#majoon imagine
starry-kfics · 7 years
baby [namjoon]
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so this is an imagine that i meant to post like three days ago, but i accidentally posted it on my other account, like an idiot. anyways, hope y’all enjoy!
word count: 3168
warnings: none, just a hs au
author: mel
Ringing the doorbell, you nervously looked at your phone to double check that you had the right address. Today you were supposed to start a babysitting job for a single mom that lived down the street from you. She had just moved in, and needed someone to watch her baby weeknights while she worked night shifts. You loved kids, and happily accepted the job.
The door was opened by a young woman who bowed to you. "Are you Y/L/N Y/N?"
"Yes, Ms. Kim." You bowed back, and followed her inside.
"It's wonderful to meet you. Let me go get Jaesun!"
As she bustled away, you got more excited, that must be the baby you were to watch. Standing silently, you were starting to get anxious. You didn't like just waiting there.
She returned with a small baby swaddled in blankets and started explaining his care and schedule. "This is little Jaesun. He eats at five-thirty, I already have his bottle in the fridge, you just need to warm it up for him. Two minutes. I also made you some food for you to eat as well. Jaesun likes his lullabies to be played when he goes to sleep, they're in the CD player in his room. And his bedtime is eight o'clock, but he's usually asleep by then."
"Okay, I've got it, Ms. Kim." You nodded, and she gave her son a kiss on the forehead before handing him to you.
"I'll be back at ten-thirty, that's okay with your parents, right?"
"Of course, I just live down the street." You assured her, cradling Jaesun close to you.
"Wonderful. Oh, one more thing, my younger brother lives with us as well. I'm not sure exactly where he is right now, he said he was out with his friends. He'll probably be back before I am."
"Thank you so much. Bye." Ms. Kim waved and gave the baby one last peck on the forehead before closing the door behind her.
Moving some of the blankets from around his head, you finally saw Jaesun's face. "There you are, baby." You smiled, and he looked up at you with the most precious eyes.
He didn't need to be fed for another hour and a half, so you decided to sit on the couch with him. You weren't sure if he could crawl yet, and he didn't seem to want to get out of the blankets either.
Babies were so easy to talk to, they didn't judge you or talk back. They just listened, and you found that Jaesun actually seemed to be paying attention, mystified by your voice.
There was a sudden crash from down the hall where the bedrooms were, and you froze. Was someone trying to break in?
Holding the baby even closer to you, you picked up your phone and took cautious steps away from the sound. You needed to call the police.
"Noona!" A male voice yelled from where the sound had come from. "I knocked my lamp over. Again."
You didn't respond, unsure of what to do. Jaesun had other ideas, immediately crying.
"Sh, sh, come on baby. It's okay, sh, sh." You tried to calm him down, but he was still screaming.
"Soojung noona! Jaesun is crying again." The voice came again, this time accompanied by the door opening.
A figure walked out from the room, and it seemed to be a young man of about your age.
"Soojung!" He yelled again, then stopped when he noticed you rocking the crying baby. "Oh, you must be the babysitter."
"Yes, I'm Y/L/N Y/N. Are you Ms. Kim's brother?" You kept rocking Jaesun, he was starting to calm down.
"Soojung? Yeah, she's my sister."
"She said you were with your friends."
The boy shook his head, looking at the ground. "No, we uh, we just moved here. So, I don't really have friends yet. I just told her that I had some to make her feel better."
"I'm Kim Namjoon, by the way." He bowed to you, and you nodded back, not able to bow with the baby in your hands.
"It's nice to meet you." You looked back down at Jaesun when you felt a tug on your neck, he had grabbed your necklace charm and stuck it in his mouth. "I don't think so, Jaesun."
Shaking your head, you took it back then stuck his pacifier in his mouth.
"You're really good with him." Namjoon said, and you smiled over at him for a second.
"Thanks. Uhm, not to be rude, but why did your sister hire me if you're here?"
"She doesn't trust me to babysit."
"I... tend to drop things."
You couldn't keep from laughing, and quickly composed yourself again. "Sorry."
Namjoon was grinning too, stroking his nephew's jet black hair for a moment. "Don't be, it is pretty funny. Until I drop poor Jaesun on his head or something."
"I guess you're not going to be holding him then."
"Nope." The older boy said, looking up from the baby to you.
It was then that you realized how close you two were, only Jaesun's small body in your arms separated you from Namjoon. Then you saw the wall clock, it was time to feed the baby.
"Oh! It's Jaesun's dinner time!" You said, walking into the kitchen to grab the bottle from the fridge. Then you called out to the boy you had left in the living room. "Ms. Kim made dinner, if you're hungry too, Namjoon."
"It's so weird to hear you call her Ms. Kim." He commented, following you into the kitchen. "She's always just been Soojung to me."
You placed the bottle in the microwave, and set it for two minutes. "Well that's because she's your sister. She's employed me."
Jaesun seemed very interested in the microwave, watching it whir and spin around.
"Well yeah, but it's still weird." Namjoon went over to the stove, where a large pot of soup sat.
You nodded, you couldn't imagine hearing your parents be called by their first names. The microwave dinged, and you shifted Jaesun to one arm to grab it. Making sure it wasn't too hot, you sat at the kitchen table to begin feeding him.
"Do you want some, Y/N?" Your companion asked, setting his bowl of soup on the table.
"My hands are full." You shrugged, in one hand was a baby and in the other was a bottle he was slowly nursing from.
"Here." Namjoon filled his spoon, then held it out to you, hand hovering underneath it to catch any falling drips.
"Namjoon, I'm fine, thank-" You were interrupted by your stomach growling very loud, which caused both boys to smile. "Fine."
Opening your mouth, you let him put the spoon in your mouth, and you accepted the soup off it. Chewing the piece of chicken that was in it, you swallowed the delicious broth. "Your sister is a very good cook!"
"I know." Namjoon grinned, dipping the utensil back in to take his own bite.
After Jaesun finished his bottle, you'd shared the bowl of soup with Namjoon and talked amicably. Apparently you went to the same school, and shared some teachers, but no classes.
Jaesun was wriggling around in his blanket cocoon. "Oh, you've got some energy now, huh?" You giggled, rinsing out the bottle before placing it on a towel to dry.
Walking into the living room, you unswaddled him before gently setting him on the floor. The baby immediately began crawling, and you smiled as he slowly moved across the floor.
"Hey, Y/N, it was great hanging out, but I've got some math homework to finish." Namjoon said from the doorway, looking reluctant to leave.
"Ooh, have fun." You shook your head, tickling Jaesun's feet. "If you need any help, I already finished mine."
Once the older boy disappeared into his bedroom, you shifted your focus completely back to Jaesun. The baby was moving back towards you, and you sat down to watch him. He got even closer, and attempted to crawl over your legs.
"What are you doing, baby?" You laughed as he ended up rolling over. Helping him back on his front, you stroked his head. "There you go, Jaesun."
Jaesun kept playing around on the floor as you made sure he didn't bump into anything. You saw him trying to grab the edge of the table to stand himself up, and gently helped him, making sure he didn't fall. He took a hesitant step.
"Namjoon?" You called behind you, not able to contain your excitement. "Does Jaesun walk?"
"What? No." He yelled back, voice muffled as it went through the door.
"Well he's walking now!"
You heard his door get thrown open, and he came running out to join you in the living room. As soon as his uncle got there, Jaesun plopped down, as if he had never stood up.
"Aw, come on, Jaesun." Namjoon whined, running a hand through his own dark hair.
"Don't make a liar out of me." You laughed, helping him get back up.
Jaesun took a shaky step forward, then another. When you looked at Namjoon, you could see that his jaw had dropped, and it became the widest smile you'd seen.
"Look at you go!" He cooed, cheering on Jaesun. "You're walking! Your mom is gonna be so proud of you!"
You were beaming as you watched the fond interaction between the boys, appreciating how happy Namjoon was. Happiness looked so good on him. You hadn't even understood how long you'd been staring until you realized that Namjoon was holding a crying Jaesun out to you.
"His diaper isn't smelling too good." He informed you, and you took the child from him.
"Haven't you changed one of these?" You sighed, getting up off the floor.
"I'm not the babysitter."
With an eye roll, you walked into Jaesun's room to change his diaper. When you walked back out, you saw Namjoon sitting on the couch with a textbook across his lap and a sheepish smile on his face. "So uh, how good are you at math?"
You put Jaesun in his stationary bouncing chair, then sat beside Namjoon. As Jaesun bounced happily in the corner, you worked with the older boy on his math homework. He was struggling, but thankfully this was a topic you were good at.
"I don't get it!" Namjoon groaned, sitting back on the couch.
You removed the book from his lap and set it on the table. "Let's take a break, okay?"
"Namjoon, do you mind keeping an eye on Jaesun while I use the restroom?"
"Go ahead, it's the first door on your left." He pointed down the hallway where the bedrooms were.
Following his directions, you found the restroom. As you were washing your hands, you looked over yourself in the mirror. You looked disheveled and tired, but there was still a smile on your face; you were having fun with Namjoon and Jaesun.
Then you heard the cries of the baby, and you rushed to dry your hands off then run back out to the living room. Jaesun was still in his bouncer, screaming bloody murder.
"I didn't do anything!" Namjoon said defensively as you gave him a look.
Picking Jaesun up, you held him close to you, rocking him gently as you shushed him. "It's okay, baby. Shh, shh. Come on, it's okay."
Jaesun started to calm down, hiccupping as his tears subsided. "Aw, your face is all red now." You cooed, using his bib to wipe at his tears. "You're okay, Jaesun. You're okay."
Turning on your heel to face Namjoon, you raised your eyebrows questioningly. "Are you sure nothing happened?"
"Yes, I'm sure. I was just trying another problem and he started crying as soon he realized you were gone." The boy assured you, and you breathed a sigh of relief.
"Babies don't have a sense of object permanency. He probably thought I was gone forever." You laughed, tenderly squeezing his chubby cheeks. "I wouldn't leave you like that, Jaesun. I promise."
Jaesun wrapped his whole hand around your index finger and started sucking on it.
"Aw baby, you have a pacifier for that." Taking your finger back, you stuck his purple pacifier in his mouth before he could cry again.
Sitting back on the couch with Jaesun in your lap, you looked expectantly at Namjoon. "We've got five more problems, you can do this, Namjoon."
When he was finally finished with his homework, it was five minutes till eight. Jaesun was already nodding off in your arms, and you stood up as slowly as you could to avoid disturbing him.
"I've gotta put him to bed now." You whispered to Namjoon, and he nodded.
In Jaesun's room, you gently changed his clothes, then put him into his crib. You found the CD player Ms. Kim had mentioned, and started it at the first track. A beautiful piano lullaby played, and you put a few blankets on Jaesun.
"Goodnight, Jaesun. I'll see you tomorrow." You kissed two fingers, then placed them on his forehead.
The door creaked behind you, and you turned to see Namjoon walking into the room. "I like to say goodnight as well."
You stepped back from the crib to let Namjoon tell his nephew goodnight. Then, you both left his room together, making sure to leave the door cracked open just a little, in case Jaesun woke up and started crying.
"Ah," Namjoon stretched before falling onto the couch. "We've got two and half more hours, now what?"
"Do you have all your other homework done, Namjoon?" You questioned.
"Y/N, you're babysitting Jaesun, not me."
"But still-"
"Y/N." Namjoon interrupted you sternly, patting the open couch beside him. "Relax. Jaesun is asleep, your job is done for today."
"Unless he wakes up." You murmured as he grabbed your hands to pull you onto the couch.
"Then you'll deal with it then. Now, let's find a movie to watch." He let go of you to grab the remote and turn on the TV.
"Quietly, so we don't wake Jaesun."
"Yes, quietly."
Through the whole movie, there wasn't a single sound from Jaesun's room. Just as the credits started rolling, the sound of the front door unlocking met your ears, and you stood up to greet the woman walking in.
"Hello, Ms. Kim." You bowed to her, speaking quietly. "Jaesun is asleep."
"Thank you." She smiled, then saw Namjoon on the couch you had just stood up from, half-asleep. "I see you met my brother as well."
"Yes." You confirmed, nudging him to get up. "Namjoon, your sister is home."
"Soojung!" Namjoon exclaimed, leaping up to hug his sister.
She shushed him as she hugged him back. "Hey Namjoon. You didn't bother Y/N, right?"
"He scared me half to death at first, I thought someone was breaking in." You admitted, laughing at the memory of you clutching your phone. It seemed much longer than a few hours ago.
When Ms. Kim gave her brother a disappointed look, Namjoon rolled his eyes. "No, I didn't bother her. She even offered to help me with my homework."
She looked to you, and you nodded. "Do I need to pay you for tutoring as well?" She asked, digging into her purse.
"No! No, you don't!" You insisted, you knew that a single mother supporting her son and her brother had to be tight on money. "Please, it was my pleasure."
"Thank you." She smiled, handing you just the amount for babysitting for the week.
"It was no problem, I had fun with the boys tonight."
"I'm glad Namjoon wasn't too much a bother."
"I'm not a bother." He insisted as his sister reached up to mess up his hair.
"I'll be going home now, unless you need anything else from me, Ms. Kim." You announced.
"Yes, go home. Get some sleep. I'll see you tomorrow." The older woman bowed to you. "Thank you again, Y/N."
"You're welcome. Goodnight." Bowing back to her, then to Namjoon, you turned to walk out.
"Here," Namjoon was suddenly at your side, opening the door for you. "I'll walk you home."
"I just live down the street."
"It's dark outside, you shouldn't be walking alone at this time."
Turning to his sister, you asked, "Is that okay?"
"Of course!" She grinned. "It's good to see Namjoon finally acting like a gentleman."
"Soojung." He groaned as she waved you two out the door.
As you walked down the sidewalk, you couldn't wipe the smile from your face. "I had a really good time tonight, thank you Namjoon."
"So did I." He replied, a small smirk on his face as he looked down at you. "Thanks for helping me with the math homework."
"It's one of the few things I'm good at."
"Don't talk like that, I'm sure you're good at a lot of things. You're really good with kids, Jaesun loves you."
"Thanks. How about you, Namjoon, what are you good at?"
"I don't like bragging, but, I like writing songs, and raps."
"Do you sing and rap as well?"
"Sometimes, yeah. I just wish I had someone to collaborate with."
You grinned as a thought formulated in your mind. "I should introduce you to Min Yoongi, then."
"Min Yoongi?" Namjoon asked, and you could in the faint lamppost light that he looked despaired. "Is that your boyfriend?"
"Oh my god, no!" You laughed, having to cover your face to keep from snorting. "He's one of my best friends, he does rapping and songwriting too."
Finally, you were at your front door. "Thank you for walking me home, Namjoon."
"No problem. Like I said, you shouldn't walk alone this late at night."
"Well, goodnight then."
Just as your hand grabbed the door handle, Namjoon's grabbed yours, stopping you. "Y/N?"
"Yes?" You turned to him, he looked absolutely ethereal in the soft light of your porch lights.
"Could I see you again?"
"I'll be at your house tomorrow." You answered with a laugh, and he shook his head in response.
"I mean without the crying baby. Just us two." His dark brown eyes looked into yours.
Looking down at your hands that were still holding each other's, you took a deep breath to gain your courage. "As in, a date?"
"That's what I'd like."
"Then yes, I'd love to, Namjoon."
Namjoon's smile grew, dimples deepening in his cheeks, which made him even more adorable to you. "This Saturday? We could go get lunch."
"That sounds wonderful."
"Okay. Goodnight, Y/N."
"Goodnight, Namjoon." You grinned as he turned to leave. "One more thing?"
"Hm?" As soon as he turned back to you, you got on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.
"See you tomorrow." With a satisfied skip in your step, you walked inside, leaving Namjoon on his porch, fingers gracing the cheek that you had just pecked.
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