#majima goro // . with all the blood i lost with you . [ holycircle ]
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Ship Tags
majima goro // . with all the blood i lost with you . [ holycircle ]
rinh’a moshantu // . as long as the stars are above you . [ eclipsewaxing ]
emet-selch // . ecstacy of a love forgotten . [ empyrcal ]
hades // . like a broken dream i was incomplete . [ empyrcal ]
Non-ship Mains Tags
thyra thorne // . took a shiner from the fist of your best friend [ battlehigh ]
roi coello // . press my nose up to the glass around your heart [ brightblessed ]
iwasaki sayuri // . stars in our eyes ‘cause we’re havin’ a good time [ sakuranosuke ]
y’shtola // . all work and no play never made me lose it [ astherea ]
nishikiyama akira // . let ‘em talk ‘cause we’re dancing in the world alone [ oathbrother ]
nishitani homare // . only bad people live to see their likeness set in stone [ baptists ]
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even in their old age, celebrations of life were frequent - a reminder that they've shared so much time together. ' ya know, rei-chan, it sure has been a helluva long time since kamuro. ' laying down on the roof garden on the outskirts of sotenbori, majima's arm laying underneath reijiro's neck, fingers grazing across an exposed collarbone... it was simply enough to be here. ' happy birthday, reijiro. i'm glad yer here with me. '
//. @gunafide // birfday // majima
     Osakan summers were sweltering, but the onset of the eve brought no small relief. Light pollution notwithstanding, it was a beautiful night with a cooling breeze that staved off the stifling heat that otherwise kept Reijiro at bay. With one of his legs draped over Majima's and his head cradled in his arm, he could think of nowhere else he'd rather be on a day that once held for him such immeasurable sorrow. He always preferred to keep his own birthday quiet and calm--a day with Majima with little to no fuss, and true to his word, the celebration of Reijiro's birth was kept a private affair--warm, calm, and intimate.
     ❝ Mmm, ❞ he turns his head slightly, enjoying the feel of Majima's muscle beneath his neck, and his fingers across his collar bone, ❝ Even longer than that since we first met in 1986... Thirty-five years. And just as long since we've been together. We've gotten old, haven't we? ❞ The question was accompanied by a gentle chuckle. The idea of getting old was... scary at first. But now they were in the throes of it, the old guard giving way to newer generations. The dissolution of the Tojo Clan and Omi Alliance certainly made things a little less stressful for Reijiro, and there was a calm serenity whenever he gave thought to the future. One of his hands would travel up to gently stroke at Majima's fingers.
     ❝ Thank you. You've made my life an adventure, ❞ he says after a brief moment of quiet, ❝ A terrifying, stressful, and often nerve-wracking adventure, but an adventure nonetheless. ❞ The addendum was playfully added, albeit in a slightly sharper tone. It was true at least--he couldn't lie. Being the partner of a Yakuza patriarch had its perks but also its dangers. Slowly, he adjusts, moving to lay his head against Majima's collarbone, lazily draping an arm over his chest, a contented sigh escaping him, ❝ And I look forward to many more years to come. ❞
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