digitalfcte · 7 months
@bxd-kxrma sent:
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"Ah-Ha! I knew I'd find you here! Eh..." She looked at the arcade cabinet Ayako was playing "What the hell's a Gundam?" You'd think being Japanese herself, she would know what it was by now. "Kinda looks like Big O." Now she was being ridiculous.
The fingers manipulating the controls of the arcade cabinet didn't seem to be showing any signs of slowing down. In actuality, they had just went into auto-pilot as the brain previously commanding them had gone into a standstill.
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"Oh, Karma-chan," she only turned her head half a minute later when the word "WIN" showed up on screen. "Didn't see you there."
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digitalfcte · 7 months
It had been a few days since that one night. Ayako hadn't revealed anything about the strange happenings, leaving everything to Karma's imagination.
And so another night arrived, and strange happenings seemed to rear their head again.
Sometime heavy was around. Something was breathing. But the street seemed empty, not a single person was around.
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digitalfcte · 10 months
@lex-cursus x Starter Call (accepting!)
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"Do I even look good like this, I wonder..." she had noticed her hair growing lately. That would usually make a girl look more feminine, but truth was it looked very messy, not as classy as the long and well tended to locks of the beautiful prince she was with.
"But I don't feel like cutting it now, somehow."
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digitalfcte · 7 months
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“Ayako, what’s your highest score in pac-man? I’m gonna beat it.” Yea right, Karma’s horrible at video games, even though she plays all the time. She just has no skill.
Ayako still found this relatedly new friendship to be kind of odd. Well, mostly because his girl reminded her of a certain martial arts nut she knew. Maybe she would get along better with him, she thought...
But she was trying to be nice, trying to show care about her interests.
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"I think, maybe average? I don't think I can remember the last time I picked up pacman. Now that I think of it, I don't think I remember the last time I saw a pacman machine ever, do they have them anymore?" says the girl that instantly flies to the Gundam Extreme Vs floor every time she goes to the arcade, she probably doesn't realize more than half of her local arcade building has been taken over by crane games.
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digitalfcte · 7 months
@lyriccl x here
What was up with me, the techie girl was asking herself. She got so worried over a simple cooking-related wound.
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"Huh," her gazed dodged the idol. Could she really be feeling too protective of the other girl? Somehow, that made her feel guilty. Nah, she was just weird, she couldn't expect someone as pure as that girl to understand her.
What would Emma really think of her if she knew?
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digitalfcte · 9 months
@geisthonoredferry x here
A slight blush came to her face. Sure, it was too late to deny that she did want to check up on how the girl of the cemetery was doing.
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"Well, would that be wrong?"
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digitalfcte · 10 months
"i want the k" -Niles to Ayako
12. A kiss along the collar bone
She had come to become oh so clingy to this boy. "You have such silky skin" she would tell him, going down his neck, revealing more of him by pulling the collar of his shirt away to kiss beneath.
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digitalfcte · 2 years
We're giving Ayako a neat sight, the elegant movement of something through the air, coming to a stop near Ayako, landing with a hint of blood that could be smelt in the wind. Wiping her face, cleaning someone else's blood off her lips.
She hadn't drank anything, it was remains from a fight, but for a strange to see Eloisa arriving like so.
It probably gave the wrong impression outright.
It was a surprising sight, leaving the young woman on the tips of her feet as someone with blood on her mouth had appeared. There was only one obvious explanation for something like that, and it did mean trouble.
With her drones breaking away from her backpack, the girl had eyes wide open. "What are you doing there?" a pointless question was blurted out. She had already decided this person[vampire] was up to absolutely no good, and yet she did have to ask.
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digitalfcte · 2 years
A not so short kaiju drabble
BGM- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=koS3I_gbeo0
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The gigantic monstrosity clashed with metal, crusts flying off from itself, landing on the city, adding to the incessant rumble already happening. The monstrosity, which a shape hard to describe, was on a constant state of infinity crumbling away as its ethereal power kept regenerating matter, and the sole girl inside the metal clashing with it knew if she didn't keep chipping away at it, it would take over everything.
She could only see darkness, enveloped by a casket of her own making, hooked to every single of her nerves through her insides to get the most of her magic power. That was the only way she could bring about the maximum power for this iron giant. The metallic giant wrestling the monstrosity looked gallant and knightly on the outside, so the girls she cared for like younger sisters wouldn't have to see her body like this.
Yet everything that was hooked up to her allowed her to feel everything outside her titanic armor, which slowly would push against the monstrosity. That thing, it was once probably just like those girls before. With that though flashing in the middle of all the calculations running the machine, the girl entombed in cable screamed.
Her metallic warrior, brought forth by her wealth of data and code, would finally push the crumbling giant back, its ether leaking. Yet it was trying to gather it, two lumps attempting to focus it in the space between.
That, she knew she could no longer defend that. The calculations had already ran through her cortex, no bounded field would be enough to nullify that energy anymore without it spreading destruction around her.
She could only ram it, receive the impact from that energy head on while trying to move it as far away as possible. The thrusters roared, the slow moving power focused giant tackled the monster. The light from the dangerous ether leaking from its joints. The girl inside, feeling the scorching heat.
The sky, the sky. She needed to pull it into the sky. The thrusters turned downwards, scorching the earth below as liftoff was achieved.
The crumbling monster wailed, feeling the abnormal acceleration taking it to the skies.
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"You are confused… I know. I…" the girl could look at it with her own eyes at the beast, as the last blast of ether had taken away chunks of the metallic armor covering her. Her eyes were smeared with her own blood, but she kept looking at the beast if she was still looking for a little girl inside it somewhere. "I can't…"
With the decided coldness of machine and pain jolting through her from the biting of her own lips, she pushed away the monster higher up with a simple force vector, to give way for the larger cannons of the machine to be deployed and charged, and light up the sky with a single pillar of light puncturing the stratosphere with the beast in it.
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digitalfcte · 2 years
❛  i’m  trying  —  i’m  trying  so  fucking  hard  ,  but  nothing’s  working  .  ❜- Estella
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As she had just arrived, the older magic-using girl deployed her drones, diagnosing the state of the victim of the battle that had just finished. She couldn't let the girl bear the guilt of this casualty alone.
Ayako stood together with her as she tried to do what she could, but no matter how quick she closed the innocent victim's wounds, it seemed the flame of life was already fading from them.
With no words, she could only keep the younger girl under her arm while holding the person's hand in hers. "It's not your fault…"
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digitalfcte · 2 years
In the dead of the night, sometimes those that should be hidden from human society would surface. And to keep them from being brought to light, many would work in the shadows.
Some were under an oath, others would do it just for fun, others just seemed to have a sense of responsibility they couldn't ignore once they found out about the happenings. The latter seemed to be the case for this young woman, clading herself in magical devices she had crafted for herself, all so she could take care of the stray phantoms in the town. And in the case she found someone even younger than her trying to face these phantoms, she couldn't help but care for them.
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The moonlight shined on her gear, on the metallic parts, exuding a shimmer that seemed quite holographic. Additionally, it almost seemed like numbers and formulas would float from the girl's magical energy. "Are you sure you are okay there?" She had just thrown one beam, and the flying funnels she had sent went flying back to her back, spreading like wings.
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digitalfcte · 3 years
@finalhxaven​ x here
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"Well, let's just say the bartender is too nice and that is making me feel guilty that I can't open up enough for her... another cup please..."
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digitalfcte · 4 years
@cantusecho​ x here
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"No, but everything has been by my choice, so I just keep going. Maybe I'll find something before I'm just forced to let everything go... oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," she gives Hibiki a smile, "let's go for ice cream."
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digitalfcte · 4 years
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"If you see more of these... glitchy-type monsters... those are my deal."
The one who called herself a Wizard didn't much like to have to deal with this kind of magic users. Not that she knew exactly what kind this person was, and not that she wanted to prod too much to find out. In fact, she had the feeling she had just invaded someone else's turf.
@magicaldreaming​ (Vivienne)
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digitalfcte · 4 years
"Hey teach, what's the training agenda for the day?"
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"Teach..." this was something she wasn't yet ready to accept as normal yet. "Huh, I guess we have to test your Magic Circuits first, as always... get ready while I go get the meter"
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digitalfcte · 4 years
@sakurajustice​ x here
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With that kind of princess-posing laugh, it was indeed going to be a long flight for the cyber-mage. "I'm gonna have to rethink whatever life choices lead me here." she muttered to herself, as she found herself on this trip with a true-blood magus.
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