#mainly the parable tbh. for portal its mostly the vibes so u can understand how that would be harder to describe lol
sea-buns · 1 year
The campaign setting is SO COOL!!!!!
When Brennan first started speaking, I was confused like "uhh is this unsleeping city related? why we talkin so much about cities?" And there's visuals of marbles moving around and some weird roulette table thing so I start thinking "...Vegas?" But then we see a map IN THE SHAPE OF A FUCKING BRAIN.
Satisfying that primal urge to organize everything in my life by color. Anyone else separate a bag of candy by color before you eat any so you know how many of each you have? Just me?
But the set design! The projections on the dome! All the industrial piping and wires and shit!!! It weirdly reminds me of The Stanley Parable? Or maybe Portal? I'm not quite sure how to put it.
I think part of it is the fact that the PCs each exists in different areas of the brain where they all quite literally have their own "jobs". I mean, Brennan is literally wearing your standard white dress shirt and black tie. Combined with all the exposed machinery, this season has the potential to be very meta-gamey about its plot. The story could be the PCs slowly learning that they exist to keep their host as functional as possible, or some of them may know already. And it would be an incredibly "Brennan" move for the Big Bad to be someone on the highest rung of this working class-based society. All that said, even if the story doesn't go in that direction, simply the world itself acting as a representation of the turning gears and inner-workings of a larger system gives off very similar vibes as those two games.
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