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infolake · 1 year
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For more information about CLICK HERE
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zealouskiddestiny · 1 year
Marketing & SocialMediaNetworks
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home-improvment · 1 year
(PLR) 20 High Profit Ways to Make Money Online Review + Bonus + Discount
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The internet has developed into a potent instrument for making money online in the current digital era.
Anyone can take advantage of the enormous potential of online income streams with the proper knowledge and tactics.
This PLR package, titled "20 High Profit Ways to Make Money Online," was developed as a result. There are 20 chapters that address a variety of ways to make money, including starting an online course, investing in cryptocurrencies, and selling handmade goods on Etsy.
This PLR bundle offers helpful insights and doable advice for success, regardless of whether your goal is to launch a side company or develop an online enterprise that you can operate full-time.
So let's get started and discover the potential of earning money online!
Table Of Content
1.) Introduction: The Power of Making Money Online
2.) Sell Handmade Items on Etsy
3.) Participate in Online Surveys
4.) Invest in Cryptocurrency
5.) Freelance Writing and Editing
6.) Creating an Online Course
7.) Affiliate Marketing
8.) Dropshipping and eCommerce
9.) Social Media Management
10.) Virtual Bookkeeping and Accounting
11.) Online Coaching and Consulting
12.) App Development
13.) Domain Name Flipping
14.) Stock Trading and Investing
15.) Web Design and Development
16.)  Online Advertising
17.) YouTube Channel Creation and Monetization
18.) Online Translation Services
19.) Online Travel Booking and Reviews
20.) Conclusion: Choose the Right Online Money-Making Method for You.
Product Benefits
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1.) Having access to a comprehensive guide with 20 choices for online income that offers a range of options.
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2.) Realistic advice and insights on each technique, assisting customers in starting out swiftly and confidently.
3.) The opportunity to learn from professionals in each field and acquire knowledge and experience that they can use to further their own efforts to make money online.
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4.) It is more convenient to have all the data in one location rather than having to look up each method individually, which saves time and effort.
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5. The chance to achieve financial independence and freedom by using online money-making strategies to increase income and maintain financial stability.
6.) The freedom to select a strategy that suits their abilities, interests, and lifestyle, enabling customers to build a job that reflects their interests and objectives.
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7.) The opportunity to create a scalable and long-lasting online company that offers long-term financial advantages and room for expansion.
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8.) The freedom and flexibility of working whenever and wherever you want, in comparison to traditional employment.
9. The possibility for passive revenue streams to be created using online courses and affiliate marketing.
10.) The chance to pick up new knowledge and abilities that will advance their career and personal development.
PLR Buyer Benefits
1.) Compared to hiring a coach or consultant for individualized advice, the PLR bundle offers a cost-effective method to acquire important knowledge and materials for earning money online.
2.) The collection of online income streams in the bundle enables customers to spread their income sources and lower risk.
3.) Buyers can rebrand the ebook with their own name and image using the reseller license, turning it into a special item that can be offered for sale.
4.) The PLR package can be used as a lead magnet to draw new email list subscribers or as an incentive for buying other goods, thereby increasing the appeal and value of the total offer.
5.) The PLR bundle offers a flexible and adaptable resource for online marketing and content creation because it can be reused and used in a variety of forms, including blog posts, social media content, videos, and podcasts.
See More Details Start Make Money
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house-improvment · 1 year
(PLR) 20 High Profit Ways to Make Money Online Review + Bonus + Discount
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The internet has developed into a potent instrument for making money online in the current digital era.
Anyone can take advantage of the enormous potential of online income streams with the proper knowledge and tactics.
This PLR package, titled "20 High Profit Ways to Make Money Online," was developed as a result. There are 20 chapters that address a variety of ways to make money, including starting an online course, investing in cryptocurrencies, and selling handmade goods on Etsy.
This PLR bundle offers helpful insights and doable advice for success, regardless of whether your goal is to launch a side company or develop an online enterprise that you can operate full-time.
So let's get started and discover the potential of earning money online!
Table Of Content
1.) Introduction: The Power of Making Money Online
2.) Sell Handmade Items on Etsy
3.) Participate in Online Surveys
4.) Invest in Cryptocurrency
5.) Freelance Writing and Editing
6.) Creating an Online Course
7.) Affiliate Marketing
8.) Dropshipping and eCommerce
9.) Social Media Management
10.) Virtual Bookkeeping and Accounting
11.) Online Coaching and Consulting
12.) App Development
13.) Domain Name Flipping
14.) Stock Trading and Investing
15.) Web Design and Development
16.)  Online Advertising
17.) YouTube Channel Creation and Monetization
18.) Online Translation Services
19.) Online Travel Booking and Reviews
20.) Conclusion: Choose the Right Online Money-Making Method for You.
Product Benefits
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1.) Having access to a comprehensive guide with 20 choices for online income that offers a range of options.
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2.) Realistic advice and insights on each technique, assisting customers in starting out swiftly and confidently.
3.) The opportunity to learn from professionals in each field and acquire knowledge and experience that they can use to further their own efforts to make money online.
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4.) It is more convenient to have all the data in one location rather than having to look up each method individually, which saves time and effort.
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5. The chance to achieve financial independence and freedom by using online money-making strategies to increase income and maintain financial stability.
6.) The freedom to select a strategy that suits their abilities, interests, and lifestyle, enabling customers to build a job that reflects their interests and objectives.
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7.) The opportunity to create a scalable and long-lasting online company that offers long-term financial advantages and room for expansion.
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8.) The freedom and flexibility of working whenever and wherever you want, in comparison to traditional employment.
9. The possibility for passive revenue streams to be created using online courses and affiliate marketing.
10.) The chance to pick up new knowledge and abilities that will advance their career and personal development.
PLR Buyer Benefits
1.) Compared to hiring a coach or consultant for individualized advice, the PLR bundle offers a cost-effective method to acquire important knowledge and materials for earning money online.
2.) The collection of online income streams in the bundle enables customers to spread their income sources and lower risk.
3.) Buyers can rebrand the ebook with their own name and image using the reseller license, turning it into a special item that can be offered for sale.
4.) The PLR package can be used as a lead magnet to draw new email list subscribers or as an incentive for buying other goods, thereby increasing the appeal and value of the total offer.
5.) The PLR bundle offers a flexible and adaptable resource for online marketing and content creation because it can be reused and used in a variety of forms, including blog posts, social media content, videos, and podcasts.
See More Details Start Make Money
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How do I add an affiliate link to a WordPress website?
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There are many ways to add links to your website. The following are the easy ways to add an affiliate link to your website. Though you will need to access code for a few of these techniques, there is no need to know coding to create affiliate links on your website.
Table of Contents
1. Hyperlinking
2. Banners
3. Embed code
1. CLICK the Share button under the video
button">2. CLICK the Embed <> button
3. Copy the Embed code
4. Click the Text button in the upper right corner of the post
5. Paste the code next to the cursor
6. Click back to visual mode and the video will appear.
4. Pasting Link Directly On Your Website
5. Images
6. Plugins
1. Hyperlinking
Hyperlinking is done using the chainlink symbol on your editing platform. First, highlight the word or words you want to link to a particular product or page and then right-click on the highlighted area and select the chainlink symbol on your editing platform. A box will open and you can place the link in and close the box. Hyperlinking is by far the most common way to link an affiliate product to an offer and they work well as they are less intrusive when a visitor is reading your post or article.
2. Banners
Banners are offered to affiliates in two forms. Either the banner is already set up with the HTML code that you copy and paste into your website in the text mode or the banner is an image and much the same way you hyperlink a word you just highlight the image and use the same chainlink symbol to add the link to the image.
3. Embed code
Embed is basically the same as what has been outlined above. It is the process of taking the block of HTML code and pasting it into your text mode of your editor in the spot where your cursor clicked prior to leaving the visual mode. Embed codes are used for many reasons, not just to post affiliate products. On YouTube, If you want to post a video to your website that will place the video and not just a link on your website, you use the embed code option on youtube and copy and paste the code into the text mode of your editor.
Placing a YouTube embed code into a WordPress website:
1. CLICK the Share button under the video
2. CLICK the Embed <> button
3. Copy the Embed code
4. Click the Text button in the upper right corner of the post
5. Paste the code next to the cursor
6. Click back to visual mode and the video will appear.
4. Pasting Link Directly On Your Website
Pasting links directly on your website is also an option and when you refresh your site you will find that the link becomes active. This is not the most desired approach since the link is not as aesthetic as any of the other methods mentioned above. Most marketers in this situation would choose to type something such as CLICK HERE and then highlight this text and hyperlink the link to the text.
5. Images
Images are again the same as using a banner image. Use an image the same way you would a banner. Highlight the image and then add the link to the box that opens when you click on the chainlink in your editor.
6. Plugins
Plugins are another way to work with linking and WordPress has many plugins that can help with this task. However, it is hard to suggest using a plugin for a process that is straightforward. The fewer plugins you use on your site the better to both, maximize site speed and maintain security. (plugins that are not updated can make your website more at risk of being hacked)
Final Thoughts
Many website owners are concerned about the risk of using affiliate links incorrectly and getting banned from an affiliate program or social media platform.
The important thing is to not listen to random discussions online about whether it is or isn’t alright to use an affiliate link in a particular way. Years ago this was a very confusing matter when posting Amazon products online … Pinterest also had an unclear policy about how affiliate links could be used.
What I have found is that you have to get the answer from the terms of service and admittedly this can still be difficult. As mentioned earlier the rules are much clearer now about what can and cannot be done.
The best approach has been and continues to be sending affiliate links from a social media platform to a landing page. This avoids any problems relating to direct linking. What is nice about having a website for your affiliate links is that your website pages can be used as landing pages.
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abdulquddus · 24 days
How to Make Money Fast with ClickBank Affiliate Marketing
Hey I’m Inzamul, Welcome to my article today I am going to breakdown How to Make Money Fast with ClickBank Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative ways to make money online, and ClickBank stands out as a premier platform for affiliates looking to capitalize on high commissions and a vast array of products. If you're eager to learn how to make money fast with ClickBank affiliate marketing, you're in the right place. This guide will walk you through every step of the process, from setting up your account to scaling your business.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Understanding ClickBank
What is ClickBank?
ClickBank is an online marketplace that connects product creators with affiliate marketers. It offers a wide range of digital products, including eBooks, software, and online courses. As an affiliate, you can promote these products and earn commissions on each sale you generate.
How ClickBank Works
The process is simple: product creators list their products on ClickBank, setting commission rates for affiliates. Affiliates then choose products to promote and use unique tracking links provided by ClickBank. When someone purchases a product through your link, you earn a commission. ClickBank handles all the payment processing and tracking, making it a seamless experience for both creators and affiliates.
Setting Up Your ClickBank Account
Step-by-Step Guide to Creating an Account
Navigating the ClickBank Dashboard
Once your account is set up, familiarize yourself with the ClickBank dashboard. Here, you can browse products, check your earnings, and access various marketing tools.
Finding Profitable Products
Researching Top-Selling Products
Start by exploring the ClickBank marketplace to identify top-selling products. Look for products with high gravity scores, which indicate that many affiliates are successfully selling them.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Analyzing Product Metrics
Pay attention to metrics such as average commission per sale, refund rates, and customer reviews. This will help you select products that not only offer high commissions but also have a good reputation.
Selecting Products with High Commission Rates
Aim for products with commission rates of 50% or higher. High-ticket items can also be lucrative, even if they have lower commission rates.
Creating a Marketing Plan
Setting Clear Goals
Determine what you want to achieve with your affiliate marketing efforts. Whether it's a specific income target or a certain number of sales per month, having clear goals will keep you focused.
Identifying Your Target Audience
Knowing your audience is crucial. Define their demographics, interests, and pain points to tailor your marketing efforts effectively.
Choosing the Right Marketing Channels
Decide which marketing channels will be most effective for reaching your target audience. Options include social media, email marketing, paid advertising, and content marketing.
Building Your Online Presence
Setting Up a Website or Blog
A professional website or blog is essential for establishing credibility. Use platforms like WordPress to create your site and choose a niche that aligns with the products you plan to promote.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Optimizing for SEO
Search engine optimization (SEO) is vital for driving organic traffic to your site. Focus on keyword research, on-page SEO, and link building to improve your site's search engine ranking.
Creating Quality Content
Content is king in affiliate marketing. Produce valuable content that addresses your audience's needs and incorporates your affiliate links naturally. This could include blog posts, product reviews, and how-to guides.
Leveraging Social Media
Using Facebook for Marketing
Create a Facebook page or group dedicated to your niche. Share valuable content, engage with your audience, and use Facebook Ads to reach a broader audience.
Instagram Strategies
Instagram is great for visual content. Use high-quality images and videos, leverage Instagram Stories, and collaborate with influencers to promote your affiliate products.
Leveraging Twitter and LinkedIn
Twitter and LinkedIn are powerful platforms for sharing content and connecting with potential customers. Use relevant hashtags, join industry groups, and engage in conversations to increase your reach.
Email Marketing
Building an Email List
Collect email addresses through your website by offering free resources or newsletters. An email list is a valuable asset for promoting affiliate products.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Crafting Effective Email Campaigns
Write compelling email copy that resonates with your audience. Include strong calls to action and make sure your emails are mobile-friendly.
Analyzing Email Marketing Metrics
Track open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to measure the effectiveness of your email campaigns and make necessary adjustments.
Paid Advertising
Introduction to PPC and Google Ads
Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising can drive targeted traffic to your affiliate offers. Google Ads is a popular platform for running PPC campaigns.
Facebook Ads Strategies
Facebook Ads offer advanced targeting options to reach your ideal audience. Test different ad creatives and monitor performance to optimize your campaigns.
Evaluating ROI on Paid Ads
Regularly review the return on investment (ROI) of your paid ads. Adjust your budget and strategies based on which ads generate the most conversions.
Creating Compelling Content
Writing Engaging Product Reviews
Product reviews are an effective way to promote affiliate products. Be honest, highlight the benefits, and include your affiliate links within the review.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Crafting How-To Guides
How-to guides provide value to your audience and can subtly promote affiliate products that solve specific problems.
Utilizing Video Marketing
Video content is highly engaging. Create product demos, tutorials, and reviews to attract and retain your audience's attention.
SEO Strategies for Affiliate Marketing
Keyword Research Techniques
Use tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs to identify high-traffic keywords related to your niche. Focus on long-tail keywords for better targeting.
On-Page SEO Best Practices
Optimize your website's content, meta tags, and images for your target keywords. Ensure your site is mobile-friendly and has fast loading times.
Link Building Strategies
Build high-quality backlinks to improve your site's authority. Guest posting, outreach campaigns, and creating shareable content can help attract backlinks.
Tracking and Analyzing Performance
Using ClickBank Analytics
ClickBank provides detailed analytics on your sales and traffic. Use this data to understand which products and marketing strategies are most effective.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Monitoring Traffic and Sales
Use tools like Google Analytics to track your website traffic and conversion rates. Identify which sources are driving the most sales.
Adjusting Strategies Based on Data
Regularly review your performance data and adjust your marketing strategies accordingly. Focus on what works and eliminate what doesn't.
Scaling Your Affiliate Business
Expanding Your Product Range
Promote a variety of products within your niche to diversify your income streams. This reduces dependency on a single product.
Outsourcing Tasks
As your business grows, consider outsourcing tasks like content creation, social media management, and SEO to free up your time for strategic planning.
Investing in Advanced Marketing Tools
Invest in tools like email marketing software, SEO tools, and analytics platforms to streamline your operations and improve efficiency.
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Overpromising and Underdelivering
Avoid making unrealistic claims about the products you promote. Honesty builds trust with your audience.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Ignoring SEO Basics
SEO is crucial for long-term success. Neglecting it can result in poor search engine rankings and low organic traffic.
Failing to Update Content Regularly
Regularly update your content to keep it relevant and engaging. This also helps improve your SEO rankings.
ClickBank affiliate marketing offers a lucrative opportunity to make money online, but success requires strategic planning, continuous learning, and consistent effort. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can build a profitable affiliate marketing business and achieve your financial goals.
What is the minimum payout threshold on ClickBank?
The minimum payout threshold on ClickBank is $10 for direct deposit and $100 for checks.
No #1 Work From Home 500$ A Day Opportunity Start Earning Today!
Can I promote ClickBank products without a website?
Yes, you can promote ClickBank products through social media, email marketing, and paid advertising without a website.
How long does it take to see results with ClickBank affiliate marketing?
The time it takes to see results varies. With consistent effort, some affiliates see results within a few weeks, while others may take a few months.
Are there any costs involved in joining ClickBank?
Joining ClickBank is free for affiliates. However, you may incur costs for marketing tools, paid advertising, and website hosting.
What are the best niches for ClickBank products?
Some of the best niches for ClickBank products include health and fitness, self-improvement, and digital marketing.
Thanks for read my article, How to Make Money Fast with ClickBank Affiliate Marketing
How to Make Money Fast with ClickBank Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Disclaimer :
Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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hashanur · 1 year
Make Money Modeling From Home | Home Based Business Ideas
My Youtube video list: https://youtu.be/OAr8N0X6Mog
Welcome to PROMO HUB USA!
MODELING from home to make money is possible!
What you’ll need to apply to agencies are digitals. These can easily be taken with your own camera or camera phone.
Here are some digitals that I took at home with the help of my dad. Very easy to do!
Many agencies will ask for the same type of digitals so having a set of digitals “ready-to-send” will save you time and stress.
How to set up Digitals
I would highly recommend taking digitals without makeup. Yes, you read that right. No makeup.
Use a plain wall as your backdrop. Make sure there are no shapes, patterns, or other objects behind you.
Use natural light whenever possible. This light can come from a window or if you can shoot outside, make sure that the sunlight is not directly on your face as it might make you squint. We don’t want that.
If the lighting on one side of your body isn’t balanced, use a light on the other side to compensate. For example, when I shot indoors, the window was giving light to my right side and my left side was a little too dark. I added a ring light on my right to balance out the darkened side.
What do you wear?!
Form fitting clothes like a tank top and skinny jeans are great. Agencies want to see the shape of your body.
Stick to neutral colors like black, white or gray.
DO NOT: Wear clothes that have bright colors or crazy patterns.
How about your hair?
Unless there are clear guidelines, the general rule is to keep your hair from your face whether it's in a ponytail or behind your ears. Especially for close ups.
What types of shots should I take?
This is a general list. Be sure to take these photos smiling and not smiling. This will give you a wide range of digitals to choose from when sending to agencies:
Closeup of your face
full side profile
¾ of profile
mid body
full body
full body side profile
full body back (facing away from the camera)
Different agencies ask for different photos, so it can get annoying when you have to re-take new pictures for every agency. But having the core group of pictures listed above, you can save time and immediately apply to those agencies you have your eye on.
Once you have all these photos, you are ready to start applying to agencies. This is all you need.
How to find agencies to apply to?
There are 4 ways:
Google “modeling agency in (X city/state)”. X being the city/state you want to be represented in. If you are not sure if the agencies you have found are legit, you can always refer to my steps on how to figure out if an agency is legit or not.
Google “talent agency in (X city/state)”.
Go to models.com . This is a great website to find legit agencies that you can apply to. Just click on the tab “agencies” and then you can easily search per country or city.
If you are petite, meaning under 5’7’’, and you are not sure which agencies are petite friendly, you can go to the list I’ve created here.
Once you find an agency you like, go to their website and then look for “apply”, “become a model”, “get scouted”, “contact us” or anything with similar wording to find an online form or an email address where you can submit your information, digitals and measurements.
If there is a space where you can write something about yourself, make sure whatever you write shows your personality. Be You. Be True.
And that’s it!
#MakeMoneyOnline  #MakeMoneyOnline2022 #BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline  #Top10BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline2022  #HowToMakeMoneyOnline2022
#monetizedyourchannel  #freechannelpromotion 
#money  #moneytips  #nft   #homebusiness  #homebusinessideas  #channelsupport  #growonyoutubefaster  
📧 CONTACT 📧 [email protected]
Trending Search Topics:  #MakeMoneyOnline #MakeMoneyOnline2023 #BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline #Top10BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline2023 #HowToMakeMoneyOnline2023 #makemoneyfast #makemoneyfromhome #makemoneyonline #makemoney #top10facts #top10moneymakingideas #moneymakingguide #moneymakingideas #moneymakingtop10 #smallyoutuber #smallyoutubersupport #smallyoutubers #smallyoutubechannel #smallyoutubersupport2023 #smallyoutubertowatch #smallyoutubergrowth
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This feels like it’s cheating but hey, use the tools available!
Also, remember to provide ChatGPT with specific details about your niche, target audience, and brand to receive more tailored and personalized suggestions.
For example: start with ‘I am a health coach sharing tips for healthy living as a busy parent’ Then you’ll ask it these next prompts:
1️⃣ FOR IDEAS: “Could you provide me with some content ideas or themes that align with my brand and will resonate with my target audience?”
2️⃣ DISCOVER PAIN POINTS: “What are some common challenges or pain points that my target audience faces in [insert your niche or industry], and how can I effectively address and provide solutions to these issues through my Instagram content?”
3️⃣ CAPTION WRITING: “Can you assist me in crafting a captivating and engaging Instagram caption that will resonate with my audience and encourage them to take action or engage with my post? The photo video features [briefly describe the content of your post/ photo]”
4️⃣ MAKE A CAROUSEL POST: “I’m planning a carousel-style post for Instagram and need assistance in creating compelling and cohesive content for each slide. The theme of the post is [describe the theme or topic of the carousel post]. Can you provide me with engaging content ideas, captions, and any additional suggestions for each slide?”
5️⃣ HASHTAGS: ‘I’m a (INSERT JOB TITLE) and I’m making an
Instagram post about (INSERT POST THEME). My niche is (INSERT NICHE). Write me 30 well performing hashtags for my post.
Follow for more:
#makemoneyonline #affliatemarketing #digitalmarketing #sidehustle #explorepage
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trending-hashtags · 1 year
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Trending Affiliate Marketing Hashtags for Instagram
#affiliatemarketing #digitalmarketing #onlinebusiness #business #affiliate #marketing #entrepreneur #makemoneyonline #workfromhome #affiliatemarketingtips #motivation #money #affiliatemarketer #onlinemarketing #success #makemoney #socialmediamarketing #entrepreneurship #affiliateprogram #businessowner #networkmarketing #affiliatemarketingbusiness #affiliatemarketingtraining #earnmoney #passiveincome #financialfreedom #internetmarketing #affiliates #instagram #bizgurukul
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hashanur · 1 year
Make Money Modeling From Home | Home Based Business Ideas
My Youtube video list: https://youtu.be/OAr8N0X6Mog
Welcome to PROMO HUB USA!
MODELING from home to make money is possible!
What you’ll need to apply to agencies are digitals. These can easily be taken with your own camera or camera phone.
Here are some digitals that I took at home with the help of my dad. Very easy to do!
Many agencies will ask for the same type of digitals so having a set of digitals “ready-to-send” will save you time and stress.
How to set up Digitals
I would highly recommend taking digitals without makeup. Yes, you read that right. No makeup.
Use a plain wall as your backdrop. Make sure there are no shapes, patterns, or other objects behind you.
Use natural light whenever possible. This light can come from a window or if you can shoot outside, make sure that the sunlight is not directly on your face as it might make you squint. We don’t want that.
If the lighting on one side of your body isn’t balanced, use a light on the other side to compensate. For example, when I shot indoors, the window was giving light to my right side and my left side was a little too dark. I added a ring light on my right to balance out the darkened side.
What do you wear?!
Form fitting clothes like a tank top and skinny jeans are great. Agencies want to see the shape of your body.
Stick to neutral colors like black, white or gray.
DO NOT: Wear clothes that have bright colors or crazy patterns.
How about your hair?
Unless there are clear guidelines, the general rule is to keep your hair from your face whether it's in a ponytail or behind your ears. Especially for close ups.
What types of shots should I take?
This is a general list. Be sure to take these photos smiling and not smiling. This will give you a wide range of digitals to choose from when sending to agencies:
Closeup of your face
full side profile
¾ of profile
mid body
full body
full body side profile
full body back (facing away from the camera)
Different agencies ask for different photos, so it can get annoying when you have to re-take new pictures for every agency. But having the core group of pictures listed above, you can save time and immediately apply to those agencies you have your eye on.
Once you have all these photos, you are ready to start applying to agencies. This is all you need.
How to find agencies to apply to?
There are 4 ways:
Google “modeling agency in (X city/state)”. X being the city/state you want to be represented in. If you are not sure if the agencies you have found are legit, you can always refer to my steps on how to figure out if an agency is legit or not.
Google “talent agency in (X city/state)”.
Go to models.com . This is a great website to find legit agencies that you can apply to. Just click on the tab “agencies” and then you can easily search per country or city.
If you are petite, meaning under 5’7’’, and you are not sure which agencies are petite friendly, you can go to the list I’ve created here.
Once you find an agency you like, go to their website and then look for “apply”, “become a model”, “get scouted”, “contact us” or anything with similar wording to find an online form or an email address where you can submit your information, digitals and measurements.
If there is a space where you can write something about yourself, make sure whatever you write shows your personality. Be You. Be True.
And that’s it!
#MakeMoneyOnline  #MakeMoneyOnline2022 #BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline  #Top10BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline2022  #HowToMakeMoneyOnline2022
#monetizedyourchannel  #freechannelpromotion 
#money  #moneytips  #nft   #homebusiness  #homebusinessideas  #channelsupport  #growonyoutubefaster  
📧 CONTACT 📧 [email protected]
Trending Search Topics: 
#MakeMoneyOnline  #MakeMoneyOnline2023 #BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline  #Top10BestWaysToMakeMoneyOnline2023  #HowToMakeMoneyOnline2023 #makemoneyfast #makemoneyfromhome #makemoneyonline #makemoney #top10facts #top10moneymakingideas #moneymakingguide #moneymakingideas #moneymakingtop10 #smallyoutuber #smallyoutubersupport #smallyoutubers #smallyoutubechannel #smallyoutubersupport2023 #smallyoutubertowatch #smallyoutubergrowth
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chainsaw9o8-blog · 4 years
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