#maintagging this is like when your cat is bored and walking around the house going mEAUUUW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD MEAOW
ranboo5 · 2 years
What I sent Floral (cleaned up and edited for typos) all c! n /rp etc etc. Referring to the Lone Digger/Slim Shady mashup on YT by oneboredjeu
The entire plot of The Real Slim Shady is the concept of how "I'm justy the only one who has the strength to be the fucked up guy that secretly everyone is #society" and obviously like it’s Eminem it's extremely edgy for the sake of it "ohh everyone is actually secretly a violent misogynist I'm just #real about it"  but like.
Also think about it with stuff like staged finale Dream analysis and such like Dream's whole deal with ends justify the means taking one for the team here™ bs that is ascribed him and also with Ranboo's whole general condescension and his actually correct understanding that no one around him is a particularly Good Person + factor in the meta and the vision becomes clearer
 And then the second thing about Lone Digger which is about #partying and more importantly is in the mashup just used for the music. Like the mashup is just TRSS with Lone Digger as the backing track, and either way w/ both how Lone Digger sounds with the classier horn samples and ALSO with how Lone Digger is about social activity which can in a sense be extended to performance AND the way it's being paired w/ TRSS which is again about, purportedly (and incorrectly like the fact that TRSS is a bad take is relevant here) about the lack of that kind of palatability/performance. Like the interplay of both elements of This is the concealed Real Fucked Up Elements We Pretend To Conceal and the way it's MADE ONE WITH A SONG ABOUT PRETENSE implying That Too is a performance for social gain in part (which, also, TRSS itself is)
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