#mainly why i havent posted a self on here like all yr which i might do soon who knows lmfao
toxooz · 3 years
Maybe this is a little weird, but I really like the way you designed Wig and Zortzi. They both look like crackheads, and I'm really glad you designed them like that, cause I've seen drugs get romanticized alot and portrayed as being sexy- Idk if what I'm saying makes any sense, but hopefully you get the idea. It's got a little bit of realism that alot of people get gross and weird when they're on drugs for a really long time
no yeah i totally get what you mean abt drugs being romanticized and having emo pretty boys doing that shit bc 'omg im so edgy and its how i *~cope~*' all that bullshit esp since i live in a town thats getting shittier where u cant even go to walmart to get some damn milk without seeing a drug head or ppl u grew up with getting into it and looking fukkin horrible losing their kids n shit when they're in their early 20s like its fukkin gross and hard to watch and yeah i crack jokes abt Wig n Zortzi cause they're dumb as hell and just my own made up characters but ill be damned if i make them look like angsty little pretty boys doing hard drugs for the edge factor with 0 repercussions hell thats why i made Ponti be at his lowest point in his life and literally die for a short time when he was on drugs out of allll the shit he did he considers that his lowest point so yeah 👍 even then they're a lot grosser looking in my head than what i draw them as lmfao😭
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