#mainly bc of ‘what if?’ and worst case scenarios bc my brain is dumb and bc she’s my mom and i’m great at worrying about the people i love
breakingjen · 2 years
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I’m bored and tired so instead of going to sleep I am going to write headcanons because my brain has no juice left to think of new original never done before scenarios atm smh I need coffee
But Karasuno first years in Attack on Titan universe specifically Survey Corps let’s go
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☀️Hinata Shouyou☀️
- Did absolute shit in training.
- Couldn’t use the ODM gear until like five hours after scheduled training.
- Shadis hated him just saying.
- Like he just thought HInata was dumb and reckless.
- BUT he didn eventually master the ODM gear.
- His size and agility really helped him out.
- He’s kinda like a downgrade of Levi when it came to ODM gear.
- Like he’s really quick on his feet and knows how to use it properly but cmon no one can beat Levi.
- Couldn’t use the two swords for shit.
- Like he just couldn’t.
- His little arms didn’t have enough power in them to even cut through an inch of the wood from training.
- So he trained at night when everyone else was sleeping and eventually got better.
- But he doesn’t know how to make tactics.
- He’s a dumb one okay?
- Like he constantly gets the formations wrong and has to improvise with the other soldiers all while running from titans.
- Overly enthusiastic in battle like he sounds like he’s on both steroids and crack.
- Then gets hurt.
- And is scared shitless.
- A lil bit of a coward on the battlefield ngl.
- I mean at least he’s not dead ig.
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🥛Kageyama Tobio🥛
- Thinks he’s soooo much better than Hinata in training.
- He’s not.
- The only thing he does better is using the swords.
- Mans got some mad power in his arms fr.
- And maybe he was a liiiil bit quicker with learning the ODM gear.
- His manoeuvring skills are way inferior to Hinata’s though mainly bc he’s so much taller and heavier in general.
- Cuts v deep and accurate when slicing napes of titans.
- It’s almost scary how he never cuts the wrong part of the nape and manages to cut deep and long enough to kill it every single time.
- Shadis was okay with him.
- Like he stood out as an all-rounder but he wasn’t the best at anything.
- Makes fun of Hinata during training.
- But then gets absolutely smoked in hand to hand combat.
- It’s ironic how bad he is at that.
- Hinata managed to throw him.
- Anyways, he’s usually way more calm and composed in battle.
- He’s smarter than Hinata so he knows how to stick to a plan and modify it to their needs.
- He’s okay with tactics.
- Plays safe on the battlefield.
- But when he sees a clear chance he’s cutting down those titan mfs to kingdom come.
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🌙Tsukishima Kei🌙
- Doesn’t do very well in training.
- His height makes it hard to do anything physical tbh.
- No one can even reach his face.
- He’s okay with the swords, but took a while longer to figure out the ODM gear.
- BUT he’s a master tactician.
- Like holy shit he’s so good.
- He’s the type of person to predict every single possible outcome and think of solutions.
- Those solutions save so many lives in battle wow-
- Like how dare this lil bitch talk back to me-
- He’s probably tried headbutting him but he’s too tall.
- So he just punches his gut.
- Tsukishima ain’t afraid of no bald ass boomer bitch.
- In battle he’s usually riding alongside Erwin I think.
- Constantly discussing what to do next and looking out for smoke signals.
- Him and Hange and besties lolol.
- They’re always on some weird titan anatomy science shit that no one can understand.
- Made fun of everyone during training despite having a hard time with it too.
- Surprisingly good at hand to hand combat.
- Hard to take down bc height.
- Was gonna go to the Military Police Brigade but chose the Survey Corps over them because he wanted to protect Yamaguchi.
- Works alongside Armin too but tbh Tsukishima’s better than Armin fight me.
- Calm during battle but doesn’t like to get hands dirty.
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🍃Yamaguchi Tadashi🍃
- The most average out of the bunch.
- Shadis liked him, surprisingly.
- He was a good kid during training, listened to his orders, never messed around, good kid.
- Definitely felt inferior to Tsukishima.
- Think of him as the Marco to his Jean.
- Except Yamaguchi’s Marco and Tsukishima’s Jean.
- No he’s not dead don’t take that the wrong way.
- He’s really just your average soldier man I don’t got muchto say about him.
- Doubts himself way too much like baby don’t worry you’re doing great.
- Tsukishima came to like him as a comrade and as a good friend.
- They’re also secretly gay for each other but won’t admit it.
- Improved A LOT by training in his own time.
- Does good in hand to hand combat.
- The only one that managed to take Tsukishima down.
- Needs to work on coordination though.
- He’s usually just tagging along with Tsukishima because he’s come to be a tiiiny bit dependant on him.
- Ah he’s such a bean why did he choose such a hard life oh god-
- Very, very queasy in battle.
- Always has the worst case scenarios in his mind.
- Constantly thinks he’s gonna die soon.
- But then cuts down titans like no tomorrow mainly out of fear.
- Tsukishima has to comfort him sometimes.
- Everyone in the Corps ships it but they still won’t Marvin Gaye and get it on.
Hope you enjoy reading this crackpot of hcs I wrote at 2am I’m going to sleep now bye:)
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