#maid blade is my all time favorite SSR outfit
zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 6 months
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finally did one of those tier rankings. the one i found, didn't have cowboy dante or garu so i just uploaded their teaser photos xD
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zizz-asdf-re-r-o-u · 1 year
nukani Q&A
Questions from here! https://matadorofheart.tumblr.com/post/717595845428707328/
1. What got you interested the game? What kept you playing? - some leaked H scenes, now i'm still playing to find out the lore/story and see more H scenes
2- Who was your first SSR? -OG SSR Kuya!
3- Who’s on your home screen? Do you tend to stick to the same character/card or switch it up? Do you have Eiden onscreen with them? Currently SSR Aster + Eiden, i originally had OG SSR Kuya. haven't played the game long enough, but i think i'll be switching up on who i think is coolest at the time
4- Favorite character? -Kuya & Aster, closely followed by Garu, Rei, and Morvay
5- Favorite Eiden ship? -I think i'm a polyclan shipper, but I like Kuya/Eiden, Eiden/Garu, and Aster/Morvay's H scenes the most.
6- Favorite non-Eiden ship? oops, Aster/Morvay xD but I'd watch Morvay bang everyone. I also believe Quincy/Kuya is partially canon, but dont care about quincy so i dont actively seek out fan content about them.
7- Favorite territory of Klein? -No favorite territory. But maybe wood since thats where Kuya is from?
8- Favorite chapter? -oof, i'm torn between Rei's chapters and Kuya's chapter. but i also kinda hate them bc getting through the chapter boss fights WERE SUCH A PAIN IN THE BUTT. Ok technically Rei's should not have been that hard, but I was only building up 1 healer and 1 support. I didn't know i'd need several of them to beat his fight :(((
9- Favorite event? -GAMBLER'S PARADISE, and I'm really liking Misty Vale so far. Ok maybe I have recency bias xD but i really liked everything about Gambler's Paradise except for the high stakes stages which i couldn't clear story, the new SSRs, H scenes, eiden's outfit, the violence/gore in the event story, the horniness of the event story, the intimacy gifts, and how everything tied itself together. what the heck, it was such a well packaged. (Especially compared to Sunburst Festival and Chase the Rainbow's rerun, which are the only 2 other events I played)
10. Favorite original SSR? I think overall (battle stats + H scenes) Kuya, but Edmond (for battle stats) and Garu (for H scenes) are a close second.
11. Favorite event SSR? H scenes- Aster & Morvay, Outfits- Edmond slays in every outfit he has I swear. But also Maid Blade and A/B/O Garu? Hnnng. Battle stats- I have no idea, but I want the Kuya and Garu event SSRs
12. Favorite H scene? Oof, a tie between SSR Aster & Morvay. Warning that there is some dubcon/noncon in there, but if you ignore the dialogue, the voice acting and artwork is very yummy. A close second are Kuya's OG SSR and SR H scenes, but i KNOW i would love Kuya's Sunburst & Lakeside Spark H scenes if i had them- I've seen the screenshots. A/B/O Garu also seems to have very promising H scenes and I'm very excited to unlock EG Garu's scenes cause they look fun too.
13. Current level? 60... but none of my units are 60 yet xD
14. Most powerful unit? SR Morvay at 59 xD SR Yakumo is a close second at 56.
15. Least powerful unit? Probably all the cards i have that are still at level 1 (which is like 80% of my cards lol)
16. How many of your units have maxed out bonds, if any? I have maxed out SR morvay, SR aster, R yakumo. Then several cards that are at room 4.
17. Do you strategize & focus on gameplay, or are you just here for the spice? -I'm only here for the spice.... but I've spent significantly more time on strategizing instead :( I'm bummed out about that
18. Thoughts on the challenge events? (Sorcerer’s Trials, Lost Relics, etc) Uh I dont have strong enough teams to tackle anything higher than trial 29 on ST... I wish I could like them. Lost Relics looks particularly intimidating
19. What’s your favorite thing about the game overall? The H scenes xD And i guess the lore too. Rei & Garu's mysterious backstories are especially interesting to me. (I really like horribly traumatized characters lol)
20. Got any wishes for the future of the game? (Story, events, new characters, etc?)
ok so mostly a lot boring gameplay/gacha complaints that i've already seen like the pulls/energy/currency/etc. Buuut for fun wishes, I can't believe maid Blade is the only card with crossdressing! we need another one! Yakumo cooks & cleans! he should be in a maid dress at least once! Also more violence and gore! I dont know if there was any explicit murders before Gambler's Paradise, but as a huge horror fan, i loved that tiny glimpse of fictional violence. Also more *extreme* kinky activities! Nuca is surprisingly vanilla; we only get some glimpses of bondage or some sex toys here and there, so when Aster whipped out some tentacles, I was so so so excited. LIke I've seen the Kuya 4koma webcomics. He's a super kinky bastard- we should see it more. Currently the femboy possibly trans twink is more sadistic than Kuya is. C'mon, its a porn game, there should be more porn in it. Speaking of Aster, I hope there's something somewhere hidden confirming that he's trans. Too many signs point to it, but i still see denial. Also I'm not into big guys or DILFs, but Aster said he has an old-man form, and I know there's a subsection that would go wild over DILF Aster. (Especially traaans DILF Aster maybe? trans DILFs can be very hot).
Also this isn't a wish, so much as a hope it stays, but i hope we never have a "true ending/route/romance" type thing. I think Eiden & his harem should remain poly.
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