchi ✹ 【 魔法の島:海口 】 ᅟ    Umiguchi es una isla mágica a 30 kilómetros al noroeste de Mahoutokoro que conecta a la escuela con el resto de Japón a través de Red Flu reguladas. ᅟ    Hace poco menos de mil años, cuando la academia de magia en Kioto, Seika Gakuen, decidió mudarse a la isla de Minami Iwo Jima, los grandes clanes mágicos de Japón decidieron borrar del mundo hi-mahou la existencia de la Isla Umiguchi. Para ello, realizaron un gran ritual de ocultamiento que sacó a la isla de cualquier mapa y registro, además de sostener un campo que repele a los hima y hace imposible divisarla. ᅟ    Esto la convierte en uno de los pocos lugares sobre el planeta Tierra considerado un territorio independiente 100% mágico, volviéndola no solo en un lugar importante de conexión a Mahoutokoro, sino en un punto de referencia para los magos de oriente, quienes visitan la isla cada cierto tiempo como un atractivo turístico. ᅟ    Los estudiantes de Mahoutokoro, a partir del tercer año, tienen permitido visitar Umiguchi desde sus escobas los fines de semana en el caso de que sus padres o tutores hayan enviado el debido permiso. Los niños más pequeños que estudian en la isla desde los 7 a los 10 años viajan todos los días en el lomo de grandes aves de Mahoutokoro a Umiguchi, ya sea a su casa en la zona residencial, o donde están sus familiares, cerca de los accesos hacia las conexiones de Red Flu que los llevan a varias zonas de Japón.
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hunterartemis · 4 years
Mahoutokoro Headcanon: #9: Living Quarters: (Dormitory and Baths)
Mahoutokoro Living quarters are traditional Japanese style. From time to time Chinese and Korean influence has been observed in the redecoration style. 
Male Dormitory
Every house (or Kazoku) has one Male Dormitory. The Dormitory is bare and minimalistic, covered with Tatami mats and has two sliding doors on the opposite sides (either East-West or North-South) that open to two long corridors. The Dormitory is usually a long room that some-time can range up to 20 feet in length. This long room is segregated by several sliding panels that make different compartments for a different class of boys. Each compartment is liberally equipped with futon, pillows, blankets and all the things required to stay the night in. The Male head of the Family sleeps at a compartment adjacent near the Family’s boy’s dorm and his duty is also to serve as Warden.
Boys are required to sleep in a specific way. Their heads must face the doors opening at the corridor and a small path must be left in the middle so that if someone wants to use the toilet they do not trade on anyone. Bringing food in sleeping quarters are strictly forbidden.
If anyone wishes to study late, prior permission must be granted, and they will have to retire in the spare lounge at the other end of the dormitory. All-nighters are often seen in exam seasons or during school festival. There can be maximum seven late-study permit a month per student.
All this arrangement is held within a single ‘’cottage”. Japanese Castle rarely has multifloored system, and it is only with the case of something very important. The Cottage of the Danshi (boys) are connected with the other part of the castle with corridors and bridges.
Each Male Dormitory has a name
Kekkain family is called Kagami (Fire God)
Hideyoshi is called Ryonnosuke (Noble Dragon)
Matsuyama is called Haruki (Life of Spring)
Nobuyuki is called Osamu (discipline)
Yonomori is called Yasuke (Great assistance: named after a Black samurai)
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Courtyard of Boys Dormitory
Female Dormitory
The female dormitory accommodates exactly the same way the male dormitory, only there are some architectural adjustments. The Cottage of Female Dormitory is situated on top of a moat, amidst the water. When all it’s occupants are housed, the bridges that connect the cottage with the castle disappear and the cottage becomes an island of its own. Unless an occupant of the inside wishes to go out, the bridges won’t open. This was a clever device created by Yonomori to keep out the men from entering women’s quarters.
Every dormitory compound, male or female has a garden of their own. That means there are ten different house gardens that are taken care of by the students alone. Each of them has a different variety: for example Kekkain dorm gardens are famous for their red pine and maple, Hideyoshi dorms are known for their fragrant camelias, Yonomori gardens grow the best Devil’s snare, Matsuyama gardens are famous for medicinal plants and Nobuyuki gardens are famous for plum blossoms.
The names of the Female dormitories are: 
Kekkain (Amaterasu: Sun Goddess) 
Yonomori,(Aratani: Gem) 
Nobuyuki: (Ren: Lotus, symbol of eternal learning) 
Hideyoshi, (Tatsuko: Dragon Child) 
Matsuyama (Nagi: Calm)
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The Connecting bridge between Girls Dormitory and other part of the castle: the cottage is surrounded by moat.
Outhouse and Bathhouse
As per the rules of traditional Japanese homes, baths are taken in open spring and toilets are situated outside the premises as well. Every dormitory has their own outhouse inside the cottage for excretion and for washing clothes. Modern facilities were introduced in 1980′s but the outhouses (now known as the bathroom) didn’t change entirely from it’s traditional setup: small wooden tubs, wooden reservoirs, and other traditional outhouse utensils co-exist with the modern equivalent of commode, flushes and cubicles.
Although the Spirit Akaname is in charge of cleanliness in the outhouses, they don’t wash the clothes worn by human. Students wash their own clothes and each dormitory has their own pond reserved for washing clothes. As the Washing Machine that requires electricity cannot be run within the campus, old fashioned scrubbing is required for washing clothes. Students can bring any utensils or objects required for cleaning from their home, but the school also stocks plenty in the Dormitory Reserve. Clothes can be washed any time of the day but since the beginning of the school, there has been an unspoken rule that the clothe-washing are done in the day off, as the activity itself has been observed as a socializing mechanism. 
Despite having different outhouses, Mahoutokoro has only two bathhouses or Ofuro.  These Ofuro are actually Onsen of Hot spring, that are enriched with 25 (multiple of Five) minerals. When the school was being made, Nobuyuki emphasised that the family baths should be separated, but Kekkain and Hideyoshi voted it out. The Onsen/ofuro are one for boys (danshi) and one for girls (joshi). One onsen is large enough to accommodate 100 people. It is a house neutral territory, and anyone can take a bath in these within appropriate time. The Bath or Onsen are the places to socialise and catch up with the people outside the house. This also encourages inter-family harmony and peace. The Onsens are located at the center of the castle, a position sacred to Matsuyama, who developed many healing recipes that will revitalise anyone who takes a dip in the water.
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There are several etiquette that are observed during taking bath
1. Anyone who steps into the water must shower right before entering the water and must be clean.
2. The head must not touch the water, neither any bathing suit or towel.
3. No teasing, bullying or staring in the bathhouse. If anyone does any one of these, they will be punished by the spirits of the Onsen.
4. Nudity is mandatory.
5. No one can stay in the water for more than an hour.
The Onsens are located under open sky, and as Japanese are night-bathers, the view is simply magnificent. The Onsen is accompanied with a shower-room, which must be used before entering the bath. The shower room follows the common bathing etiquette of Japan: social distancing while cleaning oneself, sitting while taking showers to avoid splashing etc. The shampoo, conditioners and soaps provided there change their scent according to season: in Spring they are cherry blossom scented, in the later autumn they smell more fruity and intense etc. 
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cadetcama · 3 years
“I call for the proceedings to halt!” Kaoru Shiba announced.
The witch brandished her wand and drew two symbols in the air before it flew above Harry and burst in flames. Chains appeared from the symbol that was recently drawn and shackled everyone inside the courtroom, sans Potter.
“What is the meaning of this?!” Minister Fudge demanded.
The members of the Wizengamot all tried to pry off the chains that shackled them to their seats while Dumbledore on the other hand curiously looked at the chains that bound his hands before smiling at the lady by the entrance.
“How dare you interrupt this proceedings?!” A female member of the Wizengamot seethed as she pulled on her chains.
“Nice to see you Lady Shiba.” Dumbledore greeted.
“Lord Dumbledore!” Kaoru gasped as soon as she saw the former Supreme Mugwump. “I apologize for this hasty greeting but we’re here because a minor was under trial by the full might of the Wizengamot.”
“I’m afraid it is I who has to apologize,” Dumbledore looked down. “I failed to stop this farce.”
“Dumbledore! You know this witch?!” Minister Fudge demanded.
“I’m sorry, I seem to have forgotten my manners,” Dumbledore bowed. “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Wizengamot, let me introduce you to Lady Kaoru Shiba of the International Confederation of Wizards.” Hogwarts’s Headmaster announced.
“Thank you, Lord Dumbledore,” Kaoru smiled at the old wizard. “It’s such a shame that your seat in the Confederation was revoked by Britain’s Ministry.” She offered.
Kaoru then drew another symbol in the air and flicked it towards Dumbledore’s bound hands, releasing the wizened Wizard from his bonds.
“I-international Confederation of Wizards?” Minister Fudge’s eyes widened.
“What could be the problem be Lady Shiba?” Madam Bones questioned.
“Like I told Lord Dumbledore, Lord Batson and I rushed here because a minor is under trial.”
“You must understand Lady Shiba, Potter violated the Statute of Secrecy.” Minister Fudge justified the action.
“Then? The most he should get is a week-long supervision from an Obliviator or an Auror.”
“Is that so?” A female member of the Wizengamot. “I’m sorry Lady Shiba, but didn’t the Japanese Ministry have the same kind of punishment when the Statute of Secrecy was violated, even by the students of Mahotokoro?”
“Correct, Madam…”
“Madam Umbridge, Lady Shiba.”
“Correct, Madam Umbridge,” Kaoru nodded. “However, ever since Lord Batson was introduced into the ICW, there had been major changes when it comes to how punishments are delivered, especially to the students who violate the Statute.”
William made his presence known.
“Mr. Batson?! What are you doing here?!” Minister Fudge demanded.
“That’s Lord Batson to you Minister,” Kaoru snapped. “Honesty, I thought Englishmen are supposed to be respectful.”
Kaoru took a calming breath before speaking once more.
“I would also like to correct you, the name of the Magical school in Japan is Shiramiya Madou Gakuen, not Mahoutokoro.”
“You hold a seat at the ICW?!” Minister Fudge gasped. “How come I didn’t know this?!”
“Why don’t you ask your Junior Assistant, Minister?” William fired back. “Honestly, you would have known about my post at the ICW had you been the one approving my travel permits instead of your junior assistant.”
“Weasley?! Is this true?!”
“Yes Minister,” Percy nodded. “Shafiq can confirm that as well Minister.”
“Where’s Shafiq now?”
“I’m sorry, but we’re not discussing the Minister’s Incompetence and Negligence but rather the minor under trial.” Kaoru snapped. “Was there even an investigation done on the circumstances of his violation?”
“He used the Patronus charm in the presence of muggles.” Madam Umbridge insisted.
“Muggles?” Kaoru looked at William.
“It’s their term for the people without magic.” William answered.
“I see, then?” Kaoru looked at the Wizengamot.
“Then?!” Madam Umbridge gasped. “Potter is in violation of the Statute of Secrecy!”
“We already established that,” Kaoru raised an eyebrow. “I believe I’ve said our stance regarding that.”
“I repeat Lady Shiba’s question earlier, was there an investigation regarding Mr. Potter’s use of the Patronus charm in front of a muggle.” William repeated.
“The violation is there! Why investigate it?!”
“So we are back to your negligence are we Minister?” William raised an eyebrow.
“Negligence?” Kaoru looked at her companion.
“Basically one Sirius Black was wrongfully accused of killing 12 muggles and one wizard and he was found laughing hysterically. He was never given a trial until a decade after.” William answered. “Then there’s his most recent blunder, an Azkaban escapee that had infiltrated Hogwarts was kissed by a dementor earlier this year, before the aurors could even interrogate the escapee.”
“I see, forgive me for saying this Lord Dumbledore but the more I hear about Britain’s Ministry of Magic, my disappointment grows.”
“I apologize that you had to witness us at our lowest.” Dumbledore bowed.
“Regardless as the trial has been started, it would be prudent to get to the bottom of this quick.” William declared. “Lady Shiba, allow me to question Potter, can I ask for a script of memory to confirm Mr. Potter’s story?”
“Of course Lord Batson.” Kaoru nodded.
Book 5 of HP
Im so here for any and all of Fudge getting his ass handed to him. Especially for this. Like really? You, the minister of magic, wanna bully a child who said a thing you didn't like? Yes lets get more competent adults in the mix
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auxiliarydetective · 4 months
If you've been wondering what I've been up to...
Well, mainly uni work because I completely misjudged how much work my courses this semester would be. But also...
The hyperfixation struck
So, I spent days and days working on a concept for a Japanese wizarding school with @yoontwin. Essentially, we came to the conclusion that JKR's concept for one is complete bullshit. Most of what she came up with either makes no sense or is full-on offensive (surprising, I know) and we decided we could do better. And so, we created Kōgyoku and I came up with a concept for a uniform! Featuring getty images esque watermarks because I'm actually really proud of this and wanted to protect it as much as possible
If you wanna use it, go ahead! I'm actively encouraging you! Feel free to send me a message and I'll send you the videos and images I used as a reference as well as bigger versions of the crests used, we can figure out family and mentor crests for your character....
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The gold markings are actually one of the few (albeit altered) details that I kept from JKR's concept because it's actually nice and pretty. The mentor and family crests in this image are those corresponding to my OC :)
If you wanna hear my full ramblings on how I came up with everything, worldbuilding, the uniform, general stuff, about Japanese wizarding culture as a whole, let me know! Because the concept itself is actually a really interesting idea, but JKR did nothing with it or at least nothing good. Free real estate for a historian with a hyperfixation lol
Below the cut, you'll find alternate versions of the images with notes on how everything is constructed as well as the color schemes for the different school years! Masc version incoming tomorrow ^^
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Taglist: @starcrossedjedis @oneirataxia-girl @daughter-of-melpomene @bravelittleflower @box-of-bats - let me know if you’d like to be added or removed!
Also tagging @benevolenterrancy because it's always fun to ramble about art and concepts with you <3
And my eternal supporter @fluffle-system
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mahousekairpg · 8 months
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『 魔法所の宇宙: 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐨 𝐝𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐨𝐤𝐨𝐫𝐨 』 ✹ Terrenos de Mahoutokoro ✹ 【 魔法所の敷地 】 Cuando Mahoutokoro fue fundado, lo hizo bajo el nombre de Seika Gakuen (精呪学園). Su ubicación se encontraba en Kioto, el lugar en el que residían los cuatro clanes mágicos principales: Hayashi, Saito, Miura y Aoki. Sin embargo, con el paso de los siglos y el consecuente crecimiento del país, los fundadores vieron la necesidad de trasladar la escuela de hechicería a un nuevo lugar para su seguridad. Actualmente, Mahoutokoro se puede encontrar en el archipiélago japonés al sur de las islas principales de Japón, en una pequeña isla conocida como Minami Iwo Jima, de apenas 4 kilómetros de longitud, que pertenece a la prefectura de Ogasawara. El terreno en el que se construyó el castillo es volcánico y notablemente escarpado, pero fue preparado usando artes mágicas para convertirlo en un perfecto lugar que ahora dispone de todo lo que un viajero desearía disfrutar: bosque, río, cascada, aguas termales, lago, playa y un sinfín de jardines y ambientes perfectamente cuidados. Por supuesto, esto no puede ser percibido por hima (personas no-mágicas), pues la isla completa está cubierta con un campo mágico que, por un lado, repele la llegada de hima a la isla, y por otro, da una imagen de una isla volcánica inhabitable a la lejanía. Además, este mismo campo regula el clima de la isla para que emule el de Kioto; y, por último, evita que se pueda descender con cualquier transporte aéreo en otras zonas que no sean "La Fortaleza" (aunque nadie dijo que eviten salir). Los espacios con que cuenta Mahoutokoro, aunque pequeños a la vista desde el exterior, tienen hechizos de expansión dentro.
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