#make the tumblr staff turn my cultivated dashboard into an algorithm swamp
lunar-wandering · 1 year
literally. when i joined tumblr when i was like, 14, i had no goddamn clue how this site worked. i didn't understand reblogs, and i couldn't figure out how to tag my posts correctly so all my tags got jumbled together "kindalikethis".
but i saw that i could leave replies on people's posts. so, i'd search the name of my fave show/things i liked, and when i saw a post that was neat, i liked and replied to it. and, usually, got replies back (usually from the op). i had whole conversations in the replies of posts. i'd usually follow the poster soon afterwards, and after i noticed the ask box, began to send asks as well.
within a month, despite initially not knowing how to reblog or how the site really worked, i'd made about 10 friends, and had a dash constantly covered in new posts that i enjoyed. around this point i really figured out how reblogs and tags worked, and i was off to the races, dragging in more followers and friends.
all of this, without an algorithm. i never needed one. and neither does any new user.
it might feel disheartening to get not as many responses at first, or for your dash to feel quiet, but you just got to keep trying + learning. don't just give up immediately when your post only gets one note or you go 30 minutes without seeing anything new on your dash. if you wanna have a good time on this site, you gotta make an effort to adapt to it.
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