#kakavege prompt 3
flannelepicurean · 10 months
A Hannigram, a Lawrusso, and a Kakavege walk into a bar...
Okay so I was over on reddit going HAM in a thread about what would happen if your three fave OTPs were stuck in a room together for 24 hours. And I had SO MUCH FUN thinking about it, and writing up an absolutely crack-tastical summary, and I wanna share it with you mellifluous organisms.
The dynamic duos are Johnny Lawrence/Danny LaRusso (Lawrusso), of Cobra Kai; Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham (Hannigram), of NBC's Hannibal; and Goku/Vegeta (Kakavege) of Dragon Ball Z.
The room itself is... I'm picturing like, not quite a middle-school gymnasium, not quite a "this is definitely not a psychological experiment, just trust us on this," vibe.
Anyway, here's how it goes down:
Johnny and Goku become best friends almost immediately. Johnny offers him some slightly-expired sandwich meats from a random pocket while they're chillin' on some folding chairs, and Goku is like BOY HOWDY, WOULD I EVER!!!
Hannibal is disgusted by this. Danny is disgusted by this. Vegeta is just generally annoyed. They become The Mean Girls, they are a clique, now.
Will gets jealous and pouts in the corner. And starts scheming.
Johnny and Goku are insufferable. Two class clowns with "Wanna go ride bikes?!" energy, except middle-aged men who do martial arts. They CANNOT calm down. They CANNOT be tamed.
Will wanders by the Mean Girls table and suggests that Hannibal could easily outdo that fucking pocket ham, that's not even food, Hannibal knows food. And then he wanders away.
Hannibal preps a dinner party. Don't ask me how he got all this stuff. He probably just...found it in a closet. Don't anyone ask too many questions. Shh.
Danny's a teensy bit put off; for all his pretense to being almost high-society now, this is...really avant-garde. He's really boxed macaroni at heart, regardless of his quinoa. Before Johnny can even get a full, "WHAT THE FUCK," out, Goku and Vegeta are horfing down fish jello and unsavory Bostonians and the floral arrangements and everything like they've never been fed once in their entire lives.
Hannibal's pupils shrink. His stabbin' hand gets a little tense. Will smugs into his wine glass. Danny and Johnny hold very still. Then exchange a glance. Then hold very still some more.
The Saiyans, however, are fairly complimentary of the food, and Hannibal is a little torn. Goku’s like, “DO YOU HAVE MORE? IS THERE GONNA BE DINNER?” Hannibal sneaks a glance at Johnny, at the very edge of his peripheral vision, and gives a polite smile. Will sips wine.
Hannibal does his best to get Johnny alone so he can turn him into the main course. But he’s always running wild with Goku or hanging all over Danny when Goku decides to go bother Vegeta.
Goku keeps randomly asking about dinner. Not necessarily to Hannibal, just generally like, “Boy, I wonder when dinner’s gonna be,” and, “Man, I can’t wait for dinner!” and, “I wonder where he got the jiggly fish. I hope there’s jiggly fish again. The jiggly fish was good. Man, I hope we have dinner soon.”
Eventually Hannibal deputizes Will to try and get Johnny away from Danny, which Will agrees to with full spousal support appropriate of a murder husband.
Will asks if the Lawrussos can help them with the wine selection? They’re gonna need a really sophisticated palate to properly pair the beverages for the evening, with the many intricate courses, and they’re not serving beer, can’t get it for some reason, so if they can go over a very detailed list of notes on the flavor profiles of— And Johnny’s like NOT IT. But Danny gladly follows Will to the cellar (other corner of the room) for the Amontillado. There's a wine rack there, now.
Hannibal asks Vegeta if he could kindly guide Goku in setting the table, in preparation for dinner? Goku just about does a backflip. Hannibal provides an EXTREMELY complex diagram for the table setting that includes some entirely made-up utensils that he assures them are somewhere in the very extensive utensil kit. Or the credenza. Or several other pieces of cabinetry which now reside in the room.
Finally isolated with Johnny, Hannibal attempts some banter before going in for the kill. Johnny rags on him for being a nerd who dresses like a weirdo and talks like a book with no pictures on the cover and doesn’t even serve beer at a dinner party. Hannibal makes one packaged ham/long pig quip and leaps into action.
Johnny, however, is not exactly a stranger to knife fights, and he knows KARATE. So they have an instantaneous realization about each other, and one full-chested, “HEY, FUCK YOU, PAL!!!” later, we’ve got a Situation.
Danny and Will both immediately assess the Situation and rush in; Danny goes classic feral purse chihuahua, and Will goes rabid mongoose.
Goku and Vegeta turn away from their imminent crime of passion about where the goddamn ostrich spoons are, and fly over and hover above the situation for like… two seconds. They exchange a perplexed glance.
The Saiyans land on the periphery of the melee, and Vegeta fires one good blast into the ceiling, and everything screeches to a halt.
Goku starts making an impassioned speech in the “Have you forgotten the true meaning of Christmas?” genre. Except the point is that they were all supposed to be MAKING DINNER TOGETHER.
Hannibal’s pocket square nearly ignites from pure Had Enough of This Shit, but at the first twitch of that chef’s knife, Vegeta raises a hand like, “Bitch, don’t even try me.”
Goku summons a figurative Spirit Bomb onto the conflict to ask if they can please, please stop fighting…and just make dinner. He’s really hungry.
Danny realizes that, hey…he’s actually really hungry, too. And sometimes he gets a little hot-headed when he’s—
Will finally snaps and says, okay, enough is enough. You all think you’re so cute and adorable and interesting, but he does NOT find you that interesting, you are LOUD, and RUDE, and WEIRD, and he just wants to go home and spend some quality time with his HUSBAND. And his dogs!
Hannibal has a breakthrough realization, because Will didn’t say “dogs” first, and is like, Babe, I would never, I love you so much, OMG, you’re right, I’ll spend less time with my weird new friends and pay more attention to you. GASP! HOLY SHIT, WAS THIS A SCHEME, DID YOU SCHEME ME?! That's so romantic, I LOVE YOU, MONGOOSE!!!
Everyone kinda stares at them in horror. Danny’s like, “…Okay, that’s toxic.” And Johnny’s like, “Wait, were you gonna eat me?!” But Hannibal’s like, “Gentlemen, who here can say that we have not done something banana-butter-bonkersauce for the man we love?” And everybody just kinda looks away from each other extremely uncomfortably for a second. But then they grin at their partner a little.
And Danny’s like, “…You know, I bet I could make a mac and cheese in here…” And Hannibal’s like, “I think I saw some white truffles…”
✨And it’s a dinnertime miracle.✨
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kakavegeweek · 2 years
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Hi everyone! We are a little behind but we are super excited to announce the PROMPTS for our 13th Kakavege Week! 🥳
Day 1 - April 16th - Birthday / Las Vegas
Day 2 - April 17th - Close Your Eyes / Pajamas
Day 3 - April 18th - Closet / Apologies
Day 4 - April 19th - Camping / Guilty Pleasure
Day 5 - April 20th - Hawaiian Shirts / Reunion
Day 6 - April 21st - Wish Gone Wrong / Immortality
Day 7 - April 22nd - Domestic / Future
We hope you're excited as we are. Spread the word and get to brainstorming!
Our usual RULES can be found on our pinned post.
- join our discord or message is here if you have any other questions/concerns
- we still need someone to make the badges - they are "birthday" themed, but we are very open to how our artist may interpret this. Please contact us if you're interested, and let any friends know about this need! (Highly preferred you join our discord if you want to do this)
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yeowangies · 1 year
Of Confrontations and Miscommunications
PAIRING: Goku/Vegeta RATING: Explicit CONTENTS: Explicit sexual content, Attempt at Humor, Fluff and Smut, AU Modern Setting, AU No Powers. WARNINGS: None. WORDCOUNT: 13191
Goku has just moved to the city with his youngest son, and meets Vegeta, Bulma's ex husband, at her birthday party.
Confusion and misunderstanding happen.
This is for day 3 of kakavegeweek @kakavegeweek , with the prompts closet and apologies.
I would normally split such a long fic in two or three chapters but this is done for day 3 so, it didn't make sense to me. So you have to read this in one go now lmao
This is my first time writing kakavege, and while I'm proud of it, I'm still nervous. I wanna write more for them in the future too! So hope yall enjoy this!
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fandomchoirboys · 7 years
Kakavege week - Space Travel
AN: Takes place in an AU where when Raditz came to Earth, Goku regained his Saiyan memories after they both were killed by Piccolo. Out of a sense duty to his race he went with Nappa, Raditz and Vegeta after the brothers were brought back with the Dragon Balls. Nappa and Raditz later die at the hands of Freeza in glorious battle on Namek and choose not to be brought back. The rest follows the basic timeline of Dragon Ball Z except Goku and Vegeta still have their space pods and use them to go to other worlds as either defenders of planets in need or in search of remnants of the Cold's Empire.
Royal Catalog: Recorded transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot between the Ages 761 and 784 (as told by the King Consort's log dates after pod is repaired by Royal Scientist and Royal Mother Bulma Briefs). Year of Catalog: 13 PGR*, may King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot's glory live on forever. 4582 TMC** and Galacdate 397412.47.
Age 761
'Hey, you awake?'
'Kakarot, regardless of there only being four of us left, I am still your Prince and I demand you show me the respect due to me.'
'Right! Sorry, sir. Your Highness! Sir.'
'Moon above, I know Raditz found you on a backwater planet but honestly...'
'I'm sorry Prince Vegeta! I'll try to be better!'
Transmission enhanced and remastered 'Not like it really matters, a prince of three isn't much of anything.'
'Whatya say? Sir!'
'Nothing Kakarot.'
'Okay your Highness. Ya'know, I'm here so if you ever wanna talk or something at some point.'
'Shut up.'
'Yes sir.'
Age 763
'Hey, Vegeta!'
'Yes Kakarot?'
'Whatya think we'd be doin' right now if Freeza hadn't blown up the planet?'
'You'd be an infantry level soldier with dreams of maybe making Lieutenant and I'd be living in lap of luxury with beautiful women seeing to my every whim, the planet magically running itself without me having to life a finger.'
'C'mon Vegeta, that's no fun. We'd still be friends!'
'How would we be friends Kakarot? The only reason we met was because we are literally the last of our species and I decided to disobey Freeza and go somewhere I wasn't supposed to.'
'Yeah, but can't ya feel it? It's like, when I first saw ya I knew we were meant to, I dunno, fight together and stuff. Even if Freeza didn't destroy our planet, we'd have to be together.'
'If you say so Kakarot.'
Age 765
'Ya ever wonder what everyone would think if they saw us now?'
'Like Raditz and Nappa?'
'Well, yeah them too, but mainly everyone else. I mean, two Super Saiyans in a generation, crossbreeding with another species, ya know? Like, we're kinda breaking all the rules of normalcy and without anyone to reign us in, we're like making up a new definition of what being Saiyan is and-'
'Kakarot how much sleep have you been getting?'
'Not much, my chest has been kinda hurting lately.'
'Our next mission can wait a bit, we'll go to Earth and see if that woman can find what's wrong with it.'
'Oh really! Thanks Vegeta!'
'Can't very well have you watch my back if you're distracted now can I?'
Age 774
'You think if I started teaching him our culture younger, Gohan would be out here with us instead of running around Earth in that costume?'
'Hard to say, I don't think it would take much for you to do something similar, I mean, when we met you were a fashion designer and a strong sense of morality away from being a superhero.'
'I was not-'
'Mysterious/unknown background: check. Unnaturally strong: check. Overthrow despotic and/or militaristic government: check. Magic bullshit, archenemy and Deus Ex Machina devices: check, check and hell yes check.'
'C'mon, it's not my fault we had Dragon Balls-'
'Deus Ex Machina devices.'
'Deus Ex Machina devices. It's a literature thing. It's like out of nowhere, for seemingly no reason other than god caused it, something happens that just fixes whatever it was that went wrong.'
'Huh, yeah, the Dragon Balls'll fix just about anything you could dream of…'
Age 779
'If you could have any wish, what would it be?'
'That you'd stop interrupting the knock out gas in these pods with questions.'
'C'mon, what would you really wish for?'
'…I don't know, I honestly haven't thought about it much. I wanted immortality for so long it's hard to think of anything else. And since all your Earth friends agreed that after seeing what a hassle Garlic Jr. is that no one else is allowed to wish for immortality, regardless of their intentions towards Earth.'
'I guess that's fair, I can't think of anything I want either after I bring King Kai and the rest of them back, but that's only fixing my mess, not getting something that I want.'
'That reminds me, I've been wanting to ask for ages: why didn't you Instant Transmission Cell into space? I know we've set up beacons for you to use.'
'I panicked. Piccolo had just finished giving me the dressing down of my life about how I was sending my son to die and then Cell was a sore loser and was gonna blow up everyone and King Kai's place was the furthest place I could think of where no one would get hurt. Besides, the only beacons we had set up at that point were in the lower atmosphere and maybe one on the moon, we were still testing my reach and our ability to make beacons at that point. Hey, ya think if we still had our tails and we went to the moon, we'd turn Oozaru?'
'No, the Blutz waves would be too weak if we were standing on the source. I don't know what it is about a planet's atmosphere, but it amplifies the Blutz waves to make them strong enough for us to transform. It's why we never had to worry about transforming in space and making sure our ships could survive its crew suddenly becoming at least twenty times larger.'
'Huh. I never even thought about that. It's like our biology wanted us to travel the stars.'
'I guess you could say that. Anything else you wanted to talk about? I'm exhausted from our last mission and was really looking forward to the forced sleep.'
'Oh, no, that's it. Goodnight my Prince.'
'Goodnight Kakarot.'
Age 784
'Where are we going?'
'C'mon Geets, you know if I tell you it won't be a surprise anymore.'
'You know I hate that nickname.'
'You've yet to offer a proper one to replace it and before you say it, no: Your Highness and Prince are not proper nicknames if I want to call you something while we're cuddling. If we're having sex, they're fine since I know what they do for your ego, but otherwise no. And besides, we're almost at our destination.'
'What do you mean we're almost there, there's nothing here since Freeza- Moon above you did not Kakarot.'
'Maybe I did.'
'You wished back our planet?'
'And our people. You would not believe the hassle and promises I had to make to everyone in Otherworld from King Yemma to Supreme and Elder Kai. And that's not even counting actually summoning the dragon without anyone knowing and trying to make their own wishes. I had to fly to the south pole and even then our sons were about halfway there by the time I summoned Shenron. Those poor penguins, they had no idea-'
'Yeah yeah yeah, back to the part where you wished back our entire planet, race and culture without telling me.'
'Well I wanted it to be a surprise. Oh, also I wished for our tails to grow back after a week living on Planet Vegeta. I remember one time you said that having your tail cut off meant you were exiled but at the same time I didn't want to grow them back before we got there 'cuz you might guess something was up and I didn't want them to grow back in the middle of you seeing your dad again or something so…'
'You wished our planet, race, culture and tails back. It- I- I didn’t know I wanted this. Kakarot you- I- I can’t thank you enough, you- you're perfect.'
'Love you too, my Prince, now come on, let's go meet our future.'
End of Transmissions. Continuation of Transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot are filed under: "Recorded transmissions between King Vegeta IV and King Consort Kakarot between the Ages 785 and 803 (as told by the King Consort's log dates after pod is repaired by Royal Scientist and Royal Mother Bulma Briefs)."
*PGR - Post Grand Resurrection **TMC - Traditional Method of Counting
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baby-buu-buu · 3 years
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Kakavege Week 11 ✨ Day 3 ✨ Prompt Cliches
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cosmicmewtwo · 7 years
this fic is obviously far from finished, but I thought I’d share the first couple chapters for kakavege week. enjoy!
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sendgays · 8 years
@spiritbathbomb asked me for kakavege and #113: I prefer blondes.
“Heya, Vegeta!”
His eye twitched. “What the fuck are you doing here, Kakarot?”
“I just came by to see how yer training was goin’! Have ya made it to Super Saiyan yet?” The idiot just kept smiling despite the fact he was unwanted.
“If I had, you wouldn’t be asking me, you’d already know.” Vegeta decided it was as good a time as any to take a break. Stripping off his sweat-soaked top, he picked up a towel and began to dry himself. “So was there something you wanted or did you come just to flaunt your strength?”
There was no reply. Turning his head to berate the idiot for not answering, Vegeta stopped when he saw the look on Kakarot’s face: it was a look that said Kakarot hadn’t eaten in three days and Vegeta was the juiciest steak he’d ever seen.
First he was offended. How dare this third class scum ogle his royal body!? Then the rage passed and turned to amusement. Vegeta wiped the towel over his chest and down his abs, Kakarot’s eyes following every movement. A smirk slid across his lips. The pure and mighty Kakarot was just as horny as the rest of them.
“I asked if there was something you wanted, Kakarot.” His towel moved lower, slowly inching over his hips to cover his crotch.
The bastard actually licked his lips. “Yeah, Vegeta. I came to ask if ya needed help with yer trainin’.”
“What kind of help are you offering?” He rubbed himself a few times, letting the towel drop low enough for Kakarot to see the growing bulge behind it. The oaf nearly whined at the sight, all too easy for Vegeta.
“We could…spar together.” The words caught in his throat.
Kakarot didn’t have the benefit of a towel to hide the tent in his pants and Vegeta chuckled as he pictured the kind of sparring Kakarot had in mind.
“And what makes you think I’m interested in sparring with you?” Vegeta moved closer to him, standing directly in front of Kakarot.
“I think we could learn a lot from each other, Vegeta.” That intense, hungry stare was so much more interesting up close.
“What could I possibly learn from a clown like you, Kakarot?” Sexual subtext aside, Vegeta still had enough pride to be offended at the fact a bumpkin had the gall to say they would teach the Prince of all Saiyans something.
Kakarot leaned down to his level and whispered in his ear, the hot breath tickling Vegeta’s skin. “That I prefer blondes.” And with those parting words, he was gone. Blinking out with that damn teleportation maneuver right at the most interesting part.
Vegeta threw the towel beside his shirt and resumed his push ups. But this time with a whole new motivation for becoming a Super Saiyan.
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perversefanworks · 7 years
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Unfinished sketch dump:
1- Discarded prompt from kakavege week (stuck in a small space)
2- Future Trunks. Also a teen magazine cover.
3- Discarded gore prompt
4- fuck if I know
5- Marriage
6- Majin insane fun
7- He’s not as innocent as he’s made out to be and nobody can convince me otherwise.
8- Gohan
9- RBF
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ao3feed-vegebul · 5 years
by kodavege
For Kakavege Week 2019 Sept 6. Prompt: Locked out.
After working out a situation with their wives, Bulma gives them a Capsule House for their first night alone together. After setting it up, Vegeta can’t find the key.
Words: 1972, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of Story Of Another Us
Fandoms: Dragon Ball
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Son Goku, Vegeta, Bulma Briefs
Relationships: Son Goku/Vegeta (Dragon Ball), Bulma Briefs/Vegeta, Chi-Chi/Son Goku (Dragon Ball)
Additional Tags: kakavege, tumblr: kakavegeweek, First Time, First Time Blow Jobs, bottoming Goku, Outdoor Sex, Open Marriage, Polyamory
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kakavegeweek · 3 years
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Kakavege Week 11 is almost here!!!! 2 more days until the fun begins
Day 3 Prompt 4th wall break
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kakavegeweek · 3 years
Apocalypse Please by @baby-buu-buu is great inspiration for the day 3 Prompt 4th Wall Break. If you haven’t read it, you should take a look! Nsfw warning 👀
Kakavege Week 11 starts on 10/25/21
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kakavegeweek · 4 years
Kakavege Week 10 officially over! We have created a survey for when the next Kakavege Week will be and if you guys have any prompt suggestions. Please fill this by 4/3/21 if you want your opinion to be counted and considered.
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baby-buu-buu · 4 years
For Kakavege Week 10 - Day 3 - Prompt Afterlife
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kakavegeweek · 4 years
Kakavege Week 10 - Day 3 - Prompt afterlife
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kakavegeweek · 4 years
Kakavege Week 10 - Day 3 - Prompt Afterlife
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kakavegeweek · 4 years
Hi there, is there still time to submit late prompts for kakavege week?
Hello, today 3/27 is the last day to submit some for credit but I would encourage you to post them late anyway if you aren’t able to today. We definitely would still love to see it.
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