#maida fleming
daggerzine · 7 months
The White Label Promo Preservation Society Vol 2: more flop albums you ought to know (by Sal Maida, Mitchell Cohen & Friends) (Published by Hozac)
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Holy moly there is a volume 2! Just as I was finishing up the first volume of this terrific tome out comes volume 2, once again presented by the fine folks at Hozac Books.
You see the subtext, more flop albums you ought to know….and yes, we have another umpteen albums crammed into the nearly 400 pages brought to you by Mssrs Maida and Cohen. You’ll see platters here that you never knew were flops, ones by the likes of the Beach Boys, the Kinks, Gun Club, David Johanssen, Willie Nelson, the Violent Femmes, Talk Talk, and the like.
They break the book up into 5 parts, spanning the years 1963-1989 (part one is 1963-1967, part two is 1968-1970, etc), and while there are plenty of old favorites written about, there are also plenty I've either never heard or never heard of.
Some of the contributions include folks like Don Fleming, Pat Thomas, Eva Gardner, Dan Epstein, Mike Stax, Bob Merlis, Ira Robbins, Lenny Kaye, Phil King, Rebecca Turner, and plenty more. This volume, just like its predecessor, is a stone-cold hoot and a terrific read. One that you can pop open and turn to virtually any page and come up with some entertaining gold. I say both volumes need to be in your collection.
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hislopchino · 1 year
HIGNFY's Guest Webterview: Charlie Higson
Charlie has a strict no-interview policy but once HIGNFY digital knocked on his door, he became a quivering sycophant and was only too happy to oblige.
Q1. You´ve written a number of novels about James Bond´s schooldays. Would Bond be a good guest on HIGNFY?
It depends. The James Bond of the Ian Fleming novels is very different to the James Bond of the films. He doesn´t do all the witty quips. So maybe the James Bond of the films might be a good guest but in the books he´s quite a dour figure, quite reactionary. He´s more the strong, silent type which is not great for a light-hearted panel game. However, if you wanted to take out any of the guests afterwards, he would be quite good at killing them.
Q2. There was a spin-off of Swiss Toni and Ted and Ralph from the Fast Show. Which other characters do you think could have had their own series?
At one point I was toying with the idea of doing a Colin Hunt spin-off - the office joker. Then Ricky Gervais did The Office and he did it a thousand times better than I would have done it. There´s a certain amount of Colin Hunt in David Brent but obviously Ricky Gervais made him a lot more real than I did. You need a good strong character in a sitcom, so Simon Day´s Competitive Dad would have been a good one. Of course the only problem with doing a sitcom involving children is from one series to the next the children grow up so much, so you keep having to replace them.
Q3. The Fast Show was famous for catchphrase comedy. What´s the best catchphrase of all time?
My favourite catchphrase of all time is from the Ronnie Corbett sitcom Sorry, which has been unfairly neglected. I used to really enjoy it. Timothy was Ronnie Corbett´s character and if he ever swore his father would say, ´Language Timothy´. I use that one a lot. If someone is swearing at an inappropriate occasion, I say, ´Language Timothy´. My favourite one from the Fast Show was Mark Williams’, ´Which was nice´ because, being a middle-class ponce, it´s one that´s very useful. I often use that one in real life.
Q4. When you and Paul Whitehouse were fledgling comics, you both worked as decorators. Was there a lot of ducking under swinging ladders, paint pots falling off doors - that kind of thing?
There was one occasion when we were working on a huge job in Maida Vale and we were on our way to lunch one day and this bloke grabbed us in the street and asked us for help. We said, “OK”. He was unloading antiques from his lorry into a flat. We thought, ‘why’s he asked these two blokes off the street, why hasn´t he paid for a bloody labourer?’ The first thing we took out was this antique chest of drawers. It was one of those big houses with steps up to the front door and a sunken basement. We were carrying this chest of drawers up the steps and somehow managed to tip it to the side and all the drawers flew out and smashed to pieces in the basement. We simply put the chest of drawers down, turned around and walked away and never went back. So that was the closest we came to a Laurel and Hardy moment.
Q5. Having been part of the legendary Fast Show, does this make you funnier than Paul and Ian?
Not in the least no. I don´t call myself a comedian, I´m a writer. I´m not desperately funny in real life or very interesting. I think I shall be an extremely dull guest. I´m trying to do a record to be the guest that´s been on all the panel shows but only once. They never ask you back. That could well happen tonight.
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years
Unreachable (Chapter 3)
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(GIF credits to owner) (A JJ Maybank and Nova Fleming love story)
Taken aback of what had happened at the kegger and the amounts of times she shared a few glares with the blonde on their way back to the Chateau, Nova couldn't stop looking at JJ's backpack on the floor. Knowing there's something inside, that could've put everyone in danger that night, including her, was stressing her entire system. -Novs, -said Kie, who was with John B from the moment they brought him to the house, changing him into dry clothes and drying his wet hair, -come on, Pope will walk us home. Nova's shaky legs somehow made it out the Chateau; eyes meeting those faulty, blue eyes of the troublemaker. -He's stupid. -muttered Pope, as he exited the Chateau. Kie followed with shaking her head and sighing. After all, the both of them knew JJ won't stay at John B's long, since the news will reach Sheriff Peterkin immediately. And it was true, the next morning, when John B's eyes, one bruised from the fight, fluttered open, he met Peterkin's figure in his bedroom. -Get decent, sweetie. We need to talk. Sheriff Peterkin walked out of the bedroom and waited for John B to put himself together. -Sorry to break in like this. I heard something had happened yesterday, at your "little" gathering, so I came to check on you. So, how are you besides the--, -she circled around her eye, referring to John B's bruised one. -Oh, no, I'm--I'm great. Yeah, fantastic. Uh...Guys? -he looked to the door, where Nova, Kie and Pope stood. -Oh, your little group is here. No wonder why one of them is missing. -she crossed her arms over her chest, -So, while you're all here, I might say what I heard. A fight on the beach yesterday, and a gun was involved. -Okay. Gun? -John B stood up from his leaned position, tapping Peterkin's shoulder, -No. Did I get in a dustup? Yes. But was there a gun? No. No way. -That's okay. I know who it was. I'll get to him. Also, a body was found in the marsh yesterday. Nova's eyes went wide and she glanced over at Pope and Kie, who's expressions were no different from hers. -Were you in the marsh yesterday? -Yes, we were fishing for some drum. -You catch anything? -Nah, we were skunked. -Strange. Fishing's usually good after a storm. All sorts of things get stirred up. You come across a wreck yesterday? -No. -John B shortly glanced at the others. -What is going on? -Nova muttered to Kie quietly. Sheriff Peterkin asked them all the question about yesterday's happenings and if they have any information on the wreck, promising them to help with the gun issue and get their friend out of the situation. They were all gathered at John B's; JJ also came along after Peterkin exited the Chateau. -Look, I'm calling it off. All right? Peterkin said, if I stay out of the marsh, she'll help us with the gun incident. For else, they'll automatically know we had something to do with it, if we continue looking. -Yes, I'll leave, you have private topics to talk. -said Nova, standing up from her place. -No, Nova, -said John B, -I have nothing to hide from you, Kie told us you're trustworthy. Sit please. -And you believed Peterkin, John B? -said JJ. -Yes, I believe her, JJ. -An actual cop, John B. You believed a cop. -All we got to do, is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days and she'll help us out. She's saving your ass from shooting a gun. -You know what I should have done? Just let Topper drown your ass. -Yeah, Topper was going to drown me? -Sure looked like it. I mean have you looked in the mirror? -Tell me some more. Come on. -They always win, -said JJ, leaning his arm on the wood, -don't they, man? Kooks versus Pogues. They always, always win! Goddamn! -Look, it's okay. -said Kie. -No, it's not okay! It is not. They don't want us to go down into the marsh. That means there's something valuable down there, and you know it, man. I know you do. -he pointed to John B. -And I understand why you don't want to go. -he said to Pope, -You're the golden boy. You got way too much to risk. And you-- you're already rich anyways. Why would you bother. -You--, -he turned to Nova, -you're not even involved in this, so no need to argue. -But, you and me, man, we got nothing to lose! We really don't, all right. -JJ. -John B sighed. -And I know it didn't use to be that way for you. -I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about it. -he started walking away. -So that's it? -said JJ, John B pushing him away. -Just get out of my way, bro. -John B, listen to me. I have a plan. You got the key to Cameron's boat, right. -No. -John B knew where he's going with involving the Cameron family. -There's scuba gear inside of it. We just borrow that, and then we go down to the wreck this afternoon,and that is what's going to save you, man. -I'll be in "Wisteria", if anyone needs me. See you, John B. -she waved a goodbye to the boy. -You are leaving? -he asked, making his way over at her. -Yes, I'll go to the flower garden, need to help my grandma with the orders. -Okay, wait for me, we'll leave together. -he said and quickly ran to the Chateau to grab something. -Wow, emerald girl, -said JJ, -you really in on what we're planning, huh? Emerald girl. Her green eyes were the ones who really provoked the name. -I'm not the kind of person to go and talk about one's secrets, especially people I know. -Will not be taken aback if you are. -he said, throwing pebbles far away. -Guys, what is wrong with you? You don't even know each other, how can you hate-- Kie wide eyed Nova and she exactly knew what her friend's thinking about, and a nod was only needed to confirm it. -Everyone's got their secrets, Ms. Kiara, just like emerald girl. -his lips curved into an evil smirk. -I'll go see where John B is, so we could leave. -she said giving Kie and Pope a hug and walking away to the Chateau. -JJ...why are you so mean to her? She's my friend and let me tell you there's no person like her alive on this planet, so stop being a idiot. -I don't like rabble-rousers. -he said and kept throwing pebbles. -Since you're one I think you'll suit each other well. -said Pope, getting back to his book. -Pope? Did you have a tongue, bro? Didn't hear you talk until now, so...just asking.
John B and Nova walked together, until "Wisteria" and he needed to continue to get to Cameron's boat. -You didn't have to walk me all the way here. -said Nova, -Thank you. -It doesn't matter. Also, sorry for what you had to witness yesterday. -No, it's fine, don't be sorry. I think I'll know that I should keep myself safe at keggers next time. -And also...you know about the marsh... -Yeah don't worry, my lips are sealed. If you need any help with it, feel free to call me, I'll come immediately. -Thank you Nova, didn't mean to involve you at all, but you're a part of the Pogues as well, so...thank you anyways. -No problem. See you later then, be safe. -she said, giving him a hug and walking inside "Wisteria", where grandma Maida was sat making a bouquet. -You have some explaining to do little miss. -she said, as soon as Nova sat down across her. -Yes, I know I do grandma. There was happenings at yesterday's kegger and I know you heard about it. But let me tell you, nothing serious happened and nobody was hurt. They're all fine and the situation is under Sheriff Peterkin's care. So, there's really nothing you need to worry about. Look, I'm fine as well; stood away from it the whole night anyways. -Why do I feel like your new friends are involved in the gun issue? -As well as the Kook kids, huh? -said Nova, reading through her grandma. -All I care about, -she said, taking the flowers to the other table and coming back to sit down again, -is your safety. I have only one granddaughter, who I trust with my entire heart, and I need to protect her from any danger. -You're right grandma and I understand you worry about me. But I know you are also aware of how careful and wise enough I am, to make decisions that'll have a good, rather than a bad outcome. -I know, that's why I trust you. I know by fact you didn't drink at yesterday's kegger, nor cause any problems. But if I knew you would, then will I ever let you go? I don't think so. You are my kid, and my kid doesn't get involved in bad situations. Keep in mind that, the night is always made for troubles. -Which means that the explanations are over, right? -Yes, you're free to go. Thank you for being honest with me. -Always, Mrs. Fleming. -said Nova, taking the box of perfumes she left in the glass cupboard. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and Kie's text appeared saying: "What happens if nitrogen gets in your blood? Pope knows, but I want to hear it from you first." -"When the nitrogen bubbles, form in your blood, a condition called decompression sickness or the bends, block the vessels. The first symptom you get is a tingling feeling in your limbs. Be careful, it can lead to a heart attack, strokes and even ruptured vessels in the lungs." -"Pope said the same thing. I suppose this is not going to be well." -"Whatever you're up to guys, be careful please." -"Pope and I will come over later and tell you everything." -"Okay, I'll be in Wisteria all day." Nova put her phone in her pocket and brought the box to the table. She was worried about her friends, especially John B, who was the nicest from the moment they met each other. She started to doze off slowly, thinking about how him and JJ were different from each other. One so patient and positive; other disobedient and cold. Two friends, two different minds. And as if Maida was reading her mind, she approached her way. -Can you tell me about your friends a bit? -she said. -Sure. I'll tell you what I realized, from meeting them yesterday. -she said, resting her elbows on her table, -John B is a nice boy, he is welcoming and ready for new friendships and acquaintances. He's like the leader of the group. A good looking, smart guy. Pope is the brain of the group as Kie says; sometimes weird, but I love listening to what he's saying, even though I don't understand him sometimes. He's a smart and educated guy, very funny as well. Then, there's JJ; the rabble-rouser and troub- I mean, you know, very free-minded guy; doesn't worry too much. Chilled and relaxed. Kie; you know her; my only friend in the Outer Banks, before I met the other guys. She's a socialist; loves being active in environmental actions, including, cleaning the beaches from the careless tourists and anything that has to do with saving the Earth really. -Where are they now? You should invite them here, so I could analyze them all. -Uh...they all have to run some errands. Kie and Pope will come over anyways, you'll get to meet them. JJ and John B have to get something done at the Chateau. -Fine then, maybe next time. -Exactly. -Nova sighed, blinking twice to shake off the stress. Her hands reached for the perfume she was making the day before. She took out the needed ingredients and started where she was left. Maida was dealing with the people who were bringing the new flowers in the flower garden. Suddenly, Nova reached for her journal, that was peeking from her bag.
-" It's an unbelievable feeling, that there's three people, who's judgement about someone, can be acknowledged only and only by that person. There's the one who says it, then the one who hears it, and the one who witnesses it.  And in either ways, the person can either, prove that, what they've said, heard or witnessed is true or not. I started to live my life with those three people; one of them totally witnessing my true self, the other hearing about it and the one saying a few sentences about it. From the three, there's always one that's wrong, and even if I try and prove it, he'll always remain with his own thesis about me. So, how do you persuade such a person, that no human can be judged for its rebellious character, from a moment of self said view on a situation? And how do you tell them that, both of their different views on it, doesn't make the other a bad person? I'll stay confused, until there's an answer to both of my questions." She slowly closed the journal, leaving it back to its place. After the heavy rain yesterday, the ground still remained wet; the summer wind though, was showing itself by swinging the branches left and right and swirling around Nova's warm body.
Some time had passed and Nova started to get worried even more. Her friends were supposed to come and they were nowhere to be seen. She texted both, Pope and Kie, and none of them answered. The only thing she needed, was their confirmation of coming to the flower garden, so she should decide to close it or not. But, it didn't last too long; the two appeared at the flower garden, figures exhausted from the water. Grandma Maida had gone home, persuading herself that there's no need of wasting time, by waiting for Nova's friends, who she can meet at anytime. -The garden's beautiful. -said Pope, looking around it. Suddenly he stopped; eyes glued to a bookshelf. -Are these yours? He took a big book about mammals and sea creatures, from Nova's marine biology textbook collection. -Yes, they are my textbooks from university. -she said, bringing some snacks and drinks to the table. -You study marine biology? -he said, flipping through the pages. -Studied, marine biology, didn't complete my whole first year though, because I had to move to the Outer Banks. -That is really sad. -Pope said, reaching for another textbook, when a picture fell out of it. He knelt to the ground and picked it up, to reveal Nova's face and two other people. -This fell from the textbook. Nova took it from his hands and looked at the photo, a sad smile curving on her lips, -It's my family photo. Kie peeked to see and Nova gave her the picture; the girl had never opened the topic about her parents before. They looked so happy together and Kie couldn't believe her friend could have that big of a smile; she had never smiled so much from the day they met, just a small smile or a short laugh, but that was all. -Sorry to ask, but...would you like to continue studying again? -said Pope. -That's a topic that bothers me almost every day. I left my university two months ago and I don't know if it'll be a good idea, to go back after two months. But, I also miss studying; I love marine biology. And here in the Outer Banks, there's no opportunity for me to continue my studies, which means I have to move away and start a university out of Outer Banks. So, I still haven't given a proper decision. -I want to study science and I totally understand you. Getting out of the Outer Banks, is the only way I'll ever face my dreams. Yeah, but the protocol of leaving is the hardest part; some part of you still stays in the Outer Banks. -Novs. -said Kie, her voice going high pitched a bit, -What's going on with you and JJ? -Yeah, you guys are weird. -added Pope. Nova let out a heavy sigh and sat down across from them, -He showered me with the Volkswagen and I inflated one of the tires. -Ooooo, he was so annoyed. -said Pope. -He came in, hit everything, slammed the doors. -I totally forgot I asked JJ to take my backpack on his way back to the Chateau. -The start of a new love story...-Pope muttered under his breath. -I heard you Pope. There's nothing like that. -Yeah, exactly, JJ's not Nova's type. -I was just joking, -he put his hands up in defense, -calm down. The three of them talked for a bit, before JJ and John B appeared at Wisteria. Nova gave them their drinks and the Pogues gathered around the table. -I thought, he drowned, that's it, we're over. -said Kie, but then he appeared on the surface. -The timer ended and Shoupe was still analyzing the boat; I could see him from under. -added John B. -So that's why Kie asked me what happens if nitrogen gets in your blood. -Yeah,-said Kie, -and when you said the same thing as Pope, I couldn't be more worried. -Wait, -JJ spoke suddenly, -how would she know what will happen? -She's a marine bi- -What? I can't know? I live in the Outer Banks where I have reach of the water and need to know any dangers that can occur. -she cut in on Pope. -She's a marine biologist plus, that adds in on the knowledge. -added Kie. -What are you, a Kook or a Pogue, emerald girl? -I am a person, JJ. -she said and stood up to refill their cups, Kie following her to the other table. -You two need to stop getting in on each other. -It's none of my fault blonde bohemian prince can't keep his mouth shut for a second. He literally has an answer to everything. -she took the cups back to the table where the guys were. -Did you find anything at least? -asked Nova. -A compass that belonged to my father. It belonged to many generations back as well. -If it reached you, then it must mean something. -You think? -John B's face lit up with hope. The light in his eyes showed how much he wanted to find his father and it hit Nova's soft spot; family is the best thing in the world. -Yes, I do. And since it reached you, there's something that you need to know. Did you explore it? -No, I didn't take my time to explore it. Maybe tomorrow with a fresh mind. You'll come over, right? -I have to serve at the Wreck from morning to afternoon, but I'll try to come. -I want you to be there; I like the way you think. -John B gave her a small smile. Nova turned to Kie; knowing the crush she had developed for the boy and Kie just nodded with her head, trusting her best friend with her whole life. -Okay, I'll do everything to come and be there for you guys. -More like be there for you...-muttered JJ. Nova heard him and unnoticeably rolled her eyes. After all the blonde bohemian prince was just talking none sense.
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niche post but i really don’t understand how emily luchetti isn’t talked about constantly in the online baking/cooking world and blogosphere as one of the GOATs. her book “stars desserts” was like my bible during my freshman and sophomore years of college when i got hardcore into baking. aside from maybe maida heatter, no other pastry chef has had the same kind of influence on me than emily luchetti has. i really hope any one of her cookbooks gets republished and publicized well, à la claudia fleming, so she gets her just due.
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dereknashe-blog · 6 years
9 Clifton Gardens, London
1968 - A good year for music. Listening to The Jimi Hendrix Experience is intense, like being flooded in a blaze of light.   It’s half a century since Jimi first found success, here in the UK first of all.  It’s hard to reconcile that span of time with the vigour and immediacy of Electric Ladyland (1968).  Imagine Jimi spinning an acetate of ‘Somebody Stole my Gal’ (published in 1918) and thinking ‘Yeah, that music is part of my religion’.  The gap between the Edwardians and the Baby Boomers is huge, but how much clear water have we put between 1968 and, looking ahead, 2018 - and does that matter?  
1971, Fleming's plaque went up. Jimi’s last great album with The Jimi Hendrix Experience was recorded mid-Atlantic; begun at Olympic Studios in Barnes on a four track Helios desk before the tapes landed in New York where a state of the art 16 channel offering gave space for this great son of Seattle to carve tape with his excoriating sound.  A key ingredient of that sound were the cranked up valves in the Marshall amps, blazing light as he ran his signal from Anode to Cathode via the amplitude Step.  All dials turned up, the ‘Jimi setting’ made the machines radiate, like staring into the sun, and none of that would have been possible without Sir Ambrose Fleming, a child of the Victorian age - and, like Jimi, something of a man outside Time. 
The history of the electronic Valve (a diode) is fascinating.  It begins with Thomas Edison’s light bulb, a wire filament in a vacuum being heated, radiating light but not decaying because of the lack of oxygen.  Sir Ambrose as a young man spent time at Edison Labs and noticed that when you pass an alternating current through a wire in a vacuum, it 'rectifies' from AC to DC - it goes one way.   This might seem like an unremarkable observation these days, but in a flash of inspiration Sir Ambrose realised he could use that effect to help boost Marconi's communications from coast to coast across the Atlantic ocean using the electromagnetic spectrum: Electric Ladyland was born.
Sir Ambrose, a Lancashire lad, began his career in an era dominated by gentleman scientists, rich enough to pursue their own philosophies free of market dictates - like Charles Darwin.  When he perceived the value of his idea he went to Marconi straight away to capitalise upon it.  Marconi was a gentleman scientist but one whose own outsider background and journey within the context of the British scientific establishment, made him something of a soulmate for the northern Congregationist: here in Maida Vale I like to imagine Ambrose Fleming running to Marconi's door in a clatter of footsteps, waving his notes in his hand and crying ‘this is for everyone, and let's make it...Quick!' Businessmen, they drink my wine... The history of popular music since Jimi’s death has been littered with posturing me-toos who pick at his sound and promote themselves by broadcasting liberal politics, often denigrating the cultural source of those values, Christianity, in the next breath.  It is curious how anti-Christian much of pop culture has been for the last fifty years, it's almost a badge of honour you have to wear to gain the great feedback from the liberal audience.  I think liberals would claim Jimi for their own but here's the thing: Jimi was never a Hippy.  
For me Sir Ambrose's light, a light of communication - Christian Faith and Science - rocks in Jimi. Committed Christian inquirers like Fleming and Michael Faraday gave us this modern world and yet Fleming's Blue Plaque just says 'Scientist and Engineer', not mentioning the big stir he caused in 1938 with a refutation of Darwin's evolutionary theory.  That's a modern day trope; just as liberalism strips out the values from Christianity, adorns itself in self-adulation and blows raspberries at the Church we teach our kids all about the amazing story of electricity without mentioning that the guys who broke the ground endeavoured in Faith.  The Stephen Jay Gould formula of 'separate spheres' might be useful for some but is entirely arbitrary.  Science and God, just like Music and God, go very well together... I'm thinking this in Clifton Gardens, remembering Jimi's Belly Button Window.   It's the last song he recorded, and all about the baby in the womb - a personal reflection upon his early life?  Perhaps.   I think, had he lived, Jimi would have matured into a great family man, he was already laying down plans for the future.  Life, love and music, scientific research for research’s sake, are they aspects of the same thing - a single virtue refracted and rainbowed in the curved windows of New York's Electric Ladyland Studios, the new project Jimi was working on when he died?   Maybe...And perhaps some Edwardians and Baby Boomers have more in common than I thought - we're taught to think about History in terms of change but next time I listen to All Along the Watchtower, I'll be in party mode, raise a beer to Ambrose Fleming, and turn the volume up to Eleven so the valves really blaze.  
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theobxhummingbird · 4 years
Unreachable (Chapter 1)
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(GIF credits to owner) (A JJ Maybank and Nova Fleming love story)
Life is a precious present. And the ones who live, in the supposedly called, paradise on Earth; a place named Outer Banks in North Carolina, tend to understand it as either being lucky of inheriting the privilege of living a wealthy Kook life, which contained of many families who dealt with business and yacht owning, or putting up with the circumstances of belonging to the working-class of Kildare Island, the Pogues.
And while ones who lived on the Cut (the Pogues), the others in Figure Eight (the Kooks), were aware of their envy, Nova Fleming was absolutely clueless. With her happily built life, surrounded by books, flowers, animals, studies and cooking, she’d always state that: In life, every person is a present, and they’ll get to see it, when happiness and money separate two ways in their heads. But no Pogue would ever accept her thesis, convincing her of the real life of a Pogue; they have nothing to lose.
Again, she lived in her view of the world, where every person was only parted in two groups; bad and good. Her grandma would always say, that a person like her, could never find happiness in the Outer Banks, if she doesn’t choose the realistic grouping of people there. Luckily, she found her own, paradise on Earth, by just spending time at her grandma’s little flower garden, named after a flowering plant in their home garden, called “Wisteria”.
While her life was “Wisteria”, her dreams and future were misteria Doubting the continuation of her marine biology studies, she got her head out of it by making a small stain for herself, that’ll be left in people’s lives, even for a split second.
-The spray bottles have arrived! -Maida, her grandma, yelled from the front door of “Wisteria”. It was now blocked with boxes, as the people delivered them to the door; stacking the one on top of the other. Nova jogged her way and stood still as they placed the last one. Her grandma took out her vintage wallet, to pay them;  Nova stopping her and giving them her own money.
-I see, we’ve earned some money from the Wreck. -said Maida, opening a box to check in case they’ve delivered something else.
-Oh no! -said Nova, putting her hands on her mouth, -I’m going to be late!
-Careful Nova, -yelled Maida after the running girl, -you’ll fall.
Taking whatever she had brought to “Wisteria” and rushing out the door, she ran through the streets of the Cut, hoping to get to work on time. Unlike the other days, who were boiling hot, this one had taken a turn, and it was raining, almost even pouring. Nova ran as fast as possible, her feet getting muddy and wet from the splashing in the puddles.
-Nova! -yelled Mr. Carrera, -You’re late!
-I deeply apologize Mr. Carerra, with the wish of never happening again! -she said, starting with lifting the boxes that had to be taken inside of the restaurant. Nova worked whatever they told her; from being a waitress, to errand girl.
-It’s raining Pogue, faster, faster! -yelled Mr. Carrera. The boxes were insanley heavy for a teenage girl to carry into the Wreck, and as if deliberately, the guys who took down the boxes, put them afar from the Wreck, just for Nova to carry them a long way inside. No one came to her help, and it started to rain heavier.
Everything interfered together; pain, no more strength and desperate need of a small break. There was no time for thinking of giving up, nor any kind of wish of giving up. Her hands swiftly moved the easier, to heavier boxes, so her work could get a bit less tiring at the end.
And, since life is not only a precious present, but one big surprise and disappoint, for Nova everything had a positive side...most of the times. The boiling kettle in her head, let out it’s piercing sound, as her whole body was now covered in mud, and not from the rain or constant running through the medium sized muddy puddles, but from the splash of the big puddle along the sidewalk, where a Volkswagen camping van parked. With her mouth partly opened in shock, and a single box in her hand, she stood in front of it. The door swung open fast, to reveal a blonde boy. His grey, dirty sleeveless shirt got littered with raindrops easily, as soon as he stepped out.
A heatwave of anger roamed around her head; on top of all getting a text message from her grandma, that she’ll have to go and clean a house after her work finishes at the Wreck. The blonde stepped on the sidewalk, and stopped in his tracks to look at the fierce glare on Nova’s face.
-Are you going to say something? -he said, blinking at the constant raindrops that flickered in front of his eyes.
-Is it that hard for you people who own a car, to drive carefully while it’s raining? -she started to walk forward, leaving the box on a ledge.
-I did nothing wrong; just parked the van. Also ma’am, I’m getting soaked, so if you have any objections hurry up. -he spoke harshly; blonde strands of hair framing his tanned face and sticking out the beauty of his blue eyes. With the look of confusion in his eyes, Nova was supposed to soften, but she stepped back, opening her arms.
-The state I’m in, is because of your careless driving. Sometimes, on rainy days, people are careful of their driving and when parking, they make sure they see ahead of their road, in case they shower somebody.
-Oh I know what you are; you’re one of the girls who’re attention seekers. And let me tell you, -he got closer to her, -they come to me a lot and never succeed.
-What are you, presumptuous thing, to assume that I’ll ever put myself into a state of having any kind of interaction with a guy who’s only analyzing a girl, by her ability to intimidate him? You showered me and didn’t even say a sorry; I’ve wasted my time here by arguing with you, instead of taking these boxes in on a rainy day. I just needed to tell you my objection as a citizen in the OBX who has to deal with constant, nut cased driving on a rainy day.
-Let me answer you; I’m the guy who’s not in your life and doesn’t know the struggles you put up with. So if you’re going to blame a stranger for your inability to work, I advice you on analyzing your actions first. -he spat the words at her face and quickly made his way inside the Wreck. Her whole body shook, not only from the coldness, but also from the stress that had built up during his rough sentences. With only, ever so slightly, letting anger take over her, just like this moment, she took out the firefly hair pin from her hair, inflating one of his tires.
Finishing up with the boxes, she walked in the restaurant, brushing against the blonde, who was exiting it.
-Did you bring in all of them? -said Mr. Carrera.
-Yes, I did, they’re all at the door. -Nova said; Mr. Carrera taking out his wallet and giving her the money she earned for the day.
-I took away some of it; being late should never become a habit.
Nova looked at the money; some of it, meaning half of the money. She didn’t go against her rights as a worker, just placed them in her pocket.
-Goodbye, Mr. Carrera. -she said, taking her belongings and exiting the restaurant. After all, she was convinced the day had gone nowhere near good.
-Huh, -he said, standing from his leaned position, -I was waiting for you.
-What is it? -she said, knowing exactly what he means.
-Was it necessary? I mean, I don’t know what nut case you are, but I’ll get to the point of taking you to the police.
-Okay, come on, -said Nova approaching him, -take me to the police and let them decide what nut case I am. After all, it’s their job to close cases.
-I will, because this was unnecessary. -he said, taking the keys and locking the car. -You’ll get to put up with the police and I’ll leave with the thrill of winning after all.
-Are you even kidding with me? A person like you would never even step at a police station; since that is the last place they’ll ever want to be present at. -she said, scanning his bruised face and the cut on his bottom lip.
-You...are crazy, really. Whatever brain there’s inside, should be analyzed, detail by detail. -he said, -With the wish of never seeing each other again, ever.
-Same wish here. -she yelled after him. The Volkswagen drove away, together with the unknown blonde.
Nova still couldn’t proceed, what made her intensively lash out at the clueless guy, but sometimes, particular people didn’t know about careful driving and never went with the rules of safe and slow. But her issue was definitely the fear of causing any road accident, making it even worse if mud and rain are involved.
On her way home, all she was thinking about, was the slight slipping of the Volkswagen wheels as it hit the puddle. What if it caused the driver’s and her life, since she was stood way to close to it?
-It’s another job at Figure Eight. -she said, replying to her grandma’s information on the house she’s cleaning.
-Please keep distance with the Cameron kids; they’re way too Kooky to handle. -said Maida, her old hands stirring the soup.
-I will, you know I will. Job’s a job. -she said, packing the bag with the supplies she needs.
-Did something happen today at work? -said her grandma, lifting her piece to piece fallen place.
-I will tell you later, but you know no word could crash this heart. -said Nova, pointing to the left side of her chest.
-I know by fact, a word could crash that heart. -she said. Nova’s fake smile fell out of her lips; her muscles relaxing from the pushed through smile. -And I know it can destroy you in a split second, but you’re so smart and strong, that you’ll put up with it in the moment.
-I’ll be late again gran, see you when I get home. -she gave her cheek a kiss and rushed out the door, making her way to Figure Eight, where a lot of cleaning was waiting for her.
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