#mainly cuz I just don’t believe either of them would be the same species
alienssstufff · 1 year
headcanon that q!Mike and q!Slime aren’t biological brothers but when Slime is adopted by Mike’s family he copies his appearance to look like Mike which why they look so similar :]
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meteor752 · 5 years
Obi-Wan’s padawan that I accidentally created and ended up liking (This title is terrible)
My friend, Vera, who cosplayed as Ahsoka during Halloween, found out I had this blog and checked it out. Her favorite post out of them was about Obi-Wan’s Padawan loving Maul, and she asked me to make them a character.
So yeah, we sat down together with Kim, who played Obi-Wan, and started talking about directions to take this character. If you don’t like it, then good for you.
Oh, and I realized that we never came up with a name or gender, so I’m making it a She because I wrote out their whole “Family Tree”, and there’s a lot of males, and her name’s gonna be Vera cuz this was her idea
So yeah, Vera River was born somewhere on Wecacoe by an unknown mother. This unknown bitch of a mother sold her quickly, as she wanted nothing to do with poor Vera, so Vera grew up being sold left and right to different slave owners.
Growing up like this, Vera became a very quiet and scared little girl, because if she talked then it was chains. She hated being in chains, and even later in her life, she refuses to wear things like bracelets as it reminds her of it.
This continued until she was five years old, where there was some mission to Wecacoe by two Jedi and she was accidentally stumbled upon and brought to the Jedi temple. And as you might have guessed, the two who stumbled upon her was a 12 year old Anakin and a 28 year old Obi-Wan Kenobi. Because of the fact that she was saved by the two, she started to idolize them like you wouldn’t believe and made sure to keep up on what was going on in the two’s life.
Vera was put in a clan like every Jedi youngling, and in her case the cobra clan (Again, how do they name these?? We just made this name up). Because of the first five years of her life, it did make her a bit insecure and jumpy, which was easy to pick on by her clanmates.
The cobra clan consists of a Pau’an male named Timoa, a Devoranian male named Kaltin, a Kel dor female named Tiivia, a Mon Calamari named Meeka and a female Chiss named Amore. Vera did not get along with either Timoa, Kaltin nor Amore, but Tiivia and Meeka were nice.
Vera herself is from an unknown species (Don’t try to look it up, my friends and I made it up), that is sort of near-human. Her skin is chalk white, french braided hair is ebony black and eyes mud brown with a single peck of Amber. She looks relatively human, the only really abnormal thing is that her arms are a little extra long, and sharp fangs instead of teeth.
The thing is, she has a “Beast” form. When she feels threatened or scared, her outward appearance completely changes.
Her limbs grow longer, her back curves so she has to walk on four legs and her jaw can unhinge when she snarls, hisses or roars. Her mouth is unable to form real words, so instead she sends them telepathically into whoever she is talking to’s brain. The top of her head is formed into a sort of tentacle mass, and two extra arms come out of her back. The worst thing though if you ask her, the worst thing is the eyes. Upon the tentacles, there are almost two dozen covering them, and multiple appear and disappear on her body all the time. It is creepy and confusing on so many levels.
Vera is extremely shamed of the beast, and no one in the Jedi council knows of it except for Master Fisto.
During her clan’s first swim class when she was around nine, Timoa pushed her into the water and the beast emerged, as Vera is deeply terrified of water. Master Fisto comforted her, the sweetheart he is, and promised to keep it a secret. He also made the rest of her clan, who were terrified, keep the same promise. After that day, she had gained a lot more respect from her clan, and she overcame her fear of water.
During her gathering, after having to climb up a wall she could only do as the beast, she instead of founding one crystal, found two. Confused as ever, she climbed back down with the two crystals tightly in her grasp and made it out of the cave, first in her clan as well.
Back on the ship while looking at lightsaber types, she stumbles upon something called a Light Whip and falls in love. So yeah, this sweetie now has two blue light whips, good luck defeating her.
But like, a week or two after Ahsoka, aka the clone wars movie and stuff, Obi-Wan once again requested a Padawan, and after seven years Vera once again met her hero.
And she was his Padawan. Great, time to panic.
Over the course of seven years at the temple, she had done her fair share of research on Master Kenobi and holy kriff this guy can’t catch a break, can he. 
So she decided to put up a bubbly, happy exited facade so he won’t have to deal with the mess of a being she is. 
The two of them actually ended up getting along quite well, despite Vera putting him on a pedestal all the time. They joked and sassed out each other, but they also fought together perfectly. 
Vera and ‘Soka got along as well, with both being new Padawans and not too large of an age difference. They became like sisters, and more than once referred to each other as such.
Ani on the other hand...they didn’t exactly hate each other, they just..did not...get along. Vera still admired him greatly, he did help with her rescue as a five year old after all.
During a mission where just the two of them ended up stuck in a ship in the middle of space for a couple of hours, Vera tried an Ice Breaker to get to know each other better.
They ended up really getting to know each other though, as they both vented about their past and feelings -Ani about his jealousy for Vera being a better Padawan than he could ever be and his anger for the Jedi council, and Vera about bottling up her feelings- and then cried. After that they had a better connection and became sort of slave buds. They never called themselves that though, cuz that is weird.
Oh, remember this? Yeah, if Vera was present she would have been discussing that with them, as she is easily distracted.
 After that though, she started pondering about their actual lineage and how wide it goes, so yeah she started her research, and after a couple of months she had mapped out everything and was on multiple masters radar.
The only people she Officially showed were Master Kenobi, Ani and ‘Soka, but she did slip from time to time and just accidentally showed someone to prove a point. 
After ‘Soka by mistake called Ani dad (A headcanon of mine, you can’t tell me it didn’t happen at least thrice) she did another family tree, but this time of how she viewed her family, and since both the 501st and 212th are apart of it she had to get to know the name of every clone trooper in both battalions that have ever lived. 
It. was. torture. But worth it!
This one was more personal though, and only a few people knew about it. And anytime Ani and Master Kenobi had a “moment”, she may or may not have squealed a bit because the tree ‘Soka! The tree!
This also created the inside joke of Master Kenobi and Vera from time to time calling each other “Dad” and “Daughter”, mostly to tease Ani and ‘Soka, but also because they had made a bond over their time together.
Even though she viewed both Master Kenobi and Ani as her father figures, Vera still really liked Satine and just thinks that she and Master Kenobi should hook up already.
She’s also one of the very few people that are unaware of Senator Amidala and Ani’s marriage, but she still thinks they would be a cute couple.
Ummmmm, what do we more have...she’s Aromantic Asexual! She just doesn’t see Romantic Love as necessary to her, and Sex will forever be destroyed for her thanks to her history as a slave, cough cough.
Her diet mainly consists of bugs when she’s unable to go hunting. This grosses Master Kenobi out like you wouldn’t believe, cuz great now there’s two of them. Ani and ‘Soka approves.
When she is on a forest planet though, then she gladly sneaks away to go hunting. It’s not that she’s not allowed, persay, it’s just that most of the time parts of The Beast is shown.
If she sees that it is safe enough, she sometimes lets the beast out for a run, mostly because if she doesn’t and keeps it hidden for too long she becomes aggressive, and she fears that it might appear out of nowhere.
I realized after this was finished that fuuuuck, this means I have to add what Vera was doing during every episode both Obi-Wan and Ahsoka is in fucking kill meeee. So yeah, this is not discussed with either Kim nor Vera, this is only me. Surprise Mother Fuckers.
And I won’t explain every arc, as most times she was just standing around or fighting.
During Mortis she was unconscious. I rewatched the episodes for this, and realized that there is no way to add her without changing major plot points. So yeah, after Ahsoka and Kenobi fall asleep in that cave and have their visions, she does too but doesn’t wake up until they’ve left Mortis. I will explain why later
Slaves of Zygerria she just takes Rex’s place basically, since she’s an ex-slave and doesn’t want to be put back into that. This backfires however as they are put into the slave camp, and suffer terrible nightmares after it for months. Lot of cuddles with Ahsoka if ya know what I mean
During the Citadel Arc, she actually follows orders and stays behind, Ahsoka!
She goes into depression during the Hardeen ordeal and didn’t leave her quarters. No one blamed her for that.
Alright let’s address the elephant in the room here.
She found out at an early age about Maul killing Master Kenobi’s master, and at first she was as shocked and terrified as most younglings were, because A Sith?! We thought those were dead!!
But then she was actually showed a picture of Maul, and holy shit this guy looked cool!!
Like, she has seen Zabraks before, obviously, but damn! The way his dark tattoos looked against his red skin, the glowing eyes, the tattoos just !! Wow!!
It got even worse when she first found out about his red double-bladed lightsaber, that made him look even cooler!
More than once after Vera became Master Kenobi’s Padawan did she ask about the Sith, as vaguely as she could, but her master didn’t really like talking about it and she accepted that.
When she found out that he was alive though...holy shit...
‘Soka could literally not make her stop talking about it, and Vera waited not so patiently day after day until finally, finally, her master told her that they were dealing with a “Maul Issue”.
Callback to this, she freaked out, Maul and Savage were confused as hell and Master Kenobi was just. what. the fuck. why. is this. happening to me.
On their way back to the temple, bloody and bruised, more Master Kenobi then Vera as Savage had a very hard time fighting her, he asked what the kriff that was.
So yeah, Vera started rambling about how fucking awesome she thought Maul was, the same with his brother who she found out existed two hours earlier, and that she really wanted a double bladed saber and Master Kenobi just being like this is really not what I meant, stop idolizing them.
She acts similar around Mr. Ohnaka, who finds great joy in the little Kenobi and gladly answered all of her questions about being a Pirate when they meet.
Now, Vera isn’t all happy feeling of course. Just like everyone else, she suffers negative feelings as well, and in her case they are quite...extra.
She has a bad habit of tapping into the dark side of the force, sometimes out of anger, sometimes fear, and sometimes just because it’s the easiest way. If you are able to kill someone by force choking them to end the mission, why shouldn’t you? It doesn’t make you a bad person, right?
Well, it did however turn on her after she turned fourteen, two years after she was assigned to Master Kenobi, and just a few months before the Jedi Purge (Also before ‘Soka’s trial)
A small stealth mission, Master Kenobi and Ani with their two Padawans and a handful of clones, was surprised by a full on assault. The four of them nearly got killed that day.
But a wall inside Vera broke, and every ounce of the Dark Side of the force inside of her was set free, which meant that parts of The Beast were shown.
Vera herself lifted off the ground, together with every droid in front of her, and then they all were crushed at once.
When Vera’s feet were back on the ground once again, and she looked back at the three near unconscious bodies, it was instead of her two mud brown eyes six pitch black one, two on her cheekbones and two on her forehead.
She smiled back at them, showing off her fanged teeth, but she was met with faces of horror. That was when the true realization of what she had done hit her, and The four extra eyes melted back into her skin. Horrifying sight, truly.
She was silent on the way back to the Jedi temple, ‘Soka trying to ask her what happened, but she simply just shook her head.
It was the same in front of the council, she refused to speak so Master Kenobi had to explain what happened. Master Fisto also ended up telling them about the beast, reluctantly, and only after gaining a silent nod from her.
She was expelled that day.
Left silently, didn’t speak to her master, brother Padawan nor sister.
(Alright, I want y’all to take the next thing with a grain of salt. Vera, Kim and I had fun with the idea, and it was mostly a joke, but I’m going to share it anyways. Oh and also, I would recommend reading this beforehand, as use that headcanon, thanks!)
Barely a week or two after she left for Wecacoe trying to find anything about what the kriff she was, she started to feel a presence. It was weak and vague, but one thing was sure.
It was dark.
So Vera sat down in meditation position in front of a candle, as she had always found that that helped, and started to meditate in the dark side of the force.
Barely an hour into doing this it was there once again, more evident this time. When she opened her now six eyes, she locked eyes with a barely solid being, whose eyes shone with gleam and amusement. A being she had only briefly seen before it had knocked her unconscious for who knows how long a year prior in Mortis.
The Son
As any sane person she stood up and ignited her whips, asking how and why he was there.
So he explained who she was.
A fucking force wielder, created fourteen years ago in an attempt to create a being as powerful as him to balance how to ever growing light side of the force. His daughter.
After a lot of convincing and ifs and buts, Vera actually agreed to follow to Mortis as the embodiment of the Darkside, just so she can balance everything out. 
(Personal headcanon of mine, the moment a force wielder dies another one is created, if one doesn’t already exist that is. So yeah, she also agrees to find her one year old cousin and brings him there no she did not kidnap him hush).
The Jedi council notices the small shift in the force, and Kenobi, Skywalker, and Tano eventually figures out Mortis, and thanks to the fact that Anakin is a Force Wielder himself (I will never stop believing that), they manage.
The three of them expect to find the Son, or something like him in the Cathedral.
Instead, they find Vera on the floor meditating, her eyes dark and ominous and red markings over her white skin.
They questioned it, obviously, and she explained who and what she was. They didn’t believe her, why would they, and thought that the Son had just manipulated her. This angered her a little as the son, her father, had passed away just a few days earlier. A force manifestation doesn’t make it for that long without a body, and he had fulfilled his purpose by bringing her there.
She offered them to stay, and if they would declined she didn’t want them returning. They refused, and Vera snapped, attacking.
She nearly killed Ahsoka. She stood above her, her whips way to close to the Togrutas throat, eyes once again pitch black and fangs glimmering in the small light that was let in.
Anakin saved her life by slicing up Vera’s mouth, completely destroying parts of her lips. Everything stopped inside of Vera for a second as she was thrown back, blood pouring down her face. A force wielder could not die unless it was of the dagger, but physical damage could be caused to them.
The rage flooded inside her veins, and when she looked up back at her former master, brother padawan and sister, her eyes were neither black nor brown. They were red, and had no sign of her usual kind and happy nature left in them.
Vera lifted the three of the ground, and as angry tears streamed down her face she yelled at them to never return or she would end their life immediately, and then forced them out of Mortis. That was the last time she saw any of them.
She spent most of her days taking care of her cousin, Tartur, or meditating the pain away. Crying became a part of her routine. At first, she constantly checked Kenobi, Skywalker and Tano’s force presence, but stopped after just a few weeks as it hurt too much.
The purge almost gave her a heart attack, as it was so much pain and death at once. All the deaths mixed together made that she couldn’t clearly tell who died when, but when it was finally over she simply assumed that everyone was gone, including her former master and her sister. 
Skywalkers fall was understandable, she’d felt his possessive nature when she was still a Padawan, but she was still angered.
Tartur grew up hearing stories of the galaxy, the Jedi and the force. Vera taught him everything she knew about using the force and trained him in hand to hand combat and with a pole resembling a lightsaber. She never picked up her light whips after the day she nearly killed her sister.
Despite being the woman that raised him, and his family, and being the embodiment of light, Tartur grew up hating his cousin because she could leave, he couldn’t.
By Anakin, the child of the force, using the dark side, Tartur had to stay on Mortis to keep the balance and push light side into the force at all times.
Vera on the other hand could leave, or for a few days at least, but she chose not to unless it was for a supply run (This girl loves her son good hot chocolate), otherwise she stayed at all times.
When Maul died, she felt it which was a surprise to her for two reasons.
One, he survived for that long? Told you he was awesome!
And two, she hadn’t felt any deaths since the purge.
Obi-Wan was next, which nearly tore her open. His death actually made her leave Mortis just to find out what happened, and that was when she met a sunny force sensitive young boy named Skywalker. Wait a minute-!
Ahsoka’s death was the last one, years later. At this point she had nearly gotten used to it, and she was able to accept it.
It was also during this time that Tartur and her started to avoid each other for long periods of time. They kept to their side of the planet for sometimes weeks, sometimes longer. Once they went for two years.
After maybe a millions years of living on this planet, sulking for the most part, Vera decided to take initiative and actually see the galaxy, find out what happened to the places she used to love so much.
And the galaxy sure was...different. When she walked around, a cloak covering her dark Jedi looking robes and red eyes scanning the area, she noticed multiple untrained force sensitive beings.
During some quick research in a library, she learned that the Jedi were seen as myths and legends nowadays, and that very few people believed in their existence.
So she took some more initiative and managed to charm her way into talking in front of a couruscant school, her old masters teachings always comes to use, and before she knew it she stood on a stage in front of hundreds of wondering and confused eyes.
So she started simply, asking how many knew what a Jedi were, of which maybe a fourth of the school raised their hand, something that made her incredibly sad. When she asked how many believed in the Jedi, nearly everyone lowered their hand, except for a small Zabrak boy, maybe thirteen or fourteen years old.
The Zabrak boy got a few laughs from the audience, but Vera simply smiled kindly and asked for his name, which was Revar.
And then she explained the force, the Jedi, the Sith, tales of the old republic she’d heard as a child, the clone war, the empire the first order everything. Everything to these children, and no one said a word as she spoke, just stared at her in awe.
When she was finally done and her mouth was dry and she craved hot chocolate, an even younger Twi’lek girl raised her hand and asked what the Jedi were like.
After she answered that question, more hands flew into the air.
So she kept returning to that school, once every three months, to tell stories and answer questions. Some kids did a little research on their own and asked questions about specific Jedi, and she gladly told them of what she knew.
Around ten kids on the school were force sensitive, including Revar, and there were even some that were related to the Jedi of her time. This she never told them while on stage though, and instead in private. She taught these ten a few tricks to conceal their force abilities, but also how to do simple Jedi mind tricks or moving small objects.
More schools requested her, and after around three years with these kids she moved on to a different one. Eventually she stood on stage in front of entire planets, and from time to time even got help by Tartur.
Planets started to hail the Jedi more and more, and small monuments were built in their honor. Temples were created and some requested Vera to teach them, something she accepted.
Soon the Jedi were back, but in a different way than before. Instead of mainly using the light side, or mainly the dark side, it was a mix of both as that is what Vera are.
Vera and Tartur made sure this lasted for billions of years, teaching new younglings and making sure the older spread what they had learnt. Of course they had to regularly return to Mortis, but when they could they were traveling the galaxy.
Aeons after her birth, Vera finally passed away peacefully, her cousins promising to take care of the child that would be created when she was gone.
He didn’t cry, he’d seen this coming for days and he knew that his time weren’t that far away either.
Vera reunited with her family finally in the force, and she watched as what she had created continued to live on long after she was gone.
This took time! Like, really long time! Me, Vera and Kim talked for hours about this, and had to stop to rewatch the Mortis Arc in the middle of it. I actually like where we took this, and it was fun to do.
But for real, this took weeks, so be grateful
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fandomchoirboys · 7 years
Kakavege week - Space Travel
AN: Takes place in an AU where when Raditz came to Earth, Goku regained his Saiyan memories after they both were killed by Piccolo. Out of a sense duty to his race he went with Nappa, Raditz and Vegeta after the brothers were brought back with the Dragon Balls. Nappa and Raditz later die at the hands of Freeza in glorious battle on Namek and choose not to be brought back. The rest follows the basic timeline of Dragon Ball Z except Goku and Vegeta still have their space pods and use them to go to other worlds as either defenders of planets in need or in search of remnants of the Cold's Empire.
Royal Catalog: Recorded transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot between the Ages 761 and 784 (as told by the King Consort's log dates after pod is repaired by Royal Scientist and Royal Mother Bulma Briefs). Year of Catalog: 13 PGR*, may King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot's glory live on forever. 4582 TMC** and Galacdate 397412.47.
Age 761
'Hey, you awake?'
'Kakarot, regardless of there only being four of us left, I am still your Prince and I demand you show me the respect due to me.'
'Right! Sorry, sir. Your Highness! Sir.'
'Moon above, I know Raditz found you on a backwater planet but honestly...'
'I'm sorry Prince Vegeta! I'll try to be better!'
Transmission enhanced and remastered 'Not like it really matters, a prince of three isn't much of anything.'
'Whatya say? Sir!'
'Nothing Kakarot.'
'Okay your Highness. Ya'know, I'm here so if you ever wanna talk or something at some point.'
'Shut up.'
'Yes sir.'
Age 763
'Hey, Vegeta!'
'Yes Kakarot?'
'Whatya think we'd be doin' right now if Freeza hadn't blown up the planet?'
'You'd be an infantry level soldier with dreams of maybe making Lieutenant and I'd be living in lap of luxury with beautiful women seeing to my every whim, the planet magically running itself without me having to life a finger.'
'C'mon Vegeta, that's no fun. We'd still be friends!'
'How would we be friends Kakarot? The only reason we met was because we are literally the last of our species and I decided to disobey Freeza and go somewhere I wasn't supposed to.'
'Yeah, but can't ya feel it? It's like, when I first saw ya I knew we were meant to, I dunno, fight together and stuff. Even if Freeza didn't destroy our planet, we'd have to be together.'
'If you say so Kakarot.'
Age 765
'Ya ever wonder what everyone would think if they saw us now?'
'Like Raditz and Nappa?'
'Well, yeah them too, but mainly everyone else. I mean, two Super Saiyans in a generation, crossbreeding with another species, ya know? Like, we're kinda breaking all the rules of normalcy and without anyone to reign us in, we're like making up a new definition of what being Saiyan is and-'
'Kakarot how much sleep have you been getting?'
'Not much, my chest has been kinda hurting lately.'
'Our next mission can wait a bit, we'll go to Earth and see if that woman can find what's wrong with it.'
'Oh really! Thanks Vegeta!'
'Can't very well have you watch my back if you're distracted now can I?'
Age 774
'You think if I started teaching him our culture younger, Gohan would be out here with us instead of running around Earth in that costume?'
'Hard to say, I don't think it would take much for you to do something similar, I mean, when we met you were a fashion designer and a strong sense of morality away from being a superhero.'
'I was not-'
'Mysterious/unknown background: check. Unnaturally strong: check. Overthrow despotic and/or militaristic government: check. Magic bullshit, archenemy and Deus Ex Machina devices: check, check and hell yes check.'
'C'mon, it's not my fault we had Dragon Balls-'
'Deus Ex Machina devices.'
'Deus Ex Machina devices. It's a literature thing. It's like out of nowhere, for seemingly no reason other than god caused it, something happens that just fixes whatever it was that went wrong.'
'Huh, yeah, the Dragon Balls'll fix just about anything you could dream of…'
Age 779
'If you could have any wish, what would it be?'
'That you'd stop interrupting the knock out gas in these pods with questions.'
'C'mon, what would you really wish for?'
'…I don't know, I honestly haven't thought about it much. I wanted immortality for so long it's hard to think of anything else. And since all your Earth friends agreed that after seeing what a hassle Garlic Jr. is that no one else is allowed to wish for immortality, regardless of their intentions towards Earth.'
'I guess that's fair, I can't think of anything I want either after I bring King Kai and the rest of them back, but that's only fixing my mess, not getting something that I want.'
'That reminds me, I've been wanting to ask for ages: why didn't you Instant Transmission Cell into space? I know we've set up beacons for you to use.'
'I panicked. Piccolo had just finished giving me the dressing down of my life about how I was sending my son to die and then Cell was a sore loser and was gonna blow up everyone and King Kai's place was the furthest place I could think of where no one would get hurt. Besides, the only beacons we had set up at that point were in the lower atmosphere and maybe one on the moon, we were still testing my reach and our ability to make beacons at that point. Hey, ya think if we still had our tails and we went to the moon, we'd turn Oozaru?'
'No, the Blutz waves would be too weak if we were standing on the source. I don't know what it is about a planet's atmosphere, but it amplifies the Blutz waves to make them strong enough for us to transform. It's why we never had to worry about transforming in space and making sure our ships could survive its crew suddenly becoming at least twenty times larger.'
'Huh. I never even thought about that. It's like our biology wanted us to travel the stars.'
'I guess you could say that. Anything else you wanted to talk about? I'm exhausted from our last mission and was really looking forward to the forced sleep.'
'Oh, no, that's it. Goodnight my Prince.'
'Goodnight Kakarot.'
Age 784
'Where are we going?'
'C'mon Geets, you know if I tell you it won't be a surprise anymore.'
'You know I hate that nickname.'
'You've yet to offer a proper one to replace it and before you say it, no: Your Highness and Prince are not proper nicknames if I want to call you something while we're cuddling. If we're having sex, they're fine since I know what they do for your ego, but otherwise no. And besides, we're almost at our destination.'
'What do you mean we're almost there, there's nothing here since Freeza- Moon above you did not Kakarot.'
'Maybe I did.'
'You wished back our planet?'
'And our people. You would not believe the hassle and promises I had to make to everyone in Otherworld from King Yemma to Supreme and Elder Kai. And that's not even counting actually summoning the dragon without anyone knowing and trying to make their own wishes. I had to fly to the south pole and even then our sons were about halfway there by the time I summoned Shenron. Those poor penguins, they had no idea-'
'Yeah yeah yeah, back to the part where you wished back our entire planet, race and culture without telling me.'
'Well I wanted it to be a surprise. Oh, also I wished for our tails to grow back after a week living on Planet Vegeta. I remember one time you said that having your tail cut off meant you were exiled but at the same time I didn't want to grow them back before we got there 'cuz you might guess something was up and I didn't want them to grow back in the middle of you seeing your dad again or something so…'
'You wished our planet, race, culture and tails back. It- I- I didn’t know I wanted this. Kakarot you- I- I can’t thank you enough, you- you're perfect.'
'Love you too, my Prince, now come on, let's go meet our future.'
End of Transmissions. Continuation of Transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot are filed under: "Recorded transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot between the Ages 785 and 803 (as told by the King Consort's log dates after pod is repaired by Royal Scientist and Royal Mother Bulma Briefs)."
*PGR - Post Grand Resurrection **TMC - Traditional Method of Counting
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