valorousflower · 6 months
@cantusecho - closed starter
Shine No More
Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan.
At Tokyo Colossal Sight, many of the all-time great musicians and artists performed there. For an idol such as Fumiko Arai, she was no exception. Since she was younger, she had dreamt of performing there one day, and as her popularity grew, that day had come. On her recent tour throughout Japan, her true biggest performance would be at the legendary establishment, at the very heart of Shinjuku where entertainment thrived. She was gonna perform the majority of her latest album, "heavenly shine!".
Where thousands of people stood around, the colossal venue grew dark, and led to a tremendous amount of cheering, the glowsticks sticking out in the darkness. No one truly knew about the tragedy that struck Fumiko when she encountered Kawamura. All that mattered to her, was her ability to sing, despite the villain of the Desolation making it clear to her that she would not be an idol ever again. She held onto dear hope.
In the center of the venue was massive, bright lights, and a huge circular stage, which had a hole. That hole, led to Fumiko Arai herself rising on top of a platform to the stage, where more cheering erupted upon her reveal. The number one idol in the country, it was clear to her that this performance meant everything to her.
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In her dream idol outfit which was utmost refined, she started out of gates strong with her latest single, "heavenly shine!", which shared the same name as her album.
Her dance moves, singing, instrumental, and overall charisma were top-notch. She was as graceful as a flower, and fluid as as a river on-stage, with the voice of a true angel. While the luxurious, plentiful lights shone bright on stage, she shone even brighter.
All that matters is, she can sing still.
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naive-petals · 2 years
Mistletoe by accident for Rose by Chikage
Oh. Oh this wasn't good at all. She wanted to hide or at the very least move away without the other noticing, surely it would be less awkward than letting the other look up. Sadly Fate was against her.
"Rose-chan! Gun-chan! You guys are under mistletoe!" "You have to kiss!"
Silently cursing the gods under her breath Rose knew they were trapped now. Why either wanted the two of them to kiss she couldn't be sure but surely it was to make a fool of herself. Looking nervously at Chikage she couldn't help but blush, it wasn't that she did WANT to kiss the other, but would she even allow it?
Would she even consider it anything of note with her?
Taking a deep, shaky breath Rose closed her eyes, not noticing the other was blushing as well as she lightly pressed her lips against the other. She wanted it to last longer but to save both herself and the other any more embarrassment than needed she pulled away, hopefully that would satisfy the Peanut gallery...
"You guys need to kiss longer! that wasn't a proper kiss Gun-chan."
Or they really were trying to make her life a living hell. Afraid to look to the others future daughter Rose was going to stand up for the other when she felt Lips against her own again. Ah this felt right, and the other taking control was just right. It reminded her of that one night as she let out a happy sigh hoping this could last forever.
Sadly they eventually had to break for air as Rose did her best to calm her beating heart, she wondered if Chikage enjoyed it?
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cantusecho-archive · 2 months
(Okay, I'm finally archiving this blog! I still really think that moving and starting fresh will be a lot better than me trying to come back on this blog specifically. I have a lot of memories with this blog though so I don't want to get rid of it, and it will be easier for people to find me if they choose to follow me again.
This will be a move and combination for my Hibiki and Miku blogs (exsolis), as I intend to write them both together on the same space now.
I still go by the same URL (cantusecho) but again, Miku will be there too. I'm still working on the blog, and I'll queue this a few times on both blogs, but you can catch me here:
I'll probably make a actual promo post sometime later in the week! Thanks again for your patience and understanding.)
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iunctura-arch · 9 months
only one i know is cantusecho
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I followed them on an old blog but now I'm just afraid of following. Second step is to become not afraid.
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getterfavored · 3 years
@cantusecho​ x here
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"I wouldn't say you’ve done nothing. After all your feats can be seen from the very night sky" the man was dressed prim and proper, but there was in him the roughness of a former soldier. "And to say that power came from a warrior of the State. Excuse my rudeness, I am Hayato Jin, the Saotome Institute I lead has collaborated with the government in a few occasions."
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“Well, in the Netherlands there’s an equivalent of two christmasses, so I guess you should go ask them, Hibiki--“
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crownedflora · 3 years
@cantusecho replied:  -HARDCORE PETS AND HUGS-
Such a polite act has successfully saved and pleased the plant...!
Now, excuse as he administers (softcore) huggles back as gratitude!
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muse-matrix · 4 years
cantusecho replied to your post “Obviously, I’m the real best girl here.”
"Chris-chan priding herself of being the best girl. Sad but true!"
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“Wha- Why the hell is that sad?!”
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digitalfcte · 4 years
@cantusecho​ x here
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"No, but everything has been by my choice, so I just keep going. Maybe I'll find something before I'm just forced to let everything go... oh, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," she gives Hibiki a smile, "let's go for ice cream."
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@cantusecho​ cont
“Well I made....this for her.”
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“It’s not the best but it’s all made by me so I hope Senpai likes it.”
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asinfinitum--a · 5 years
“Cover your eyes, Chris-chan!”
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“They’re just boobs.”
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hellboundvirtue · 4 years
@cantusecho replied to your post: I’m in a bit of a weird place rn with writing– As...
It be like that at times. Take all the time you need/want though and never a rush! <3
It is ;;;; and it’s annoying but we’re here to have fun.
Thank you so much aaaa <3 *hugs*
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naive-petals · 2 years
I compell everyone to go spam @cantusecho with love and kindness. They are the best mom/grandma to the muses here and just a joy to write or chat with. GO THE MASSES!
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datxra · 5 years
cantusecho replied to your post “Sometimes it feels as if I’m exaggerating whenever I think and gush of...”
Thankfully you’re here to bless us all with the wonder that is Hitsugi ^^
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Even if it does get lonely at times lol
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getterfavored · 3 years
@cantusecho​ x here
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"Oh,..." he looked up. It was actually daytime. "Fuck, seems I passed out... She's gonna kill me."
The man in a tattered gi tries to fix his hair and traps it behind. His whole apperance could look kind of shady in broad daylight, but he didn't seem to be really concerned with it.
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"...But strangely you look like you could handle yourself... somehow."
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“Let’s go one step beyond...“
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“Just have sex with everyone life is too short to have a relationship with one person--“ HELA PLEASE-- Did Fenrir give you that advice?
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